" Stern was the test,
And sorely pressed
That proved their blood best of the best,
And when for Canada you pray
Implore kind Heaven
That, like a leaven,
The hero-blood which then was given
May quicken in her veins alway."
— Le Roy Hooker.
Entered according to Act of the Par-
iament of Canada, in the year one
thousand eLht hundred and eighty-
in the office of the Minister of Agri-
- QC
WHEN the American Colonies revolted in 1776, and
declared their Independence, there was a very
large number of the Colonists who vehemently opposed
the movement, and aided the Imperial troops in the war
that ensued. Those who took up arms for the Crown,
fought for a United Empire, that was their rallying cry,
they wished to see the English race united under a com-
mon flag and under the same sovereign. They deplored
the dismemberment of the Empire, and during the long
struggle maintained a sturdy adherence to their princi-
ples. They were known as the United Empire Loyalists
or as has become a familiar phrase on this continent, the
U. E. Loyalists.
On the conclusion of the war, and the severance of the
old Colonies from the Mother Country, these U. E. Loyal-
ists abandoning all they possessed, moved into what is
now New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in 1783, and in
1784 a large number of them moved up the St. Lawrence
and settled in the then unbroken wilderness of Upper
Canada. Many also moved from the United States
through the wilderness, to the Niagara River, where
they crossed into British Territory and made the first
settlement in that district in the same year. A very large
proportion of the present population of Upper Canada can
trace their descent from these early pioneers, who settled
this Province by reason of their unyielding loyalty to a
great principle. This volume records the Celebration of
the Centennial of the arrival of the U. E. Loyalists in
Ontario. The demonstrations originated in the following
manner :
Some time in the summer of 1876, at a meeting of the
York Pioneers, held in Toronto, the late Mr. Richard H.
Gates suggested that as the United States were celebra-
ting the centennial of their Declaration of Independence,
it would be but right for the descendants of the United
Empire Loyalists to hold a celebration in honour of the
gallant efforts of their fathers to maintain the unity of
the Empire, and in grateful recognition of the sacrifice
made by them in founding this Province, as a British com-
Dr. Win. Canniff pointed out to the society that the
settlement of Upper Canada began in 1784, by the arri-
val of the Loyalists, and that 1884 would be the proper
date for holding the centennial celebration in Ontario.
Mr. Oates coincided with the view, and was looking for-
ward to taking part in it with much anticipation, when
death overtook him. This seems to have been the incep-
tion of the idea of a U. E. Loyalist demonstration.
On the twenty-ninth of October, 1880, Mr. Canniff
Haight, in the Toronto Daily Mail, suggested " an Exhi-
bition, or some other demonstration in honour of the men
who, through privation and toil, laid the foundation of
this free and prosperous Province." This suggestion was
noticed by the Picton, Belleville and Kingston papers.
Nothing further was done in the matter until 1882,
when the following letter was addressed to the Mayor of
Toronto, by Dr. Wm. Canniff—
"TORONTO, 14th Dec., 1882.
*' To His Worship the Mayor :
* * DEAR SIR, — I am greatly interested in the proposed semi-cen-
tennial celebration of the Incorporation of Toronto, and beg to con-
gratulate you on having conceived the idea of such a demonstration.
But my object in addressing you is to call your attention to the fact
that 1884 will be the centennial of the first settlement of Upper
Canada, when the pioneers— U. E. Loyalists, took possession of
their lands along the St. Lawrence, from Kingston westward along
the shores of the Bay of Quinte, and on the Niagara frontier. It
has occurred to my mind that perhaps it might be possible, and
deemed advisable to widen the basis of the commemoration and
celebrate at the same time the centennial of the settlement of the
Province. Of course, to do this it would be necessary to procure
the co-operation of the other cities and the towns of the Province.
There has been something said in the eastern papers about observ-
ing the centennial, and Kingston was mentioned as the place most
suitable for the purpose. But as there is some doubt about the
matter, perhaps the centennial of the Province, and the semi-cen-
tennial of the capital might be appropriately held in Toronto. This
proposition may not be deemed feasible, but it seems to be a ques-
tion not unworthy of consideration, and is, therefore, respectfully
submitted to you for consideration^
" I am, respectfully yours,
In accordance with the above suggestion, the Toronto
. Semi-Centennial Committee set apart one day for the U.
E. Loyalist demonstration, and Mr. Wm. B. McMurrich
chairman of the Committee, placed the whole matter of
the Toronto celebration in the hands of Dr. Canniff. A
meeting was called by Dr. Canniff, and a U. E. Loyalist
Centennial Committee was appointed, and circulars were
sent to all the Wardens of counties and Mayors of cities,
asking their co-operation. These circulars, which were
also sent to the newspapers of the Province, attracted
public attention to the matter, and at Adolphustown and
Niagara, where the early settlements actually took place,
the descendants of the U. E. Loyalists decided to hold
local celebrations. The Adolphustown celebration was
fixed for the sixteenth of June, 1884. The first landing
of the Loyalists at that point having taken place on .the
sixteenth of June 1784. The Toronto celebration was
fixed for the third of July, and the Niagara one for the
fourteenth of August.
The Appendix contains a copy of the Order-in-Council
of the 9th November, 1789, ordering a record to be pre-
served of the U. E. Loyalist settlers, and also a copy of
the U. E. List preserved in the Crown Lands Department,
at Toronto, with all the notes and remarks in it complete.
This list, which has never been published before, contains
the names of the many thousands of U. E. Loyalist set-
tlers who founded the Province of Upper Canada.
The following pages contain accounts of the three cele-
brations in the order in which they came off.
Address by Lewis L. Bogart, Esq 11
A. L. Morden, Esq 12
" Dr. Wm. Canniff 14
«• Sir Richard Cartwright . . 24
" Rev. D. V. Lucas 29
Address to the Lieutenant Governor.. 35
Address by Chief Sampson Green 38
" Capt. Grace 40
Address by G.E Henderson Esq.,Q.C. 41
" S. S. McCuaig, Esq., and
Parker Allen, Esq 42
" Rev. C. E. Thompson 42
" Lieut. Gov. J. H. Robinson 43
D. W. Allison, Esq., M.P. 45
Address by Wm. Anderson 47
" Robert Clapp 48
Toronto Celebration 49
Addi ess by Dr. Wm Canniff, Chairman. 63
" Hon. George W. Allan 54
Poem by Rev. Le Roy Hooker 62
Address by Chief Green 65
Address by Lt. Col. George T. Denison. 67
Poem ' Loyalist Days," by Mrs. Kittson 74
Address by the Bishop of Niagara .... 75
Reception at Government House 76
Niagara Celebration 79
Address by R. N. Ball, Esq. , Chairman. 82
Prayer by the Rt Rev. Thomas Brock
Fuller, Bishop of Niagara 84
Address by the Lieutenant Governor . . 84
" The Lord Bishop of N iagara 85
" Hon. J. B. Plumb 87
" Lt Col. George T. Denison 95
Address by Wm. Kirby, Esq 104
Chief Hill 116
" Chief A. G. Smith 117
" James Hiscott Esq 119
W. H. Merritt.Esq 120
Poem " U. E. Loyalists," by William
Kirby, Esq 122
Appendix A., copy of Order-in-Council
9th November, 1789 127
Appendix B., copy of old U. E. List
preserved in the Crown Lands De-
partment at Toronto 129
Cor. Secretary.
L. L. Bogart,
Parker AUen,
A. L. Morden,
D. W. Allison,
J. J. Watson,
J. B. Allison,
A. C. Davis,
P. D. Davis,
L. W. Trumpour,
Thos. Trumpour.
Paul Trumpour,
H. H. Allison,
S. W. Ruttan,
E. Ruttan,
J. W. Dorland,
Redford Dorland,
G-eo. German,
J. H. Trumpour,
E. Cla
Dr. Ruttan,
Dr. Canniff,
W. R. H. Allison,
S. S. McCuaig,
Sampson Green,
Robert Clapp,
S. M. Conger,
John Prinyer,
Hy. Huff,
J. B. Diamond,
S. Wright,
W. H. Ingersoll,
N. W. Mallory,
C. A. Roblin,
Jno. H. Roblin,
Jacob Roblin,
Wm. Peterson,
D. Griffifth,
Geo. Harrison,
H. Rikely.
June, i6th, lyth and i8th, 1884.
IN connection with the celebration, and as preliminary
thereto, the corner stone of the Methodist U. E. L.
Memorial church was laid on Saturday 14th June with pecu-
liarly interesting ceremonies. There were present, Rev. D.
V. Lucas, B. A., of Montreal ; Rev. J. J. Leach, of Odessa ;
Rev. M. L. Pearson, of Napanee ; Rev. Adams, of Bath ;
Rev. Briden, of Newburgh; Rev. M. I. Bates, of Tarn worth;
and Rev. Mr. Gibson. All these participated in the pro-
ings. The ceremony of laying the corner stone was
performed by Mrs. Joseph Allison, one of the few remain-
ing ones of the first generation succeeding the U. E.
Loyalists. This lady having been for nearly three-fourths
of a century a faithful and consistent member of the
Methodist church, and being the daughter of one of the
Loyalist Pioneers, it was peculiarly fitting that she should
perform this office. The stone having been laid, refresh-
ents were served, when an adjournment was had to the
pel tent, which had been erected across the road, where
Rev. Mr. Lucas delivered an admirable address appro-
priate to the occasion. He predicted a brilliant future for
Canada so long as she continues her loyalty to Methodism
and Great Britain. A few brief words from Revs. Leach
and Gibson, and the proceedings were brought to a close
by singing " God save the Queen." On Sabbath, Rev. Mr.
Lucas preached three sermons in the tent to large audi-
ences, his addresses being marked by power, force and a
practical application to present circumstances and require-
ments. Seldom has it been the privilege of the people of
this section to listen to three such effective discourses in
one day. The financial outlook for this undertaking is
most encouraging, as indeed it should be, located as it is
in the heart of a large Methodist community and in the
richest section of this fair country.
On Sunday, 15th June, a sermon was preached at St.
Paul's church, Adolphustown, and St. Paul's church,
Fredericksburg, by the Rev. C. E. Thompson, M. A. In-
cumbent of Carlton, Diocese of Toronto, from Ezekiel,
xxxvi, 28, " And ye sha\l dwell in the land that I gave to
your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be
your God.
The preacher is a grandson of the late Sheriff Ruttan,
one of the United Empire Loyalists. The sermon was re-
plete with historical facts in relation to the Loyalists. A
highly eloquent discourse terminated with a reference to
the wild idea of independence. He gave six months as
the time the independence craze would continue.
The usual Sunday quietude of the front was much
changed by the presence of the 15th battalion, which
arrived from Belleville in the morning at daybreak.
The battalion, under the command of Col. Lazier, was
camped near by the place of celebration on the shores of
the bay, and the red coats gave an additional amount of
beauty to the scene.
The regiment had Divine service on the United Em-
pire Loyalists burying ground in the afternoon. Rev. Mr.
Forneri preached an eloquent sermon. He held up the
Christian loyalty of the sires of Canada as a pattern to
modern Canadians.
On Monday, the 16th of June, the celebration com-
menced. From early dawn carriages began to arrive ; all
Adolphustown and adjacent places were well represented.
The day was most auspicious. By noon a number of
boats from Belleville on the west and Kingston on the
east arrived with decks crowded from all the intervening
oints. The Picton troop of cavalry under Major Fred
White was among the arrivals. Three bands discoursed
sweet music at frequent intervals, the fine band of the
15th battalion, the band from Picton, and the band of
Kingston. The military display was very fine.
The proceedings were opened by the playing of the
National Anthem and a public invocation of Divine
blessing on the day's festivities and those taking part in
them. In the afternoon the people were summoned about
the speakers' stand, and addresses were delivered. Above
the speakers' heads floated the handsome flag of the
Native Canadian Society, of Belleville. The programme
was opened by the playing of the National Anthem, and
the invocation of the Divine blessing and returning
thanks for the prosperity which has attended the U. E.
Loyalists and their descendants, and the nation which
they founded.
The President, LEWIS L. BOGART, who is over eighty
years of age, and who was selected for the position
because he is the oldest living male representative of the
TJ. E. Loyalist band, came forward and delivered the
following brief but pointed address :
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN — I can assure you that it
affords me very great pleasure to see so many present to
do honour to our fathers and forefathers who landed at
this place a century ago to-day. If we go back in our
imagination to that time when the little company who
had left their all for the love of king and country, and
came here to hew out for themselves new homes in this
vast primeval forest, and then as we look around us to-day,
contrasting the past with the present, and behold a beau-
tiful land, beautiful homes, a country free from famine and
pestilence, where the pure bright sunlight of God's love
shines down upon a prosperous, contented and happy peo-
ple, who enjoy the blessings of peace on every hand and
good will toward man, we would be very ungrateful indeed
did we not appreciate the sacrifices and labours of our
pioneer ancestors in procuring for us so goodly a heritage.
I can only say that my father and grandfather were among
that company; and I rejoice that I have been spared to
see this grand centennial celebration in their homes.
Although I feel incompetent for the duty assigned me, I de-
sire to thank you for the honour you have conferred upon
me in choosing me to preside on this occasion.
A. L. MORDEN, Esq., vice-president, was then introduced,
and delivered an admirable address, of which the follow-
ing is a brief synopsis :
The present is an occasion of no ordinary interest.
The people of Adolphustown and those associated with
them in the enterprise have put on foot this celebration
in order, to use the words of that grand old man, Dr.
Ryerson, "to do at least a modicum of justice to the
memory of a Canadian ancestry, whose heroic deeds and
unswerving Christian patriotism form a patent of nobility,
more to be valued by their descendants than the coronets
of many a modern nobleman." To-day the people of
Adolphustown witness the beginning of that for which
many of them for some time past have ardently toiled and
hoped. To-day, Adolphustown extends a cordial welcome
to the descendants of every U. E. Loyalist, and every
loyal citizen of Canada, on these beautiful grounds. If
Adolphustown be a small township, it is small only in its
acreage, but it has standing ground enough for every
Loyalist descendant in the Province of Ontario, and the
people have hearts large enough to give them a hospita-
ble welcome to this historic ground. When the Roman
dominion was at its best, when the city sitting upon her
seven hills from her throne of beauty ruled the world,
when the Romans from their lofty civilization and cul-
ure dictated laws for all succeedingjages, Civis Romanus
sum, was the proud boast in which the citizens claimed
participation in all the greatness, the glory and the pro-
tection of Roman citizenship. It is ours to-day to be able
in saying, ' I am a British subject." to utter a prouder
boast than the Romans. It is largely due to the effort of
those pioneers who, one hundred years ago to-day landed
upon this spot, that this fair and fertile Province, and we
who live in it, are British territory and British subjects.
We do well to-day to take thought, for a little time, and
congratulate ourselves upon our heritage, one which the
lamented General Brock called upon our fathers in 1812,
" Not to give their children cause to reproach them for
having too easily parted with the richest inheritance on
this earth — a participation in the name, character and
freedom of Britons." It is said we are a young country
and have no history, but I have not read of any country
which, during the last one hundred years, has a more
glorious history. If our forefathers for their fervent
loyalty to Britain, lost every thing but their honour, and
bravely bore the hardships and privations of first settlers,
what feelings should animate our breasts to-day, when
with our attachment to British laws, institutions, tradi-
tions, rights and liberties, there is added the intensity
of our attachment to the sovereign. Never had British
subjects such reason for inviolable attachment to the ruler
as have we to-day for Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen
Victoria. Thirty years ago the poet Laureate prophesied
that our children's children would say of Her :
" She wrought her people lasting good,
Her court was pure, her life serene,
God gave her peace, her land reposed,
A thousand claims to reverence closed
In her as mother, wife and queen."
To-day this forecast is abundantly verified. But, ladies
and gentlemen, it is not proper for me to further occupy
your time. I am only here to extend to you a cordial
welcome to our celebration, to break the ice, as it were ;
the orator of the day is our cherished friend, the historian
of the Bay Quinte Loyalists, Dr. Canniff. Thanking you
for the kind hearing you have given me, I will conclude
with some words of Dr. Ryerson, uttered at a meeting of
Loyalists at Brock's monument : — " May Loyalty ever be
the characteristic trait of Canadians, may freedom ever
be our possession, and may we ever have cause and heart
to say God Save the Queen."
DR. CANNIFF then delivered the following address.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, — Two hundred years ago or
more, at a seaport town in Holland, was to be seen on a
certain day, a sea-going vessel, around which was the
usual activity and bustle incident to the final preparation
for a voyage. As the work of taking in supplies and
putting the ship in sailing order was going on, a some-
what motley crowd of on-lookers regarded the scene with
a lazy, listless air of indifference. Suddenly the atten-
tion of all was quickened by a remarkable occurrence.
The doleful tolling of a church bell, heard now and again
above the din of numerous voices, had passed unheeded
by those collected on the shore. Now, however, as there
appears a procession slowly wending its way toward the
place, the solemn peals suggest the thought of death.
Leading the procession walks a venerable looking man,
whose garb and mien betoken a dominie or minister of
the Gospel. After him came a young couple in the first
years of vigorous manhood, and the fresh bloom of woman-
hood, walking hand-in-hand. They are clothed in holi-
day attire, and have the appearance of a newly wedded
husband and wife. Following them are a man and woman,
whose grey heads and bent forms speak of advanced years.
Next is another couple, also in the decline of life, Then
walk two and two men, and women, boys and girls of all
ages. They all wear the habiliments of woe, and the pro-
cession moves with a slow and solemn tread, as if follow-
ing a loved one to his grave. All that is wanting to
complete a funeral train is the hearse with its nodding
plumes, or coffin containing the body of one dead. The
spectators, hushed to silence, gaze on the line of mourn-
ers, and wonder and watch to see its course and destina-
tion. With measured steps the dominie is followed to
the vessel, and over its side. Then they gather in a group
upon the deck around the young man and wife. A
silence falls upon the assembled mourners as the man of
God opens the Bible and reads from the inspired Book
such words as give comfort and support to those who are
bereaved. Now his voice is raised in prayer to God, and
his prayer reveals to all who hear, the cause and reason
of this strange scene. First, he prays that the aged
parents may have Divine help in this their hour of trial
in losing their dear children, and that they might still be
happy in their earthly pilgrimage,be received hereafter into
God's kingdom, and finally re-united to their children.
He then commits to Him, who controls the winds and the
waves, the young couple. He implores that they may be
in His gracious care and keeping — these dear ones, who
to-day set out at once on the journey of married life, and
to cross the wide ocean, parting forever in this life from
their parents and friends, and who are, as it were, to be
buried in the far away New World. Words of counsel
follow to the young pair, sympathy to the parents of
each is duly given. Finally, amid emotions which can-
not be depicted, the mourners at last tear themselves from
the voyageurs, who cling to each other in this hour of
sore trial. The stricken parents have looked upon their
children for the last time; they, in turn, shall see their
parents' faces no more in this world.
This is a picture from real life presented at the period
of time I have mentioned. Having determined to seek
new homes in America, this young man and woman knew,
in making this choice, they would leave parents and
homes, with no possibility of seeing them again. Cross-
ing the Atlantic then was a far different matter from
what it is to-day, with rapid steam navigation. The
name these young emigrants bore is one well known in
Adolphustown. It was found among those who accompa-
nied Major VanAlstine when he landed on this spot one
hundred years ago to-day. And, pardon me for adding,
I can claim to be, on my mother's side, one of the descen-
dants of that pair, and there are not a few present who
can make the same claim, and whom I am proud to
know as kinsmen. The story was often told me by my
venerated mother many years ago. I have presented
it to you to-day, not merely for personal gratification,
but to show the stern courage which characterized the
first settlers in America. Many nations of Europe con-
tributed equally bold and intrepid men and women to
people the Atlantic coast of this continent. England,
Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Holland gave
their most vigorous sons, and the Huguenots of France
formed a rich quota to lay the foundation of the United
States and Canada.
It was mainly the descendants of these hardy pioneers
of the seventeenth century, who a century later became
exiles from their fathers' homes, and who penetrated to
the wilderness of Upper Canada to plant the noble Pro-
vince of Ontario. Why was it they left the comfortable
homes their fathers had made, and the place which by
their labour, energy, and enterprise had from a wilderness
blossomed into a goodly fruitful land ? This is not the
time to fully discuss the events attending the great Ameri-
can rebellion of 1776. This is not the place to weigh the
controlling motives which caused a portion of the British
Americans at that time to take up arms against the
Mother Country, nor the abiding principles which im-
pelled another portion of the same people to stand true
to the flag under which they had been born, under which
they had prospered, and under which they had fought
and conquered French Canada. They were willing to
sacrifice and did sacrifice everything to uphold British
power in America. But, while I may not to-day, place in
the balance the motives which influenced the two parties
—the Whigs and the Tories — of that day, I do maintain
whatever reason the Whigs may have had for the course
they took, the Tories, the Loyalists were actuated by a
noble sense of duty, of patriotism, of Christian fidelity to
the Crown. They could not discover a sufficient reason
for raising the standard of revolt and engaging in civil
Neither is this the time to consider the reasons why
the rebellion commenced in 1776 became a revolution,
why rebels became heroes, and the British empire became
dismembered. At the commencement of the hostilities
the rebels were in a minority throughout the thirteen colo-
nies. In New England they predominated, but many
of the other colonies, especially New York, from which
so many of the Bay of Quinte* settlers came, were largely
against the rebellion. I know exception may be taken to
this statement on the ground that the war terminated in
a revolution. But it must be remembered that the war
continued for seven years, during which time the loyalists
were continually leaving the country. Then there was a
large number who were indifferent as to the result, and
stood ready to embrace the cause which succeeded. There
were even a considerable number of Whigs who, at first
were averse to independence, and who were forced into
accepting it. England was already engaged with Euro-
pean complications. Then the mistakes and ignorance of
the country on the part of the British officers in command
in America, led to disaster and discouragement among the
Loyalists. Finally, and which turned the scale, France
gave substantial assistance, and at last the surrender of
Cornwallis practically terminated the struggle. The end
had come. England recognized the independence of the
Colonies, and the loyal Americans found themselves with-
out homes, and aliens to the land of their birth. They
were not only homeless and aliens, but they were subjects
of persecution. Many would have accepted the changed
condition and have become reconciled, but they were de-
prived of their property and their lands were confiscated.
How the Loyalists departed — some driven away, and
some because they would not live under any but the
British Flag, and how they found their way into the
wildernesses of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada,
is a sad and touching story, a story which has never been
fully told. Says an American writer, speaking of his
countrymen : " Our writers of history have been almost
silent upon this topic, and it is not impossible that some
persons have read books devoted exclusively to an account
of the revolution without so much as imagining that a
considerable part of the force employed to suppress the
rebellion was composed of our countrymen." But why
has not the story been told by the U. E. Loyalists them-
selves ? The words of the same writer gives the answer.
He says : " Of the reasons which influenced, of the hopes
and fears which agitated, and of the miseries and rewards
which awaited the Loyalists of the American revolution
but little is known. The most intelligent, the best in-
formed among us confess the deficiency of their know-
ledge. The reason is obvious. They, who like the Loyal-
ists separate themselves from their friends and kindred,
who are driven from their homes, who surrender the hopes
and expectations of life, and who become outlaws, wander-
ers and exiles — such men leave few memorials behind
them. Their papers are scattered and lost and their very
names pass from human recollection." To this may be
added the statement that the pioneers of any country,
struggling to create a home and procure the necessaries
of life, have no time to devote to writing history or re-
cording events. The consequences have been that while
the Americans for a century have been engaged in writ-
ing up the Revolution from their point of view, the history
of the American Loyalists has received but little atten-
tion, and many of the facts relating to their history have
been irretrievably lost.
No wonder then that the U. E. Loyalists are not only
mostly forgotten, but have had their conduct, their mo-
tives, and their character misrepresented by partisans. The
efforts made by that noble and patriotic Canadian, that
grand descendant of the U. E. Loyalists — I refer to the
late Rev. Dr. Ryerson — to place before the world a more
accurate estimate of the Loyalists, and the attempts by
others, in later years, to rescue from oblivion facts honour-
able and praiseworthy relating to them, have been received,
even by the Canadian public, with almost incredulity, when
not with cold indifference. During the hundred years
that the Loyalists have been engaged in converting the
wilderness into comfortable homes, the press of the United
States has occupied itself, the thousands of Americans
abroad have been assiduously at work educating the world
to the effect that the American Tories of 1776 were the
offscourings of the land, the vilest of the vile, worthy only
of being execrated by mankind. Not only the daily and
weekly press has been thus engaged, but the school books
used by the young in the United States, and sometimes
in Canada, have contained the most outrageously partial
accounts of the struggle and the participants on either
side. Never was history so perverted, never did misre-
presentations so effectually deceive. Not only have the
children of the United States been imbued with hatred
towards the Loyalists, but the modern Englishman, Scotch-
man, not to say Irishman, has accepted the teachings of
partisan American writers. Even Canadians may be
found who have nothing but praise for the rebels of 1776,
and nothing but obloquy for those who did not think re-
bellion was a justifiable act. British statesmen and the
press of Great Britain have seemingly vied to see which
could offer to the screaming goddess the most profound
adulation. It would be amusing were it not humiliating
to see Canadians so-called, shall I say bastard Canadians,
especially those by adoption, endeavouring in a feeble
way to cast discredit upon the TJ. E. Loyalists. "\Vith the
most superficial knowledge of the subject, they under-
take to instruct native Canadians respecting their fathers.
They mostly set out on the supposition that the Loyalists
had no love of liberty, that they were willing to be al-
most, or quite, serfs or slaves, and to pay taxes to the
Imperial treasury without Parliamentary representation.
But nothing could be more at variance with the truth. In
the first place, a vast number of those who ultimately
sided with the rebels were indifferent about the question
of liberty. A great many joined the insurrectionists sim-
ply to advance their personal interests, and could their
interests have been equally served they would have been
found on the side of the Loyalists. "With not a few it was
only a struggle for office and power. On the other hand
there were a very large number of Loyalists who recog-
nized all the evils which really did exist in the relation-
ship between England and America. They were not blind
to the injustice which, in many ways, was evinced by the
Crown toward the colonies. But they did not and could
not see a sufficient grievance to justify rebellion ; at least
they desired to seek redress by peaceful means. And those
acquainted with the conflict of opinion among British
statesmen at that time as to the rights of America know
that, had peaceful means been pursued, all the complaints
would, in time, have been removed. Then it must not be
forgotten that Britain had given money and blood to con-
quer French Canada in the interests of the colonies.
It is submitted, as adequate proof of the statement,
that the U. E. Loyalists were not without a love of liberty,
that the subsequent history of the British provinces, set-
tled by them, presents a steady and healthy development
in -liberal government ; and to-day Canada has more
liberty and the government of the people is really more
democratic than the United States. The sapient writers
I have referred to, are wont to assert that the contest for
responsible government in Canada was between the
Loyalists, joined together in a family compact, and some-
body else ; but whom has never been made quite clear.
But as a matter of fact it was the general mass of the
tL E. Loyalists who obtained the benefits of responsible
government. The " Family Compact" represented only
a fragment of the U. E. Loyalist element, and was by no
means composed exclusively of that class. The love of
liberty was manifested by the Loyalist settlers of Upper
Canada in many ways. In the Declaration of Independence
of the colonies it is stated that " all men are born free and
equal" How far this principle was carried out by the
United States, history tells us in words no one can mis-
understand. As a matter of fact it was not until 1865,
and after a bloody war in which hundreds of thousands
of lives were sacrificed, that slavery was abolished, and
the words I have quoted really stated the condition of the
people of the United States. The proclamation of Presi-
dent Lincoln, made necessary by the exigencies of the
war, was made 70 years after the U. E. Parliament of Upper
Canada had passed an " Act to prevent the further intro-
duction of slaves, and to limit the time of contract for
servitude within this province." And during this period
Canada was the asylum of the down-trodden of the
United States. Again, in the treatment of the native
Indians, how differently they have fared in Canada than
they have in the United States ! While cruelty and in-
justice have attended the footsteps of the frontier
men in the latter, in the former, the aboriginal owner
of the soil has been, like the African, treated as a
man and a brother. His rights have been respected ; and
treaty obligations with them, faithfully observed ; with
the result, that, while bloody Indian wars have marked
the history of our neighbours, we have had peace in our
borders. There is, therefore, abundant reason for main-
taining that the U. E. Loyalists were not wanting in the
essential principles of liberty; liberty broad and deep,
which embraces all mankind, irrespective of race, or
But ladies and gentlemen, in drawing a comparison be-
tween our U. E. Loyalists' fathers and the fathers of the
republic, I have no desire to belittle people of that gene-
ration. Any such attempt on my part would be puny
indeed. While 1 honestly endeavour to eulogize the
U. E. Loyalists, I do not desire to ignore all that is good
and noble in our kinsmen over the border. The bitter-
ness of last century is all buried. As Canadians to-day,
we entertain toward them no feeling but that of good will,
and we wish them God-speed. We even hope that their
destiny may be as great as we believe ours is sure to be.
As an elder offspring of Old England we cannot avoid
being influenced by her examples. But while that nation
and the Canadian nation are advancing on parallel
lines in growth and development, the lines cannot come
I am tempted to draw a comparison between the des-
cendants of the rebels and Loyalists of 1776 as we find
them to-day, but time will not permit. However, I hesi-
tate not to say that the sons of Canada — children of the
Loyalists, have physical and mental qualities which will
bear any comparison.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are assembled to-day to cele-
brate the settlement of this province — the Province of
Ontario. But we do so with no narrow feeling of sec-
tionalism. We are here as Canadians above all. No
pent-up Utica contracts our power and feelings of patriot-
ism for the whole Dominion. The whole breadth of the
continent — from Newfoundland to Vancouver's Island —
is ours to hold and to cultivate. We take in our mari-
time brethren, who also are descendants of the Loyalists.
We do not exclude the French of Lower Canada, notwith-
standing their disposition to keep isolated, for we remem-
ber how they stood firmly by the side of our fathers in
the fight for Old England" in 1776 and 1812* We embrace
the vigorous sons of Manitoba and the North- West,
many of whom have the U. E. Loyalist blood in their
veins; and we extend a brother's hand to the loyal Can-
adians of the Pacific coast. Looking east, west, and north
over our rich heritage, we say Canada one and indivisible
for ever — Canada for the Canadians, and Canadians only.
As Dr. CannifF concluded his address, the 15th Battalion
headed by their band, came down from the camp and made
their way towards the spot where one of the genial events
of the day was to take place, the laying with Masonic
honours of the corner-stone of the new monument to
the U.E. Loyalists. Thither the people filed. The Masons
also formed in line and proceeded to the spot in a body.
The stone, which was lying on the ground, just at the
edge of the plot used for the burial ground, was soon sur-
rounded twenty deep by people anxious to witness the
ceremony. All being ready, R. W. Bro. Arthur McGuin-
ness, D. D. G. M., acting as G. M., made a brief address, in
the course of which he eulogized the Loyalists, and said
that the only reason why such men had not already had
some such tribute as was now proposed to be erected to
their memory, must be found in the fact that such acknow-
ledgments of the people's love and gratitude must come
when there was time for the cultivation of the arts and
wealth to accumulate. He and his brethren deemed it
an honour to lay this corner-stone, as a monument to the
memory of men who had sacrificed so much for their
allegiance to the British flag. The mystic rites having
been duly solemnized, a prayer was offered by Worship-
ful Bro. Rev. R. J. Craig, as Grand Chaplain, and the stone
was duly declared laid. The conclusion of the ceremony
was announced by the National Anthem by the band,
followed by a grand salute by the loth Battalion, "B"
Band, Kingston, and the Picton Silver Cornet Band,
which had arrived on the grounds early in the afternoon,
played some lively selections near the speaker's stand.
The addresses from the grand stand were then re-
Mr. D. W. ALLISON, M. P. for Lennox, was called to
the chair. He announced as first speaker,
SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT, who came forward amid
applause. After greeting the audience, among whom
he j recognized many old friends, he proceeded : I do
not believe you could be assembled for a more laud-
able or patriotic purpose than that which has brought
you together to-day. We are here for the purpose
of doing what honour we can to the memory of men
to whom we owe it that not merely Ontario, but one-
half the continent of North America, remains to-day
under British rule. It is desirable, too, that we should
endeavour to understand the magnitude of the sacri
fice made by the noble band who a hundred years ago
drew up their batteaux on the shores of Adolphus-
town. These men were not inconsiderate youths ; they
were men, most of them of mature years, and some ad-
vanced in life, who won for themselves comfortable inde-
pendence in a country south of us. At what they con-
ceived to be the call of duty, they were ready to sacrifice
everything that men commonly hold dear; resign the
wealth they had accumulated, forfeit their prospects —
their own and their children's — for sake of their loyalty to
the flag under which they had served, and under which
many of them had fought and bled. That was not an
ordinary act, and men who performed it were cast in
no ordinary mould. Nowadays it is far too common to
judge a man's acts by the standard of mere material suc-
cess. These men had something nobler and loftier before
them. Had it been worldly prosperity they looked for
they would have cast their lot in with the Republic to
the south of us ; had they blenched from the trials before
them ; had they been frightened away from their task of
carving a home in the wilderness — a very few years would
have passed before the Amercan flag would have waved
over the whole of this continent. Here the men who did
these things possessed the courage of their convictions.
Where they thought they were right, they were not
afraid of being in the minority. They were prepared to
fight, and if need be to suffer and die for their convictions.
It is of such men the salt of the earth is made, and we in
Canada have good right to be proud that we can look
back to such ancestors. You may deem these men fool-
ish in their enthusiasm, but if you are worthy to be their
descendants, you will agree with me in saying that they
dared greatly, and succeeded greatly, and they have left
behind lessons which we will do well to follow. We
ought, on an occasion like this, to understand what in-
duced our grandfathers to make the sacrifice they did.
You must look back a little to see America during the
course of the eighteenth century. Beginning in 1700
and ending in 1775, a great struggle was going on, waged
in different parts of America between tbe two greatest
nations of Europe. In that struggle these men had many
of them borne a part, The struggle was to decide
whether England or France was to rule this great conti-
nent. Those who look back and consider how far the
French pioneers had advanced, what their exertions were,
how much blood and treasure England and France had
spilled in the struggle, will understand in some degree
why it was our forefathers desired not to show them-
selves ungrateful for the great sacrifice which the parent
country had made. The other day I came across a strange
letter from the distinguished French General Montcalm,
who fell in the great battle which finally decided the fate
of North America. I find that Montcalm, who was not
only a great general but a very able statesman, put on re-
cord a prediction of his own fall, declaring he would be
defeated, and that he would not survive the loss of North
America. He predicted also that ten years after Canada
was conquered, the other colonies would assert their inde-
pendence. As you know, who have paid attention to
history, that was fulfilled almost to the hour and day.
Canada was ceded to Great Britain in 1768, and within
twelve years thereafter the first blood was drawn in the
struggle which resulted in the independence of the
United States of America. The letter first predicts that if
General Wolfe understands his trade that Montcalm
must be defeated ; and declares that as this defeat means
the total loss of North America, he will not survive.
" I console myself, nevertheless, for the prospect of my
own defeat, and of the loss of the colony, by my firm
conviction that this defeat will prove in the long run
better than a victory for France, and that the conqueror,
England, will find a tomb in her own conquest. This
may appear a paradox, but a little reflection and a glance
at the political situation in North America will prove the
correctness of my opinion. A large portion of the Eng-
lish colonists are the children of men who left England
during the period of the civil war, and betook themselves
to America to find a country where they might live and
die in freedom and independence. I know them thor-
oughly, not by hear-say, but by means of sure information
and correspondence which I have arranged myself, and
which if my life had been prolonged, I had meant to
turn to the advantage of France. In fact all the English
colonists would have shaken off the yoke long ago, and
every one of them would have become a little indepen-
dent republic had it not been for the fear of France at
their doors. As between two masters they preferred
their own fellow countrymen to foreigners, taking care,
meanwhile, to render no more obedience than they could
help ; but if Canada is conquered, and if the Canadians
and the English Colonies become one people the very first
occasion on which England will appear and interfere with
their interests, do you suppose the Colonists will obey
her ? What have they to fear if they do revolt ? I am
so perfectly certain -of the truth of what I have written
that I will only allow ten years after the conquest of
Canada to see my predictions accomplished. Now you
see the reason which consoles me as a Frenchman for the
imminent danger France is incurring of seeing Canada
lost forever."
Most of the Loyalists whom we honour to-day had
fought for the supremacy of Great Britain and of the
British race in North America, and they thought after
such great sacrifices that had been made they were bound
to see that the English race was not robbed of the price
of the sovereignty of this continent. Remember when
in 1775, the Colonies decided to break off their allegiance
this struggle was of very recent date; that many of the
men served under British generals in the armies which
conquered Canada and took Quebec. There were men of
different classes among the Loyalists. Some were im-
pelled simply by honest and laudable instinct of loyalty to
the flag to which they had owed allegiance, and they were
prepared to make sacrifices for that loyalty. I would
have you all to make sacrifices where necessary for your
convictions; but besides these there were others among
that band. These men, as their name United Empire
Loyalists showed, thoroughly appreciated the enormous
future which awaited the English race in North America.
It would be a mistake to suppose that they wholly
approved of the course of the British Government. As
their correspondence shows, they objected, as Burke and
Chatham objected, but they felt it would be a thousand
pities and a disgrace to the race, that after all that had
passed, the English race should allow itself to be split
into fragments, and we have numerous proofs of how
powerfully these men's acts and feelings affected the
whole destiny of this country. Gentlemen, the Loyalists
builded better than they knew. They came a handful
of men, perhaps four or five thousand souls, to the Pro-
vince of Ontario, and yet they have given to a very great
extent impulse and direction to the feelings and destiny
of four or five millions who now inhabit the Dominion.
But for the effect of the example and traditions they left
behind them, I believe you would not see yonder flag float
from this ground to-day. If there be here, as possibly
there may be, a few of those veterans who recollect the
war of 1812 and 1815, they will tell you how powerfully
the example of the Loyalists strengthened their hands for
the desperate struggle to preserve Canada to the British
Look to history and you will not find a case in the
whole range in which a handful of men maintained
themselves successfully against desperate odds, which
reflects more lustre on the people who did it, than the
struggle of our fathers in that war. America placed
along the frontier 20,000 men, a greater number than the
whole male population of the Province capable of bear-
ing arms at that time. All the aid the British Govern-
ment could send during the first year was four companies
of regulars. She sent us also Brock, who alone was
worth an army. Brock with eighteen hundred men
reduced three thousand Americans to capitulation. In
the face of the great European wars, the deeds of heroism
on the frontier of Canada were lost sight of, but it is not
for any patriotic Canadian to forget them. I have said
elsewhere and I now repeat that the colony of Ontario
has a proud pre-eminence among the colonies of Britain
for this reason. All the other colonies have been founded
by men who sought to better their condition, or were
founded by the Government of Britain, or obtained by
conquest, but Ontario stands alone as the colony founded
by men making great sacrifices to maintain their alle-
giance to Great Britain. I know of but one com-
munity m America, or elsewhere perhaps— that founded
by the Puritan fathers in New England. I arn not going to
make a political harangue, but I have ventured in an-
other place to point out how I thought we, descendants
of the U. E. Loyalists, might best act in the spirit of our
forefathers. Bear in mind that what these men sought
to prevent was a division which France sought to foster
between the great portions of the English race. I believe
the Loyalists, and the people of Canada who derive their
inspiration from them, can best do justice to the spirit of
their forefathers by doing what they can to bring together
in a union all the English-speaking races in the world. I
state as a man loyal to Britain and to British institutions.
I believe I know whereof I speak when I say no such
service can be rendered to the people of Great Britain and
of the whole world than to remove all chance of hostility
between the two great branches of the English race. As
a descendant of a loyalist, I say it would be a work to
which any man might be proud to consecrate his life. It
is the part of wisdom for us to do what we can to fulfil
the object for which our forefathers sacrificed so much ;
to bring together as a united people, if not under one
Sovereign, at any rate in one alliance offensive and de-
fensive, two great nations, which, to the misfortune of
the world, have been severed and alienated. You may
call this a dream — Cavour was called a dreamer when he
hoped for a united Italy ; Bismarck was condemned as a
visionary when he saw in the future a German Confed-
eration. The English speaking people are not inferior to
the Italians and Germans, when the real welfare of their
race is at stake. In closing, he urged upon the Canadians
to imitate the heroism of their ancestors, because the
nation could never become great, unless some citizens were
willing to sacrifice themselves for the general good, and
Canada at the time needed such men.
The REV. D. V. LUCAS, Montreal, then addressed the
meeting as follows :
a very great privilege indeed to be permitted to join with
the distinguished statesman who has just addressed you,
and with you all in doing honour to those worthy people
who, one hundred years ago, landed upon the spot where
we are now assembled, to lay in this Province the founda-
tions of civilization. We are carried back in our thoughts
to those days. Few of us know anything of the hard-
ships through which these " pilgrim fathers " of Canada
had to pass. Pushing one's way into a new country to-
day, by means of our railways and other modern facilities
is not what it was a century ago.
However much we may admire their courage and forti-
tude in braving the rigours of Canadian winters, and the
difficulties of making homes for themselves and their
posterity in the Canadian forests, we have met to-day
more particularly to admire the spirit which brought them
hither, and if possible to catch something of their devo-
tion to principles which through the medium of the
British Constitution, Heaven itself, in their estimation,
had bestowed upon them.
We go back in thought a little farther, to those days
when the older Colonies of Britain on this continent, de-
cided to dishonour the flag, under whose aegis they had
received all that is excellent in their present political sys-
tem. I do not stop now to question the motives of those
who excited the colonists to rebellion. It is enough for
the present to say that, the men whom Canada delights
to honour, regarded the course of the insurgents as a most
unrighteous one, and rather than give it their consent and
aid, chose to begin anew in this northern part of our
great continent, where even amid cold and poverty and
hardships of various kinds they might still live under the
free flag of Britain, and enjoy the blessings of which that
flag is the emblem.
When we consider the present progress of our native
land to which our honoured fathers directed their steps,
and the excellence of our political institutions, and the
grand future which is evidently before our beloved Do-
minion, we feel that these noble men of a hundred years
ago, built " better than they knew." They honoured the
Hag of England and the principles which that flag repre-
sented, and we have met to honour them. I trust, Sir,
that while we are less worthy than they, those who come
after us will at least respect us for assembling on this, the
first centennial anniversary, to do honour to those noble
and devoted fathers of our Canadian Dominion.
It might not be unprofitable, Mr. Chairman, to go still
farther back and remind ourselves of the growth of lib-
erty in England, and of the British Constitution. Some-
how, more than among other nations of Europe, there
seems to have been in the English Isle, from the earliest
ages, an intense desire for liberty. The great Alfred had
said that it was his desire that the people of England
should be as free as the air they breathed. Through cen-
turies, most of those wars, aside from those associated with
the conquests, were simply a long struggle between the
despotism of kings on the one hand, and the inherent love
of liberty on the other.
The constitution of England as we now know it, was of
slow growth, but each century found it more in accord
with the will of the people. The last great element of
liberty may be said to have been introduced into the con-
stitution when William III. and his queen signed the
memorable Bill of Rights on their accession to the throne,
after the abdication of James II. America had by this
time been brought more fully to the notice of the people
of the old world, and it was hoped that those grand prin-
ciples, for which the English people had so long struggled,
would find scope and development on this continent, such
as might not be accorded them where there still lingered
considerable sympathy with royal ambition and ecclesias-
tical conservatism. Though it is hard to find excuse for
the arbitrary spirit of George III. and his advisers, and a
majority of his parliament, yet as has been clearly shown
by Dr. Ryerson, the difficulty between the Home Govern-
ment and the Colonies might have been adjusted without
secession on the part of the latter, and, as the same distin-
guished writer has shown, would have been in harmony
with the general wish of the Americans, if it had not been
for a few ambitious leaders urging the people on to, as
our fathers thought, an unjustifiable rebellion, and some-
how we cannot divest our minds of the thought that our
fathers were right.
The long history of the struggle on the part of their
ancestors for constitutional freedom was deeply engraven
on their minds. They loved that history and were proud
of it. Their fathers had fought to make the grand old
flag of England the emblem of all that was good politi-
cally. If it could have been shown that there was still
lacking some element of pure constitutional liberty, they
were willing to labour to secure it, but to tread both flag
and constitution in the dust, looked to them not only as
an insult to Him who had so helped their fathers, but an
insult to the cherished memory of their fathers as well.
Be that as it may, we rejoice when we remember their
loyalty, not merely because we admire the principle itself,
but because of the blessings which their loyalty has
brought to us.
Look at our widely-extended country, with its great
fertility, its salubrious atmosphere, its broad acreage of
arable land, its lofty mountains, magnificent rivers, rich
minerals almost incalculable in extent, with its valuable
forests and fisheries — a country almost as large as the
whole of Europe — and remember that because of the de-
votion and loyalty and self-sacrifice of those men whom
we to-day commemmorate, all the principles of British
constitutional liberty are ours by birthright.
The British Constitution, modified in some of its de-
tails to meet our colonial requirements, without in any
sense changing any of its general principles, becomes to
us the highest type of political freedom, and offers us the
easiest political yoke borne by any people under Heaven.
lalk of annexation to the United States. That is im-
possible. The institutions of the two peoples are too
diverse to admit of a political amalgamation. Our ideas
of sovereignty differ so widely from those of our neigh-
bours that we could never, even for one hour, consent to
surrender the power which constitutes us the sovereign
people. With our education and experience, politically,
we never could give up our rights in this matter to the
head of the nation and his chosen advisers.
Talk of independence in the sense of separation from
the old land ! This is quite as impossible with the Cana-
dian people. For this is our pride and our boast, we are
a part of the great British Empire. Like that angel which
John saw standing in the sun, I see standing in the earth
a mighty giant, made mighty by the King of Heaven.
Upon his head are those wonderful and glorious British
Isles, his feet resting on the golden sands of Australia ;
his left arm, India, now being redeemed from the wheels
of the Juggernaut and the superstitions of past ages ; his
right arm, Canada, now being redeemed from the growl
of the wild beast and the war whoop of the savage.
When I think, sir, of the vast millions who may, and who
surely will, yet dwell in our "great dominion, all educated
under the great influence of British political institutions,
and lovers of the flag which to-day waves over us, and of
those principles which that flag represents, I think of the
future of this vast empire, exercising in the earth its in-
fluence for the elevation of mankind, as the mighty power
of God making itself felt through the instrumentality of
human government.
As Canadians, this is our boast, we are a part, and we
hope no insignificant part, of the British Empire, and our
prayer is that nothing may ever occur, to the end of time,
to sever those ties which bind our favoured and happy
country to the motherland. Our loyalty is too strong, and
we trast our children's loyalty will be equally so, to ad-
mit of any action which implies and involves dismember-
ment of that mighty empire of which we are justly
ADOLPHUSTOWN, June 17. — The second day of the U. E.
Loyalist celebration was marked by fine weather and a
very large attendance of visitors. All the steamers ply-
ing on the Bay of Quints' brought crowds of people. The
first event this morning, though not down as a part of
the celebration under the auspices of the Committee, was
an interesting and important one, no less than the laying
of the corner-stone of the Memorial Church by Lieutenant-
Go vernor Robinson. The Rev. R. S. Forneri, B.A., Pastor
of the Anglican Church, here, has since he took this
charge worked earnestly in promoting this object, and
the present celebration gave him the best opportunity of
having the work of the actual building inaugurated with
becoming ceremonies.
The Lieutenant-Governor arrived from Napanee this
morning by private yacht, about eleven o'clock. He was
met at the wharf by 9, guard of honour of the 15th Bat-
talion, Argyle Light Infantry, under command of Adjt.-
Captain T. C. Lazier, and conducted to St. Paul's Church,
the present Anglican Church of Adolphustown.
Rev. R. S. Forneri, rector of Adolphustown, has every
reason to feel gratified by the marked success attending
his indefatigable efforts to bring this enterprise to a suc-
cessful issue. The new church edifice, which has been
named St. Alban's, is to be a handsome structure of the
modern Gothic style, capable of seating about 250 people.
It will have a neat bell tower seventy-two feet high. The
mam entrance will be at the side of the building and will
have an open porch with doors of iron work. The nave
is 32 * 50 feet and the chancel 26 H 24 feet. The interior
i to be decorated with a number of memorial tablets to
leading members of the pioneer band who landed on the
shores of Quinte* 100 years ago. The site is one of the
most commanding along the bay front and was liberally
donated for the purpose by J. J. Watson, Esq. After a
short service at the church by the Archdeacon, the pro*
cession was re-formed, and singing an appropriate hymn
marched to the site of the new edifice. The ceremony
throughout was most impressive, the Ven. Archdeacon
leading and the people joining heartily in the responses.
At the proper time a beautiful silver trowel, suitably en-
graved, was handed to the Lieutenant-Governor, with
which he laid on the cement, saying :
" We lay this stone of foundation to the honour and glory of God,
and in memory of the United Empire Loyalists, who one hundred
years ago laid the corner-stone of our Province in peace and righte-
ousness and in loyalty to the British Crown and Empire."
Among the clergymen present were the following : —
Dean Lyster, of St. George's Cathedral, Kingston ; Rural
Dean Kirkpatrick, of Kingston; Rev. J. W. Burke, of
Belleville ; Revs. C. E. Cartwright, of Kingston ; Cook,
Kingston ; R. S. Forneri, Incumbent of Adolphustown ;
Rural Dean Baker, Tyendinaga ; Rev. Mr. Cook, Oshawa ;
Revs. Carey, Roberts, Stanton, D. F. Bogert, and Thomp-
The Lieutenant-Governor was presented with an ad-
dress which was gorgeously illuminated, and of which the
following is a copy :
To His Honour John Beverley Robinson, Lieut. -Gover-
nor of the Province of Ontario.
On behalf the Rector and members of the Church of
England in the Parish of Adolphustown and Fredericks-
burg, and sundry other persons interested in commemo-
rating the important historical event of the arrival there
of British subjects known as UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS,
by the erection of a new church near the spot on which
landed the "worthy band of refugees" in 1784, this ad-
dress is respectfully presented.
Most cordially and gratefully we bid your Honour wel-
come to Adolphustown on this occasion, when after the
lapse of one hundred years, we would raise a sacred edi-
fice in memory of many brave men, who not only sacri-
ficed everything in obedience to the divine command,
" Honour the King," but who were equally ready to re-
cognize the paramount duty to " Fear God."
The U. E. Loyalists were, we believe, religious as well
as loyal men, and wherever they settled in Canada
they laid the foundation not alone of patriotism but
also of piety. Therefore we, their descendants and de-
voted admirers, have deemed the erection of a HOUSE OF
PRAYER a significant and appropriate memorial embody-
ing these two great principles, which the sons of the
ancient Church of England have been ever foremost and
steadfast in upholding — principles we would endeavour
to inculcate in our children, and transmit to future gene-
rations in this country, viz. : that along with the duty
we owe to ourselves in maintaining civil and religious
freedom, we are no less bound to be faithful in discharg-
ing what is due by loyal men to their Sovereign, and by
Christian men to their God.
It is an auspicious coincidence that on this day, 17th
June, the Church of England commemorates in her calen-
dar England's Proto-Martyr, St. Alban, the first man who
on Britsh soil sealed with his life-blood his testimony as a
loyal subject of his Heavenly King, our Lord Jesus Christ.
May his name, under which the memorial church is to be
dedicated to God, ever unite our affections to the dear
old mother land, and inspire us all to follow the example
of one who held not his life dear for the cause of Christ.
^ Animated by such sentiments, we have undertaken this
pious work, which, we rejoice to know, has received the
warm approval of your Honour as Lieutenant-Governor
of the Province, and as yourself, an illustrious member of
famous U. E. L. family. We have asked you, Sir, to
put to it the first hand in laying the corner stone, and we
tender our very grateful acknowledgements for your kind
compliance with our request. We beg to assure you that
it is to us a matter of the most lively satisfaction and
congratulation that the Chief Magistrate of our Province
of Ontario, representing Her Gracious Majesty, should
honour us with his presence and co-operation on this occa-
sion. For in whatever other respects we may have de-
generated from the noble U. E. Loyalists of 1784, we may
fain hope we may justly claim to be their rivals in firm
attachment both to the THRONE under which it is our
happiness to live, and to that great EMPIRE of which we
fervently pray that the Dominion of Canada may long
constitute an integral portion.
As we conclude this address, we cannot forget the fact
that the honour of being a descendant of U . E. Loyalists
is shared by your own gracious and accomplished lady, a
daughter of the distinguished house of Hagerman, and we
venture to join her name with that of your Honour as we
most sincerely wish you both the enjoyment of many years
of happiness and prosperity in your public and private
Signed on behalf of the General and Local Building
Rector of Adolphustown.
Chairman of Committee.
ADOLPHUSTOWN, June 17th, 1884.
The Lieut-Governor replied briefly, expressing his
cordial thanks to the clergy and building committee for
their invitation to take part in the proceedings of this
memorable occasion, and re-echoing all the sentiments
contained in the address. Brief speeches were made by
a number of the clergy, that of Dean Lyster being par-
ticularly appropriate.
The ceremony completed, the Lieut-Governor and a
large party were invited to the residence of J. J. Watson,
Esq., where lunch was served.
The Lieut. -Governor paid a visit to the camp of the
15th Battalion, and was right royally entertained at the
officers' mess. Chief Sampson Green was the first intro-
duced to deliver an address, on " The Union of the Six
Nations." He appeared in full Indian costume and was
accompanied by other members of his band in full war
paint and feathers. He first expressed the great pleasure
it afforded him to take part in this important gathering,
in honour of that patiotic and heroic band of refugees,
who freely gave up their all as a sacrifice to their loyalty.
He reviewed the traditional history of the Indians of
America and especially of the Six Nations, of which he is
a representative. He claimed that the Indians are the
original Americans, and he felt proud of being a descen-
dant of the aboriginal inhabitant of this continent. He
also felt a pride in the fact that, in the day of trial, when
the majority rebelled against British rule, his people re-
mained firm in their allegiance, and fought, bled and died
beside the pale face in defence of the Union Jack, to up-
hold its sway on this continent. He explained how the
Six Nations came into existence by an alliance of six
smaller tribes against the oppression of the doughty,
powerful and bloodthirsty Iroquois. He explained their
system of government, by which all legislation originated
with the Mohawks; after being approved it was then
sent to another tribe and considered, adopted or amended
as the case might be, until at last it reached Onondagas,
or firekeepers, but the Mohawks were possessed of the
power of veto. The Onondagas were called the fire-
keepers because they always started the fire at the Great
Council, kept it burning, and finally extinguished it when
the Council was completed. At the present day, instead
of lighting and extinguishing the fire, they make the
opening and closing speeches. Finally the Iroquois
themselves sued for admittance to the confederation, but
their application was rejected. The tribe to which he
belonged came from the Mohawk flats, remained at
Lachine a short time and then came on to Tyendinaga,
which spot was selected by Captain John. The reserve
was named after the great Chief Tyendinaga, who led
the Mohawks to Canada. When Christianity was proposed
to the Six Nations it was considered, and four accepted,
but two rejected the Christian faith, and to this day two
of the tribes are Pagans. Although these tribes are
Pagans, they may be fairly termed religious. They be-
lieve in the existence of a Supreme Being, but instead of
worshipping God in solemn exercises, they return thanks
to the Great Spirit for pure water, an abundance of
berries, the full corn in the ear, and all the blessings of
peace and plenty, by dancing and other rejoicings. Their
religion does not permit of stealing or lying, but they
have no scruples in regard to Sunday work. He stated
his conviction that the only way in which these tribes
could be Christianized would be first to educate them and
then place the Bible in their hands. What they can read
they will accept, but what is told them by missionaries is
received with diffidence or suspicion. He again referred
to the loyalty of the Indians on many occasions when
their adherence was severely tested. In 1812 many of
the Indians fought with the British troops, and in 1837
the speaker's father went to the front with his band, and
returned with one scalp which was erected on a staff
opposite the church, and a tree planted in honour of the
event which is to be seen to this day. In 1866, with 17
others, the speaker went to the front to assist in driving
back the Fenian invaders, and in the future, as in the
past, he was assured that his band would be found ever
faithful to the old flag, and ever ready to shed their blood
in its defence. The Mohawks, when they landed, con-
sisted of fifteen families; they now number over 1,000
souls. They at first owned the whole township of Tyen-
dinaga, but they had sold a portion, and the money,
$127,000, is invested with the government to provide
schools and religious instructors. They have now four good
schools and two churches. He thanked the committee
for the invitation to participate in this gathering, which
he considered a great honour to himself and his people.
The next speaker was CAPT. GRACE of Lindsay. He
a matter of good fortune for me that the Lieut.-Governor
is not here at present, and thus an opportunity is afforded
me of expressing to you all my feelings, which I think
are those of all gathered here, and in this my endeavour I
crave your indulgence. The deeds which were the first
causes of this settlement about us were those of men to
whom principles and loyalty were nature's inspiration ;
were men, who to us have shown examples worthy of
imitation ; were men who by the sacrifice of home com-
forts and luxuries have left their images of force of will
and self denial. This morning's ceremony was a matter
of gratification to all, and to us it was a bounden duty to
commemorate the memory of those dear ones of old, with
fitting tribute as far as the outward world is concerned;
but one cannot help thinking of those brave men, who,
one hundred years ago, landed here to the right, leaving
happy homes, wealth and comforts, to seek out a new
home for themselves in nature's forest, apart from monu-
ments of stone and mortar, and appreciating them* by
those feelings which emanate from the inspiration of our
mothers, and we cannot help thinking of those good
old men ofj yore, as Shakespeare did when he sug-
gested by words, which in substance meant the folly of
endeavouring to commemorate intrinsic worth in stone
and mortar. Our country, a rich branch of the mother
tree which springs from the Atlantic and casts her sha-
dows to all quarters of the globe, it should be our
bounden duty to sustain in proper relation to that mother
tree, defending her interests by all in our power, which
defence is but what we owe.
It was with pleasure I listened to the various speeches
of yesterday, and however dampened the love of our
country might have been by the suggestion of one
speaker, that dampening must have been removed by the
next speaker, who in feeling terms related the story of
the good old woman who said " We shall go and leave
everything, and go to that country where we can breathe
easily beneath that flag wlych is floating on our left."
And as often as any defence of the country has been
required, so often have the good men of the U. E. Loyal-
ist blood and connection been ready and shared their
parts, and it is no small pleasure for me to be the great
grandson of the man who had the first Militia Battalion
along these shores, and that zeal and that ardour, which
seem at least intuitive, have not yet died out, as the
young man who is now addressing you has the honour
of a Captain's Commission in the Militia at present.
It is an extreme satisfaction to me to be able to under-
go a trip of even a hundred miles to meet so many
friends, all of whom must necessarily feel the common
tie which links us all ; and before closing, I must to Dr.
Canniff, express my feeling of thankfulness and sym-
pathy for his untiring efforts in the U. E. Loyalist cause.
I am sure it was not without a very great deal of trouble
he wrote his book, in which are pictured many proper
examples for the youngest of us to bear well in mind.
And now Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, being
under an obligation to you for your indulgence I beg to
MR. G. E. HENDERSON, Q: C., Belleville, County Crown
Attorney, said that while they must not forget men who
had come from over the sea and their descendants, surely
they had the right to honour the memory of their Loyalist
fathers. These men had chosen a magnificent country,
and had put its prosperity upon a grand foundation.
He had had the opportunity of viewing the greater
part of Europe, and he could assure them that nowhere
was there a grander country than this. This Bay of
Quint^ was as beautiful a sheet of water as any of the
famed lakes of Switzerland. Canadians had a right to be
proud of their land, and by no other means than by lov-
ing it and honouring it could they make it a great coun-
try. Without patriotism people were a mere collection of
individuals, but if joined by a common bond of love of
country, they became an irresistible power. Here every
man was free ; here every man has the opportunity to
carry on the great responsibilities that rested upon him
in building up this country. They did not want to be
joined to the United States. Canadians were anxious to
live at peace with them. Glad of their successes and
proud of their advance, but Canadians could show a coun-
try whose prosperity was greater than that of the States.
They had here a magnificent country, with schools and
every advantage and luxury. In Europe he found people
called farmers who worked day and night for their lords,
who lived in walled cities.- They lacked in education and
almost every form of enlightenment, and he himself had
seen women harnessed along with cows drawirg a load
on the public highway near Rome. He advised them to
remain loyal to this grand country, and to the Empire
under whose fostering care it had grown to its present
MR. J. S. McCiJAiG, ex-M.P. for Prince Edward County,
congratulated the people upon the large assembly, and
made a brief speech dwelling upon the great work which
the Loyalists had accomplished.
MR. PARKER ALLEN dwelt upon the hardships suffered
by the U. E. Loyalists as contrasted with the comfort en-
joyed by the people he represented. It was necessary
that the Committee should have money to proceed with
the monument, and he asked that liberal subscriptions be
The REV. C. E. THOMSON, M. A., Incumbent of St.
Mark's Church, Carlton West, added a few words. He
said in substance, that it gave him great pleasure, as the
grandson of William Ruttan, one of the U. E. Loyalist
settlers in Adolphustown, to be here on this occasion, and
to help in doing honour to the memory of these noble
men. He could not say much beyond what had been al-
ready said, but would exhort them to be true to the tra-
ditions of their forefathers, and to maintain, unuroken,
their connection with the great and glorious empire for
whose integrity their ancestors had so greatly suffered.
He would remind them that on this day they were pass-
ing through the anniversary of that great final struggle,
whereby, on the field of Waterloo, the valour and endur-
ance of the British army were so gloriously shown.
Surely to have a share in such a magnificent achievement
as this ought to make us most highly value the privilege
of being British subjects. The time for speaking was
short and he would now call on them to welcome him who
was about to address them — himself a Canadian born — the
grandson of a United Empire Loyalist, the son of one
whom Canada was proud to number among her brilliant
array of lawyers and judges, and the husband of a lady
whose grandfather shared in the privations and toils of
the first settlers in this very neighbourhood — a gentleman,
who had come here as 'the Lieu tenant-Governor of the
Province to do honour to their celebration, to join with
them in paying respect to the Loyalists of 1784 and to
inaugurate the erection of well deserved monuments to
their memory.
LiEUT.-GovERNOR ROBINSON having arrived, was now
introduced. He expressed regret at the delay that had oc-
curred, but claimed that he was hardly responsible as the
hospitality of the clergy and citizens, and afterward that
of the militia had prevented him from appearing sooner.
He considered it a duty for the Lieut.-Governor to show
on every occasion his appreciation of the volunteer mili-
tia and acknowledge the great things they had done for
Canada. In 177() when the militia was 'tampered with
they stood staunch to the old flag. In 1812 they had
been equally brave in manifesting their allegiance, and on
other occasions they had given proof of their valour and
loyalty, and it was therefore a plain duty he should ex-
press his appreciation of their organization and their
services. While he was pleased to meet and receive the
hospitality of the militia, he was equally well pleased to
meet such a large gathering on an occasion so important to
all Canadians. An American once discussing the various
forms of government claimed that the Canadian was the
best in existence, for while the people paid all the expenses
the Governor had all the fun. Part of his fun was to re-
ceive the hospitalities of to-day, to see so many good look-
ing ladies and gentlemen, and to know they were all intent
on one laudable purpose — doing honour to the memory of
those who had suffered everything for their loyalty. Up
to a certain point the acts of the English Government in
reference to the thirteen colonies were oppressive. U. E.
Loyalists did not uphold that oppression, but when it
came to revolt, and they saw something more than redress
of the grievances was to be demanded, they, through years
of war, showed heroism and devotion to their convictions
seldom equalled in the history of any country. He recog-
nised old names, having heard them from his youth. They
were the names first known here by the arrival of the
heroic band who landed on this point one hundred years
ago. If we had a grand country we owed it to them.
He had heard the question discussed as to whether the
time has come when our political status should be
changed ; it was not for him, as Lieut. -Governor, to dis-
cuss these matters, but he would say to Loyalists that
while others, be they gentlemen of the press or politicians,
discuss that question— the descendants of Loyalists can
afford, knowing what they knew of old times, to mark
time and listen to the discussions. They must recollect
that if the medicine is given hurriedly, the physician
must take good care that the death of the patient does'
not follow. He hoped that the young people would mark
this day, and that when fifty, or sixty, or seventy years
hence they went over memory's records, they would think
that this great celebration took place in the regime of
Governor Robinson. Knowing the blessings we have re-
ceived under the British Constitution we can afford to
remain some time longer at any rate without changing
our position. He regretted that he had not before visited
the lovely scenes through which he passed to-day. He
regretted that he had not before had the opportunity of
making the acquaintance of the peopJe of this district,
but he hoped this would not be his last visit. He hoped
they would make this day a grand and permanent suc-
cess. He hoped they would testify in a substantial way
their regard for the Loyalists by subscribing liberally to
the monument to be raised to their memory.
Mr. D. W. ALLISON, M.P., though suffering from tempo-
rary illness, consented, at the earnest request of many, to
address the meeting. He dwelt with feeling on the scene
which this point had witnessed a hundred years ago yes-
terday, when the pilgrim band of Loyalists landed at the
outskirts of an unbroken" wilderness, which Ontario was,
and contrasted that with the scene of life and luxury
which the place presented to-day. He dwelt also upon
the strong contrast between the condition of the Loyalists
and of their descendants of to-day. The first were vic-
tims of persecution, leaving all for the sake of their loyalty
to their country and to duty, braving hardships and pri-
vations that they might have the flag they loved float
over them. Their descendants possess the land which
they had redeemed from the encumbering forests, and in
that land peace and plenty reigned, so that even the poor-
est enjoy advantages which the best of their fore-
fathers could not hope to secure. The colonists of these
days, instead of coming in the face of all hardships, had
colonial roads and railways provided in advance of them
in the wilderness. The first apples grown here were from
seed brought over by the first party when they came. When
the first crop was ripe the man who grew them called all
the people of the settlement — men, women and children
— together, and the apples were shared equally. Had that
been in this day, the man who had the apples would have
been governed by the law of supply and demand, and
would have sold the apples to his neighbours at the high-
est price. It had been stated that there was settlement
at Kingston before here, but those people did not leave
the States till after Independence was declared, and the
date given for the Kingston settlement was too early for
that. He contended this was the first settlement, and
that the first line of this township of Adolphustown was
the first line ever run by a surveyor in Ontario. He
closed by expressing pleasure at the large turn out to do
honour to the memory of Loyalists.
Mr. J. J. Watson, Secretary of the Celebration Com-
mittee read a letter of regret from the Hon. G. A. Kirk-
patrick, Mr. A. F. Wood, M. P.P., and others, who had ex-
pected to be present, but were unable to do so. He ex-
plained also Sir John Macdonald's absence by stating that
he had a letter from the Premie* stating that owing to
ill health and press of work at home he would be unable
to attend. This concluded the afternoon proceedings.
The main feature of to-day's proceedings were speeches
under the shade of the trees, and over the graves where
the U. E. Loyalists lie buried.
Mr. D. W. Allison, M.P., first occupied the chair, but
he afterwards gaver pla,ce to Mr. Parker Allen. Both are
Vice-Presidents of the Celebration Association, but Mr.
Allison claimed priority for Mr. Allen. The principal
speaker of the day was Dr. J. H. Sangster, of Port
Perry. Dr. Sangster followed in the footsteps of the
former speakers in contrasting the prosperity and com-
fort of to-day with what the Loyalists found when they
landed, and what they obtained for years after. He ela-
borated the idea far more, however, and caused not a lit-
tie amusement by going into the details of daily life, con-
trasting, for instance, the young lady of to-day at her
organ or piano, with her grandmother whose humble art
was confined to the music of the wash-board. He" drew
a brilliant picture of the future of Canada, the result of
her mighty extent of fertile soils. The aristocracy of Eng-
land proudly traced their lineage back to the uncultured
invaders who came with William <ff Normandy. Much
more proudly could the descendants of the Loyalists boast
of their ancestry. He recognized the fact that Canada-
would some day be independent ; but separation from the
mother country could not come except in the natural way
without straining or undue haste. Canada had not only
a soil-bracing climate, but God-fearing earnest men and
women, and he urged all Canadians to do what they
could to make the future of the country commensurate
with its possibilities. Above all, he spoke to the de-
scendants of the Loyalists to show their zeal in Canada's
cause. He called upon them because there was an intel-
ligent pride of birth, of ancestry, which ennobled those
who were moved by it and had a mission to promote the
arts of peace, and to give to the world the highest stand-
ard of national honour. He recognized the difficulties in
the way, and the most pressing and important of these
was the bitterness of party spirit. He urged upon the
politicians of both parties to devote more attention to
national, andf less to party advantages.
MR. WM. ANDERSON, Warden of Prince Edward county,
was then called upon. He stated that some of those who
were here yesterday found fault with the carrying out of
the arrangements. He thought that the committee had
done all that men could do, and they deserved the thanks
of the community for having given so many the opportunity
to celebrate the noble deeds of the U. E. Loyalists. He com-
mended the people here for having begun these cere-
monies by the laying of the corner-stone of the church.
He did not agree with Dr. Sangster in the fear that party
rancour would ultimately wreck the ship of State. He
believed very strongly that party feeling was less bitter
now than it formerly was, and with the ameliorating
Christian influences everywhere at work this improve-
ment must continue. He dwelt upon the great work begun
by the Loyalists, and contended that the Dominion, which
they had founded, was^the first country in the world to-
day. An American speaking with him had boasted of the
fact that the States had gained their independence, that
they were free, but their liberty was based upon the prin-
ciples recognized in Britain, the benefit of which the peo-
ple in Canada enjoyed, and their system of government,
like that of Canada, was almost a copy of the British
MR. ROBT. CLAPP, of Prince Edward county, spoke on
behalf of that county, assuring the people of Adolphus-
town that they had the sympathy of all in their com-
memoration of the U. E. Loyalist centenary.
Mr. J. J. WATSON, secretary of the committee, presented
an excuse from Mr. W. A. Reeve, Toronto, who was to
have addressed the meeting.
The people soon after began to leave the grounds, and
the Adolphustown U. E. Loyalist Centennial Celebration
was over.
3rd. JiUy, 1SM-1.
His Honour, Lt.-Gov. JOHN BEVBE-Hon S. C. Wood.
Lt.-Col. George T. Denison
Hon. Alex. Morris, M.P.P.
Hon. George W. Allan
A. McLeaa Howard
Rev. Dr. Withrow
D. B. Read, Q.C.
Salter J . Vankoughnet
J. F. Byan
Dr. James Baldwin
Dr. J. H. Richardson
W. H. Merritt
His Honour Mr. Justice Rose
Dr. Geo. S. Ryerson
Alderman Fred Denison
James H. Morris
Rev. Dr. Rose
Dr. Daniel Wilson
Rev. Prof. Gregg
Dr. J. S. King
Rev. S. S. Rice, D. D.
Rev. E. H. Dewart, D. D.
John Playter
John J. Withrow
His Honour Judge Macdougall
Chas. F. McDonald
D' Alton McCarthy, Q.C.
Mayor Boswell
Dr. S. D. Hagel
Rodney Moore
Rev. Septimus Jones
Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, B.D.
J. 0. Dent
A. N. Gamble
W. A. Foster
Canniff Haight
Rev. Hugh Johnston, M. A., B. D. Wm. Roaf
Rev. Dr. Caven J. R. Roaf
Rev. Canon Scadding, D.D. D. W. Clendennan
The Right Rev. T. B. Fuller, D.D.,
D.C.L., Lord Bishop of Niagara
Hon. George Kirkpatrick, Speaker
of the House of Commons
Sir Alexander Campbell, Ottawa
Hon. A. S. Hardy, Provincial Trea-
Major Robert Z. Rogers, Graf ton
Rev. Bishop Carman, D. D., Belle-
His Honour Judge Jones, Brantford
His Honour Judge Dean, Lindsay
Rev. S. S. Nelles, D.D., LL.D.,
President Victoria University
Rev. Dr. Me Nab, Bowmanville
Robert D. Roger*, Ashburnham
J, G. Pense, Waterdown
Rev. Le Roy Hooker, Kingston
Captain Moberly, Collingwood
Rev. Dr. Williams, St Catharines
Rev. Dr. Grant, Principal of Queen's
University, Kingston
Rev. Dr. Jeffers, Belleville
D. W. Allison, M.P., Adolphustown
Dr. C. E. Hickey, M.P., Morrisburg
Rev. Dr. Ryckman, London
Wm. Kirby, Niagara
G. D. Hawley. M.P.P., Bath
Rev. W, R. Parker, M. A., Chatham
J. J. Watson, Adolphustown
Dr. W. Harris, Brantford
Rev. R. S. Forneri, B.D., Adolphus-
C. H. Ross, Barrie
Henry Thompson, Penetanguishene
Samuel Chrysler, Penetanguishene
Rev. J. Langford, Hamilton
G. H. Hale, Orillia
W. F. Casey, Napanee
Parker Allen, Adolphustown
J. W. Nelles, Guelph
T. Merritt, Cayuga
Frank Ball, Q.U., Woodstock
Rev. John Geuiley, Simcoe
E. Clapp, Adolphustown
Rev. S. A. Anderson, Penetangui-
Alex. Robertson, M.P., BeUeviUe
Dr. Playter, Ottawa
CoL Macpherson, Ottawa
Alex. Servos, Niagara
R. N. Ball, Niagara
Col. Duncan Macfarlane, Niagara
Angus Kilburn, Beamsville
James Hiscott (Warden of Lincoln)
Col. F. A, B. Clinch, St. Catharines
Dr. Willoughby, Colborne
Sheriff Burk, Bowtnanville
Levi Van Camp, Bowmanville
Arthur Craig, Ciaighurst
William Switzer, New Lowell
Dr. Bogart, Whitby
Dr P. H. Spohn, Penetanguishene
J. E. Robson. Newcastle
W. Cuthbertson, Deseronto
P. S. Van Wagner, Stony Creek
Dr. Hillier, Bowmanville
His Hoiiour Judge Carman, Cornwall
Thos. Cowan, Ingersoll
Col. Bantam, Cookstown
Dr. Robertson, Ex-M.P.P., Peel
D. B. Solmes, Northport
William Lount, Barrie
George Walker, Beamsville
John Miller, Brougham
John Dryden, Booklard
L. D. Raymond, Welland
Rev. (J. E. Thompson, Weston
R. R. Loscoinbe, Bowmanville
Philip Secord, St. David's
Johnston Butler, St. David's
Dr. Burdette, Belleville
Joseph Rymal, Waterloo
Moses Springer, Waterloo
Dr. McUaiumon, Kingston
Dr. Shaver, Stratford
David Dunn, Warden of Simcoe
Rev. Dr. Hodgson
W. Hill, Colborne
John Monro, Ex-M.P., Aultsville
J. J. B. Flint, Belleville
Hon. Billa Flint, Belleville
Henry Jeffrey, Whitby
F. F. Me Arthur, Bowmanville
Walter Kerr, Drumoiondville
Irarn Bender, Niagara Falls
I. 'Bender, Niagara Falls
J. P. Wilson, Welland
John Allen, Hcton
S. M. Conger, Picton
Captain Cook, Cookstown
D. L. Sanson, Orillia
O. J. Phelps, Phelpston
Noah Assauce (Chief of Mohawk In-
dians), Penetanguishene
V. S. Wikon, Picton
J. Jordon, Rosseau
Wm. Buchner, Fort Erie
Wm. Cryderman, Hampton
Jesse Truli, Oshawa
Wm. J. Hill, Shannonville
James Cryderman. Darlington
Rev. E. Loucks, Picton
Thomas Glaus, Tyendenaga
T. S. McCuaig, Picton
Rev. E. H. M. Baker, Rector of Chip-
pewa Indians, Ueseronto
Grant Powell, Ottawa
Alex Burritt, Ottawa
A Keefer, Ottawa
Deputy-Sheriff E. D. Sherwood, Ot-
T. H. Kirley, Ottawa
Wm. Pennock, Ottawa
J. F. Pennock, Ottawa
John Pennock, Ottawa
Wm. Sherwood, Brockville
Samuel Keefer, Brockville
Dr. Hurlburt, Ottawa
Hon. Wm. Macdou^all, Ottawa
Frank Macdougall, Ottawa
J. Cuppage, Orillia
John \V". Ryerson, Simcoe
P. F. Tanniff, London
Dr. Oronhyatekha, London
Dr. A. S. Bristol, Napanee
Dr. H. S. Griffin, Hamilton
H. Ouderkirk, Uxbridge
Henry Belcher, Uxbridge
C. S. Grace, Lindsay
M. K. Lockwood, Brighton
Rev. A. L. Gee, Brantford .
Duncan Chishohn, Oakville
Thursday, July 3rd, 1884.
THE United Empire Loyalist Centennial Celebration
in Toronto was commenced on the morning of Thurs-
day, July 3rd, 1884, in the Horticultural pavilion, the
gathering taking the form of a public meeting, interspersed
with musical selections. For a morning meeting the at-
tendance was exceptionably good, the hall being about
filled. There were a few Indians present, descendants of
those who accompanied the Loyalists to Canada in 1784.
In the rear of the platform hung the old flag presented in
1813 to the 3rd regiment of York Militia, by the ladies of
the county. Dr. Canniff, City Medical Health Officer,
presided, and with him on the platform were His Worship
the Mayor, the Lord Bishop of Niagara, Hon. Senator
Allan, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Denison, Rev. Dr. McNab (Bow-
manville), Rev. Leroy Hooker (Kingston), Rev. Dr. Scad-
ding, Rev. Dr. Rose, Rev. Arthur Baldwin, Rev. Dr. Dew-
art, Rev. S. A. Anderson (Penetang.), Rev. R. S. Forneri
(Adolphustown), Rev. Dr. Withrow, Chief Green (Tyen-
dinaga), Aid. F. C. Denison, Messrs. W. Kirby (Niagara),
A. McLean Howard, D. B. Read, S. J. Vankoughnet, J. H,
Morris, C. Haight, C. Egerton Ryerson, S. A. Denison,
John Playter, Rodney Moore, J. Graham, A. N. Gamble,
E. W. Clendenan, Chiefs Hill and Cross (Tyendinaga), Dr.
Hillier (Bowmanville), and others.
The Chairman said: — Ladies and Gentlemen — One hun-
dred years ago the foundation of this province, the Pro-
vince of Ontario, was laid by a band of pioneers known
as the United Empire Loyalists. We meet to-day to com-
memorate the event. In appearing before you as chair-
man of this representative and brilliant gathering, it is
only appropriate that I should briefly state why it is that
I, so poorly qualified for the duties, should occupy so.dis-
tinguished a position. It so happens that the Semi-Cen-
tennial of the incorporation of the city of Toronto is the
centennial of the settlement of the province. When my
friend, Mr. W. B. McMurrich, while mayor of the city, in-
augurated the scheme for the celebration of the Semi-Cen-
tennial of Toronto, it occurred to my mind that it would
be a fitting thing to combine with the Semi-Centennial of
the capital of the province a celebration of the centennial
of the province itself. The idea having been suggested
to the Semi-Centennial Committee, it was decided to set
apart Thursday of the Semi-Centennial week as the U. E.
Loyalists' day. Mr. McMurrich having intimated to me
that I should take the initiative in making the necessary
arrangements for this day, I took steps to convene a meet-
ing of those living in Toronto interested in the matter.
Among those present at that meeting was His Honour the
Lieu tenant-Governor, a distinguished descendant of a dis-
tinguished United Empire Loyalist. The Lieutenant-
Governor did me the honour to nominate me as perma-
nent chairman of the committee, and I was consequently
elected to the position. The next step in the matter was
a convention of delegates from different parts of the pro-
vince. At this convention my appointment as chairman
was unanimously confirmed. I need not say that I esteem
it a great honour to fill the position. The first duty rest-
ing upon me is on behalf of the committee to welcome the
representatives of the U. E. Loyalists who are assembled
here, and the gentlemen who have honoured us, and the
ladies who grace the occasion. Our celebration differs
from the city's in this respect — that it is held under the
auspices of the Provincial Government. While the sub-
stantial aid afforded by a Government grant is thankfully
recognized, the great gratification is that the worthy U.
E. Loyalist pioneers of the province were officially recog-
'nized. In so doing the Government honours itself no less
than the pioneers of the province. I am heartily glad to
inform you that I do not feel called upon to occupy your
time in speaking upon the subject which is foremost in
our thoughts. I have already, on another occasion and at
another place, said all I might have wished to say on the
subject relating to the U. E. Loyalists, but in any case I
should prefer to leave the matter in the hands of the gen-
tlemen who are to speak — gentlemen well known for their
eloquence — who will do ample justice to the occasion.
The pleasing duty now devolves upon ine of carrying out
the programme placed in your hands.
Mr. Sims Richards sang "Rule Britannia" in a man-
ner which evoked great enthusiasm, each verse being
greeted with a round of applause.
HON. G. W. ALLAN next addressed the meeting. He said :
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen — This is surely
a week which will long live in the memories of the citi-
zens of Toronto. It has been devoted to rejoicing,
such as may most fittingly commemorate the fiftieth anni-
versary of the it. corporation of our city, and he must surely
possess but a dull and inimpressible soul, who has not
caught something of the spirit and enthusiasm which have
characterized the proceedings of the last few days. This
morning, however, we are met here to commemorate an
event which concerns more or less not only the citizens of
Toronto, not only the people of Ontario, but all Cana-
dians from the Atlantic to the Pacific, for in every part of
this wide Dominion may still be found some of the de-
scendants of that noble band of whom a Canadian poet
has so worthily sung, that they —
" Loved the cause
That had been lost ; and scorned an alien name,
Passed into exile, leaving all behind
Except their honour and the conscious pride
Of duty done to country and to King."
As the chairman has reminded us, just one hundred years
ago did the Loyalists of America, abandoning home, pro-
perty, every worldly gain and advantage, rather than
forego their allegiance to the British Crown, and in the
face of hardships and trials, such as might have daunted
less brave and resolute hearts, come to what was then a
wilderness, and become fathers and founders of what we
now so proudly call the Dominion of Canada. It concerns
us not, upon this occasion, to inquire into the merits of
that unhappy quarrel which cost Great Britain the Ame-
rican colonies. Ample justice has been done by the writ-
ers and historians of that day, and down to the present
time, to the motives and actions of the successful revolu-
tionists. More than justice, in fact, for too many of the
chroniclers of these events have not been satisfied with
exalting the actors on the one side, and ascribing to them
every virtue, but have most unjustly and ingeniously de-
preciated and misrepresented those whose greatest crime
was that they were ' loyal and true to their sovereign, and
willingly sacrificed every worldly possession rather than
sever their connection with the Empire." The United
Empire Loyalists of one hundred years ago valued liberty
as much as the revolutionists, but they would have secured
the redress of their grievances by other means than by
severing the tie which bound them to Great Britain, and
when the party of revolution became the stronger and the
die was cast, and the ultimate appeal made to the sword,
then they drew it for the king, and never sheathed it
until the struggle was over, when, rather than preserve
land or possessions, or secure an immunity from persecu-
tion and ill-treatment by the abandonment of their princi-
ples, they determined upon that grand exodus which we
commemorate this day, and manfully set their faces to-
ward the wilds of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
Canada, to become the first founders of what is yet, thank
God, an integral part of the Empire, the fairest jewel in
Britain's Crown. The history of the cruel persecution
and unjust legislation of which the loyalists were made
the subjects in most of the States of the American Union
after the close of the struggle and the establishment of the
Republic, were it only more generally known, would as-
tonish those even among our own countrymen who have
so much admiration to bestow upon the successful revolu-
tionists, and but little sympathy for the heroism and
endurance of those who remained faithful to the cause, as
they believed it to be, of loyalty and honour. Undoubt-
edly the revolution, owing to the bitter animosities
engendered by the struggle, frequently led to cruel repri-
sals and deeds of bloodshed on both sides ; but that could
not justify the cruelty and persecution with which hun-
dreds were visited who had taken no active part in the
strife, or the expatriation of the many thousands whose
only crime had been their refusal to renounce their alle-
giance to their king. In a work called " Loyalists of
America and their Times," written by that distinguished
man, the late Rev. Egerton Ryerson, himself the son of a
U. E. Loyalist, there occurs the following passage : — " At
the close of the war, instead of witnessing, as in the case
of all other civilized nations at the termination of a civil
war, however rancorous and cruel, a general amnesty, and
the restoration of all parties to the rights and property
which they enjoyed at the commencement of the strife,
the Loyalists found themselves exiled and impoverished,
and their enemies in possession of their homes and do-
mains. It is true about three thousand of the Loyalists
were able to employ agents, or appear personally to apply
to the English Government and Parliament for compen-
sation for their losses and suffering in maintaining their
fidelity to .the Mother Country ; but these three thousand
constituted not one-tenth of the Loyalists who had suf-
fered losses and hardships during the civil war. Upwards
of thirty thousand of them were driven from the home of
their birth into what was then an almost untrodden wil-
derness." Of these latter who found their way to Upper
Canada and the sister provinces, many had fought stoutly
for the royal cause all through the war, and many were
the hairbreadth escapes, many the hardships they endured
before they reached British ground in safety. Others had
taken no active part in the contest, but were proscribed
and banished because their sympathies were known to have
been with the losing side. Others there were who, while
the struggle lasted, had taken what they considered the
side of duty and loyalty, but when hostilities were over
and England had recognized the Independence of the
States, were prepared to submit to the inevitable, and
take their place as citizens of the Republic. But the
cruel and vindictive treatment to which they were sub-
jected, and the penal legislation enacted against them,
drove them forth also to swell the ranks of those who
were to become the founders of a Io3ral British American
Confederation, side by side with the Republic which had
cast them out. The hardships which the Loyalists en-
dured in making their way to Canada, and the suffering
and privations experienced by many of them for years
after their first settlement in the country, were far more
severe than anything experienced by the Pilgrim Fathers
during the first years of their settlement in Massachu-
setts. From whatever point they came, long and weary
was the journey which the refugees had to perform before
they reached British territory. The majority of them
travelled on foot ; others who were better off carried their
little effects and young children on pack-horses, some-
times bringing their cattle with them. Many bands made
their way to Canada by Whitehall, Lake Champlain, Ti-
conderoga, and Plattsburg, and then, turning southward,
proceeded .to Cornwall, thence ascending the St. Law-
rence, along the north shore of which many of them
settled. Some among the earliest of the refugees had
sailed round the coast of New Brunswick and Nova Sco-
tia, and up the St. Lawrence to Sorel, wintering there,
and the following spring prosecuting their voyage in boats,
until they reached their destination at Kingston, then
called Cataraqui. But the most common route from New
York and that part of the States taken by the Loyalists
was on the Hudson River to Albany, then up a branch
of the Hudson called the Mohawk, and by a branch
of that river, called Wood creek, to Oneida lake, and
from Oneida lake to Lake Ontario by the Oswego River.
Flat-bottomed boats, built or purchased by the Loyalists
for the purpose, were used for their journey, and some idea
may be formed of the arduous nature of that journey when
we remember that the boats themselves had to be hauled
and all their contents carried over the various portages,
which are stated to have amounted altogether, on the whole
journey, to more than thirty miles in extent. From Os-
wego some of the Loyalists coasted along the eastern
shore of Lake Ontario to Kingston, and then up the Bay
of Quint^ ; others went westward along the south shore
of the lake to Niagara and Queenston ; some pursued
their course to the head of the lake at Burlington ; others
made their way up the Niagara river to Queenston, con-
veyed their boats over the portage of 10 or 12 miles to
Chippewa, thence up the river and into lake Erie, and
settled in what was called the Long Point country, now
the County of Norfolk. As you all know, in order to re-
ward the loyalty and to relieve the present necessities of
the Loyalists and their families, as well as to provide for
their future subsistence, the British Government made
liberal grants of land in Upper Canada. The Bay of
Quinte* was, I believe, among the first to be surveyed and
settled, and the settlement of what was then called the
Midland District commenced in the summer of 1783.
The new settlers were provided with farming implements,
building materials, and provisions, and some clothing for
the first two years. And to quote from Dr. Ryerson's
admirable work again — " In order to put a mark of
honour, as the Order in Council expressed, ' upon the
families who had adhered to the unity of the Empire, and
joined the Royal standard in America, before the treaty
of separation in 1783,' a list of such persons was directed
in 1789 to be made out and returned, to the end that their
posterity might be discriminated from future settlers.
From these emphatic words, the Unity of the Empire, it
was styled the United Empire List, and they whose
names were entered upon it were distinguished as United
Empire Loyalists." And now one hundred years have
passed away since that honour roll was drawn up — the
Loyalists of that day have passed to their rest, but far
and wide throughout the Dominion their descendants
may still be found glorying in the name and the traditions
they have inherited, and by our gathering here to-day we
desire to show that, as did our fathers in those days of old
— so do we desire to preserve the unity of the Empire,
and shall ever honour the memory of those who cheer-
fully risked every worldly gain or advantage, aye, even
life and liberty, to preserve unbroken the ties which
bound them to the Motherland. Nor can we forget, on
an occasion like the present, how nobly the old Loyalist
spirit showed itself when Canada subsequently became
the battlefield during the war between Great Britain and
the United States. It has been well remarked that the
true spirit of the Loyalists of America was never shown
with greater force than in the conduct of their descen-
dants during the war of 1812-14*. As their fathers
willingly risked life and fortune to maintain their con-
nection with the Empire, so the sons were ready at the
first trumpet call to leave wives and little ones' come
forth from their homesteads, and acquit themselves like
men in resisting the invaders who strove to wrest their
adopted country from the British Crown. Sir, it is a just
subject of pride to us Canadians that, thanks to the
loyalty and the pluck of the militia and volunteers of
those days, without distinction of class or nationality, the
Canadas, with a frontier of more than 1,000 miles, and
aided only by a few regiments of regular soldiers, resisted
the whole military power of the United States for two
years, at the end of which not one inch of Canadian soil
was in possession of the invaders. Behind us hangs a
flag [here the speaker turned and pointed to it] which I
thought would not be an uninteresting relic to be dis-
played on the present occasion. That flag was presented
by the ladies of York in 1813 to the third regiment of
York Militia. In some old manuscripts now deposited
in the library of the Dominion Parliament, called the
Coventry papers, and relating to the early history of
Canada, and especially to the war of 1812, there is con-
tained an account of the presentation of this flag, on be-
half of the ladies of York, by Miss Powell, daughter of
Chief Justice Powell, its consecration by Dr. Strachan,
afterwards so well known as the venerable Bishop of
Toronto, the reception of the colours by Major Allan,
commanding the regiment on that day, and who after-
wards became its colonel, and the committal of the colours
to the charge of Ensigns Charles Denison and Edward
Thompson. The records of those days show what good
service the flank companies of this regiment did at the
capture of Detroit and the glorious battle of Queenston
Heights. And the old chronicler in the papers I have
referred to goes on to speak of "the devotion and
gallantry of those who had been so lately called away
from the enjoyment of every peaceful blessing to defend
their property and rights, and the safety and glory of
this highly favoured portion of the British Empire." Mr.
Chairman, I am persuaded that the same spirit that
characterized the Canadian militiamen and volunteers in
1812 and the Loyalists of 1784, breathes in their descen-
dants now, and that my countrymen would be ready and
prepared now, as then, if occasion should unhappily require,
to defend not only " their rights and property," but the
" safety and glory of this Dominion, as one of the most
highly favoured portions of the British Empire." True,
we do find a certain class of writers in our midst attempt-
ing to decry loyalty to the Crown and attachment to Im-
perial connection as inconsistent with true patriotism and
pride in our country as Canadians. /I yield to no one
in my love for my native country. The very soil of
Canada is dear to me. I love her lakes and forests, her
mighty rivers, her broad and fertile fields. I am proud
of the past history of my country, of the wonderful pro-
gress it has made not only in material prosperity, but in
all that contributes to the higher life ot a nation ; its ad-
vancement in education and culture, the fitness our peo-
ple have displayed for free and constitutional government,
and that observance of law and order which is the noblest
characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race. But all this is
entirely consistent with a deep and abiding love and
attachment to the Motherland, whose glorious traditions
we inherit, and which are the common property
ol every subject of the empire. Is there anything servile
or unpatriotic in the feeling which makes the pulse beat
more quickly and the heart swell, as we recall the glorious
deeds of Britain's heroes on land and sea — whether in the
old days of Wellington and Nelson, Waterloo and the
Nile, or, coming down to our time, to Balaklava or Inker-
man ; or but yesterday, as we read of the rush of the
Highlanders upon the foe at Tel-El-Kebir ? Is there
anything servile or unpatriotic in that feeling of rever-
ence and affection for all that is great and noble in the
lives and characters and works of the long array of states-
men, philosophers and poets, of men of mark in Church and
State, that have made Britain's history the proud and
glorious one that it is ? Is there anything servile or un-
patriotic in that sentiment of deep and chivalrous loyalty
to the sovereign which takes out of self and makes men
dare to do and die from the highest motives of faith and
duty ? Sir, are not all those feelings which elevate and
ennoble a people ? And if it is good for us to recall to-day
the loyalty and patriotism, the bravery and endurance of
our Loyalist forefathers, shall we abandon the rich heri-
tage of centuries, and cut ourselves and our children
adrift from the glorious memories and associations which
now belong to us Canadians as members of the one great
United Empire ?/I am persuaded of better things of my
countrymen. The old Loyalist spirit is not extinct. It
may not babble as loudly of its loyalty as some do of
their independence, but the stream runs deep, though
noiselessly, and that time, I trust, will never come when
Canada will cease to be a part of the Empire, and when
we shall cease to bear the proud name of British Canadians.
"Home, Sweet Home" was then sung by Miss K. C.
Strong, after which Mrs. Charlotte Morrison recited the
following original poem, specially written for the occasion
by the Rev. LeRoy Hooker, ^of Kingston:—
In the brave old Revolution days,
So by our sires 'tis told,
Kiug's-men and Rebels all ablaze
With wrath and wrong,
Strove hard and long ;
And, fearsome to behold,
O'er town and wilderness afar,
O'er quaking land and sea and air,
All dark and stern the cloud of war
In bursting thunder rolled.
Men of one blood- of British blood,
Rushed to the mortal strife ;
Men, brothers born,
In hate and scorn
Shed each the other's life.
"Which had the right and which the wrong
It boots not now to say :
But when at last
The war-cloud passed,
Cornwallis sailed away ;
He sailed away, and left the field
To those who knew right well to wield
The powers of war, but not to yield,
Though Britons fought the day.
Cornwallis sailed away, but left
Full many a loyal man,
Who wore the red,
And fought and bled
Till Royal George's banner fled
Not to return again.
What did they then, those loyal men,
When Britain's cause was lost ?
Did they consent,
And dwell content
Where Crown, and Law, and Parliament
Were trampled in the dust.
Dear were their homes where they were born ;
Where slept their honoured dead :
Aoid rich and wide
On every side
The fruitful acres spread ;
But dearer to their faithful hearts
Than home, or gold, or lands,
Were Britain's laws, and Britain's crown,
And Britain's flag of long renown,
And grip of British hands.
They would not spurn the glorious old
To grasp the gaudy new.
Of, yesterday's rebellion born
They held the upstart power in scorn —
To Britain they stood true.
With high resolve they looked their last
On home and native land ;
And sore they wept,
O'er those that slept
In honoured graves that must be kept
By grace of stranger's hand.
They looked their last and got them out
Into the wilderness,
The stern old wilderness !
All dark and rude
And unsubdued ;
The savage wilderness !
Where wild beasts howled
And Indians prowled ;
The lonely wilderness !
Where social joys must be forgot,
And budding childhood grow untaught ;
Where hopeless hunger might assail
Should Autumn's promised f i uitage fail
Where sickness, unrestrained by skill,
Might slay their dear ones at its will ;
Where they iimst lay
Their dead away
Without the man of God to say
The sad sweet words, how dear to men,
Of resurrection hope. But then
'Twas British wilderness !
Where they might sing,
God save the King !
And live protected by his laws,
And loyally upheld his cause.
'Twas welcome wilderness !
Though dark and rude
And unsubdued ;
Though wild beasts howled
And Indians prowled ;
For there their sturdy hands,
By hated treason undenled,
Might win from th« Canadian wild
A home on British Lnds.
These be thy heroes, Canada?
These men of proof, whose test
Was in the fevered pulse of strife
When foeman thrusts at foeman's life ;
And in that stern behest,
When right must toil for scanty bread,
While wrong on sumptuous fare is fed,
And men must choose between ;
When fight must shelter 'neath the skies,
While wrong in lordly mansion lies,
And men must choose between ;
When right is cursed and crucified,
While wrong is cheered and glorified,
And men must choose between.
Stern was the test,
And sorely pressed,
That proved their blood best of the best.
And when for Canada you pray,
Implore kind Heaven
That, like a leaven,
The hero-blood which then was given
May quicken in her veins alway ;
That from those worthy sires may spring,
In number as the stars,
Strong-hearted BODS, whose glorying
Shall be in Right,
Though recreant Might
Be strong against her in the fight,
And many be her scars ;
So, like the sun, her honoured name
Shall shine to latest years the same.
The Chairman then announced that Judge Dean, of
Lindsay, who was to have delivered an address, was un-
able to be present. His place would be taken by Chief
Green, one of the descendants of the well-known warrior
Brant — who had fought side by side with the U. E. Loy-
alists who came into the wilderness a hundred years ago.
CHIEF GREEN, a Mohawk Indian of Tyendinaga, then
came forward, and was received with loud applause. He
said it gave him great pleasure to meet there the descen
dants of the U. E. Loyalists, assembled to commemorate
one of the greatest events in the history of the country.
The old Loyalists had chosen to sacrifice everything in a
country where they were prospering, and came out to the
Canadian wilderness rather than be untrue to their king.
He felt that they had chosen in favour of the right.
There was a time when the whole continent .of North
America was occupied by the race he represented. They
often fought among themselves. One day a very wise
head among the Mohawks suggested a scheme for the
consolidation of several tribes for mutual protection — a
scheme which was adopted, and led to the organization
of the Six Nation Indians, whom he now represented.
In the course of time England and his nation made a
treaty, which his tribes had since loyally observed. In
fact, when the rebellion took place, his nation removed
from New York State, and sacrificed their territory, in
order to accompany their white Loyalist brethren to this
country. They did more than this; for they took up
arms and fought and died for England. The United
States gained their independence, but his forefathers re-
mained under British connection. The Six Nation Indi-
ans were all Christians, belonging to the Church of Eng-
land, which they loved. They formed a settlement on the
shores of the Bay of Quintl, and built a church there.
He here remarked that a communion service on the plat-
form had been presented to his forefathers by Queen Anne.
He proceeded to say that of late years his people had
made much progress in civilization and Christianity.
They had to-day two churches, one of which had cost
$7,000, and the other $3,500. They had four good schools
in the reservation, and two white lady teachers. In 1879
he went to England and made an appeal to the people
there on behalf of one of the schools. He succeeded in
his mission, and found the English the kindest people
under the sun. He found them as his forefathers had
represented them to be — ladies and gentlemen of the first
rank. He obtained a grant in England to carry on the
work for twenty years. He was proud to be there to
associate with the descendants of the U. E. Loyalists, even
as his forefathers had associated with their forefathers.
He believed Canada ranked with any nation on the globe
acccording to its age.
Mr. Warrington then sang in splendid style the well-
known patriotic song, " If England to Herself be True,"
and in answer to an enthusiastic encore, sang " Who's
for the Queen ? " with equal spirit.
The Chairman here exhibited the Communion set pre-
sented to the Mohawk Indians in 1711. During the re-
bellion the Indians buried them to preserve them, and dug
them up again after the war. He then, in introducing Lieu-
tenant-Colonel G. T. Denison, said the Denison family in
old times had done good service on the borders. In the war
of 1812 and 1837 they were found at their post of duty.
They took an active part in securing the country to the
Canadians. The Denison family were not only soldiers,
but descendants of the U. E. Loyalists, and the United
States Jost a good deal when they lost this famliy.
Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, we meet to-day in honour
of the U. E* Loyalists who a hundred years ago came here
and founded this province. Their coming was the result
of their loyal adherence to a great principle. It was not
so much a question of what is called loyalty as devotion
to a particular type of government.
The great question fought out in the United States, in
1776, was whether they should be ruled by a republic or a
monarchy, and when the U. E. Loyalists were defeated in
the States they came here, and established this province
upon monarchical institutions. Tn 1812, an attempt was
made to annex this country by the people of the United
States, and to make us a republican people. This was a re-
petition of the struggle between the two forms of govern-
ment. At that time Upper Canada was a sparsely settled
community, and we had about 80,000 of a population, al-
most altogether consisting of U. E. Loyalists and their de-
scendants, while the United Sates had a population of
something like ten millions. The odds were enormous, in-
finitely greater than they would be to-day. Fortunately
we had at that time the right kind of a man at the head of
affairs, General Brock. He was one of the great men of
all history. He called together the volunteers of this city,
told them what they would have to encounter ; told them
what odds were against them, and asked them to follow
him to the front. Every one of them responded. Invasion
followed invasion, and although the odds were always
against us, the fortune of war was with us. Of the vic-
tories over the invaders we all know. At the end of the
fight we had not lost a single inch of Canadian territory
while we had the State of Michigan, and had burned the
capital city of our enemies.
This was the lesson we should teach our children,
and keep it ever freshly remembered as a ground of
hope for us, to give us confidence in the future. The
U. E. Loyalists deserved the greatest credit for the
gallant stand they made in 1776 for monarchical in-
stitutions, but they deserve ten thousand times more
credit because, when the odds were against them, they
maintained their rights, and handed them down unim-
paired to us. The people of Canada live in the freest coun-
try on the face of the globe, and must appreciate what the
U. E. Loyalists have done for them in preserving it for
their descendants.
Let us compare the position of Canada to-day with
that of the United States. We have every liberty to
do what is right, but we have no license to do what is
wrong. Our laws are honestly administered. Life
and property are safe in this country. In everything
which affects the individual, this is the freest and the
best country. In the State of Kentucky, in ten years,
there have been 700 murders, and yet there has been
in that time only one hanging by process of law. There
were 1,500 convictions for murder across the line in 1883,
and only 93 hangings, while 118 people were lynched.
The chances of a murderer escaping after he is convicted
in the United States are sixteen to one. The number of
murders in England amount to 237 per annum in each
ten millions ; in the United States they are 820, or
three times as many. Are we not better off than the peo-
ple of a country where they carry deadly weapons with
impunity ; where lax divorce laws have shaken the sanc-
tity of the marriage tie ; where the principal, if not the
sole test^of respectability is wealth, and where lynch law
spasmodically attempts to remedy the lax administration
of justice by the regular courts, and for the fact that we
are living under a better and freer system, we have to
thank the U. E. Loyalists, who saved us from annexation.
Again, our system of government is simpler, cheaper and
more dignified. Our neighbours have never considered
what it costs them to elect the head of the State every
four years. I was told by a prominent gentleman con-
nected with one of the party organizations in one of
the States, that the expenses of his party in that State
alone amounted to $600,000 for the Presidential election.
Counting the expenditure for all the States and for both
parties, it would seem that the cost of an election was
$40,000,000, or at the rate of $10,000,000 a year. That
sum would pay the whole expense of maintaining the
Royal houses of England, Austria and Germany. And
with all the expense, they had at the head of the
States simply the representative of a faction, and very
often only of the wire-pullers and tricksters of that fac-
tion. Without expense, without labor, worry or anxiety,
we Canadians have a sovereign respected by all political
parties, and by all the world. For this we have to thank
the United Empire Loyalists.
In talking of loyalty to the Queen, I speak of her as the
Queen of Canada. I am as loyal to Canada as any man
upon its soil, and it is because of that loyalty to Canada,
and Canada alone, that I am loyal to the Queen, believing
that living under the institutions of which the Queen is
the representative, Canadians will become a better and a
greater race of people.
There is another point to be considered in refer-
ence to this great question of republicanism and mon-
archy. The great objection to a republican form of
government is that it is very uncertain and unreliable.
If we look at the republics of the world we shall find that
these republics have rarely, if ever, been a success, except
among poor, sparsely settled countries. The republican
form of government is liable to lead to constant civil war.
That is the experience of history. The republics of South
America and of Mexico have had civil wars and blood-
shed every few years. Ever since they destroyed the legi-
timate monarchy in France, they have had revolution and
bloodshed about every fifteen years. But it might be
said that that is not the case in the United States. I
think that the same thing is beginning there. In 1830
—before which date they did not have the same time to
give to politics — when General Jackson was elected Presi-
dent, there was a narrow chance of parties breaking out
in civil war ; but a vigorous man being at the head of
affairs that was prevented. In 1860, when the Demo-
cratic party was defeated, the county was visited by
one of the most terrible civil wars known in history, one
which loaded their country with debt, and drenched their
fields with blood. In 1876 there was another great risk
of war, which certainly would have taken place had the
late war not occurred so recently. Twenty years will not
pass without civil war again breaking out in that country,
and if Canadians know what is good for them they will have
nothing to do with them, or their form of government.
I wish to say a few words about independence. This is
the same old question under another form. It is the
Republican idea, as opposed to the Monarchical, and
it is nob the first time it has come up in this country.
It came up in 1776, when Arnold and Montgomery came
here and tried to annex the country. But the lately-con-
quered French stood by the Crown, and the scheme was
defeated. In 1812 the same question was up, and by the
lavish shedding of Canadian blood our rights and liberties
were preserved. In 1837 a rebellion was begun, headed
by a stranger, a new-comer, but the loyalists of that day
came out in defence of the constitution. It is true there
were then many grievances to be remedied. The gov-
ernment was by an irresponsible executive. There really
'were grievances, but the descendants of the Loyal-
ists knew that no matter what the grievances were
they were nothing compared with what they would
have had to submit to in a republic. The Loyalists
turned out en masse and the rebellion was put down.
In 1849, a few prominent politicians, a little annoyed
about some political matter, signed an annexation mani-
festo, but instantly the feeling of the Canadians was
shown to be so strongly against them that it dropped at
once. In 1871, the Canada First movement began. I
was a member of that party, and had a good deal to do
with it, because I consider Canada before any other coun-
try in the world. But one gentleman made the mistake
of believing that some of the members were in favour of
independence, and speaking in that spirit killed the thing
with a breath. Many gentlemen left it, feeling that their ac-
tion was likely to be misunderstood.
From whom comes this cry for independence ? Not
from the real Canadians, but from a few hangers on
of the newspaper press — a few wanderers and Bohe-
mians— men who have lived indifferently in Canada and
the States, and have never been satisfied anywhere —
men without an atom of stake in the country. And
do you think that the people of Canada are goi^g to
submit themselves to the guidance of such men ? Never.
The independence party in Canada can almost be counted
on one's fingers and toes. The movement did not amount
to anything, and the moment the people of Canada thought
it did, the real feeling of the country would manifest it-
self. I would like to ask these gentlemen whether they
thought it fair and honest of strangers to come here to air
their theories, trying to interfere with a prosperous, happy,
and contented people — a people who have no griev-
ances they cannot easily remedy themselves. What these
men want, goodness only knows. If Canadians are not an
independent people, I do not know where such a people
can be found.
I have read their arguments, and they do not amount
to anything. They say," If we were independent we
could have an officer of our force in command of our
militia." The law which requires an officer of the
British Army was passed by the representatives of the
Canadian people, and can be repealed by the same power.
They find fault because we have the Privy Council as a
Court of final appeal. I look upon it as a great blessing
that Canadians have a tribunal so learned and impartial,
so free from all bias through party squabbles, to adjudi-
cate on points of difference. Independent nations often
refer questions of difference to foreign tribunals, yet
they do not forfeit their freedom by so doing.
There is not a single point in which we are not as well off
as our neighbours. But we have this also, we belong to the
greatest empire the world has ever seen. We have all
the credit and respectability attached to being connected
with so great an empire, and our ambition should be to
become the most powerful part of that empire. They say
a Canadian cannot hold his head up because he does not
belong to an independent nation — that if he did he would
be a great fellow. They try to appeal to our vanity. If
we were independent, would we be any greater a people
than we are to-day. Take Brazil, an independent empire,
with about the same territory, twice the population, and
three times the revenue of Canada, and who would not
rather be called a Canadian than a Brazilian? Who would
not rather be a Canadian than a Mexican ? The whole of
their arguments were fallacies. The reason we are
proud of being Canadians is that Canada is not only
one of the finest countries on the face of the globe, and
going to have as fine a population as can be found
anywhere, but also that it is a part of the great em-
pire to which we are proud to belong.
I have endeavoured to show that every attempt to bring
about independence in the past had been put down by the
Canadian people by bloodshed, and there could not be any
attempt to bring Republican institutions into this country
without bloodshed. I ask these wanderers, these Bohe-
mians, therefore, whether it is right of them to come here
and interfere with us, when they have the opportunity of
going to the United States, where they can get a Gov-
ernment exactly as they want it — where they can
find a similar climate, and a people speaking the
same language. They have no excuse to remain here,
for when they can so easily get what they want
they should go to the United States, and leave us alone.
We do not want them, and we can get on very well with-
out them.
It must not be forgotten that all the advantages
we have to-day we owe to our ancestors, the U. E.
Loyalists, and the sacred trusts handed down by them
should be passed on intact and unimpaired to our child-
ren. That is the duty of this generation, and it is to the
descendants of the Loyalists that we must look to see that
this is done. I wish to quote to you some words writ-
ten by Mr. Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, son of the cele-
brated author of " Sam Slick " : " Whenever we lower
those we love into the grave, we entrust them to the bosom
of our country as sacred pledges that the soil that is thus
consecrated by their dust shall never be violated by
a foreign flag or the foot of a foe, and whenever the
voice of disloyalty whispers in our ear, or passing discon-
tent tempts us to forget those who are to come after us,
or those who have gone before us, the leal, the true, and
the good, who cleared our forests, and made the land they
loved a heritage of plenty and peace to us and to our
children, a stern voice comes echoing on through thirty
centuries ; a voice from the old sleepers of the pyramids ;
a voice from a mighty nation of the past that long ages
has slumbered on the banks of the Nile. ' Accursed be
he who holds not the ashes of his fathers sacred, and for-
gets what is due from the living to the dead.' "
Let our energies be devoted to building up our country,
improving our commerce, strengthening our defences, in-
creasing our confidence in oursel ves and in each other, and
it will not be many years or generations before Canada will
hold a place in the British Empire as the most import-
ant and principal part of it. To the United Empire Loy-
alists and their descendants we must look to see that this
is done. I can not sit down without quoting those ad-
mirable words of the Rev. Mr. Leroy Hooker : —
" Stern was the test,
And sorely pressed,
That proved their blood best of the best,
And when for Canada you pray
Jiuplore kind Heaven
That, like a leaven,
The hero-blood which then was given
May quicken in her veins alway ;
That from those worthy sires may spring,
In number as the stars,
Strong-hearted sons, whose glorying
Shall be in Right,
Though recreant Might
Be strong against her in the fight,
A nd many be her scars ;
So like the sun, her honoured name
Shall shine to latest years the same.."
Miss Foster, of Guelph, then sang a " A Loyalist Song," a
beautiful production, the beauties of which were fully
brought out by Miss Foster. She was loudly applauded,
and the people insisting on a recall. She came back and
repeated the first verse. Mrs. Morrison then gave another
reading, " Loyalist Days," commemorative of the traits
and deeds of the United Empire Loyalists, which was
loudly applauded. The author is Mrs. Kittson, of Sorel,
P. Q. Thus it runs :—
In Memory of the United Empire. Loyalists. Dedicated to their deicendant$.
The earliest ages claim immortal heroes.
Among the stars great conquerors' names are found.
The hosts of Israel sing, " Arise, Jehovah,"
The dust they trod is con>ecrated ground.
Greece is one shrine of earth's anointrd warriors,
Our souls are with their self devotion thrilled ;
A thought of Regulus lights up the grandeur
Which lingers round the city seven hilled.
The last " Adieu" of Fowland's silvery bugle
Is heard amid the snowy Pyrenees ;
A voice floats from the rugged slopes of Sempach
On every waft of mountain-hallowed breeze.
The heavens bow with majesty of triumph,
The ocean winds those sounds of victory keep,
The muffled drums of armaments are rolling,
The sea-kings hear the clarions of the deep.
O'er pathless cliffs and storm -emblazoned ramparts,
Above the flow of an impetuous tide,
The banners of rich sunset cloud saluted
Thefleur de-Hg, the New World's virgin bride.
The dawn mist hung around the plains o Abraham,
The tears of war dropped swiftly, brightly red ;
When conquest left the death r< >11 on the altar
The morning light its purest halo shed.
The river gleams with monumental marble,
W'hile, foaming round the battle cresttd rock,
The regal waves, beneath the heights of Queenston,
In every ripple write the name of Brock.
Has Laura Secord any living homage ?
When strife's tornado burst upon our shores,
Through lines of sentry and through Indian forests
That soldier's wife her timely warning bore.
Has history crowned the staunchly bold defenders,
Who nobly braved the conflict's darkest hour —
The men wtto for the heritage of Britons
Left bri-fhtning spheres of stately wealth and power ?
They fought, to live beneath the Old Flag's shadow,
The sceptr'd lion's foremost sons were they,
Who halted not at breastworks formed of bayonets,
Through gates of fire they held their onward way.
The U. E. Loyalists were never vanquished,
Though many sleep in their blood-sprinkled ground,
As true as steel by battle lightnings tempered,
As true as steel, they " unto death were found."
Their swords were in their own brave keeping buried.
Else from their scabbards they would leap in flame
To hear the words by recreant statesmen uttered,
Who would defile the Royalty of Fame.
The vast Dominion from each frontier summons
A mighty host with memories of the past ;
The U. E. Loyalists unfold their banners,
And rouse the echoes with a trumpet blast.
Sons of the brave, remember your forefathers,
Shine kindly words f r< >m every warrior grave,
Shreds of the Union Jack, in battle cloven,
O'er hero dust your glorious records wave.
Mr. E. W. Schuch sang in splendid style, and with
great feeling, the well-known Canadian patriotic song,
" The Maple Leaf for Ever."
THE BISHOP OF NIAGARA said he had felt that they
had not recognized, as fully as they ought to have done on
that occasion, that the Loyalists were as a body imbued
with a true religious spirit, and they had been told that
more by their red brother that morning than by their
white brethren. He could not help feeling deeply that
what Chief Green had said was perfectly true, and there-
fore he asked the privilege of concluding the service by
giving them, with God's permission, the apostolic bene-
diction. His Lordship pronounced the benediction, after
which the gathering dispersed.
His Honour Lieutenant-Governor Robinson gave a re-
ception at Government house during the afternoon be-
tween the hours of three and five o'clock. There was a
large and representative gathering of descendants of U. E.
Loyalists from all over the Province. Captain Merritt,
G.G.B.G., acted as A.D.C. in plage of Capt. Geddes, who
was unavoidably absent from the city. Following is a
list of those present : —
Col. R. B. Denison, Deputy- Adjutant General ; Col. G.
T. Denison, Col. Alger, Col. Shaw, Col. Acton, Col.
Graveley, Major F. Denison, Bishop and Mrs. Fuller, Nia-
gara, Rev. Dr. Scadding, Rev. Foreman, Rev. Johnston,
Rev. Dobies, Rev. Thomas Cullen and wife, Rev. Leroy
Hooker, Dr. and Mrs. Hogart, Hon. Mr. Allan, S. Denison,
A. Denison, Mrs. E. Ryerson, F. Wooten, A. W. Smith, J.
Playter, N. A Gamble and wife, S. Secord, T. Horner, E.
Field, Dr. and Mrs. Beatty, Cobourg ; Judge McDougall,
C. B. Stephens, H. J..Medaw, Mrs. H. Frazer, G. Gamble,
Mr. and Mrs. Brynes, Mrs. J. S. Ryerson, E. J. Beaty,
Mrs. Boldins, K. and H. Chisholm, T. H. Condill, C. E. Mac-
donald, Canniff Haight and wife, Mrs. J. Cormock jr. and
Miss Fanny Harding, Mr. Racey, Mr. Leach and wife, Mr.
Sutherland and wife, and Mr. McDonald, of Philadelphia ;
Aid. Brandon, Aid. Walker, J. Osborne, P. Peterson, J. N.
Stephenson and wife, R. Moore, Mr. Meek, R. T. Watson,
Miss Beard, Mr. Birmington, wife and daughter, Miss
Thomas, T. H. Drink water, J, Pearson and wife, Mrs.
Stephenson, S. Jarvis, J. A. Hunter, Mr. Pettit, Mr. Biggar,
Mr. Haskitt, S. M. Sanford, Mr. Grainger, H. Burns, W.
Greeve, Mr. and Mrs. Vaudusen, sr., Mr. and Miss Davis,
Mr. Peter, A. A. Davis, Mr. Coppige, R. Holmes, the
Misses Cornish and Miss Armstrong, W. Medland, W. An-
derson, T. W. Elliott, Mr. Raymond, Mrs. Vanwagner,
J. C. Campbell, Mr. Wallace, J. F. Day.
The band of the 10th Royal Grenadiers was present
and played for some time in the beautiful grounds,
outside the conservatory. Several interesting addresses
were delivered, his Honour being the first to speak. He
began by saying that he had just returned from hearing
speeches that did justice to heroic men. He was glad to
welcome the descendants of those heroes at Government
House, and would like the people of Ontario to know that
there is at least one place in this Province where politics
do not intrude, and where all were welcome. He referred
to his being a descendant of a U. E. Loyalist, and was
only sorry that he could not do full justice to their
memory. No words could adequately describe the loyalty
and devotion of the heroes who shed their blood to defend
the grand old flag that now floated above Government
House. Sons of such sires could not forget their deeds,
and looking back through the long vista of a hundred
years we see them forsaking the land that had been
theirs, to carve their way through the forests of Ontario.
They left their broad acres and the graves of their
fathers through their love for Britain and British insti-
tutions. It gave him pleasure, he said, to welcome the
American gentlemen present. He had smoked the pipe
of peace with them, and hoped that none but the most
friendly relations would ever exist between Canada and
the American Republic. He had been in New York
when they were celebrating Evacuation Day. At the re-
ception which he attended the health of the Queen was
drunk with the greatest enthusiasm, and he would never
forget the remarks made by the chairman on that occasion.
Said he : " When I look around and see with what enthus-
iasm the health of the Queen of England has been received,
I cannot but think that after all the evacuation so far as we
are concerned was not a thorough success. It was really a
dismal failure, for although we succeeded in getting rid of
a few Englishmen then, they have come back in over-
whelming numbers, and thousands of English vessels
carry our commerce round the world, and we could but ill
afford to lose them." Although a reverse was sustained
by England in that desperate struggle of a century ago
it has not been without lasting benefit. It has founded
the supremacy of the English race, and it was his prayer
that it might ever continue. The labour demonstration
of the previous day had shown what Canadians were
doing. They have a great heritage, thanks to their noble
ancestors, and he was glad that all classes were trying to
appreciate it. Numbers do not make a country, but the
enterprise, intelligence, and loyalty of its inhabitants.
His Honour then called upon Mr. Leroy Hooker, who
commenced by saying that though not a descendant of a
U. E. Loyalist he was as every Canadian should be, a
United Empire Loyalist, one who believed in Canada, and
in the great bright future that is opening for it. Mr.
Hooker was followed by Mr. Kirby, of Niagara, a gentle-
man widely known in Western Ontario. He spoke of the
settlement in Upper Canada by the U. E. Loyalists, and
gave a short account of some -of the stirring incidents that
occurred during the war.
Lieutenant-Governor Aikins, of Manitoba, was the next
speaker. He paid a glowing tribute to the U. E. Loyalists,
who gave up everything for king and country, and said
that but for them the map would not show such a large
extent of country on this continent under the flag of
Britain as it does.
The Rev. Mr. Anderson, who has been among the Cana-
dian Indians almost from childhood, followed. Of the In-
dian Loyalists who fought side by side with their white
brothers, he spoke in the most favourable terms. But for
them the tide of battle would often have turned against
us, and a debt that can never be fully paid is due to the
aborigines who fought for us.
His Honour Lieutenant-Governor Robinson then made
a few additional remarks, and the visitors withdrew,
A.TJOTJST 1 4= t >i , 1884,.
His Honor J. B. Robinson, Lieut. -
Governor of Ontario.
The Warden, Reeves and Deputy-
Reeves of the County of Lincoln.
R. H. Smith, Mayor of St. Catha-
H. S. Garrett, Mayor of Niagara.
Rt. Rev. T. B. Fuller, Bishop of
Hon. W. H. Dickson, ex-Senator.
Hon. J. B. Plumb, Senator.
Hon. J. R. Benson, Senator.
J. C. Rykert, M.P.
S. Neelon, M.P. P.
Dr. Ferguson, M.P.
Col. Moran, M.P.P.
L. McCallum, M.P.
R. Harcourt, M.P.P.
D. Thompson, M.P.
J. Baxter, M.P.P.
T. R. Merritt, St. Catharines.
J. P. Merritt, do
Col. Macdonald, do
R. Lawrie, do
Thos. Keyes, do
Jas. Seymour, do
J. A. Woodruff, do
W. Kirby, Niagara.
J. G. Dickson, do
R. Dickson, do
Col. Clench, do
Dr. Anderson,| do
Dr. Canniff, Toronto.
C. E. Ryerson, do
Col. G. T. Denison, Toronto.
D. B. Reed, do
J. Playter, do
R. B. Miller, do
J. C. Kirby, do
Rev. Dr. Withrow, do
G. A. Clement, Toronto.
Ven. Archdeacon McMurray, Nia-
A. Hill, Chief of Mohawks, Bay of
S. Green, Chief of Mohawks, Bay
of Quints'.
H. Paffard, Niagara.
J. W. Ball, Niagara Township.
W. A. Thompson, do
J. Cooper, do
Joe Clement, do
J. Butler, do
R. N. Ball, do
Alex. Servos, do
Peter Whitmore, do
Rev. Dr. Scadding, Toronto.
Dr. Ruttan, Napanee.
D. W. Allison, M.P.
Rev. R. S, Forneri, Adolphustown.
Archdeacon Dixon, Guelph.
Rev. W. S. Ball, Elderton.
W. A. Campbell, Chatham.
Jag. Ingersoll, Woodstock.
Jas. Davis, sr., Hamilton.
E. Servos, Hamilton.
T. Davis, Winona.
John D. Servos, Niagara.
J. B. Secord, Niagara.
S. Secord, Louth.
Rev. J. A. Anderson, Penetangui-
I. P. Wilson, Welland.
Rev. W. Walsh, Fonthill.
Richd. Miller, St. Catharines.
P. H. Ball, Thorold.
F. L. Walsh, Simcoe.
G. Whitmore, Niagara Township.
Rev. LeRoy Hooker, Kingston.
August 14th, 1884.
ON the 14th of August, 1884, at Niagara, on historic
ground, in a glade of the Oak Grove, a short dis-
tance from the ruins of Fort George, on the scene of the
first Parliament of Upper Canada, and in a neighbourhood
watered by the blood of their forefathers, the descendants
of the United Empire Loyalists, assembled to hold the
final centennial celebration of the arrival of the Loyal-
ists in this country. A large platform, thirty-six by
twenty-four feet square, was erected for the committee
and speakers. A tall flag-staff, in the centre of the plat-
form, displayed the Union Jack, and at each of the four
corners rose tall flag-staffs supporting British ensigns.
In front was a large painting of the Royal arms, and
around the platform were hung graceful festoons of oak
and maple. Some tablets were on the sides and front
containing the names of men and officers of the Lincoln
militia who fell during the war.
Shortly after one o'clock there assembled representa-
tives from all parts of the Province interested in the
day's proceedings, Among them were His Honour the
Lieutenant-Governor, the Lord Bishop of Niagara, the
Archdeacons of Niagara and Guelph, Rev. Dr. Barclay,
Toronto, Rev. Dr. McNab, Bowmanville, Hon. J. Burr
Plumb, Colonel Denison, D. A. G , Colonel G. T. Denison,
Major F. C. Denison, Chief Green and Chief Hill, Bay of
Quintd Reserve, Chief Johnson, Colonel McFarland, Mr.
Garrett, Mayor of Niagara, Rev. Charles Campbell, Mr. S.
Neelon, M. P. P., Hon. J. G. Dickson, Niagara, Mr. J. His-
cott, Warden of Lincoln, Mr. J. H. Morris, Toronto, Mr.
A. Whitmore, Niagara, Lieutenant W. H. Meriitt, Toronto,
who was acting aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant-Governor,
Mr. Wm. Keys, Grantham, Mr. F. Lefroy, Mr. D. B. Read,
Mr. W. Kirby, Niagara, Rev. Mr. Anderson, Penetangui-
shene, Mr. W. H. Doel, J. P., Toronto, Mr. C. N. Ball,
Judge Senkler, St. Catharines, Dr. Clark, Messrs. John
Elliott, J. T. Gilkison, A. Cleghorn and W. Griffin, Brant-
ford, Dr. Rolls, Sheriff Woodruff, Mr W. R. Pattison, St.
Catharines. Mr. I. P. Wilson, County Clerk of Lincoln,
Mr. L. D. Raymond, County Attorney, Mr. J. M. Dunn,
and many others. The York Pioneers were well repre-
sented, and there was also in attendance a delegation of
48 Chiefs and Warriors from the Grand River reserve,
headed by Chief A. G. Smith, official interpreter. Of
this delegation two of the Chiefs were survivors of the
war of 1812. They were Captain John Smoke Johnson,
in his 93rd year, who was present at the battles of
Queenston, Lundy's Lane, Black Rock, and other engage-
ments on the Niagara frontier, and Chief John Tutelle,
in his 9 1st year. The Tuscarora Indian band was also
present and played some delightful selections during the
afternoon. Around the platform about 2,000 persons
were assembled.
R. N. BALL, Esq., of Niagara, occupied the chair, and
opened the proceedings. He said : —
MY FRIENDS,— The time has arrived when we should
begin the proceedings of the day. I am much pleased to
see so large a gathering of the descendants of the IT. E.
Loyalists on this classic ground, to do honour to the mem-
ory of those noble men and women who, rather than live
under an alien rule, left all the comforts and luxuries of
their well filled homes that they might found in the then
wilderness of Canada a new home, where the British flag
might still wave over, and British laws still govern them.
This decision, on their part, brought with it many hard-
ships and disadvantages. But the result has fully justified
the wisdom of their choice, and we, their descendants, now
reap the benefits of their sacrifices in the possession of
this noble Canada of ours, whose fertile acres reach
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and containing within
its bounds all the elements of a great and prosperous
nation. A country of lakes and rivers, of noble forests
and almost boundless prairies. A country that every de-
scendant of the U. E. Loyalists will be proud to acknow-
ledge as the land of his birth, and be willing to defend
to the best of his power. Many a time, in my early
youth, I have listened with wrapt attention as my grand-
mother told me the story of the capture of Fort Wyoming
by Butler and Brant (in which she was detained as be-
longing to a loyal family), of the long journey from the
Mohawk river to Oswego, through the then almost un-
broken forest, traversed only by an Indian trail ; how,
on arriving at Oswego, she and others embarked in an
open boat for Fort Niagara ; how they were nine days
on the lake and five days without food except the hips of
the wild rose which they gathered on shore, and how an
Indian woman was sent ahead for supplies, which came
in the form of hard cakes, strung on a pole, and carried
by two swift Indians, but which came none too soon.
These and many incidents of savage cruelty, and una-
voidable hardships, made me luok with wonder at the
kindly old face, as she told me the tales of olden times.
As Chairman, it is out of place for me to make a long
speech, especially as our time is limited, and there are
many present, who are better qualified than I am to do
justice to the occasion. I will, therefore, now call upon
the Lord Bishop of Niagara to open the proceedings with
Bishop of Niagara, then made the following prayer : —
" O Almighty everliving God ! who in the inscrutable
ways of Thy providence didst permit the early settlers of
this fair land to be driven from their comfortable proper-
ties in the revolted colonies ; from their farms, their mills
and their stores, out of pure attachment to the British
throne ; and after enduring many and grievous hardships
and sufferings Thou didst bring them to this glorious land
to hew out for themselves new homes in the wilderness ;
grant, we beseech thee, O Lord, that the descendants of
those noble parents may ever carry out the principles by
which those who settled here an hundred years ago were
guided ; may be loyal and devoted servants of the Crown ;
faithful servants of God ; honest and industrious members
of society and good neighbours ; continually striving to
adorn the doctrine of God, their Saviour, in all things,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. — Amen."
the first speaker. He thanked the chairman and the
audience for their kind reception of him. This was the
third time he had been called upon to greet the descend-
ants of the U. E. Loyalists gathered together to celebrate
the deeds of their ancestors. At Adolphustown, on the
shores of the beautiful Bay of Quinte*, thousands had
gathered to do honour to the noble dead, and but a few
weeks ago he had had the pleasure of meeting represent-
atives of the U. E. Loyalists from all parts of the Prov-
ince, at Government House. The spot where they now
stood was historic ground. Here in this old town of
Niagara the first Parliament of Canada assembled, and
they then passed the jury law, and an act declaring that
from that time there should be no slavery in Upper Can-
ada. Those were great and good laws, and the fact that
they were so early passed was a just cause of pride to
Canadians. Col. Littlehales, one of the staff of Governor
Simcoe, made the first trip through the interior of thia
Province, of which there was any record. Part of that rec-
ord was to the effect that before going to rest at a station
near the site of the present city of London they sang " God
Save the King," and now a hundred years after, at every
public meeting held in any of the fine halls in which the
people assemble they hear the strains of " God Save the
Queen." He dwelt upon the heroism of the men of the
Revolutionary War, and of the war of 1812, as an incen-
tive to the people to cultivate the same spirit. He eulo-
gized the Indians, representatives of whom he saw present.
If above our heads floated the British flag to-day, they
had to thank the Six Nation Indians in large measure
for it. Some undertook to sneer at the feeling of loyalty,
of which they were proud. But those men could not
understand this feeling, but they, who were moved by it,
felt that the spread of it among all people would be to
the benefit of the country. The current literature of Eng-
land showed that the fact was being recognized that the
colonies were almost of as much value to the empire as
was the empire to the colonies. If this feeling was car-
ried to its' final outcome the result would be largely due
to the bravery and loyalty of the United Empire Loyalists,
who have saved to the British Crown this finest unoccu-
pied part of the world.
The Venerable BISHOP OF NIAGARA next spoke. He
said : I am not the son of an U. E. Loyalist, in the strictest
sense of the term, though my mother's father, Oapt. Eng-
land, of the 47th Regiment British army, lost blood at
Bunker's-hill, on the right side, (laughter) ; and after the
war settled at Kingston, Upper Canada. I have ever ad-
mired the noble body of men who sacrificed their all —
their comfortable farms and every thing they had accu-
mulated for a principle, that of loyalty to the British
Crown. There are other colonies in the British Empire
whose first settlers were convicts, viz., Botany Bay and
Van Dieman's Land ; but such was not the case with our
country. It was settled by men of high principle — by
men of education. There are men, little removed from
the beast that perishes — who have no principle, who are
satisfied to live under any government so long as their
bodily wants are satisfied. Such were not the early
settlers of Upper Canada — such were not the men who
settled in the Niagara district — the Butlers, the Balls,
the Swayzes, the Scroopes, the Whitmores, the Woodruffs,
the Stalls, the Lampmans, the Bykerts, the Merritts, the
Dureetes, the Gregories, the Nelleses, the Petti ts, the
lamely s, the Kerbys, the Warrens, the Macklems, the Ryk-
mans, the Ryersons, and the thousands of U. E. Loyalists.
He felt that many now enjoying the glorious privileges
of British subjects in Ontario, did not realize what they
owe to these men and women, who landed on these
shores a hundred years ago. Many of them here had
heard but little of what the first settlers had sacrificed
out of principle, what they had endured in coming here,
to prepare the Province for their occupation, and there-
fore they do not appreciate this noble band of men as
they deserve. Man}' of the settlers, who had fought
valiantly in the revolutionary war as young men, fought
again as men well advanced in years under Generals
Brock and Riall and under Colonels Harvey and Bishopp,
and other noble soldiers, who led them to victory, when
this peaceful Province was invaded in 1812 by a body of
men who thought that they had only to show themselves
on our shores to pluck this glorious Colony from the
British Crown. But they were mistaken — they found
that those who had endured hardships in the revolution-
ary war, were ready to endure the same in defence of
their wives and children and their new homes in the wil-
derness. After doing their best to conquer Canada, the
invaders were glad, in 1815, to sue for an inglorious
peace, without having secured an acre of our soil ! The
Bishop said, that he was thankful to have been spared
by a gracious God to have seen that day. He was. an
old man — had thankfully watched the growth of this
country for nearly seventy years. He said that he was
" an old man," but Canadians often lived to be very old
men. He had then living an uncle, who had entered on
his 97th year on the 13th January last. He was, at last
accounts, in the enjoyment of good bodily health, a full
General of the Royal Artillery, and the oldest officer in
the British army, and, like the speaker, he was a native
Canadian. In conclusion, the Bishop remarked, that
he hoped that his fellow-countrymen, with such glori-
ous examples before them, would emulate the virtues
of their fathers, improve the laws of the land, love God
and honour the Queen.
The chairman then called upon the Hon. J. B. Plumb,
Senator of the Dominion, who was received with applause.
MR. PLUMB said that as a resident of the Town of Niag-
ara and a member of the Reception Committee, he desired
to unite with the chairman in extending a cordial and
hearty welcome to all who were here on this memorable
occasion. He was deeply gratified to find so large an
assemblage, and to know that a great proportion of those
who composed it were descendants of the early settlers of
the country, and that they were here to do honour to the
memory of their loyal and brave forefathers. The chair-
man himself was a representative descendant of a worthy
U. E. Loyalist family, an inheritor of the lands granted
by the Crown to his ancestors, who cleared them from the
primeval forest, lands which are now teeming with the
products of the field, of the orchard, and of the vineyard
under the practical and successful cultivation which has
made the name of their present owner widely and favor-
ably known as an agriculturist and fruit-grower.
He (Mr. Plumb) could not claim to be here by virtue of
such a descent. It was well known that his earlier life
had been passed in the neighbouring Republic of which
he was a native, but his forefathers had held positions of
trust and honour under the Crown prior to the Revolution
both in civil and military life, and when, upon mature
reflection, he decided to take the oath of allegiance, he
resolved to the best of his ability to do his duty as a loyal
Conspicuous among those who were with us to-day are
deputations of chiefs of the Iroquois, who come from their
reservations on the Grand River and the Bay of Quinte*
to join in this celebration. They were entitled to special
greeting and honour. The alliance of the Six Nations
strengthened the British power in its struggle with the
French for the mastery of this continent and largely con-
tributed to its triumph.
When the Revolution began, they refused to break the
covenant chain and at the hazard of their homes and
their hunting grounds in the State of New York, at the
risk of the destruction of their ancient league of the
Long House, they joined the forces of the King, led by
Brant, whose grandson, chief of the Mohawks of the Bay
of Quinte", is with us to-day. They served the Royal
cause with unswerving fidelity and indomitable courage
until the war was ended, and by its fortunes their great
possessions were lost to them forever. The treaty of 1784
left them homeless and unprotected exiles, " To dig unable
and to beg ashamed," but the British Government soon
made them amends by large grants of territory on the
Bay of Quinte* and on the Grand River. While the
sons may look back with regret to the days when
their fathers held supremacy over the greater part of
the continent, east of the Mississippi and north of the
Gulf States, they may compare their position with that
of such of their brethren as stood neutral or took part
with the colonists and depended on their promises. They
were driven before the white settlers, the Oneidas and the
Cayugas were utterly dispossessed, and the Onondagas,
Senecas and Tuscaroras were confined within the narrow
limits of reservations that have been sacrificed piece-meal
to the greed of land-jobbers till scarcely a foothold re-
Three dim-eyed feeble old warriors who are now upon
this platform, one of them a chief of high rank, have
passed four score and ten, and were perhaps among the
firstborn of those who took possession of their new home
on the Grand River. The eldest of the three, Chief John-
son, whose Indian name is Sakayondagwaraton, or the
" Dissolving Mist,': is ninety three years of age. He held
the important office of Speaker of the Council and his
familiarity with the mnemonic language of the wampum
records, by which all the transactions of the League are
preserved, enabled him last year to perform a prodigious
feat of memory in reading the belts several hours each
day tor three days in succession.
Mr. Horatio Hale, whose " Book of Rites" is a late and
important contribution to Indian history says of him
" His eloquence was noted even among a race of orators,
I can well believe what I have heard of its effect, as,
even in his old age, when an occasion has for a moment
aroused his spirit, I have not known whether most to
admire the nobleness and force of his sentiments and
reasoning, or the grace and flowing ease, with which he
delivered the stately periods of his sonorous language."
All these veterans served with distinction and bravery
in the war of Ibl2, and their spirit survives in the young
men of the League, many of whom form companies in the
volunteer battalions of Haldimand and Brant, and are
praiseworthy for soldierly appearance, discipline and drill.
Our Iroquois are to be greatly commended for improve-
ment in agriculture, for peaceful conduct, for absence of
crime, and for the progress of education and growth of
Christianity among them. They are the remnant of the
noblest type of the red races in North America. It is
not easy to conceive the sacrifice of liberty which their
present mode of life involves. They have conformed to
it in a manner that justifies the highest expectations of
their future achievements in civilized life, and in the cul-
tivation of the arts of peace. The British Government
has always kept faith with the Redmen. To the Iroquois
they were bound by obligations that would never be
It may be asked why we are met here ? Why, after
the lapse of a century every loyal man's heart beats with
the same feeling that animated their ancestors who aban-
doned their homesteads and all their earthly possessions
and made a painful and perilous journey through the
wilderness in order to remain under the old flag ? The
brave loyalist brought with him his honest convictions
and his love of constitutional liberty, and his children and
his children's children, by their presence here to-day, tes-
tify to the endurance and strength of the principles they
have inherited, and to their desire to bequeath them un-
impaired to those who are to come after them.
An essential difference exists between the political in-
stincts of the people of Canada and those who reside
across the borders. Our neighbours have largely extended
the bounds of constitutional liberty, but he (Mr. Plumb)
believed that in the end adhesion to the Crown had
secured for this Dominion a still larger constitutional
freedom than that of the United States in our parliamen-
tary government and direct ministerial responsibility,
which involved the immediate appeal to the people, at
any moment when the Ministers of the Crown failed to
be supported by a majority of the representatives of the
people in the House of Commons. Many thoughtful
citizens of the Republic clearly saw the advantages of our
system, but it could not be adopted there without radical
changes, which seem impossible. He hoped that, by God's
grace, Canadians might preserve it unchanged, and that
it would be sacredly cherished by future generations. He
believed that it was in the best interests of themselves,
and of the world at large that each of the two great
peoples who inhabited North America should be per-
mitted to evolve their own separate and several methods
without let or hindrance. While Canadians did not
intend to be grasping or meddlesome or aggressive, they
would never be cringing, or servile or submissive. They
intended to maintain their position here, and to defend
British institutions on this continent in a manly, straight-
forward manner. They had the courage of their convic-
tions, and would work out their salvation in their own
way, and they desired that their great brotherhood of
friends on the other side of the frontier should take the
same course, and enjoy the same privilege.
He did not believe in Canadian independence. It was
certain to result in annexation, and in neither independ-
ence or annexation could he see anything but disaster.
We desired to cultivate the most cordial relations with
our neighbours, to buy of them, to sell to them, to inter-
marry with them — he was an example of that, but they
wanted to show that they proceeded on parallel lines,
which could not meet and coalesce, however closely they
might approximate. He scorned those who urged that
there would be certain advantages in dollars and cents to
be gained by a change in our political allegiance. He
believed the sentiment of loyalty in Canadian bosoms
could not be brought down to a money standard. There
was no sordid taint in the blood of those who served the
Crown in two great struggles. They have transmitted
that blood to a large portion of the best men and women
of this fair Province. Fealty to the monarch is deeply
implanted in Canadian hearts, it cannot be weighed,
measured or appraised, it is strengthened by a personal
love for the Queen, and its foundations are respect for
law and order, and its forms are an enduring basis on
which our cherished institutions securely rest, and he be-
lieved it to be ineradicable.
It was not a principle which was incommensurate with
progress and development as its opponents have asserted,
and° it seemed to harmonize especially with colonization,
as might be seen in the vast extent through both hemi-
spheres of a Greater Britain of powerful and prosperous
colonies, acknowledging a willing and not a compulsory
allegiance to the Throne, adhering to British traditions,
and governed by British laws. It is less than three
hundred years since the first permanent settlement of
white men was made upon this continent. Sir Walter
Raleigh, and his half-brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert,
under favour of Queen Elizabeth, fitted out an expedi-
tion for America in 1583, which failed disastrously, and
Gilbert lost his life by shipwreck on the return voyage.
Another expedition of Raleigh's landed at Roanoke, in
Virginia, at the end of August, 1584;, and had friendly
intercourse with the natives. The next year a fleet of
seven vessels under command of Raleigh's kinsman, the
celebrated Sir Richard Grenville, immortalized in Ten-
nyson's ballad of " The Revenge," settled a small body
of colonists at Roanoke. After extreme hardship and
suffering, they were taken back to England by Sir Francis
Drake in 1586. The same year, fifty settlers were landed
by Sir Richard Grenville, and a hundred and fifteen were
sent out under Governor White in 1587, all of whom had
perished or disappeared when White returned with sup-
plies and recruits in 1590. At the death of Queen Eliza-
beth, there probably was not an Englishman on this con-
tinent. The colony of Jamestown was established three
years afterwards in 1606, and the following year Cham-
plain landed on the site of Quebec.
"From small beginnings we date our winnings."
We are celebrating to-day the Centennial Anniversary
of the first settlement of the U. E. Loyalists in this Pro-
vince. There were then, including those hardy pioneers,
certainly not more than 20,000 white people within its
borders, and in 1790 not more than 25,000, and yet, in
1791, the British Parliament passed the Act separating
the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, by virtue of
which Act Governor Simcoe, in the summer of 1792, or-
dered an election for the first Parliament of this Province,
which met in September of that year, at a point nsar
that on which we are standing, and almost within the
sound of the voices of the speakers on this platform. In
the eloquent address with which he opened the Session,
he said that in consideration of the sacrifices the Loyalists
of the Province had made for the Crown, and the evi-
dence they had given of their capacity for self-govern-
ment, the largest measure of liberty ever granted by the
British Parliament to a colony had been given to Upper
Canada. He said that the confidence reposed in the
colonists had been well earned, and that he was sure that
they would never betray the sacred trust.
Among the first acts of the Upper Canadian Parliament
was the adoption of the laws of England and the abolition
of Slavery. We have been told (said Mr. Plumb) that we
are lagging behind our Republican neighbours in the race
of development and improvement; but he thought we
had reason 'to be proud of our advancement. He had said
that in 1790 the population of Upper Canada did not
exceed by the highest estimate 25,000. It was probably
far short of that number. That of the State of New York
was then 340,120. If the growth of this Province had
been on the same ratio of that of the Empire State, which
has the greatest sea-port on the continent, we should
have had in 1881 a population of but 375,000. The State
of New York in 1880 had a population of 5,082,871, or
an increase of fifteen fold. This Province had a popula-
tion in 1881 of 1,923, -28, an increase of sixty-four fold.
It was a mistake to suppose that the political organi-
zation, under which we have attained this wonderful re-
suit, could be compared unfavourably with any which
exists. We had a system under which the people, through
their representatives, could at any moment compel the
Ministry to change their course, to dissolve Parliament,
or to resign their offices. The purse-strings being held
by a responsible Government, if there was any misman-
agement, the elected representative of the people could
immediately interfere. All the Cabinet Ministers sat in
Parliament, and those in the Commons, after their ap-
pointment to office, must go back to the people for re-
election and confirmation. The Executive was not a four
years tyranny, with a Cabinet that could not be reached
except by impeachment. It was a rule that could be
changed when it could no longer hold the public confi-
dence, as was exemplified by the dissolution in the autumn
of 1873 of the Parliament elected in 1872, it having been
claimed by the majority that the Ministry no longer re-
presented public sentiment. The public expenditure is
controlled by the Commons. Every item can be fully
examined and discussed in Committee of Supply. The
estimates for the expenditure are before the Commons in
detail from the beginning of the Session, and separate
votes are taken on each item. We know nothing of a
log-rolling, omnibus supply bill, forced through on the last
night of the session when clamour and intimidation burk
discussion. Not only has every item to be voted on in
committee, but the vote must be afterwards affirmed by the
concurrence of the majority, with the Speaker in the
There was, he said, no prescriptive or exclusive spirit
here. Every man was welcome among us no matter of
what nationality. There was room for all. The natur-
alization laws were liberal, the franchise was governed by
a trifling property qualification, the main object of which
was, through scrutinized registration, to prevent fraud.
There was no Elective Judiciary dependent upon popular
suffrage. The supremacy of Parliament could only be
appealed from to the Throne itself.
It was a matter of pride to him to say that he was an
exemplification of the liberality with which the Canadian
people treated those of foreign birth who became subser-
vient to the laws. He had been honoured by the people
far beyond his deserts in this old borough of Niagara,
and now he held from the Queen, one of the highest com-
missions that could be held by any subject in Canada — a
seat for life in the Senate. He had endeavoured faith-
fully since he entered public life to promote the welfare
of his adopted country, and he believed that he would
never be found recreant to the trust placed upon him. It
might be that there were people in Canada who were en-
deavouring to sow seeds of dissension between the loyal
people and the throne. He said of such, that they could
not do it, that while he was willing to discuss most mat-
ters with them, that that question was not one which
could be entertained, because the hearts of the people
were so securely fixed in their allegiance that they did
not want any argument on the subject. He trusted that
every manand woman before him would never forget that
it was their bounden duty to transmit with religious
care the noble principles which they inherited from their
parents, and to let their children know that there was no
uncertain sound in Canada in respect to adhesion to the
British Crown. He would conclude by quoting Tenny-
son's words, which he trusted would sink deep into their
hearts :
Oh, save the one true seed of freedom sown
Betwixt a people and their ancient throne,
That sober freedom out of which there springs
Our loyal passion for our temperate Kings ;
For, saving that, ye help to save mankind,
Till public wrong be crumbled into dust,
And drill the raw world for the march of mind,
Till crowds at length be sane and crowns be just.
The arrival of the U. E. Loyalists in this Province one
hundred years ago, was an event which has had a lasting
effect upon the history of this country, and was, to a
great extent, the cause of our being to-day a portion of
the greatest Empire in the world. I need not say here on
this historic ground, teeming with recollections of hard
fought fights, or to the descendants of those who pre-
served our liberties in 1812, that to the U. E. Loyalists
we owe the fact that we enjoy to-day the true liberty
that is to be found under a limited monarchy. Those
early settlers who came here one hundred years ago
were the very best of the old colonists. They were the
law-abiding, God-fearing classes, and this was remarkably
shown by the fact that in the early years of this coun-
try crime was almost unkown, the settlers being an
orderly, peaceable, \vell-behaved people. They gave a
start to this country, the benefits of which we are con-
tinually feeling year after year. Ever since the pro-
vince was established, the fringe of settlement, as it
moved slowly into the forest has been almost free from
crime, this, strange to say, has continued to this day, and
is a remarkable feature of the settlement of the North-
How different it has been in the Republic to the south
of us — lawlessness and crimes of violence have been ram-
pant for one hundred years back, and life is now more
unsafe in the United States than in .any civilized or
semi-civilized country in the world. It is not the cli-
mate that has done this, for in many sections it is very
similar to our own. It is not the physical character of
the country, for that also is alike. I attribute it entirely
to the form of government.
The Republican form of government attracts all those
who love license rather than liberty ; while those who
desire to see liberty given only to do what is right, are
much more likely to seek a monarchical form of govern-
ment. From this reason, while the American Republic
has, as one of their own prominent men has well said,
been for one hundred years the " cess-pool " of Europe,
and has attracted the worst classes from the old world,
thanks to our form of government, we have had the best
and choicest settlers come to us. I do not pretend to say
that immense numbers of estimable men have not gone
to the States, but I will saythat we have been singularly
and fortunately free from getting the bad classes which
have had such an evil influence upon the neighbouring
country. One of their own writers in the Nortk Ameri-
can Review, for this month, one of their own Magazines,
laments the want of public honesty in the people and
rulers of the United States, and entitles his article " Are
We a Nation of Rascals ? " It is painful to read the
article, and to feel that any English speaking people could
have so bad a record. Even in the treatment of the In-
dians, the contrast between us and our neighbours is as
remarkably striking, and the reason is, that there is some
honour with us in our treatment of them, while across the
border they have been treated by the agents most un-
fairly, and by all classes most cruelly.
From British Columbia to Cape Breton we, Canadians,
can proudly point to one of the largest and finest countries
in the world, with as well-behaved and law-abiding a
population as can be found anywhere, while south of us,
the lawlessness is wide-spread, and the crimes of violence
almost without number. Can any one say that the arrival
of the U. E. Loyalists here in 1784 did not start this Pro-
vince well, and that their maintenance of our freedom in
1812 did not preserve a system of government which is
a great boon and blessing to us to-day.
Sometimes it is said by strangers and aliens amongst
us, that we, Canadians, have no national sentiment, that if
we were independent we would have more of it, and it is
the fashion to speak loudly of the national spirit of the
citizens of the United States. I take issue on this point,
and on behalf of our people, I say that the pride of
the native Canadian in his country is quite equal to the
pride of the Yankee in his, while the willingness to de-
fend it in case of need is far greater in the Canadian.
The strongest national sentiment that has yet been ex-
hibited in the States was shown by the Southern people
h^ their gallant struggle to destroy the Union. The
national spirit shown by the Northerners where the boun-
ties rose to about $1800 a man, where patriotism con-
sisted in hiring a man to go and fight while the citizen
took a contract to supply the soldiers, as has been well
said by their celebrated divine Dr. Talmage, " With rice
that was worm eaten, with biscuits that were mouldy,
with garments that were shoddy, with meat that was rank,
with horses that stumbled in the charge, and with tents
that sifted the rain into the faces of the exhausted."
The patriotism shown by 3,000 Yankee Militia almost in
sight of this spot, in 1812, when they refused to cross at
Queenston, to aid their comrades, whom our volunteers
shortly afterwards cut to pieces under their eyes, was
very different from the patriotism of the Canadians who
crossed the river and captured Detroit, or those who
fought at Chrysler's farm, or those who drove back Hamp-
ton at Chateauguay.
In 1812 every ablebodied man went to the frontier to
fight leaving the old men, the boys and the women to till
the fields. One might travel a day's journey in this Pro-
vince during that war without meeting an ablebodied
man, as they were all on the frontier. That kind of
national sentiment was very different from that of the
bountied mercenaries of the Northern armies, or of the
three months' men, who left the army of the Potomac in
1861 on the eve of a great battle. What a striking con-
trast also was this latter incident to the calling out of
10,000 Canadian Militia at the time of the Fenian trou-
bles of 1866. Only sufficient regiments were ordered
out to make with their full strength 10,000. In less
than eighteen hours after the order was issued the regi-
ments were all at their posts, and the returns showed
over 14,000 on parade. The extra 4,000 consisted of vol-
unteers who had served their term and been discharged,
but who, on the call of danger put on their old uniforms,
rallied around the standards, and fell into the ranks
without bounty of any kind, or other obligation save the
national sentiment which is the characteristic of our
In the Oregon difficulty, in the Trent affair the feel-
ing was admirable. Can we call to mind the conduct
of the Nova Scotia Legislature at the time of the Maine
boundary difficulty, when the members standing in their
places, unanimously passed with three cheers for the
Queen, a vote placing at the disposal of the Government
every dollar of their revenue, and every ablebodied man
in their province to be used in defence of their sister
province of New Brunswick that was threatened with
attack — can we call to mind the Canadians who came
back to Canada from every state in the Union to aid in
defending her from the Fenians, without feeling that we
have in our people a strong national sentiment ?
Canada has never had to call upon her sons to defend
her, that they have not cheerfully responded to the call,
and there is no doubt that we Canadians have a national
sentiment. We have a pride in our country and a confi-
dence in it and in its future. Wanderers and Bohemians,
strangers and tramps may, because we are not traitors to
our government and our country, say that we have no
national sentiment ; they may not see, or feel or appreciate
the patriotic feeling of the Canadians ; but we Canadians
know that it is there. The militia force is one proof of it,
a finger post to point out to all that we intend to be a free
people on this continent, and that our liberties can only
be taken from us after a desperate struggle. This loyalty
of Canadians to Canada makes them loyal to the Queen,
because she is the embodiment of the principles of the
government of our country, not because she is the Queen
of England, but because she is the Queen of Canada, and
they are loyal to our monarchical institutions, because
they feel that true patriotism to Canada lies in that direc-
We absolutely govern ourselves, the tie which binds us
to England is one in which all the advantages are on
our side. There is nothing in it that presses on any of
our people, and there is no matter of detail in our system
that we have not the power of regulating for ourselves.
Unfortunately, however, there are a few who are not sat-
isfied, and who agitate for change for the sake of agitat-
ing. This is, and always has been, a difficulty with every
form of government in all ages. No form of government
could possibly be devised in which there would be no
malcontents, no conspirators, no agitators. The grandest
poem in our language describes a rebellion against Heaven
itself, and in all countries, and in all governments, there
have been agitators of the same type. Rome, a republic
with the highest national sentiment, had in it the elements
of discord in the broken down classes, who rallied around
Cataline and formed the famous conspiracy which bears his
name; and to-day in most countries the same type of agi-
tators and malcontents abandon useful labour to conspire
against lawful authority. In Russia they have the Nihil-
ists, in Germany the Socialists, in France the Communists,
in Ireland the Fenians, in England the Dynamiters, in
the United States they have all these classes mixed up
together, and in addition they have their politicians, while
in Canada we have only a few Independence writers, the
weakest and most harmless of all these troublesome classes.
These wanderers and Bohemians, with the charming
impudence of the three tailors of Tooley Street, speak of
themselves as the people of Canada. It is the fashion of
men of their type always to talk loudly of the people, as
if they were the people. But who are the people ? The
people of this country are the farmers who own the soil,
who have cleared the fields, who till them, and who pro-
duce the food that feeds us. The people of Canada are
the workers who work in her factories, who carry on her
trade, who sail her ships, and spread her commerce, — the
artizans who build her cities and work in them. These
are the people of Canada, not the few agitators who
serve no good purpose, and whose absence would be a
relief, if they went back to the neighbouring Republic,
from which many of them have drifted in to us.
The real Canadians are a unit against change in our Con-
stitution. The farmers do not want it — the Militia, re-
presenting all shades of political and religious feeling, are
sworn to be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Ma-
jesty, and they will stand by the Constitution to the last.
The Roman Catholic church is loyal to the core, for it
knows that under our government we have absolute re-
ligious freedom. The Orange order owes its existence to
a desire to maintain the British Constitution. The Eng-
lish, Irish, and Scotch, who have come here to settle, have
come here in preference to the States, because they de-
sired to remain under the old flag, and under the system
of government of their fathers. They are true as steel to
the Constitution, and are U. E. Loyalists at heart.
Both political parties are loyal. There is no class that is
not loyal. The vast majority of the newspaper press are
loyal to Canada and its institutions, and have no sym-
pathy with the black sheep that hang on the skirts of
their profession, any more than the Medical profession
have for the empirics and quacks that cling to them, or
the lawyers for the pettifoggers who bring discredit upon
If we were independent to-morrow we would be more
dependent upon the United States than we are to-day
upon England. Annexation would only be avoided, if at
all, by a tremendous struggle and enormous sacrifices, and
if annexed, where would our independence be ? Gone
for ever ! and we would be governed by the wire-pullers
of the factions at Washington,our manufactures sacrificed
to the interests of New England, and our own affairs ad-
ministered by carpet-baggers. The paltry few who argue
independence cannot foresee what the result would be, or
if they do, having no stake in the country, they do not
care. They might ruin us politically and morally and
commercially, and then wander off to some other coun-
try, and be as well off as they ever were or ever will be.
Why should we dismember the Empire ? When the
German people have united to make a great State : when
the Italians have been consolidated into a powerful king-
dom, are the British to divide and weaken ? Are the
Anglo Saxons to be .the only race to do this ? and are we
Canadians, without reason or motive, to be the cause ? I
don't call the United States an Anglo-Saxon community
now. Once it was, but since the revolution it has been the
dumpingground of Europe,and they are forming a commu-
nity there entirely different in its characteristics from ours.
I have watched the writings of these independence
men, and have at last discovered what their real griev-
ance is, and it is that there are certain people who hold
public offices. They do not object to there being public
offices, but the real trouble is that they do not hold
these offices themselves. Envy and jealousy is at the
bottom of ail their patriotism. They advocate elective
offices. They forget that the people indirectly make the
appointments, for they elect representatives who hold
office at their will, and who are responsible to them for
all they do. They agitate for the election to nearly all
public offices by the popular vote as in the States, where
the system has produced an office-holding class, where
strict integrity is the exception, and where peculation is
the rule. These agitators and Bohemians wish to become
themselves an office-holding class of this Yankee type.
They think that by agitating for a change, by creating
anarchy and confusion, they might temporarily come to
the top. They know that when the pot is boiling the
dregs are forced upwards, but they forget that when the
pot stops boiling the dregs go to the bottom. But there is
no reason why we should be governed by strangers or
tramps, and the people of this country, who have made
it what it is, intend to govern it their own way.
The worst feature of this agitation is, that a revolution
such as these malcontents ask for, can only be brought
about by bloodshed. I cannot call to mind an instance of
a revolution being carried out without bloodshed. Iri fact
no system of government recognizes any constitutional
method of destroying its fundamental principles. The
United States could not establish a despotism under their
constitution except by a revolution. The Southern
States seceded, not constitutionally, but by conventions of
the people in the same way in which their constitution
was originally formed, and it was an attempted revolu-
tion, and was put down by force of arms. Every attempt
from without, or within, in the past to change our system
of government has been put down by bloodshed. In fact,
the fundamental principle of our government, the Mon-
archy, cannot be changed constitutionally. The members
of Parliament before they can vote, must swear to be
faithful to the constitution, and would be foresworn per-
jurers if they afterward betrayed their country. For
this reason I appealed on a former occasion to the good
feeling and honesty of the independence agitators, as to
whether it was fair or right in them to agitate for a
change of government, that can only be brought about
by war. And I ask you here again to-day, if it is fair
or right for these Bohemians to try to create trouble
among a peaceful, happy and contented people, who have
no grievances that they cannot easily remedy them-
selves, when they can so readily find in the neigh-
bouring country the republican institutions they admire ?
When I say this I say it in a kindly spirit for I would
be the last to prevent them writing and talking and
advocating their views so long as they do not break out
into open treason. Thank God this is a free country,
where people can hold what opinions they like and express
them freely, so they may go on if they wish and write
their little editorials, and air their little theories, and abuse
all who disagree with them, it pleases them and hurts no
one, and the very freedom that enables them to do this
is what makes our institutions so stable and these men
so powerless for evil.
It would not be worth while to notice this movement
at all, were it not that we are celebrating the centennial
of the settlement of this country, on principles diametri-
cally opposed to those advocated now by these few, and
under \vhich we have nourished, and increased, and en-
joyed so many advantages for one hundred years. I hope
that at the next centennial our descendants may have as
many causes of congratulation, and as many blessings for
which to be thankful as we have, and that the agitators
of their day may be as weak and uninfluential, and as.
powerless as ours are to-day. If so about once every
one hundred years will be often enough for our side of
the case to be laid down.
WILLIAM KIRBY ESQ., of Niagara, said " Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen. Upon an occasion like this the
heart as well as the intellect is stirred up with deep emo-
tions. All that is noble, all that is patriotic in us, the pride
we have in the loyal and indomitable men who founded
Upper Canada, affurd a theme that ought to warm the
coldest and make the dullest man eloquent in their praise.
The United Empire Loyalists of America only need the
truth to be told of them, to make them stand out promi-
nently upon the page of history as ranking with the
noblest of our race in any land.
I am glad and proud of the fact that celebrations similar
to this have already been held in Toronto and the Bay of
Quinte*, yet we of the Niagara district did not think
that those were enough. This spot consecrated by so
many honourable memories of the fathers and defenders
of our country, is after all the true historical and proper
place for the centennial celebration of the settlement of
Upper Canada. Here was the principal landing place of
the expatriated loyalists, here came the loyal fighting
men of the Revolutionary War, and here they planted
their war torn but glorious flag ancl said to the waves of
revolution : " Come not here ! this is our Canadian home,
and our portion of the British Empire for ever ! "
When I look upon the multitude of faces before me,
and around me, and recognize, as I do, so many of them as
belonging to both of the great political parties which
contend for the administration of our goverment ; when
I see these usually bitter partizans of both sides of politics,
laying aside, upon an occasion like this, their party strife
and uniting as brothers and true Canadians, to show
their common pride in the unity of the Empire, and
to pay honour to the memories of the U. E. Loyalists,
who have left us this great country as our common heri-
tage— when I see this, I rejoice to know that above all
our party noise and confusion, there exists a great firma-
ment where peace reigns, where a common sentiment of
Canadian loyalty and patriotism brings us all into accord,
and shows that Canadians of all creeds and parties can
unite to defend our country in danger ; and maintain, as
our forefathers did, the unity of the Empire to which we
This meeting is a proof that, after the lapse of a hun-
dred years, the spirit which animated the U. E. Loyalists
is still alive, slumbering perhaps, in quiet leonine strength
in the hearts of our people, but ready to wake up as of
old, whenever called upon. Superficial onlookers and
frivolous scribes may say, that the old spirit is no longer
a living principle in us. I say that they who make that
assertion know nothing of the U. E. Loyalist stock of this
country, and this great loyal meeting is a striking dis-
proof of the base charge.
Who, it may be asked, were those U. E. Loyalists whom
we praise so highly, and whose memory we are celebrat-
ing to-day ?
I reply, they were that vast number of loyal, law-abid-
ing men, who in the American revolution, formed fully
one half of the people of the thirteen colonies, when
mainly through the machinations and aid of France,
those colonies were led into the great rebellion against
the Empire.
They were, if I may use the AMERICAN language,
which we all understand very well, the party of Union
in 1776, as opposed to the party of Secession of that
time. They were the men who were loyal to the crown,
and to the political unity of the English speaking race.
They owed a national allegiance as born British subjects
to the Crown and Empire, and felt bound by every tie
of duty, honour and religion, to resist rebellion, and
preserve intact the unity of the Empire to which they
belonged. The crime of dividing the English race was
none of theirs !
The great civil war which broke out in the United
States twenty-three years ago, has to the American mind
greatly modified the meaning of the word — loyalty.
Instead of being used in a bad and vituperative sense as
it had been prior to their own late rebellion, loyalty has
since then been discovered to be one of the cardinal vir-
tues,* while rebellion that was previously looked upon as
an honourable thing in itself, has come to be denounced
as the blackest of crimes ! especially against themselves.
I will read an extract from the letter of a distinguished
American General with reference to this loyal celebra-
tion of ours. He saj^s :
" I wish I could be there to unite with you in sym-
pathy and feeling, as I do here. Success to the loyal
blood ! May its memories be ever green, and the recollec-
tion of its unparalleled and unrewarded devotion, bravery
and sacrifice endure and wax stronger Avith time ! We
loyalists lost the game, but we did not in the slightest de-
gree tarnish our record of honour."
I may mention that the general who writes this, is
himself a descendant of a distinguished Loyalist family
.of the old Province of New York,
The declaration of Independence, which passed by a
majority of one only, came like a thunder clap upon the
people of the colonies. Up to that day, the most une-
quivocal public expressions of loyalty to the King and
Empire had been made, and reiterated by the general
Congress as by all the provincial congresses in the colo-
nies. M ay, long after fighting began nothing but a re-
dress of grievances was professed to be demanded. The
army which besieged Boston, under Washington, and that
which invaded Canada, under Arnold and Montgomery,
fought under British colours. It was known that outside
of Sew England a majority of the people were opposed to
secession, and that it was necessary to lead them by de-
grees, and blindfold, as it were, into the pit of revolution
— and so it was done.
It is unnecessary for me to discuss, in your presence,
the political issues of the revolution. We are all of one
mind on that subject. We know that the loyalists were
right in the course they pursued, and that for us is
The revolution was not necessary for the redress of
such theoretical grievances as formed the subject of dif-
ferences with the mother country. The Stamp Act, the
greatest offence of all, was never put in force, and was
promptly repealed in compliance with the general remon-
strance against it. The other minor Acts — of no account in
themselves, might likewise have been left to be repealed,
and the old harmony restored, had not pride and temper
on both sides, taken the place of reason and moderation
— and rendered a good understanding impossible.
The loyalists of America felt all this, and refused to be
hurried into the crime of rebellion ; and when the Dec-
laration of Independence was launched upon the country
— they denied the truth of the indictments it contained
against the King and the people of Great Britain — while
the very offensive language in which it was couched,
added fuel to their resentment, and perpetuates the bit-
terness of it to this day.
Their opposition to the revolution was met by the en-
actment of the most vindictive penal laws against men,
whose only offence was a determination to keep their al-
legiance, and abide by the flag under which they were
born. The persons of the loyalists were seized and im-
prisoned— their property — and in property they were the
wealthiest men in the community — was everywhere con-
fiscated— persecutions begat fierce retaliations. Swords
were drawn, and the civil war began which devastated
America for eight years — and only ended when the
powers of France, Spain and Holland intervened, and by
their help the thirteen colonies were severed from the
An able and candid American author has written : —
" The loyalists had position and property, the Indians had
fertile lands ; both were coveted, and both were wrenched
from their rightful possessors."
The atrocious penal laws, the proscriptions, the confis-
cations, and the personal outrages to which aged and re-
spectable loyalists were subjected, even in the presence
and with the sanction of some of the highest heads of the
rebellion, has left a deep stain upon " the course that was
pursued" in establishing the revolution. They added bit-
terness and animosity to the struggle, for they called forth
keen reprisals, and sent into the royal ranks upwards of
25,000 native Americans ; and it is a fact that, the contin-
ental army, which was largely made up of the foreign
element and needy emigrants, had fewer Americans in it
than the Royal army. But I need not recount the events
of the war.
It is estimated that at the close of the war, a hundred
thousand loyalist Americans left the Port of New York
alone. The world had not seen such a flight of the best
elements of the population of any country, since the exile
of the Huguenots from France over a century before.
The fugitive loyalists who left their native country were
dispersed all over the Empire — many went to Great Bri-
tain, many to the West Indies, many to the wilds of
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and thousands came
to Canada.
Upwards of ten thousand of the best people of New
York and Pennsylvania found their way through the
wilderness to the very place where we stand, and amid
privations, toils and sufferings — the story of which is
not yet forgotten — here set up their new homes in the
forest and courageously and cheerfully started life anew,
and began that career of honour and felicity which is
our inheritance in Canada to this day — may it last foi*
As an instance of the privations endured in this coun-
try, which was at that time wholly uncultivated, I will
read an original, unpublished letter of the period from
General Haldimand to Colonel Claus, Indian Superintend-
ent, at Niagara, in reference to supplies of food needed
here for the Indians. General Haldimand writes in May,
1780, " they should consider the trouble, expense and time
it takes to transport provisions not only to Niagara but
all the way to Detroit and Michilimacinac. Every ounce
of provisions, they and we have been living upon for
these eighteen months past, was brought from England."
When we reflect upon these words, and consider the
length of the ocean voyage to Quebec, and the difficulty
and time it required to transport all those provisions in
canoes and boats from Quebec to the upper country, all
the way to Detroit and Michilimacinac, we may form an
idea of the scarcity and suffering that must have pre-
vailed in this wild country, at that time, when the sud-
den influx of so many people took place.
But Providence had great ends in view, when it settled
Canada with men of such heroic strain, and of the purest
blood of America.
It has been cast as a reproach upon the U. E. Loyalists,
that they were largely the gentry, and not the populace
of American society. They formed undoubtedly the best
and wealthiest class in the old colonies. But all classes
were present among them, judges, lawyers, legislators,
clergymen, soldiers, merchants, yeomen and handicraft-
men — all filled the ranks of that great emigration. Chris-
tian men of all the churches were there, but not one
infidel of the type of that arch traitor Tom Paine ! He
belonged emphatically to the Rebellion ! The Loyalists
came with their Penates and household gods, their bibles,
the sacred communion vessels of their altars, the tables
of the ten commandments from the chancels of their
churches, these sacred objects they brought with them
out of their abandoned temples.
It seemed as if the voice of Christ was heard by them,
as he spake to his disciples upon that last day at Jerusa-
lem, " Arise ! let us go hence ! " And these ten command-
ments they set up anew in the rude churches which they
built to the worship of God in Canada.
The whole congregation of Trinity Church, .New York,
with their venerable Rector at their head, transported
themselves to St. John, New Brunswick, and there set up
the old Tables of the Commandments, and the royal arms
that had previously adorned their native church in the
City of New York. Upon the table beside me, stands one
of the grand silver communion flagons and plates given
by Queen Anne to the Mohawk Christians in 1711. They
were brought here during the revolution, and are still
used by the loyal Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte*, of
whom Chief Hill, a great grandson of the renowned
.Captain Joseph Brant, sits here in your presence to-day,
the last hereditary chief of that great tribe.
There is an immense significance in the fact, Mr. Chair-
man, and it is worthy of our deep study, that the
U. E. Loyalists, leaving all other possessions behind
them, brought with them the ten commandments, the
Bible, and the sacred vessels of the communion, as the
most precious relics of their old homes in the thirteen
colonies. What was left to fill the blank of that great re-
ligious and loyal exodus American history is now daily
recording, and it is a point I need not dwell upon ; but
discerning men can see the blank places left by the removal
of those sacred emblems from that country.
Here came the great body of the adherents of the
Church of England, mainly under the lead of that good
man, the Rev. Dr. John Stewart, who founded the first
Episcopal churches in Upper Canada.
Here came also the pious and zealous John Ash bury,
and that godly woman, Barbara Heck, who, after found-
ing Methodism in the City of New York, led a band of
loyal Methodists to the Bay of Quinte*, and there laid the
foundation of the Methodist church in Canada. The old
Wesleyans, like their founder, John Wesley, were ever
loyal to king and country, and, perhaps, because they
were Methodists, were also U. E. Loyalists, when the day
of trial came that proved the spirit of men to the utter-
most, whether they were faithful, or whether they were
untrue, to the sacred precept of Scripture — " Fear God
and honour the king."
Here came also a numerous and a gallant band of loyal
Roman Catholics, led by their priests, the MacDonalds,
from North Carolina and other Southern States, Scot-
tish Highlanders, for the most part, who settled our dis-
trict of Glengarry, and formed the nucleus of that High-
land community, so distinguished for its loyalty and
valour in the subsequent history of Upper Canada.
Here, too, somewhat later, came a great number of the
peaceful Quakers and Menonists, of Pennsylvania. The
fidelity of the Quakers to their lawful government, drew
upon them a cruel persecution from the rebels, who
stained their record by trying for high treason, and hang-
ing two of the most respectable Quaker gentlemen of
Philadelphia, guilty of no offence in the world but loyal
adherence to their king and country. This persecution
drove some of the Quakers into the army, and the Quaker
ancestors of a gentleman present on this platform, were
among the hardest fighters in our army during the revo-
lutionary war.
The Quakers bore with characteristic patience the per-
secution of their enemies, but they flocked into Canada
after the peace, to enjoy the protection of English law, and
live in allegiance to their native sovereign.
And here, too, came, as I am forcibly reminded by the
presence before me of the thirty chiefs of the renowned
Six Nations, the successors of a people once the mightiest
on this continent. Very different from the Quakers
in all respects except in their invincible loyalty, were
the native warlike tribes of Central New York, which
had been their home and heritage from the earliest times.
The Six Nations were largely Christianized and civi-
lized at the outbreak of the revolution. Their villages,
castles, cornfields, orchards and pastures abounding in
cattle, formed a long line of settlement from the Hudson
to the Genessee.
Congress, which so loudly in public denounced the inr
terfercnce of the Indians in the war, had at the very in-
ception of hostilities, sent special commissioners to engage
them on their side against the king. A great war belt,
with a red axe worked in the middle of it, was presented
by the commissioners to the Six Nations , who rejected
it with contempt, and instead took up arms to support
the king, and under their great chiefs Brant, and John
Deseronto, whose descendants are here present to-day, and
the distingished Seneca Chief Sakoyenwaraton, " Vanish-
ing Smoke," my friend, Chief Hill, tells me it means,
fought bravely throughout the war in maintenance of the
old treaties, solemnly made with the king.
Their grand and beautiful country was destroyed and
confiscated. The Six Nations were the first who took up
the path of exile and settled in Upper Canada — where
they form to-day a thriving, loyal, and happy people,
proud of the gallant deeds of their fore-fathers, and proud
of their loyalty and attachment to the Empire. The
great Union Jack, which they have brought with them
from the Grand River, has been their rallying flag for
almost two hundred years.
Such were the sort of men whose memories we are met
to celebrate to-day. A nobler ancestry than the IT. E.
Loyalists of America no country on earth can boast of.
In war they proved themselves to be of the truest mettle.
In peace, industrious, law-abiding and honourable — and,
it may be recorded, that while during the course of the
revolutionary struggle, not a few of the eminent men of,
the rebellion drew off and returned to their allegiance.
It cannot be recorded, that a single U. E. Loyalist, either
for family, for property, or any consideration what-
ever, went over to the enemy, or returned to them after
the war.
The advent of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, so
praised in prose and verse, was a holiday excursion com-
pared with the arrival of the ten thousand expatriated
Loyalists who landed at Niagara in 1783-4, a few stone
throws only from where we stand. The Pilgrim Fathers,
a few in number — came to America leisurely, bringing
with them all their goods and the price of all their pos-
sessions, at peace and secure under charters, granted by
their Sovereign. The U. E. Loyalists, unlike them, came
bleeding with the wounds of seven years of war, stripped
.of every earthly possession, and exiled from their native
land. This country was then a savage region of forests
and swamps. The trees had to be cut down before a seed
could be dropped in the ground, and in fact for two years
the brave, suffering exiles had to be fed from the military
stores of Fort Niagara, before they were in any condition
to support their devoted wives and children.
History, written by party prejudice and blind admira-
tion of mere success as a test of right, has pleased itself
by maligning the character and principles of the U. E.
Loyalists. But the course they pursued, after their set-
tlement in Canada, was honourable to their humanity,
wisdom and generosity. In less than seven years after
their arrival in this country they established, with the
aid and under the direction of that great statesman and
soldier, Governor Simcoe, a Constitution and Goverment
for Upper Canada which, they were proud to say, was the
very image and transcript of that of Great Britain, and
was the model of our Dominion Constitution of to-day.
The first Parliament of this Province met in September,
1792, on the spot now covered by the ruined mounds of
Fort George, which we see before us ; and there the first
representatives of the people of Upper Canada, few in
number, but worthy and capable of sharing in the delib-
erations of any assembly in the world ; met, and estab-
lished the old English principles of law, order, and govern-
ment in this country.
Contrast their acts with that of the Constitutional
Congress of the United States, which had established
their new republican system of government in -that coun-
try, only four years before !
The States which had rebelled in the name of Liberty
and had declared all men to be free and equal, did, in
their new constitution, solemnly sanction the institution
of human slavery, and perpetuate it, seemingly, for ever !
While the U. E. Loyalists of Upper Canada, in their first
parliament, and on this spot, made sacred by that Act of
eternal justice, did without a dissenting voice, and without
a claim for compensation, declare slavery to be for ever
abolished in this Province ! All honour to the true free-
men and their noble governor Simcoe, who won for Can-
ada the glory of being the first country in the world
which abolished slavery by an Act of the Legislature ! —
and they not only set free their slaves, but placed them
on a civil and political equality with themselves. We
are not a boastful people, < or we might justly boast of
having taken the lead of all the world in -that great act
of justice to humanity. So far was Upper Canada in
advance of all other people at that time, on this momen-
tous question.
This fact strikes us more forcibly, when we recollect,
that England herself did not abolish slavery in her Colo-
nies until 1838, while the United States only did so
twenty years ago, and that at the cost of the most fright-
ful and destructive civil war on record ; and Spain, ano-
ther of the liberators of America, has not freed her slaves
to this day !
These acts prove better than any words, the noble and
generous character of the men who founded this Pro-
vince. The maintenance of the Imperial connection, of
the " Unity of the Empire," as we call it in our Canadian
speech, was the moving principle of duty in the hearts of
our forefathers. Let it be so in ours also, now and for
If evil days should ever befall us, and we have no
right to suppose that, as a people, we shall always be safe
from the storms of fate, or the malice of enemies, inter-
nal or external, and you Indians will understand me if I
say, that', " bad birds are now singing here and there in
the trees." I say, if times of trouble and adversity should
ever come upon this fair land, we have the noblest ex-
ample in the deeds and principles of our forefathers, how
to meet them. And I have perfect faith in you, brother
Canadians,- that you, like them, will be found equal to
every demand upon your honour and loyalty, in a word
your duty.
I am proud, Mr. Chairman, to see so many of the U. E.
Loyalist ladies of our district present, and wearing upon
their breasts the honoured loyal badges of this Centennial
celebration. But, the time never was — and I believe
never will be — when, be our men loyal and patriotic as
they will, the women of Ontario will not outshine them
in ardent love to their Queen and Country ! Among
them are preserved the honourable traditions of our peo-
ple, and so long as they teach them to their sons and
daughters, Canada will stand in honour for ever, as the
right arm of the British Empire.
I will conclude, Mr. Chairman by repeating a few
words spoken by me on another occasion :
All honour to the Loyalists ! The brave self sacrificing
exertions of these men in defence of the unity of the
Empire, brought ruin upon themselves in their old homes,
but was the making of Canada by settling it with men
of such chosen virtue. If, as a Puritan divine once
boasted, " England was winnowed of her choice grain for
the sowing of America." We can truly say that " America
was reaped and winnowed afresh at the Eevolution, and
its very choicest men selected by Providence for the peo-
pling of this Dominion ! By the loss of these Loyalists
the United States were drained of their noblest elements,
and suffered a moral loss, which they have never made
up for to this day.
Some of the best and wisest men in the United States
have brushed aside the covering of prejudice and obloquy
cast over the memories of the U. E. Loyalists in popular
American history, and boldly express their admiration for
the courage and devotion to high principles which actuated
them. Truth will have its revenge in justice at last !
And I venture to say that in another century America will
be more proud of her exiled Loyalists than of the vaunted
patriots who banished and despoiled them !
CHIEF HILL of the Mohawks, Bay of Quintd, great
grandson of the late Captain Joseph Brant, said: Mr.
Chairman, I did not expect to be asked to address an audi-
ence like this, but since you have honoured me, I must not
shirk the call.
We are here to celebrate the centennial of the one hun-
dredth anniversary of the landing upon Canadian soil of
our forefathers, whites and Indians. Red and white fought
side by side in the Revolutionary war. The blood of the
red man and that of his white brother mixed together to
uphold the Loyalists' cause. My ancestors and yours, my
white friends, left all their property to come here, where
they could hoist the British flag. They sacrificed all to
hew out of the Canadian bush new homes.
My great grandfather, the late Captain Joseph Brant, was
one of Britain's strongest allies a hundred years ago and in
the late American war the white and red blood was again
spilled together — some of it on the very ground on which
we stand — for the cause of Britain. Now after a hundred
years of friendship and many changes, we are still broth-
ers, and I feel happy, as the descendant of one who proved
himself a loyal man, to meet so many white Loyalists.
We have been well treated by the British Government,
and, should occasion demand, Indians throughout Canada
are ready to do as our forefathers did — fight for the dear
old flag we love so well.
CHIEF A. G. SMITH said :
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, — I did not come
to make a speech, and consequently am not prepared to
do so. But as I have been so honoured as to be called
upon to address you, I shall endeavour to do so in a few
words. I shall commence by saying that I am very
much pleased to see such a large gathering on this very
important occasion, and I am also very much gratified in
being able to tell you that there is a very large represen-
tation of my people, the Six Nation Indians, of Grand
River, who are to-day as anxious to be identified with the
descendants of the U. E. Loyalists of Canada, as their
forefathers were one hundred years ago. And I am grat-
ified in being able to stand before you to-day, to speak to
you on behalf of my people, and to remind you that
the Six Nation Indians have always been, and are still
ready and willing to come to your assistance in every un-
dertaking which is calculated to be for the good or honour
of our common country.
It will scarcely be necessary for me to remind you of
the historical fact that the Six Nations did not hesitate
to leave their beautiful home in the Valley of the Mo-
hawk, in the State of New York ; and to sacrifice every-
thing that was dear to .them, in order to maintain the
honour of the British flag, by fighting side by side with
those brave U. E. Loyalists, who counted not their lives
dear, so that they might win for their posterity a name,
and the many blessings which we, their descendants, en-
joy as fruits of the unswerving allegiance of the U. E.
Loyalists and the Six Nation Indians to the British Crown.
And, although the time may forever have gone by, when
the tomahawks of the Six Nations were needed to assist
in maintaining the honour and dignity of the British
Crown in this Dominion, yet you can not but admit that
their assistance and co-operation is still desirable, though
in another direction, namely, in doing what they can to
aid the loyal and peaceable citizens of this fair Dominion
in developing it into a great and prosperous country, and
of which I am proud as chief, and one of the many repre-
sentatives of my people among you to-day, to be able to
say they are willing and are endeavouring so to do. And
that our relations with the government of the country
have always been attended with the happiest results ; and
that the government of Canada has in general kept faith
with us, and, therefore, we have very few reasons to com-
plain in that respect.
But there is one thing that I must not omit to mention,
it is a sad circumstance which "has not only grieved me,
but one and all of the many of my people, who are among
you to-day, when in going about the historic plains of
Niagara to visit, as we thought, the different places of
interest, we came to Fort Messissauga, and lo ! we could
scarcely believe our own eyes, but when we came to
realize that what we beheld was a melancholy fact, that
the old fort was allowed to go to rack and ruin, by the
sons of the U. E. Loyalists, we were not only grieved,
but we blushed for the descendants of the U. E, Loyal-
ists, and for every true Canadian for allowing the dear
old historical landmarks to become a heap of rubbish.
Why, the Six Nations would set them an example in
that respect. A church, though a frame one, that was
built for them a hundred years ago, is to-day in good re-
pair, although they have a good brick one for present use.
A set of communion plate that was given by the good
Queen Anne, is to-day in a perfect state of preservation ;
a church bell, Bible and other historical relics equally
as old, are almost religiously venerated and taken care of.
And we are of opinion that every true and loyal Cana-
dian, and the government itself, should see to it that
these historical landmarks be restored, and kept in repair
as monuments to the memory of those who were not only
willing to undergo hardships, but to die, if necessary, in
defending their country.
In conclusion, I desire to say that I am glad that the
time seems to have arrived when the Indian is looked
upon as being as capable of being educated, and to have
his mind cultivated, when his disadvantages are taken
into consideration, as any other race of people, and we
have undeniable proofs of the same from the fact of our
having already quite a number in the different learned
professions, as well as many good mechanics and farmers.
And, on the whole, the Indians are prospering under
the good government in which they live, and I firmly be-
lieve, that the day is not far distant, when the Indians will
be able to take their stand among the whites on equal
footing, when I am quite certain that the white popula-
tion of the Dominion will be forced by their sense of
justice to accord the Indian that right which is their just
due, namely, a representation on the floor of the House
of Commons by one of their own people, who ought to
know what is best for his people better than any one
else. And now with these few remarks I beg to be al-
lowed to resume my seat, thanking you, Mr. Chairman,
and all for your attention.
JAMES HISCOTT, ESQ., Warden of the County 'of Lin-
coln, said : —
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. — It almost seems
presumptions in me saying anything, having heard so
many eloquent speakers. But I would not deserve the
name of a Canadian, nor would I deserve to represent the
County of Lincoln, as its warden, if I did not try to do
all honour to the memory of the noble men and women,
who sacrificed so much for their country, and who calmly
endured hunger, destitution and all the privations of a
howling wilderness for the sake of their country. Not only
did they give their fortunes and homes, but in many
cases their lives, for the love and honour of their country.
The memory of these people, we are commemorating to-
day, whose last resting place of many is in this and the ad-
joining county, and whose descendants fought so nobly
in the war of 1812, and, had it not been for their bravery,
--Canada would not be a part of that great Empire, which
we all love so well.
MR. WM. HAMILTON MERRITT, was next called upon,
and said : —
Here, in this historic town, in the old County of Lin-
coln, represented so long a time by his grandfather, he
would indeed be unworthy of the heritage of the name he
bore, did he not testify to the same loyalty still existing
in his family, as was manifested by his forefathers in
fighting for Canada.
He was confident that this feeling of loyalty to Canada,
and therefore at this present, to the Crown, existed as a
strong under-current through the whole Dominion. He
would mention an instance which took place in a section
of the country, where he had resided a great deal during
the past few years, as a case in point. It occurred on the
Grand River, in the County of Haldimand, near to where
the descendants of our brave allies — the Six Nation In-
dians— come from, and who, to-day, are so well repre-
sented at this gathering. At a convention of one of our
great parties in 1882, called to nominate a candidate to
represent it, when the name of a candidate for nomination,
who was not personally well known to many of the dele-
gates, was brought before the convention, one of the lead-
ing men in the county rose and said : " Before a nomina-
tion could be made unanimous in this conv3ntion, they
must first know the feelings of the candidate on British
Connection." His answer was, that, " If severance from
the British Empire took place, and there followed the in-
evitable annexation to the United States, his inclinations
would lead him to sell all that he possessed in this his
native land, and leave it for ever." The reply satisfied
the convention. This spirit of loyalty as shown there, in
Haldimand, Mr. Merritt was confident not only existed
strongly in that county, but would be found to be the
key-note of the national feelings in every county in
Being of a younger generation than the previous
speakers, he believed he could vouch for by far the largest
number of the young men of Canada, when he said the
sentiments of loyalty that had been so ably expressed by
the Lieutenant-Governor, Col. George T. Denison and
Senator Plumb, would sink deep into their hearts and
bear fruit of a sterling quality, and that, in spite of the
" Bohemian " agitation in the press, the young men of
Canada would be found the strongest advocates and
warmest supporters of the grand scheme of Federation,
and that following in the footsteps of their fathers, they
would be found ready, if unfortunately it were ever
necessary, to shed their blood for the defence and liberty
of their country.
MAYOR GARRETT, of Niagara, I. P. Willson, of Welland,
Mr. Kilburn, reeve of Beamsville, Lieut.-Col. Denison,
D.A.G., and other gentlemen delivered brief addresses.
Five aged and principal chiefs of the Cayuga and
Onondaga tribes, dressed in the ancient costume of the
Iroquois, representing the still pagan portion of the Six
Nations, then came forward, led by the venerable Captain
Buck, head chief of the Onondagas, and Fire keeper of
the Confederacy, and performed a ceremonial war dance,
semi-religious in its character, expressive of the gladness
of the Six Nations in taking part in this U. E. Loyalist
The proceedings then closed with three hearty cheers
for the Queen.
The following extract from " The Hungry Year," a poem
by William Kirby of Niagara, was republished in connec-
tion with the Centennial.
THE war was over, seven red years of blood
Had scourged the land from mountain top to sea ;
(So long it took to rend the mighty frame
Of England's empire in the western world)
Rebellion won at last, and they who loved
The cause that had lost, and kept their faith
To England's crown, and scorned an alien name,
Passed into exile, leaving all behind
Except their honour, and the conscious pride
Of duty done to country and to king.
Broad lands, ancestral homes, the gathered wealth
Of patient toil and self-denying years,
Were confiscate and lost ; for they had been
The salt and savour of the land ; trained up
In honour, loyalty, and fear of God.
The wine upon the lees, decanted, when
They left their native soil with sword belts drawn
The tighter ; while the women only wept
At thought of old firesides no longer theirs,
At household treasures reft, and all the land
Upset, and ruled by rebels to the king.
Not drooping like poor fugitives they came
In exodus to our Canadian wilds,
But full of heart and hope, with heads erect
And fearless eyes victorious in defeat.
With thousand toils they forced their devious way
Through the great wilderness of silent woods,
That gloomed o'er lake and stream, till higher rose
The northern star above the broad domain
Of half a continent, still theirs to hold,
Defend and keep for ever as their own,
Their own and England's to the end of time.
The virgin forests, carpeted with leaves
Of many autumns fallen, crisp and sear,
Put on their woodland state ; while overhead
Green seas of foliage roared a welcome home
To the proud exiles, who for empire fought
And kept, though losing much, this northern land
A refuge and defence for all who love
The broader freedom of a commonwealth
That wears upon its head a kingly crown.
Our great Canadian woods of mighty trees,
Proud oaks and pines that grew for centuries,
King's gifts upon the exiles were bestowed.
Ten thousand homes were planted ; and each one
With axe, and fire, and mutual help made war
Against the wilderness and smote it down.
Into the opened glades, unlit before
Since forests grew and rivers ran, there leaped
The sun's bright rays, creative light and heat,
Waking to life the buried seeds that slept,
Since time's beginning, in the earth's dark womb.
The tender grass sprang up, no man knew how,
The daisies eyes unclosed, wild strawberries
Lay white as hoar frost on the slopes, and sweet
The violets perfumed the evening air,
The nodding clover grew up everywhere,
The trailing rasp, the trefoil's yellow cup
Sparkled with dew drops, while the humming bees
And birds and butterflies, unseen before,
Found out the sunny spots and came in throngs.
But earth is man's own shadow, say the wise ;
As wisdom's secrets are twofold, and each
Responds to other both in good and ill,
A crescent thought will one day orb to full,
And on the earth reflect true light of Heaven.
But long and arduous were their labours ere
The rugged fields produced enough for all,
For thousands came ere hundreds could be fed ;
The scanty harvests gleaned to their last ear
Sufficed not yet, men hungered for their bread
Before it grew, yet cheerful bore the hard
Coarse fare and russet garb of pioneers,
In these great woods, content to build a home
And commonwealth, where they could live secure,
A life of honour, loyalty and peace.
* * The world goes rushing by,
The ancient landmarks of a nobler time,
When men bore deep the imprint of the law
Of duty, truth and loyalty unstained.
Amid the quaking of a continent
Torn by the passions of an evil time,
They counted neither cost nor danger, spurned
Defections, treasons, spoils ; but feared God,
Nor shamed of tneir allegiance to the king.
To keep the empire one in unity
And brotherhood of its imperial race,
For that they nobly fought and all but won,
Where losing was to win a higher fame
In building up our northern land, to be
A vast dominion stretched from sea to sea ;
A land of labour but of sure reward,
A land of corn to feed the world withal,
A land of life's best treasures, plenty, peace,
Content and freedom, both to speak and do,
A land of men to rule, with sober law,
This Christian commonwealth, God's gift, to keep
This part of Britain's empire next the heart,
Loyal as were their fathers, and as free.
A. — A copy of the Order in Council of the 9th November, 1789,
. ordering a record to be kept of the U. E. Loyalists.
B.— A copy of the old " U. E. List," preserved in the Crown Lands
Department at Toronto.
Monday, 9th November, 1789.
The HONOURABLE WILLIAM SMITH, Esquire, Chief Justice.
His Lordship intimated to the Council, that it remained a ques-
tion, upon the late Regulation for the disposition of the Waste
Lands of the Crown, whether the Boards constituted for that pur-
pose were authorised to make Locations to the Sons of Loyalists,
on their coming to full Age and that it was his wish to put a
Marke of Honor upon the families who had adhered to the Unity
of the Empire, and joined the Royal Standard in America before
the Treaty of Separation in the year 1783.
The Council concurring with his Lordship, it is accordingly
Ordered :
That the several Land Boards take course for preserving a Regis-
try of the names of all persons falling under the description afore-
mentioned to the end that their posterity may be discriminated,
from future settlers, in the Parish Registers and Rolls of the
Militia of their respective Districts, and other Public Remem-
brancers of the Province, as proper objects, by their persevering in
the Fidelity and Conduct so honourable to their ancestors, for dis-
tinguished Benefits and Privileges.
And it is also ordered, that the said Land Boards may in every
such case provide not only for the Sons of those Loyalists, as they
arrive to full age, but for their Daughters also of that age, or on
their Marriage, assigning to each a Lot of Two Hundred Acres,
more or less, provided nevertheless that they respectively comply
with the general Regulations, and that it shall satisfactorily appear
that there has been no Default in the due Cultivation and Improve-
ment of the Lands already assigned to the head of the family of
which they are members.
(Signed) J. WILLIAMS, C.C.
Copy of the ** Old U. E. List," preserved in the Crown Lands
Department at Toronto.
S.B.R— Soldier in Butler's Rangers
K.R.R. or R.R.— Is Royl. Regt. N. York.
F. P.— Is p. their Petition.
.R. — Is Loj'al Rangers.
Q.R. — Queen's Rangers.
L.Bd.L.— The Land Board of Lunenburg.
R.L.B.S.— Return Land Board Stormont.
L.B.M.-Land Board Mecklenburg.
L.B.A.— Land Board Adolphustown.
L.B.K.— Land Board of Kingston.
P.L. — Provision List Kingston.
P.L.N. J. — Provision List New Johnstowne,
P.L 2d.— Provision List Eastern District.
P.L.N. —Provision List Niagara.
B.M.A.— Capt. Barnes' Muster Absentees.
Abbott, Joseph
Abney, Jonas
Abraham, Christian .
Abraham, Daniel ...
Aby or Haby, George
Adair, John
Adams, Andrew
Adams, Elijah Curtis
Adams, Erray
Adams, Lt. Gideon
Adams, James
Adams, Joel..
W. District.
Ernest Town..
E. District
H. District
E. District
Sergeant, disched. from the
26th Regmt., his own Peti-
tion in C.O.
No person of this name on
the roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Called
Loyalist P. L. 1786.
Discharged Soldier, German
Troops. Provision List
1786. (Stamped book.)
A Soldier 44th Regt., L.B.L.
200 acres only, how U. E.
Petition, Soldier Jersey Vol-
Soldier p. Petition, K.
Soldier p. Petition and
L.B.L. a Loyalist.
(Que. if Ezra) Soldier p. Petition L.B.L.
Came in at the commence-
ment of the War.
Do. S. G Jessup's Corps, L. B. L.
i Loyal Rangers.
Do. Soldier K. Rangers, S.G.
200 acres L.B.A., 1794.
Soldier 1C Rangers.
Adams Samuel
E District
Capt. under G-enl Burgoyne
Adams Sam ^Vllliam
p. Petition.
Sergeant p. Petition. Vol-
Adcock, John
unteer P., 1789. King's
British Soldier (P.L. 1786).
Ainsley Johannah
H. District
S. stamped book.
Wife of Sergt Henry Boug-
Edwardsburgh •
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Aker Lambert
H. District
Que. if Aior * Yes. Butler's
Albertson Richard
Rangers. Had a wife,
P.L.N., 1786.
Albrant, Francis
E. District
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, A.
Albrant Henry
Had a wife. P.L.N. 1786.
R. R. N. Y Muster Roll
Alexander, Hugh
H. District
Has a wife and 2 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
In 1782, when a boy
Algire, Junior Jacob
E. District
Son of Jacob Senr — not
Algire, Senior, Jacob
U.E. in his own right, p.
Petition, 1798.
R.R.N.Y., P.L. 2d 1786.
Algire, Elisha
New Castle District , . .
O. C. 28th Feb. , 1805, ordered
Algire, Martin
E. District
to be inscribed on U.E.
Soldier.Royal Yorkers Mus-
Alindelph, Mary
ter Roll, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Allan, Western . .
E. District
Came in after the War, about
Allen, John .
1786, M.S. Sherwood.
}Que. if Sons of Joseph
Allen, Jonathan
Allen Petition? Yes.
Allen, Joseph
S.G. apt. Loyalists Captain
Allen, Joseph
No 1. M.R. No. 4.
Allison, Joseph . .
Adolphus Town
A private in Col. Delaney's
Alpin, James
Marysburgh ....
Corps. L.B.M.
Sero-t. British Regt.
Alt, Nicholas
E. District . .
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, A,
Aman, John
a wife. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Or Amon, John, Soldier,
Aman, Jacob
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier, R.R.N.Y. Muster
Amey, John Jonas
Ernest Town
Roll, A.
With Genl. Burgoyne. Jes-
sups P.L. 1786. L.B.C.
Amon Lawrence
E District
R R.N Y died before the
Amor, Peter
A Grenadier Royl. Yorkers
Amor, Philip . .
J.B. say Philip.
Royal Regt. , New York.
Amsbury, \Villiam
Ernest Town .
Soldier, Loyal Rangers call-
Amy, Nicholas .
ed Loyalist P.L., 1786.
Soldier, Loyal Rangers, L.
Anderson, Alexander
Home District
B.M., 1790. 600 ac. (P.L.
Niagara, Stamped Book.
Anderson, Alexander. .
Anderson, Benjamin
Discharged Soldier. . . .
E. District
Kingston, Soldier 31st Regt.
p. Petition. (Stamped
Not in the Province J.B,
Anderson, Cyrus
Do. expunged
(P.L. 2d, 1786).
Son of Samuel J.B. (P.L.
Anderson, Ebenezer. . .
Do. expunged ....
2d, 1786).
Son of Samuel, R.R.N. York
Anderson, Elias
Home District . . .
Soldier p. Muster Roll.
(P.L. 2d, 1786).
Inserted by O.C., 8th July,
Anderson, Elisha.,
Do. expunged
Son of Samuel, Soldier R.R.
Anderson, George .
E. District, expunged
N.Y. Ld.Bd. Muster Roll.
(P.L. 2d, 1786).
Son of Samuel, J.B. P.L.
Anderson, IJenry... .
E. District . .
2d, 1786.
Loyal Rangers. J.F.
Anderson, John
Que. If he did not belong to
Anderson, Jacob
E. District
Royal Artillery.
Anderson, James..
Do. expunged
Son of Samuel and a Soldier
Anderson, Senior, John
R.R.N.Y..M.ROII. single
man. P.L. 1786.
Son of Benjamin J B. Dis-
Anderson, Junior, John
charged British Soldier.
Expunged, Son of Samuel,
Anderson, John;
J.B, (Single man. P.L.
2d, 1786).
If from Nova Scotia (Soldier
Anderson, Joseph
BritishRegiment A.Mc.L. )
Expunged Capt. P.L. 2d,
Anderson, Joseph . . .
E. District, M.C
Lt. Sir J. Johnson's or R.
Anderson, Peter
Markham ....
Inserted by O. Council, 2d
Anderson, Richard
E. District
Dec., 1806.
Que. If not Son of Benja-
min ? Yes. J.B.
Anderson, Capt. .. .
E. District
S. G. R. R. N . York. P. L.
H. District
2d, 1786.
S. B. Rangers. (Niagara
Anderson, Thomas G
E District
Stamped Book). S. P.L.
N, 1786.
Expunged, Son of Samuel,
Andrews, Benjamin . .
Anderson, Walter ....
Elizabeth Town
Charlotte ville
J.B. ' Single man, P.L.
2d, 1786.
Joined the Royal Army at
Verplank's Point — from
Order in Council 24th Feb-
Andrew, William
ruary, 1807. Served in
Ward's Block House.
British Soldier, P.L., 1786.
Angle George . ...
Sophiasburgh and
Stamped Book.
German Soldier, Engle.
Angrish Henry
H District
S Genl. Soldier, B. Rangers
Angrish, Jacob. ,
Anker, August
H District") £
— a wife and one child.
P. L. N, 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier, Butler's Rangers.
S,G. B.R. A wife. P.L.N.
Anker (Ager), Charles..
Anker, Simon Fredk. .
Anker, Junr., Fredk, . .
Annable, John
&fc ...
*o- [II -.
do. |l
do. Js° ::;
E District
S.G. B.R., Niagara Stamped
Book, S.P.L.N. 1786.
S.G. B.R. A wife & two sons.
P.L.N. 1786.
S.G. B.R. S.P.L.N. 1785.
Sergt. R.R. N.Y., Muster
Ainslie Amos
Roll E.
At St. Vincent, Gov. Ham-
Ansley, Amos
Cataraqui Township
ilton, 100 (P.L. 1786.)
(Stamped Book).
No. 1, M.R. No. 4.
Ainslie, Samuel
Kingston .
Sergeant Kind's Royal Regt.
Appleby, William ....
N. York. P.L. 1786.^
An artificer in the King's
Arkenbrack, John ....
E District...
service 7 years. P. 1794.
A soldier in Jessup's corps,
Armstrong, Senr.,
of Elizabethtown
L. Bd. L.
Deceased. Suffered imprison-
Armstrong, John
E District
ment in Albany gaol from
1777 to 1783. O.C. 12th
May, 1808.
Suffered imprisonment in Al-
Armstrong al Welch, . .
Edwardsburg . .
bany gaol. Loyal Rangers.
Came into the Province as
Mrs. Ruderbach with her
Armstrong, Junr. ,
Armstrong, Thomas ...
Arnold, Genl. Benedict
Arnold, Lt. Henry
Arnold, Lt. Richard . .
Ashford, Nathaniel . . .
Ashley, William
Asseltine, John
Asseltine, Isaac
Asseltine, Peter
Atkinson, William
Atkinson, William....
Averall, Robert
Avery, Joseph
A very, Joseph .
Ault, Everhart
Ault, Michael .
Cataraqui Township
E District..
Austin, Widow Chrisp E District.
Ault, John
Austin, Joel H District.
Austin, Solomon.
Ackler, William .
Babcock, Benjamin
E District.
Ernest Town
Kingston . . .
E District.
Son of Thomas.
do. Edwardsburgh Served under General Bur-
goyne, J.F.
Struck off.
Home District Expunged. M.C.
do. Son of. M.C.
Inserted by O. Council, 6th
July, 1798.
Kingston Soldier 34th Regt. p. petition.
Not U.E. 200 acres. L. B.
M., 1791.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
M. 1790—350. P.L., 1786.
L. B. M., 1790— only 200. .
Loyalist (Stamped Book).
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
M. 1790—300. P.L. 1786.
S.G-. Lieut. N. York militia
(Stamped Book), P.L. 1786.
No. M.R. No. 4.
Drummer R.R.N.Y. Muster
do. . . Fif er Loyal Rangers,or R. R.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.L.,
Single, P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll, A— has
a wife and one child, P.L.
2d, 1786.
At Montreal, B.M.A., J.F.
widow of Dr. Austin.
On original Roll. Soldier
Butler's Rangers, S.G.S.,
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
From North Carolina.
B.R., Soldier Butler's Ran-
gers— a wife and two chil-
dren. P.L.N. 1786,Niagara
Stamped Book.
A single man, a settler from
State N. York, L.B,K.
1792—200. His children in
1804,aged— Rachel,] 4; Da-
vid, 12 ; Peter, 10 ; Sarah,
7 ; Jacob, 5 ; John, 3 ; El-
izabeth, 1 year ; joined at
New York and in Ward's
Babcock David
Kingston .
Emigrant settler, L. B. K.,
1793, from New York State
— 200acres,Kingston; once
served in the Blockhouse ;
600 acres.
Who joined the Royal army
at New York, order-in -
Council 30thJanuary,1808.
Butler's Ran. (Niagara
Stamped Book, S.P.L.N.
Discharged British Soldier.
If the widow of Samuel or
Anthony — late of Kinder-
brook — wife of William
Son of Levi J.B.; ship car-
penter in the service.
A volunteer in Delaney's
Regt.; L. Bd. L.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.,L.Bd,L.
— a wife and 6 children,
P. L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Adam, Senr.
R.R-N.Y.-had a wife and
3 children; P. L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.L.,
Muster Roll : had a wife,
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Eas beeen five years in the
Province ; asks 200 acres.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L. B.
M., 1790—300, P.L. 1786.
Pioneer B. Rangers (Niagara
Stamped Book, S.P.L.N.,
Son of Adam, Senr., U.E.,
(single, P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster
Roll (single, P. L.2d, 1786,
Stamped Book.
Son of Adam ; a soldier in
Que., if not son of Adam,
Cataraqui, B. M. A.,
Stamped Book.
A settler— did not join before
1783. KJ. D.G.
lit. B. Rangers— a wife and
four children, P. L. N. 1786,
Niagara Stamped Book.
Babcock, Rachel,
Home District
widow of Samuel
Backer John
Badderly, Michael
Badgley, now At-
kinson, Margt.
Baily, John .
M District
E District . .
Baily, Levy
Baker, Senr., Adam . .
Baker, Junr., Adam . .
Baker, Benjamin
Baker, Conradt ... .
( E District
Baker, Elisha
\ Williams burg
Augusta. .
Baker, Frederick . . .
Ernest Town
Baker, Jack
(Blackman) James
Baker John
H District '..
E District
Baker, Henry
E District
Baker, Martin
E District. . .
Baker, WiUiam
Baldwin, PMneas
Ball, Senr., Lt. Jacob
H District... .
Ball, Jacob
H District
Que. , if not son of Peter — a
Ball, Lt. Peter
wife and one child, P.L.N.
Lt. B.R., Niagara Stamped
Ball, Shadrack
Ernest Town
Book— a wife & 2 children,
P.L.N. 1786.
A soldier Loyal Rangers, L.
Ball, Solomon
B. M. ,1791,400 acres-drew
land in Charlottenburg,100
acres — relinquished this
land, P.L.N. J., 1786.
P States M D • soldier in
Banta, Capt, Weart . .
H District
Jessup's, also L. B. M.
1790, P.L.N. J. 1786.
His heirs.
Barnhart, Charles ....
Barnhart, George .
E District
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.M.
1760. P.L. 1786.
Sergeant K.R R N Y IF
Barnhart, John .
H District
P.L. 2d, 1786.
R R N Y Muster Roll A
Barnhart, Jacob . ...
E District
Stamped Book. M.D.
}SoldierR.R N Y. L Bd.L
Barnhart, Nicholas.. . .
Sons of George, J.B.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L. Bd.
Barnum, Nathaniel .
H District
Dead — a Lieut
Barnum, Nathan
London District . .
Formerly soldier in 3rd Bat-
Barthol, Keepart
H District ..
talion of Delaney's. O.C.
26th January, 1808.
B Rangers.
Bartley, Isaiah . .
Fred ericksburgh
Soldier King's R Regt N.
/ t * i \
Bartley, Michael
York— 700 acres (Stamped
Book), P.L. 1786.
P.L 1786 -had drawn 100
Barton, John
acres L.B.A. 1794, grant
200. Soldier R.R.N.Y.,
G.H. 1784.
1789 Land Board Certificate
Barton, Joseph
—no description. Son of
1789 Land Board Certificate
Barton, Thomas
E District.
—no description.
Stated U E by Land Board
Barton, William
Elizabeth Town
of Luneberg. Soldier Loy-
al Rangers.
1789. No description in Land
Bassey, Jacob
Home District
Board Certificate; a settler
— E. Jessup.
S. B. Rs.
Bassey, Junr., Robert..
B,K, — the senr. a settler.
Basteder David
Home District
Nephew to Capt. Tice — how
Soldier Loyal Rangers, Sam-
uel Beekman, M. Roll.
Sergeant Queen's Rangers —
by order-in -Council 2d De-
cember, 1806.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. pr. Mus-
ter Roll L. Bd. L. (single),
P.L. 2d.
Custom House Officer, New
p. P. Served three years in
Marine Department in
1797— how Tf,E.
Loyal Rangers. Order-in-
Council, 28th February,
Son of Sergt. John Beach.
ELis Father was never in this
A Loyalist.
Batman Samuel
E District
Bates William
Niagara District
E District. .
Baxter, William .
Bayeux Thomas
H District
Bayman James .....
Beach, Serg. John
Beach, Samuel
Beach, Stephen Tod .
Beardsley, Crannel B..
Beasley, Richard.. .
Johnstown District ....
Ernest Town .*.
E District
H District
Beavins, James
Beebe, Sergt. Edin....
Beebe, Joshua
Ernest Town.
L.B.M. 1793,State Loyalist,
was shot in Ernest Town.
Bounty 200. Soldier Loyal
N. C. O. B. R. a Sergeant,
had a wife P.L.N. 1786,
Niagara Stamped Book.
Son's Petition.
Came to Lower Canada be-
fore 1783. Sarah Buck his
See George Buck.
Inserted by O.C. 24th Aug.,
1802, Engineer Dept.
Discharged British soldier,
from 53rd Regt. (Stamped
Book) p. Sergt. Mcln-
tosh's certificate.
S. G. Corpl. Becraft, Indian
Dept. single, P.L.N, 1786,
Niagara stamped book.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.P.L.1786.
S. G. No. 2, Soldier Butler's
Rangers, O.C. 13th Oct.,
1796, S.,P.L.N., 1786.
H District
Beach, John
E District
Buck, Bercia
Beack, George
E District
Bedford, Jonathan, sr..
Bedford, Edward.
New Castle
H District
Begraft, Benjamin
Behn, John . .
Bell, Derick...^
H District
Bell Duncan
Fredericksburgh ...
S.G. Sergeant King's Ran-
Bell Thomas .
gers, P.L. 1786.
1785, Gov. Hamilton 100
Bell William
Kingston . .
Loyalist Soldier, R.R.N,
Y., P.L. 1786.
Treasury Loyalist
Bell William
Sergt. King's Rangers R
Bell William
Roll (Stamped Book) P.L.
Sergt. 31st Regt R
Belton George
E District
Geo. Boulton ioined in 1777
Bender Dennis . .
0. E.
Bender George
E District . .
Soldier R Regt N York
Painter, J. F
Muster Roll A.
Bender Philip
Home District
B. R. a wife and four chil-
Bender Tunis
E District
dren, P. L. N. 1786, Nia-
gara Stamped Book.
Son of George States p Pe-
Benedict, John
Do Matilda
tition, in 1798, to be of age.
R.R.N.Y , Muster Roll (A)
Benedict, Joseph
Benegar John
Do G.G
single, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Corpl. R. R. N. Y., Muster
Boll, P.L. 2d, 1786, a wife
and two children.
Issuer of Provisions and
Bennet, Corporal
E District
afterwards clerk in Com-
missary Dept. L. B. M.,
1791, 200, and L. B. A.,
1794, 300 acres more.
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Bennet, if Charls, Jas..
H District
S. G. List 2 Corpl Indian
Benson, Albert .
Adolphus Town
Dept., one of this name,
H. D. states to have come
here in 1791.
Loyalist 1786 P L from
Benson, Cornelius . . .
New York, Mc.'L.'
Son of Mathew
Benson, Garret
Adolphus Town . . .
Loyalist L B M 1790 and
Benson Mathew
P.L. 1786, from New York
TJ E Soldier Orange Ran
Benth, John
gers,L. B. M. and P. L.,
1786. Bounty by his heirs,
200 L.B.M., 1791.
Discharged German soldier
Berdan, Albert .
H District
p. Provision List, 1786.
Sergeant 2nd Batln New
Jersey Volunteers.
Berkley, Averhart . . .
Berrard, Alexander .
Williamsburgh .
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Dead. J.B. R.R.N.Y., M.
Roll, P.L.N. J., 1786.
S. G. Chaplain, 84th Regt.
States the loss of property
for his loyalty. In 1795
came with a wife and 9
children. John Silver-
thorn says that he drove a
continental waggon ; no
Was taken prisoner by the
Indians and afterwards
served in R.R.N.Y.
Que, If not Biringer who
came in 1737. P. states
no service.
Discharged British Soldier.
Que. what Brit. Regt. 29th
per Sergeant Mclntosh's
Discharged Brit. Sol. Que.
what British Regt. 53rd
Regt. L.B.M. 1791, 350,
and P.L. 1786 (Stamped
Book), a wife.
R. R. N. Y, A. McL.
(Stamped Book), S. P. L,
Discharged Brit. Sol. Que.
what Regt. 29th Regt. per
Land Board Certificate,
450 L.B.M., 1791, and
Provision List, 1786.
Son of Thomas.
Served in Quarter Master
Son of Thomas Boyd, senr.
Emigrant from U. S. , L. B. L.
Died in 1789, O. C. 4th May,
1802. Reed, from C.O.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll-
gone into the States, B.
789, Resident three years—
drawn 100 acres.
E District
Bethune, Angus
Bethune, Revd. John..
Betron, David
H District
Bettersworth, James.
Beygar, Christopher. .
Bibby, Richard
E District. .
E District
Marysburgh . .
Binker, William
Birch, Jacob
Bird, Henry., ...
Boid, James
E District
Boid, Senr, Thomas. . .
Boid, Junr, Thomas . .
Birdsall, Jeremiah
Birdsall, Samuel
Do Edwardsburgh
Elizabeth Town
Of Stamford
Bishop, John
E District Matilda....
4iugusta .
Bissle, David
Bissle, Joseph
Bistedo, Jacob
Incorporated Loyalists. One
Black Jonathan .
Augusta . .
son, P.L., 1786.
p P. Sergeant in Col. Brev-
Blackburn, John . . .
ington's Regiment.
O.C. 5th Jan., 1808. Soldier
Blakeley, James ....
Marysburgh and
in Capt. Suman's Compy. ,
M. C. Commissary, O. C.,
30th August, 1797 (P. L.
Blakeley al Flvnn,
E District, Lancaster..
Had three children, P.L.
2d, 1786.
Blacher, John
Maryaburgh and
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.B.
Blanchard William
M., 1790, 300, King's
Rangers, P.L., 1786.
44th Regt., Genl. Haldi-
Bland William
E District
mand, 100 and P.L., 1786.
(Stamped Book).
Wan-anted artificer from the
Bogart Abraham
Tower, not U. E., had a
wife and one child, P. L.
2d, 1786.
Loyalist L.B.M. 1793, 300,
Bogart, Christopher . .
Bogart, Gilbert or
Loyalist from New York,
McL., P.L., 1786.
O.C.,16th June, 1807.
Soldier Loyal Refugees, L.
B.M., 1789, 450 in all. P.
Boice, Senior/ John..
H District
L. 1786.
Soldier B. R., p. P. a wife
Boice, Junior, John.
and four children, P. L.
2d, 1786. Soldier R.R.N.
Y. Muster Roll.
Son of John, senr.
Bond, George . .
York .. .. ..
O. C. 7th March, 1808.
Bonistal Jacob
E District
Served as Captain in Col.
Richd. King's Regiment.,
South Carolina.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Bolton, Richard ....
On original Roll.
Booth, Abner.
E District, late of
1789. P. States as settler.
Born, John Senr
Elizabeth Town
Home District
A settler, R.J., D.G.
On original Roll.
Booth Benjamin
Ernest Town .
Born, John, Junr
Home District
On original Roll.
Booth Bethea
E District
Booth, Charles
Do . .
Son of John Booth, a Pen-
Booth, John . .
Auerusta . . .
sioner, Ld. Bd. L.
Son of John Booth, senr.
Booth, Senior, John. . .
Booth, Joshua
Booth, Isaac
E District
U. E. Pensioner during the
S. G. Sergeant and for his
father who died in New
York (P.L. 1786.)
Son of John Booth; a pen-
sioner, Ld. Bd. L.
Now Campbell, daughter of
John Booth, a pensioner,
Son of John Booth, a pen-
sioner, L. Bd. L.
Son of John Booth, p. Pe-
tition J. J, a pensioner.
Joined the Royal Standard
at New York in 1776, and
was in the King's service,
Dischd. Soldier German
troops p. Provision List
A single woman — not enti-
Employed in the Lumber
Service for Government.
S.G.-Jessups-Ensign Loyal
Rangers, B.M.A.
Expunged by order of C.
Not U.E.
(if Bouks) a soldier R. R.
R.R. N. York, Muster Roll.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll (A).
Single. P. L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— P.
L. 2d, 1786— had a wife &
four children.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll— P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier K. R. Regt. N. Y.
L.Bd.L. 200,P.L.2d,1786.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Son of William Bowen of
Soldier Butler's Rangers, S.
Genl. A wife & four chil-
dren, P. L. N. 1786; Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
Ernest Town
E District
Booth, Phabe
Booth Samuel
Do Elizabethtown
Booth Vincent
E District
Booth, Zeaks . ...
Borman, Sigismund . .
Boss, Elizabeth
H District
Bostwick, Joshua
Bostwick, Joshua
Bottom, Ensn. Elijah. .
Bottom, Richard
Bouchette, Commodore
Bough, John
E District, Augusta )
Augusta )
E District
do. ..*...
M District . .
E District
Bough, Senr., Frederick
Bough, Junr. , Frederick
Bouk, Adam
Bouk, Senr., Christian
Bouk, Frederick
Bo wen, Abraham
Bowen, Cornelius
H District
Bowen Henry
"Richmond . .
L.B.M. 1790—550. Loyalist
from N. Y. Provision list
1786-a wife.
Son of William Bowen of
Soldier King's Royal Regt.
N. York, Muster Roll.
ACorporal Butler's Rangers,
L.B.M. 1790.
Son of Wm. Bowen of R.R.
N. Y.
Son of Wm. Bowen of Fred-
ericksburgh, L.B.M. 1790.
B. Rangers. A soldier.
Lieut. Indian Department,
L.B.M. 1791.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. L.
B. M. 1790—650. P. L.
1786, Muster Roll, A.
(Stamped Book).
Same person-soldier in R.R.
N. Y. , P.L. 1786-has land
in Matilda, N.M.L.
Corporal R.R N.Y.— P. L.
1786. Stamped Book.
Son of William Bowen of
of R.R.N.Y.
Bucks County Volunteers.
Volunteer in Capt.Thomas's
Company— P.
Drummer Royal Regiment
New York— Muster Roll
Niagara Stamped Book — a
wife & 7 children— P. L.N.
Que., Butler's Rangers, Ni-
agara Stamped Book — S.
P. L.N. 1786.
Butler's Rangers, S.G. O.C.
13th Oct., 1796. Niagara
Stamped Book.
B. Rangers— a wife and five
children, P. L.N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
B. Rangers, S. P. L.N. 1786
(Niagara Stamped Book).
Bowen, John
E District, Matilda . .
H District "\
Bowen Luke
Bowen, Corporal Peter
Bowen, Peter
Fredericksburgh f
Bowen Peter
Bowen } Victor . .
H District
Bowen, William
Bowen, William R....
Bowen William
Frederick sburgh
Bower Adam
Ernest Town "S
Bower Adam
Fredericksburgh )
do. (Kaspar) . .
Kingston ....
Bower, Gaspar
Bower William
Boulsby, Richard
Boulsby, Thomas
Bowman, Abraham . .
Bowman, Senior,
George Adam
Bowman, Junior, Adam
Bowman, Henry . .
H District
Bowman, Jacob
Bowman, Peter
H District
Boyce, Andrew
Ernest Town
E District, Matilda . .
Elizabeth Town
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
R.R.N.Y.— had a wife and
4 children, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Joseph Griffin says in Al-
bany Gaol; afterwards en-
listed with the Rebels ;
deserted in two days ; for
7 years lived after on Con-
necticut River.
Was a soldier in the Conti-
tinental service. Not U.E.
Soldier in Jessup's Corps, p.
M. (P.L. 1786).
S. G. Ensign — Rogers— say
Loyal Rangers, L.B.L.
S.G. Captain, Rogers, say
Loyal Rangers, L.B.L.
Joined Genl. Burgoyne; was
taken prisoner; came to
Canada in 1786 ; drew 200
acres, and returned imme-
diately to the States. In-
formation of Col. James
S.G. King's Rangers, a sol-
dier, L.B.M. 1790. P.L.
Engineer Department arti-
ficer. Son of Jas. Brad-
shaw, Senr. Restored to
U.E. List O.C. 14th Jan-
uary, 1808, p. Certificate
P.L 1786.
Corporal R. R. N. Y. M. Roll,
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Delaney's Brigade,
L. B. M. 1790—300 P. S.
1786, K. R.'s, 1784, by
Genl. Haldimands — one of
this name Lieut, unin
corpd. Loyalists.
King's Rangers, son of James
Bradshaw, Senr. P.L. 1785.
B. Rangers. A wife & one
child, P. L. N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
Boyce, John
de Boyce, Jehdda
Boyce, Stephen
Ernest Town
Brackenridge, David...
Brackenridge, James . .
Brackenridge, Francis.
Bradshaw, Asal .
E District
H District
F re d eri ck sburgh
Bradshaw, David
Bradshaw, John
E District, Oynaburgh
Frederick sburgh
M District. Que. . . ^
Fredericksburgh. Que j
H District
Bradshaw,Senr. , James
Bradshaw, Junr. , James
Bradshaw, Junr. , Jame s
Bradt, Capt. Andrew. .
Bradt, Arent
H District
Soldier R.R.N.Y., M. Roll,
Bradt, Lt. John
Niagara Stamped Book.
A wife and five children.
P.L.N. 1786.
2000 B. Rangers. Niagara
Bradt, John . .
Stamped Book.
Sergt. B. Rangers S.G.
Bradt, Minar
Butler's Rangers (P.L.1786).
Brannan, William . . .
E District . . .
Soldier 84th, p. P (P.L. 2d,
Brant, Capt. Joseph . .
Home District
By order-in-Council, 9th Ju-
Brant, Mary
ly, 1806.
A principal Indian woman,
Brant, Henry
Soldier 34th Regt.p.P.(R.R.
Brant, Capt. Joseph
Home District
N.Y., P.L. 1786).
By order-in-Council of 1806.
Brass, David
Kingston ....
M C Lt B.R. p. P. P.L.
Bready, James
Incorporated Loyalist N.Y.
Bready, Luke
E District
P.L.1786 (Stamped Book).
Soldier R R. N. Y, J. W.
Brewer, Aaron
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Associated Loyalist. (P.L.
Brewer, Lazarus
No description. Ld. Bd.
Brewort. Elias
H District
Certificate of 1794. Emi-
grant settler from Mon-
mouth, N.Jersey. L.B.K.
1794. 200.
A settler in 1787.
— vort
Bridge, William
Marysburgh .
Corpl 53d Regt. GenL Hal-
Briscoe, Isaac
Ernest Town
dimand 1784—100 (P. L.
1786, Stamped Book). A
wife & six children.
S.G. Sergeant K.Rangers or
Briscoe, Nathan
Loyal Rangers (P.L.1786).
Restored O.C. 15th Deer.,
Brooks, John
Sophiasburgh &
1807— son of Isaac— 200
acres— L.B.M. 1791 (sol-
dier in Jessup's), P. L.
Browce, George
E District
Royal Yorkers L. Bd. L.
Brown, Abraham
Soldier Loyal Rangers— 200
Brouse, Joseph ....
Matilda .
R R N.Y.
Brouse, Peter . ,
E District..
Brouse, Peter
Brown Edward
E District
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Son of Abraham.
Joined Royal Standard in
1777— had a warrant to
raise a company — affidavit
of J. Scovell, 1808.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, L.
B. Nassau 1791, and one
of same name in B.R. — a
wife& 5 children P.L.N.
1786, Niagara Stamped
Discharged soldier.
Sergeant in Delaney's.
If not son of Nathaniel, to
Eliz. Town (Single). P.
L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
B. Rangers, S. G. (Niagara
Stamped Book) Stamped
Book, M.D.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, one
in Jessup's.
Soldier from Vermont, L.B.
G., reserved, 1793, O.C.,
28th April, 1807, rein-
stated, one belonged to
Jessups, B.M.A,
Had a wife and one child,
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, T.F.
Soldier 10th Regiment. A
soldier Butler's Rangers,
a wife and two children,
P. L. N., 1786, Niagara
Stamped Book.
A soldier, Glengarry, J.B.,
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Alexander, J.B.
iVidow of Alexander, J.B.
low. Daughter of late
Alexander, J.B.
low. Daughter of late
Alexander, J.B.
Son of a soldier, 200 acres,
Brown, Kzekiah
E District Yonge . . .
H District
Brown, John . .
Brown, John
Brown, James
H District
Brown, James
E District
Brown, Jesse
Brown, Senr. , Jesse . .
Brown, Junr. , Jesse. . .
Brown, Joseph
E District
H District
Brown, Nathan
Brown, Nathaniel .
Brown, Samuel
Brown, Thomas ....
Brown, William
H District of Stamford
E District .
Bruce, Alexander
Bruce, David
Bruce, Margaret
Bruce, Junior, Margt , .
Bruce, Sally
Bruce, William... ,..
do Cornwall . . .
Broundage, John . . .
E District
Soldier in Delaney's Regt.
of Refugees, L.B.L., his
widow Mary.
Firm Loyalist, joined the
troops in 1777.
Que. if of WilJiamsburg, son
of Peter Bruner, a soidier
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Regt. Roll, Corpl., p. L.
B.M., 1790, 600.
King's Rangers. K. Ran-
gers, P.L., 1786.
S.G. Revd. Jessups Corps.
E. J., Stamped Book-
One of this name a British
soldier, P.L., 1786.
Her husband was a soldier
in the Loyal Rangers and
died at Sorell in 1791.
Samuel, reinstated on the
U. E. list, order in Coun-
cil, 7th March, 1807.
On original Roll, Sarah his
Original Roll, John Buck.
O.C.,7th April 1807. Em-
Broundage, James ....
Brunner Peter .
H District
Adolphus Town.
Brounson, Sr., Samuel.
Brounson, Samuel J.S.
Bryan, John
Buck, Mechitable . . .
Fredericksburg .
E District
Buck, Berecu
Elizabeth Town
Buck, Jonathan
H District
Buck, George
Kingston .
Buck, Philip
do .
ployed in assisting and
directing persons on secret
Soldier B. R., p. P. Fred-
erick Buck, his son, p.
affidavit of P. Terry, 24th
Aug., 1806. A wife and
seven children, P. L. N..
1785, (Niagara Stamped
On original Roll,
p. P. Sergeant in Delaney's
Brigade, 550 and 6.
Joined the Royal Standard
at New York, R.C.
States to have joined the
Royal Army in the Jer-
seys in 1777. Came to
this country with his
family in 1795.
Was in before 1789. King's
Rangers, J.F.
Buck, George
Elizabeth Town.
Buckner, Sergt. Henry
Buckner, Henry
H District
Buckner, Mathias
Bemsley, Buel
E District
Buel, Jonathan . .
E District
Son of Timothy.
Son of Timothy.
Joined the Royal Standard
before the Treaty of Separ-
ation, was in during the
Ensign Loyal Rangers, by
order in Council, 2d Dec..
Joined the Royal Standard
in 1779 at New York.
Widow of Aaron Bull, Sol-
dier Loyal Rangers, by
Order in Council, 19th
November, 1807.
Que. If Bryer Bull who
came from Sorel in 1795
or 6. His father did not
come into this Province,
but died at Sorel.
Dead, J.B. A drummer R.
R.N.Y., M,R.M.A. (P.L.
2nd, 1786.
Soldier German Troops, TJ.
E. list.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll. B.MA.
R.R.N. Y. Muster Roll.
Loyalist. Niagara Stamped
By order in Council, 2d
December, 1806.
Wife to John Burcli.
If not one of a Stevens set-
tlers, he is a settler.
M. C., King's Loyal Ran-
gers, L. B. M. in Ld. Bd.
Certificate (P.L., 1786.)
Stepson of Mathias Rose, L.
B.M., 1790.
Loyalist from New York,
son of Thomas, P.L., 1786
S.G., soldier, p P. in Indian
Dept., (S., P.L.N., 1786.
Joined the army under Gen,
Rurgoyne. J. F. order in
Council, llth March,1807.
Loyalist froir New York.
Son of Thomas, P.L. 1786
Buel, Samuel. .
Buel, Timothy
Btiell, William .
Buckner, Senr., John. .
Bull, Margaret
Bull, Berar
H District
M District
Bulson, Cornelius
Bungar, Conrad
Bunker, Bethuel .-.
E District
Bunker, Henry
Burch, Esq., 'John
Burch, Nathan
H District
Burch, Mrs. Martha . .
Burges, Dennis
H District
E District . .
Burley, Freeman
Ernest Town
do )
do . }
Kingston ....
Burley, John
Burley, John
Burnet, John
Burns, James
H District..
Burrit, Adoniram
Burnet, Mathew
Unmet Thomas
Incorporated Loyalist, P.L.
Land Board Certificate of
1792, not stated U. E.,
only a settler, L.B. 1790,
Loyalist from Vermont, 4
article. Restored O. C.,
9th March, 1808.
S.G. , drew land as Corporal.
Petition states Sergeant,
1799, 200 to CorpL N.RK.
Delaney's Corps of Refugees
12th July, 1800. Lot on
Dundas street, p. M.
N"ever was in the Province.
J.F., says son of a Loyalist,
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L. Bd.
L., O.C., 20th July, 1797.
son of, J.F.
B. Rangers, Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier in Jessups, p. son's
Petition Truelove.
Son of Freelove, Senior,
should not be on U.E. list
B. Rangers.
Soldier in the last French
war from 1755 to 60.
Where from ?
B. Rangers. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier 47th Regt. P.
S.G., Capt. R.R.N.Y.
On original Roll. See But-
terworth, James.
Son of William, 200 acres.
Son of William Cadman
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster
Roll, P.L. 2d, 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll,
young man, P.L. 2, 1786.
Soldier K. R. Regiment.
N.Y., L.B.M., 1790., 700
(Stamped Book) P.L.1786.
Burnt, Daniel
Burrit, Stephen . . .
E District
Burtch, Charles
H District
Burtch, Edse.
do Grand River
E District
Busby, Thomas ....
Bush, Charles
M District...
Bush, Julius. .
Bush, Henry
Butler, Lt. Andrew . .
Butler, Elias
H District
E District
Butler, Senr., Freelove
Butler, Junr., Freelove
Butler, Liu-Col. John..
Butler, James
Elizabeth Town
H District
Elizabeth Town
Butler Philip
H District
Butler, Lt. Thomas....
Byrnes, John
Byrnes, Esq., William.
Buttersworth, James . .
Cadman, Alpheus
Cadman, Asa
Ch arlottenbu rgh
Fredericksburgh .
Cadman, Senr., John. .
Cadman, Junr., John.
Cadman, William
E District
Fredericks burg
Cain, Barnabas
Cain, John
H District
Sergeant Indian Depart-
ment, S.G.
John Cain, senr., a soldier
Butler's Hangers, O.C.,21
July, 3796.
1789, P. States, no service,
only a wish to emigrate
from U.S. B.M.A.
P. within the British lines
in 1779.
A settler, R. J.D.G.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster
From Nova Scotia in 1796.
Came in 1786. Soldier R.R.
N.Y. Muster Roll- P. L.
N.J. 1786.
Loyalist, Govr. Hamilton's
Certificate. P.— 850 acres.
L.B.M. 1790— P. L. 1786.
Lieutenant Loyal Rangers.
Had a wife and four children
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of a Soldier — 250, Ld.
Cain, John
E District
Cain, Josiah
Cain, Isaiah
Calder, William
Caldwell, John
E. D
Home District,Charlot-
E District
Caldwell, John
Campbell, Alexr
Adolphus Town
E District
do. of Johnstown
Campbell, Esq., Alexr.
Campbell, Alexr.
Campbell, Jimr., Alexr.
Campbell, Alexander. .
Campbell, Allan;
Campbell, Allan
do. Lancaster..
Elizabeth Town
Soldier Loyal Rangers — J. F.
P.L. 2d, 3786.
Son to Moses Campbell, sin-
gle. P.L. 2d, 1786-who
was Store Keeper to Indian
Department and joined in
1777, N.M.L.
P. only says Loyalist. L.
B.M. 1793. 300. P.L.
1786— Son of Alexander
Sergeant Roxboro' and Wil-
liamsburg, R. R. N. Y.
Muster Roll.
Soldier R. R. N.Y. Muster
Roll — a wife and child,
P.L. N.J. 1786 and P.L.
2d, 1786.
E District, Lancaster
Campbell, Allan.. .
Campbell, Ami.. ,
Campbell, Archibald . .
Campbell, Daniel
Campbell, Senr.,
Campbell, Junr., .
Adolphus Town
E District
do. Charlotten
Campbell Duncan
E District
One of this name asks land
Campbell, Widow ....
Campbell, Sergt. George
do. Lancaster..
H District •
as a settler from N. Y.
State. L.B.L. 1793, and
one joined the Standard
under Genl. Burgoyne in
1777, O.E.
Widow of the late Moses
Campbell Soldier. Restored
to U. E. by Order in
Council, 2d June, 1808.
Campbell George
E District
S G.K. Rangers
Campbell George ....
Campbell, Hugh.
Corpl. late 38th Regt., p. P.
Campbell, John Law. .
Campbell, James ....
Sophias and Amelias-
H District
His name is John Law, came
in as a youth. P L. 1786.
From Nova Scotia, served in
Campbell, James
Campbell, James
Campbell, Oliver
E District, Augusta . .
do. Osnabruck
Adolphus Town
Refugee Corps.
Lieutenant Loyal Rangers —
L.B.L (Ensign.)
R.R.N.Y. -Mr. Crysler.
Soldier Associated Loyalists
Campbell, Richard
three sons John, William
and Stephen. Land in
(Stamped Book). A Serge-
Campbell Sergt
H District
ant in British Regt., 84th,
Gov. Hamilton's Certe.
200— a wife and 2 children
and P.L. 1786.
B Rangers P — Had a wife
Campbell, William .
Adolphus Town
and two children, P.L.N.
1786. Niagara Stamped
Sergeant New York Volun-
Campbell, William
Cameron, Alexr.
E District, Elizabeth
do. Lancaster
teers. L.B.M. 1792— 400.
A Settler— Came in 1788.
L.B.L. 1790.
R R N Y M Roll. R R.
Cameron, Senr., Alexr.
Cameron, Junr., Alexr.
do. Cornwall
N.Y. P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll-Had a
wife and four children,
P.L.N. J. 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y.— Son of
Cameron, Alexander...
John Cameron, R.R.N.Y.
Single man, P.L. 2d, 1786.
On Original Roll
Cameron, Allan. . .
E District
Cameron, Angus
do. Charlotten-
Soldier R. Regt., N. Y.—
(P.L. N.J. 1786).
Cameron, Archd
E District
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Ld. Bd.
(P.L.N.J. 1786).
S.G. Soldier K. Rangers—
Ld. Bd. L. A wife, one
child-P. L. N. J. 1786.
One son of Wm. Buy
84th Regt., S.GT. One on
Niagara Stamped Book.
Son of a Soldier, Ld Bd. L.
of John Cameron, R. R.
Jessup's Corps— R.J.D.Gr.
Son of
R.R.N.Y. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Son of John Cameron of
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
States Service as a Subaltern
under General Burgoyne
and afterwards as a Mill-
wright and Master Car-
penter in the P. Works,
L.B.Iv. - Came in early in
the War. Mr. McD.
I. Battn. R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll, P.L.N.J. 1786.—
One a Soldier 54th Regt.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Ld.Bd. (a wife and 3
children. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of John Cameron of
Son of Alexr. Cameron of
Indian Dept.
Son of John Cameron of
Royl. R.N.Y.
1st Battn. R.R.N.Y. N.
McL.-P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier 84th Regt. Ld. Bd.
L.— P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of EnsignDuncan Came-
ron, R.Y.
By Order in Council, 23rd
Novr., 1802.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
S. P.L.N., 1786.
Cameron, Daniel
Cameron, Donald
Cameron, Donald
Cameron, Duncan
Cameron, Duncan
Cameron, Duncan ....
Cameron, Senr., Hugh
Cameron, Junr., Hugh
Cameron, Hugh. .
E District, Charlotten-
do. 15.5 Con. Corn-
do. Edwardsburg
do. Lancaster . .
do. do.
do. Cornwall . .
do. do.
Cameron John .
E District, Charlotten-
do. Lancaster . .
do. Cornwall . .
do. Charlotten-
do. Lancaster. .
do. Cornwall . .
do. Charlotten-
do. Cornwall . .
Kingston ....
Cameron, John
Cameron, Senr., John
Cameron, Junr., John
dameron, Junr., John
Cameron, Junr. , John
Cameron, William Buy
Cameron, William
Cameron, John
Canon, John
Carll, ) John
H District . .
Carroll, j"
Oarll, Jonas
Carey, Bernard
Carley, Barthow
Carley, Abraham
Carman, George.
Carman, Jacob .
Carman, Senr., Michael
Carman, Junr., Michael
Carnahan, Joseph
Cams, Christian. ..
Cams, Senr., Jacob
Carpenter, John,
Carpenter, Peter . . .
Carr, Senr., Daniel
Carr, Junr., Daniel
Carr, Norrice
Carrigan, Peter
Carr, William
Carrscallon, Edward
H District,
E District, Augusta
New Castle Dist. .
E District, Matilda
do. do
M District
E District, Matilda .
W District
E District, Cornwall .
Ernest Town .
Adolphus Town
E District
do. Cornwall
Fredericksburgh, M.C.
Served under CoL James
Delaney, P.
19th December, 1806. Re-
sided in Virginia and join-
ed Royal Standard at
York Town.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. Jes-
sup's Corps. E.J.
Served in Cap.Saml. Adam's
Company. Order in Coun-
cil, 30th June, 1807.
1st Bat. R.R.N.Y.
Son of Michael Carman,
U.E., Ld.Bd.L. 200.
Soldier Royal Yorkers, R.R.
N.Y. M. Roll.-A wife
and 5 children. P.L. 2d,
Son of Michael Carman,
Senr., U.E. 200. Ld.Bd.
L.— (has a wife P.L. 2d,
Had drawn 200 acres, L.B.
A. 1794 : grant 200 more
P.L. 1786-Genl. Haldi-
mand Certe. 100. Loyalist
from New York. A.Mc.L.
Son of Jacob Cams.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. P—
has a wife and 2 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Served at Miamis during
Waynes' aggression — be-
longed to the Royal Navy.
A Soldier Loyal Rangers —
J.B. P.L.N.J. 1786.
olunteer Loyal Rangers —
500 acres. L.B.M. 1790 ;
family land included.
Son of Daniel Senr.
] Served in the Engineers'
Department— was at York
Sergeant Loyal Rangers—
R.R. N. Y. Muster Roll. P .
L. 2d, 1786.
Lieut. (Stamped Book) R.R.
N.Y. P.L. 1786,
Carscallon, George . .
Carscallin, John
Carscallon, James. . .
Carscallen, Luke
Carson, William
Carter Thadeus .
Case, Josiah . .
Case, Joseph Pomroy .
Case, Peter
Chase, Walter, Senr..
Fredericksburgh, M.C
Cartwright, Senr., .
Cartwright. Junr., ...
Carty, Thomas
Casey, William
Marysburgh .
H District.
E District
Grand River
E District.
Adolphus Town
P. States Soldier, Royl.
Yorkers - L. B. M. 1790.
R.R.N.Y. P.L. 1786.
Sergt. K. R. Regt., N. Y.
(Genl. Haldimand 100).
Stamped Book. O.C. 18th
Novr., 1797. P.L. 1786*
500. Sergt. M.C. K.R. Regt.
N.Y. O.C. 18th Novr.,
1797, P.L. 1786-1784 G.
Haldimand, 100.
M.C. Sergeant R. R. N. Y.
Genl. Haldimand 200.
(Stamped Book). P. L.
Sergeant 29th Regt. P. Pro-
vision list (Stamped Book).
Emigrant from Connecticut,
L.B.L., about 1793.
Joined the Royal Standard
before 1783.
Son of Richard, Senr.
200 acres N.R'. -his father
stated killed at Eutaw
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll- his
sons, Joseph P, Cass, Eli-
hu, Daniel.
Drummer R.R.N.Y. See
order - in - Council 17th
March, 1807.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, P.
A Loyalist in New York ;
went to New Brunswick
in 1803, p. Jno. Williams'
certificate in 1805 (Stamp-
ed Book) Loyalist P.L.
1786. Order - in - Council
llth March, 1807, misno-
mer rectified — his sons,
Walter and John Chase.
William Casey was a master
carpenter in Qr. Mr. Genl.
Depart, at Yorktown— 500
L.B.M. 1790. Came in
1786— P.L. 1786 & L.B.M.
1793, 200. Says no land
drawn bef ore— L. B. A. 1790
—200. Says only 200 be-
Ca&hin John
E District
Soldier in 84th Regt., Ld.
Cash Josiah
M District
Bd. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Cassady Daniel
H District
Soldier in B. R. p. P. Ni-
Casslemau, Conrad t
E District
agara Stamped Book— S.
P.L.N. 1786.
Soldier in R. Regt. N. York
Cassleman, Henry ....
Cassleman, John
do., Williarasburgh . .
H District, M. C
—300 Muster Roll (single)
P. L. 2d, 1786. Son of
Drummer R.R. N.Y. M.
Roll-single, P.L.2d,1786.
Soldier B.R.— P. O.C. 18th
Cassleman Richard
Novr., 1797, Niagara
Stamped Book — a wife &
one child— P.L. N. 1786,
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. A.
Cassleman, Suffrenus . .
E District, Matilda . .
Had wife & child. P. L.
2d, 1786.
R. R. N.Y. Muster Roll— one
child-P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Suffrenus, Senr., 200.
Cassleman, William . .
Cassleman, Thomas . .
C asslem an "Warner
do. , Williamsburgh
Williamsburgh ; . . .
See order - in - Council 17th
March, 1807. Soldier R.R.
Drummer R.R.N.Y., Mus-
ter Roll. Single— P. L.
2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— a
Castles John
wife & two children. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Single. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Caswell Lemuel
E District
S.G. Sergt. King's Rangers.
H District
A. McL.
Chambers Sergt
Jersey volunteer.
Chambers, James
Chambers James
E do
Soldier Loyal Rangers. J.F.
Son of James.
Chavasey James
Discharged British soldier,
Chester, John
E District
84th Regt.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. P.
Chew, W Johnson
H District
Ensn. Orange Rangers.
Chietsey Baria
( E Dictrict
Chisholm, Senr., Alexr.
Chisholm, Alexander . .
t Elizabeth Town ....
E District, Lancaster..
do. do.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll-P.
L. N. J. 1786.
Chisholm, Alexander..
Chisholm Allan ....
Thurlow M C.
At the siege of Quebec in
1775, commanded acoinpy.
of Loyalists— dischd. B.S.
Drummer R.R.N.Y. (Mr.
McDougal), P. L. N. J.
Sergeant 71 Regt. p. P.
British soldier, P.L. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. P.L.N.J. 1780.
Corpl. R.R.N.Y. (Son of
Donald.) P.L.N.J. 1786.
p. Revd. Alex.McDonell's
P. states a carpenter in Genl.
Burgoyne's army.
R.R.N.Y. (son of Donald),
P.L.N.J. 1786.
Indian Department S.G.—-
had a wife, P.L.N. 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Soldier Loyal Rangers (W.
Eraser), P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son to a soldier— 200 acres —
L. Bd. Lu. (of Donald).
Soldier K. R. Regt. N.Y.
Muster Roll P. L. N. J.
B.S. discharged British sol-
dier. P.L. 1786.
Son of John, Senr. J.B. a
soldier R.R.N.Y., L. Bd.
(Stamped Book.) P. L.
Soldier Royl. Yorkers —Mus-
ter Roll, P.L. 2d., 1786.
Son of John, Senr., J. B.
Rept., L.B. Storm on t.
Indian Department S.G. —
had a wife and 3 children,
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier B.R, p. P.
P. states service as a non
com. No corps mentioned.
A sergeant R.R.N.Y. P.
P.L. 1786.
S.G. Lieut. R. R. N. Y.
Stamped Book. P.L.1786.
S District, Lancaster. .
^hurlow ....
Chisholm, Archibald . .
Chisholm, Donald
Chisholm, Duncan
Chisholm, George
Chisholm Hugh
E District
E District
H District
3 District, Lancaster. .
H District..
Chisholm John
Chisholm John
Chisholm, Lewis
E District Lancaster.,
do. Charlottenburg
Ernest Town
Chisholm, William....
Chridmoger, John
if Christopher
Christie, Abijah
E District
Christie, Senr., John.
Christie, Junr., John.
Chrysler, Lt. Adam .
Chryster, Peter
Church,Jonathan Mill
Church, Oliver
H District
Elizabeth Town
Church, Junr., Oliver
Church, William
Fredericksburgh . .
Volunteer — 400 acres — and
son of Lt. O. Church, R.R.
N.Y.,P.L. 1786.
Soldier in Fanning's Regt.
L.B.L. 1792.
British Soldier, P.L.1786. S.
Stamped Book,
nnyng Son of James Ran-
gers S.— P.L.N. 1786. Ni.
agara Stamped Book.
Restored to U.E. 26th Jan. ,
1808. Jersey Volunteers.
Soldier B. Rangers. Had a
wife and three sons. P. L.
N. 1786.
Son of James. Soldier B.
Rangers, S.G, Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier German troops, C.
Book and Provision List
S.G. Me Alpine's corps.
S.G. Sergeant R. Yorkers,
P.L.B.M. 1790, 550, P.L.
1786. Stamped Book.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
P. a seaman from the States
in 1796.
p. P. Employed on Secret
Service. Joined 1776.
Son of Robert. L. B. M. 1792.
Served in Jessup's corps. P.
L. 1786.
Soldier Associated Loyalists.
L.B.M. 1790. P.L. 1786.
A sergeant Loyal Rangers.
By order-in-Council 16th
April, 1798.
John Gasper Clawse, a sol-
dier of Brunswick troops.
L.B.M. 1791— 300— P. L.
Indian Department S.G. —
had a wife, 3 children & 2
servants. P.L.N. 1786.
Issuing Commissary Indian
Dept. S. G. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Yonge . . .
Chancey, Michael
or Clancey
Clandelling, Abraham.
Clandenning, John ....
Clandenning, Senr., . .
Clandenning, Walter. .
Clapwood, Ernest
Clarke, Alexander
Clark, Alexr
H District
H District
Ernest Town
Clark, Henry
Clark, Hugh
Clark, Joseph
Clark, Mathew
Adolphus Town ......
Ernest Town
Clark, Robert
Clark, William
Adolphus Town .
Classen, Caleb.
E District Augusta . .
H District
Claus, Col. Daniel ....
Claws, Capt. William. .
Claus, Gasper John . .
Clement, Lt. John
Clement, John
Niagara District ....
Marysburgh .
H District. .
Ernest Town
Clement, James
H District
Clement Lt Joseph
H District
Indian Department,Niagara
Clement Sergt Joseph
H District
Stamped Book.
Had a wife, one child and 2
Clement Senr Lewis.
servants, P. L. N. 1786.
Clincli Lt Ralph
do . ...
S.G.R. R. N. York, Niagara
Clinch Benjamin N. . .
Stamped Book.
How ? resident in the United
Clerk Francis
E District
States, 2000 acres granted
him in Mechlinbur^h.
Sergeant R. R. N. Y. Muster
Clerk, James
Clew William
do Charlottenburgh
Roll, P. L. N. J. 1786.
Corporal R. R. Regt. N. Y.
Muster Roll.
A Corporal in Jessup's.
or Clough.
Cline George
Son of Michael J. B.
Cline, John . ..••••
do do
Cline, Adam . .. .....
See Order-in-Conncil 17th
Cloady Henry
March 1807, Soldier R. R.
N. Y.
Soldier 53rd Regt. Genl.
Clous, Corpr. John ....
H District
Haldimand's, 1784(Stamp-
ed Book).
B. Rangers, p. P.L. P. S. N.
Clow, Henry . ...
E District
Thomas Sherwood, Esq. , cer-
Cluny, James
do late of Augusta
tines that H.Clow left this
Province in 1789. 1794
served as Sergeant R. Mc-
Lean's P.
A drummer in Jessups Corps
Clyne, Michael . . .
R. J.D. G.
Gunsmith from Mohawk
Cockle, George, Junr. .
of Niagara .
River, supposed H. R, N.
Y., P. L. 2d, 1786.
Restored O. C. 18th March,
Cork, John .
Ernest Town
Cockle, John
0. C 17 March 1808 Sol-
Coffin, William . .
dier Butler's Rangers.
Lieut R R N Y PL.
Coffin, Commy. James
H district.
1786. N. I.
Son of resident in
Coghill, Senr., George
Deceased • soldier Butler'?
Coghill, Junr., George
Rangers,L.B.Nassau 1794 .
Son of George Coghill, Snr.
Coghill Peter.
H District
Came in when a boy, son of
George — Mr. Clinch's in-
tfov. 1st 1804, discovered on
the original roll, a soldier
Butler's Rangers, himself.
Late of Jessups' Corps, R. J.
D. G.
Son of Daniel, U. E., L. B.
A. 1793. 200 P. L. 1786.
Soldier Orange Rangers, L.
B. M., P. L. 1786.
States Loyalist, P. from New
York, A. McL.
Soldier in Corps not stated
in P. Loyalist from New
York P. L. 1786. A. McL.
Loyal Ranger,
Inserted Calder, Wm.
P. States a soldier, 100,Corps
mentioned, New York vol-
Was a guide to the army at
N. York & C. P.
Sergt. 29th Regt. L. B. M.
1792-in all 600 and Govr.
Hamilton(Stamped Book).
Soldier 71st Regt. P.
Drummer R.R.N. Y. Muster
Roll I.- -has a wife P. L.
2d 1786.
Que.? if not Peter Colrick
expunged — Volunteer I.
Department S. P. L. N.
1785. Niagara Stamped
Soldier King's R.R.N. York
Muster Roll A.
Loyal Rangers, A. McL.
Soldier O. C. L.B.M., 1790.
(P. L. 1786).
Que.? if not Comar, soldier
Loyal Rangers, P. (P. L.
Had drawn 100 acres. L. B.
A. 1794. 200. A soldier,
A. McL.
Coghill, (above) John. .
Coll Adam.
E Dist. ,ElizabethTown
Sophias & Ameliasb'g..
Adolphus Town
Coll Bernard
Coll, Daniel
Cole John
H District
Cole* Peter
Sophias & Ameliasb'g..
do do
E District, Augusta. . .
do Lancaster..
Earnest Town . . .
Cole, Simon J
Cole John
Colhier William
Colins Alexander
H District
Collard John
Collier, Peter
Collins, John
Collison John
H District
Colrake Peter . . ,
H District
Coltman, John
H District, M. C
Comber Jacob .
Ernest Town .
Comber, Paul
Comber, Thomas
Concklin John ,
Concklin, Joseph
Conklin Robert
H District
lioyal Rangers, A. McL.
P. L. 1786.
Soldier in B. Rangers. P.
Soldier 84th L. B. M. 1791.
(Stamped Book) .P.L. 1786.
Loyalist, A. McL.
Son of John Cook. J.C.
84th Regt.
Served in the Commissary
Department. P. 1793. L.
B. L. 300 acres.
Que.:howU.E.? discharged
soldier (British). 34 Regt.
P. L. 1786.
From South Carolina Order-
in-Council 17th Feb. 1807.
Soldier in 65 Regt. Warrant
Officer R. Artily. L.B.W.
Dist. Son of John Cook.
B. Rangers, had wife and 6
children. P. L. N. 1786,
Niagara Stamped Book.
By Order-in-Council 13th
January 1807.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll A.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll, A.
a wife and one child, P.L.
2d 1786.
Original settler, soldierR.R.
N. Y. Muster Roll, A,
(Single, P. L. 2d 1786.
Nov.l, 1804, on originalRoll.
Soldier R. R, N. Y. Muster
Roll, P. 1794 (Stamped
Book), a wife, P. L. 1786.
Nov.l, 1804, on originalRoll.
A settler from State of New
York, L. B. L.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Sergeant K. Regt. N. Y. P.
had drawn 200 L. B. A;
1794, 200 (Stamped Book).
Soldier R. R. N. Y. L.B.M,
1790, 100 acres and sold,
1793, 200 Bounty, P. L.
1786 (Stamped Book).
Loyalist P. L. 1786, from
New York, A. McL.
Son of Albert Cornell.
Conlon, Michael
Cook Greoro'e
Kingston . . .
3 District, Williamsb'g
E d wardsburgh
Cook Michael
Cook Michael
E District, Williamsb'g
3 District, Osnabruck.
Ernest Town
Cook Thomas
Cook John .
Cook, William
Coon, Sergt. John
Connor, John ,
Coons, Conradt .
H District
E District, Williamsb'g
do Matilda
do Osnabruck. .
Home District
Coons, Gasper
Coons, John
Cooper, James
Coons Jacob
E District, Williamsb'g
Home District
Ernest Town
Cooper, Thomas
Corban, Daniel
Corbin, Nathaniel
Corbman, Jacob
E District
Sophias & Ameliasb'g..
Cornelius, John
Cornel, Albert
Cornell, Joseph . . .
Cornwall, Senr., John
His son, U. E. soldier But-
Corns, Cora
H District
ler's Rangers, U. list 1789.
Niagara Stamped Book, S.
Corby, George
P. L. N. 1786.
Soldier, M. C. in K. R. R.
Corway, James .
Ernest Town .
N. York 0. C. 25th April,
Cottier, Senr. , James
M. C. 450 acres R. R. N. Y.
Cottier, Junr., James..
a soldier L.B.M. 1791 and
Son of James Senr. L. B. A.
Cottier, Richard . .
do ......
1794, 200.
S. G. Sergt.Arneliasburgh, a
Covil, John
E District, Augusta.
Sergeant R. R, N. Y., L.
B. M. 1790, 200 (Stamped
Book) P.L. 1786, L.B.A.
1794, 200 acres to the heirs
of R. Cotter.
Son of Simon.
Conville, Simeon
Cough, John
do Osnabruck
S. G. Capt Jessups.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll A.
Countryman, Conradt
E District...
Son of Jacob Senr. J, B
Countryman, Sr., Jacob
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Countryman, Jr. , Jacob
Roll A. Govr. Hamilton's
Certe. P. L. 2d 1786.
Son of Jacob Senr. J.B.
Cox, Samuel
H District, M.C
An Artificer P. B. Rangers.
Crammer, Frederick.
Marysburgh ....
J. S. a wife P. L. N. 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Soldier 53rd Regt. L. B. M.
Crane, Elisha
1791 300 (P. L. 1786) S.
Soldier 44th Regt. L. B. M.
Cranty, Michael
H District...
20th April, 1791, 300 (P.L.
1786) Stamped Book.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Crawford, John
Sergeant last war p. P. does
Crawford, James
not state the corps — Treas-
ury Loyalist— one of this
name a soldier R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll, in Col. Em
ricks — lost an arm.
Crawford, David
Order-in-Council 13th May,
Crawford, William .
Fredericksburgh . «...
1807. Soldier Loyal Amer-
ican Regiment.
Ensign in Sir John's R.R.
N.Y. P.L. 1786,
Crippon, Darius
E District, bastard....
do. Cornwall . .
1793. P. late from N. York
State — wishes to become a
subject and settler. .
R.R.N. Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Regl. Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L. Bd.
L. P.L.N.J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. McDougal.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.L.
1790. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Loyalist. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R. Regt. N. York.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Land Board Certificate
states U. E. P. L. N. J.
(P.L.N.J. 1786.)
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Que., if the same as Benja-
min. B.R. S.G. S. P.L.
N. 1786.
p. P. a volunteer in the In-
dian Department.
O.C. 13th Oct., 1796 -volun-
teer Indian Department.
S. P.L.N. 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
A soldier R.R.N.Y. J. T.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Sons of Widow Cryderman.
J.B. Late from the U.
States, 1790, 200 acres—
emigt.— P.L.2d,1786. One
of this name a corporal.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R. N.Yk. Michl. Cryder-
man E.D. Soldier Muster
Roll. A. (Provision list
1786. British Regt.)
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
B. M. 1790.
Order-in-Council 21st Feb-
ruary, 1807. R.R.N.Y.
{ Critus George
t Crytes
Crouder, Anthony
Crouder, John
do., Charlottenburgh
Crouder, John
Crouder James
E District . . .
Crouder Isaac
do. Osnabruck. .
Crouder, Junr. , William
Crouder, 3rd, William
Crouse, John
do. Matilda ....
Cruikshank, Widow . .
Crumb, Benoni
Crumb, William
H District
Crumb, William
Cryderman, Widow C.
Cryderman, Hermanns
Cryderman, John ....
Cryderman, Joseph . .
Cryderman, Michael . .
Chrysler, John
E District, Cornwall..
E District "|
do . J
Chrysler, Geronomus . .
E District
Chrysler, Senr., John. .
Chrysler, Junr., John. .
E District, Matilda
Crysler, William.
Chrysler, Philip .
Culbert, Donald .
E District, Cornwall
Oharlottenburgh ...
Culver, Timothy
Gumming, William
H District..
E District..
Cummings, John
Cummings, Mrs Jane . .
Cummings, Thomas . .
Cuniff , John
Cuniff,- James
H District.
Adolphus Town
Curry, Ephraim
Curry, George . .
Curry, John . .
Curry, James
E District
E District, Lancaster .
. do.
Curry, James
Curry, alias Picard, M.
do. Lancaster
do. do.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
See order - in - Council 21st
Feby., 1807. Drummer
Butler's Rangers. A wife.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
See order-in- Council 17th
March, 1807. Soldier But-
ler's Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.— had a
wife and 5 children. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Soldier K. R. Regt. N. Y.
P.L.N.J. 1786.
On Staten Island.
Soldier 84th Regt. R.L.B.S.
M. & E. D.— Stamped
Book — Niagara Stamped
Soldier 84th Regt. p. P. 300
— L.B.M. 1791 (P.L. 1786)
P.L. 2d, 1786 S. Stamped
Wife of Thomas Cummings.
Stated daught. of a Loy-
B. Rangers. Niagara Stamp-
ed Book. P.L.N. 1786.
Was within the British lines
at New York in 1782. P.
Dorland's afft.
P. states only Loyalist, and
not to have had any land
in 1797.
A sergeant Loyal Rangers.
Son to a soldier. L. Bd. L.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Regt. Roll.
P. states late of 31st Regt.—
his family not in before
1798. One of King's Ran-
gers. N.M.L.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. Had
a wife and three children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Widow of James Curry, a
soldier King's Rangers.
(Lt. Col. Green. August,
Dacksteder George
Niagara District
By order - in - Council 4th
Dacksteder Lt John
H District
February, 1807.
Dacksteder Junr ,
do. ....
Niagara Stamped Book. S.
P.L.N. 1786.
S. G Indian Department
Corl. John
Dagherty Anthony
Niagara Stamped Book.
Dalhunty, John
under Lord Cornwallis.
British soldier. P L 1786. S.
Dalson Isaac
W District
S G- U E Loyalist at Fort
Dalson, Matthew ....
S.G. Loyalist. Petition states
Daly Peter
Ernest Town
a volunteer in Butler's
Rangers. Q.
Soldier in Jessup's corps
Damderf John . .
Danby, Chris
Kingston . .
vision List 1786.
NotU.E Treasury Loyalist
Dap, Peter
M ary sburgh
Ann not U.E. Stamped
Darby, John
H District ... .
Soldier in the war of 1763 S.
Dauson, John
E District
P.L.N. 1786.
Davey, Henry
Ernest Town
Soldier R R N Y L B M
Davey, John
Ernest Town
Soldier R R N Y Muster
Davey, Michael
Roll (P.L. 1786).
States residence since 1784.
Davey, Peter
1790 L B M 500 acres
David, Henry
G-ov. Hamilton's certificate
states Loyalist. Two deeds
issued. 500. P.L. 1786.
Soldier German troops. C,
Da vies, Peter
E District . .
Book & Provision List of
Soldier Royal Yorkers —
Davies, Richard
Muster Roll.
Soldier 29th Regt t)neR.R.
Davies, William
Elizabeth Town.
N. Y. A drummer. Muster
States having bore arms on
Davis, Benjamin
H District
Long Island & in N.York.
M C. Sergt B Rangers, O.
Davis, Isaac
C. 24th Jany., 1797.
Engineer Department Que. ,
Was he resident in the
States before the war ?
Davis, Henry . . .
Adolphus Town
29th Regt A sergeant. Gov.
Da/vis, Thadeus ....
Hamilton, 1785, says sol-
dier. 100. P. L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
Joined at NewYork in 1781
Davis, Thomas
H District
O.C. 22d February, 1808.
From North Carolina. Not
Davis, William
on original Roll.
From North Carolina — his
Davis, Walter
E District
sons, Jonathan, AsaheL
Reinstated by O. C. 18th
Dawson, James . . .
Kingston . .
February, 1806.
Sergeant N York Militia P
Day Barnabas
( Stam ped Book) Incor-
Dayton, Nathan
porated Loyalist from N.
York. Called Loyalist. P.
L. 1785. A.M.L.
States services in Genl. Del-
Dean, Aaron
H District
aney's Brigade as sergeant.
Is desired to appear in
person. Joel Stone certi-
fies loyalty.
Buck County Volunteers
Dean, Josiah
Sophias and Ajnelas-
was a Guide.
Dean, Samuel
do do
Lieut. -General Haldimand.
Decker, Thomas..,
H District
Certificate P. L. 1786,
Loyalist from New York.
S.G. Dyke, Br.'s Rangers, a
Dyker ..."
Decori, Jacob .
Came in 1790 was a soldier
Dederick, Michael
Jersey Volunteers, I. S.,
restored to U.E. last, 4th
May, 1804.
Stamped Book, Soldier As
Defoe, Abraham.
sociated Loyalists, L. B.
M., 1791, 300, P.L. 1786.
Defoe, Daniel
Fredericksburgh .
Regt. Roll, L.B.M. 1790,
550, L.B.M. 1792, 100, in
right of his late brother
Soldier King's Rangers, L.
Defoe, John
B.M. 1790, 200, P.L. 1786
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Regt. Roll, L.B.M. 1790,
Deforest, Abraham . .
Deforest, Rebecca
Defriest Mary .
H District
Son of Mary Defriest, one
Abraham, a soldier in B.
R. Niagara Stamped
Book, B. M.A., R. R.N.
Y. , a wife and one child,
P.L,N., 1786.
On the 8th December, 1791,
Rebecca McLean alias De-
forest was refused land,
her father Simon Deforest
not having joined the
Royal Standard, L.B.L.
Deceased, O.C., 18th March,
States soldier New Jersey
Volunteers- Discharge re-
States service in the Naval
Department at New York.
By order in Council, 3rd
March, 1806.
Sergeant Orange Rangers.
Volunteer, 84th Regt.
Soldier German Troops, p.
Provision List.
Stamped Book.
Employed in the King's
yard during the war as
S. G. Gov, Hamilton's Vol-
unteers to Fort Vinecens,
Indian Department.
Soldier New Jersey Volun-
Soldier Butler's Rangers, a
wife and one child, P. L.
N. 1786.
S. G., Loyalist, Lieut. In-
dian Dept., S.G., a wife
and four children, P.L.N.
1786, Niagara Stamped
S. G., Loyalist, Niagara
Stamped Book, S. P.L.N.
S.G., Loyalist, Son of Lt.
John Depew, Niagara
Stamped Book, S. P.L.N.
Of Niagara
Dell, Henry
H District
DeMills, Isaac
Sophias and Amelias-
New Castle
DeMiUs, Anthony ....
DeMorest, James
Denault, Joachim
Denhart, James
E District
Dennis, William
Dennis, John
H District
Deniston, Robert
Denowe, Joiaham
Denych, Andrew
Depew, Charles
E District
H District
Depew, Senr., John . .
Depew, Junr., John ..
Depew, William
Dell Senr Barsnet
H District
1788 came into the Prov-
Derheart John
E District . .
ince, no active service
stated, his sons, William
Henry, Barsnet, Barrie,
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Derry, London
Butler's Rangers (single P.
Detlor George
Fredericksburgh . .
L. 2d, 1786).
Son of Valentine Detlor —
Detlor, John
Stamped Book, when a boy
Detlor, Jacob
drew 100 acres. L.B.M.
1791—100 acres more R.
R.N.Y. B.M.A..
M.C. Sergeant King's R.
Detlor Peter
Regt., N. York, O.C. 12th
July, 1797 — 1784 Genl.
Haldimand's, 100 sold to
Cyrenus Parks.. Stamped
M.C. Corporal S.B.M. 29th,
Detlor -Samuel
400— Says Sergt. R.R.N.
Y., 25th July, 1796. P.L.
M.C. Soldier Roy 1. Yorkers.
Detlor Valentine
Only 100, as he is still a
young man, and resides
with his father. 1790, L.
B. M. 1791. Bounty 200,
Soldier K. R. Regt., New
Devoe, Conradt
E District
York, 1784. Genl. Haldi-
mand. 100. P. L. 1786.
Sold to Cyrenus Parks.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. A.
Dewit Gaston
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R. R.N.Y. P.L. 2d,
Dewit, John
A drummer R.R.N,Y. Ld.
Diamond John
Ernest Town ....
Bd. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Jacob, Senr., P. 1794.
Diamond, John Senr. .
Say Loyalist, and to have
drawn 100. King's Ran-
gers. P.L. 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers. P.
Diamond, Jacob
L.1786. L.B.M. 1791. 350.
Soldier King's Rangers. L.
Diamond, Junr. , Jacob
B.M. 1790. 500. P. L.1786.
Son of King's Rangers,
P.L. 1786.
Dick John
Marysburg . . .
Discharged Brit, soldier. P.
Dickson Francis
Ernest Town
L. 1786. 34th Regt. Stamp-
ed Book.
84th Regt. soldier (Stamped
Dicky William
Book.) (P.L. 1786.)
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Dies, John
Dies, Senr., Mathew
Roll. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Son of Mathew Dies, Senr.
Quarter Master R.R.N.Y.
Dies Junr Mathew
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
Son of Mathew Dies, Senr.
Dingman, Garret ....
Stamped Book R. R. N. Y.
Dingman Richard
Muster Roll. R. R. N. Y.
P.L. 1786. Had drawn 100
acres, L.B. A. 1794. Grant
R R.N Y. Muster Roll. Has
Dingwell, John
E District Glengarry
a wife and 5 children. P.
L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Dingwell, James
Disman, Timothy ....
W District
Roll. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier Royal Regt. N.York.
MusterR'oll P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier 84th Regt.
Disson, John
E District
Dixon, John ... .
Soldier Royal Yorkers. P.L.
Dixon, Senr., Robert. .
2d, 1786.
With General Burgoyne.
Dixon, Junr., Robert..
do ../...
Dixon, William
With General Burgoyne.
Doan, Joseph
H District
States to have joined Royal
Dockstader, Lt. Fred-
Standard prior to 1783;
came to the Province 1787 ;
was wounded in the face.
A. Burwell.
Indian Department. S. G.
erick ...
Docksteder, Jr. , John,,
Son of John. S. P.L.N.1786.
M District
States to have served in the
Donawan, Florence . . .
Dopp, Peter
Royal Artillery, and after-
wards on Lake Ontario as
a mariner.
Soldier Royal Regt.N. York.
Muster Roll. J. P.L. 1786.
R R N Y Muster Roll A.S.
Dorin, David
E District
Son of John Dorin Single.
Dorin, John
Matilda .
P.L.2d,1786. L.B. A. 1794
had drawn 90 as. Grant
200 more.
Settler — N. McL., Esq.—
Mr. Paterson.
Dorin, J acob
E District
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Dorin Jeremiah
E District
Has a wife and one child.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.NY. Muster
Dorland, Philip
Adolphus Town
Roll, single. P. L.2d, 1786.
S.G. Lieut. Cuylers Loyalist.
Borland, Thomas
Dorn Peter
E District
P.L. 1786.
Sergeant. Served in Associ-
ated Loyalists. L. Bill
1790—600. P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Dougall William ....
M District
Only came to the Province
Dougharty, James
E District
about 1794. States being
on survey on the coast of
N. Scotia. Resided in
Nova Scotia before the
rebellion. J. W. Myer's
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Dowlar, Robert
W District
S.G. U.E.
Downley Cornelius
Soldier 84th Re°t Stamped
Doyle, Benjamin
H District
Book. B.M.A.
Soldier Butler's Rangers A
Doyle Sarah
wife & two children. P. L.
N. 1786. Niagara Stamped
By order-in-Council 30th
Dorder, Martin . . .
Marysburgh , .
June, 1792.
Soldier German troops _p
Drummond, Esq., Per.
E District
Petition 1797, soldier L.
B. M. 1793, 300, and Pro-
vision List of 1786.
Captn. Jessup's.
Dneklin, Stephen ....
Elizabeth Town
Employed on Secret Service.
or Duchin
Dugan, Cornelius
H District
Had a wife & 4 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier New Jersey Volun-
Dulmadge, David ....
Soldier in Jessup's, L B.M
Dulmage, John
say N. C. 0. 1 791. 650 acres.
P.L. 1786.
Found on original Roll 5th
Dulmage, Elias
E District
November, 1804. Lieut.
Loyal Rangers.
Son of Lt John Dulmage
Dulmage, Philip
Son of Lt. John Dulmage
Soldier Loyal Rangers. P.
( De MiU or
( Dumel, Anthony
Dunbar, Alexander
Duncan, John
Restored to IT. E. 3rd March,
1806. Loyalist from New
.York, A.M.L.
Artificer during the war.
Joined in 1776.
Dischd. fifer.
Discharged artificer.
S.G. Captain R.R.N.Y. A
wife. P.L. 2d, 1786.
M.C. Lands as a sergeant,
in Jessup's O.C. 8th Nov.,
1797, 1st April, 1793, 200
acres for his daughter Ann,
deceased. Ld.Bd.Grenvill.
Joined Sir John Johnson in
1776. Volunteer I. Dept.
Son of John.
Son of a soldier. L.B.L.1790.
(Stamped Book). Discharged
artificer. Loyalist. A. M.L.
(P.L. 1786.)
Son of Peter Dulay.
P. L. 1786. Loyalist from
New York, A. M.L.
P. L. 1786. Loyalist from New
York. (A.McL. Suspend-
ed, only a boy ; so says
Capt. Rattan.)
Son of Peter Dulay.
German soldier p. Petition.
Stamped Book.
Ensign Loyal Rangers. (P.
L. 1786.)
A captain, Cuyler's S. G.
(Stamped Book.) P. L.
Son of Captain Barret Dyer.
O.C. 7th March, 1808. Re-
stored soldier R.R.N.Y.
Soldier Loyal Rangers A.
McL. Single. P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loval Ranerers. J. F .
M District
Duncan John
Duncan, Esq./ Richard
Dunham, Daniel
E District
Dunham John
Dunham, James
Dunn, John
Lancaster . .
Dunn, Junr., John
Dunn, James
E District...
Dunn, Terence
Durolemey, James
Duylea, Joseph . ...
Kingston . .
Adolphus Town
Dulay, Peter. . ..
Duylea, Junr., Peter. .
Duylea, Samuel ....
Duynes, Martin
M District, Fred- ....
Ernest Town
or Dyhnars
Dugenberry, John
Dyer, Barret, Capt. . .
Dyer, Silas
Marys & Sophiasburghs
Dyer, Martin
Eaman,or Aman,Jacob
Earhart, Adam . . .
E District..
Earhart, John . .
Eastman, Benjamin . .
Soldier L. Rangers.
Eastman, Nadab
E District
Soldier Loy. Rangers, p.
Hasten, Joseph
Elizabeth Town
Regt. Roll (Jessup's) L.B.
C.L. says King's Rangers.
This man protested against
Edgar, John
by Capt.Fraser from being
put on U.E. List.
(Stamped Book. ) A sergeant
Edge, Widow Mary . .
E District
in Col. Connor's Corps.
One of this name was
wounded in defence of the
Block-house. A wife and
child. P.L, 1786.
of Samuel Edge, a volunteer
Edwards, J ames
at the battle of the Cross
or Barn, 1775. One child.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier 84th Regt. L.B.M.
Eldam, Lawrence ....
1793, 300 (Stamped Book.)
In America before the war
—listed in 1777. Dond.
German soldier
Elderbeck, Eiuanuel .
(Ellerbeck). Stamped Book.
Elliot, David
Elizabeth Town . . .
Land as a subaltern —
Lieut, of Militia at New
York. P.L. 1786.
From Duchess County Set-
Elliott, Jacob, Senr. . .
Elliot, Jacob
do. ....
tied April, 1785, Provision
List N. J. , Sivagache,1785.
Joined the Queen's Ran-
gers under Col. Robt. Ro-
gers at New York.
O.C. 7th April, 1807. Sergt.
Capt. Barnes Hatfield's
company, under Col. Del-
Son or JohnElliott deceased
Elliot, Esq.,Mathew..
Asks land as a settler,1791.
L. Bd. L. From Duchess
County. Settled in April,
Captain Indian Department
Elliot, Thomas
Elizabeth Town
P.L.D. 1786.
— Campbell, Esq.,J.P., cer-
Ellis, Andrew
tifies loyalty & first settle-
Discharged British soldier,
34th Regt. & P.L. 1786, p.
Serg. Mclntosh.
Elsworth, Francis
Emberry, Samuel ....
Embrie Andrew
H District
Soldier Butler's Rangers. A
wife. P. L. N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
Step-son of John Lawrence.
Stamped Book. Sergeant
King's R.Regt. New York.
L.B.M. 1790-500; 1784,
G-. Haldimand, 200— his
wife and daur. of William
Bell, Senr., not TJ.E. P.L.
A settler. N.P.
R.R,N.Y. P.L. 1786.
Sergt. K. R. Regt. N.York.
P. Lands as a magistrate.
L.B.IVL 1791. 600 acres—
P.L.1786. (Stamped Book).
States a variety of services,
and to have joined at Bos-
ton — 500 acres.
Emigrant U.S. L. Bd. Stor-
mont, 1790.
R.R.N.Y. Mr. McDougal.
Emigrant from U.S. 1790—
L,Bd.L. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Emigrant from U.S. 1790.
L. Bd. L.
No service stated. (Niagara
Stamped Book.) S. P.L.
N. 1786.
Was a soldier in Prince of
Wales' Kegiment, by or-
der-in-Council 19th No-
vember, 1807.
Corporl. R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. A wife & four chil-
dren. P.L. 2d, 1786. Died
at the Cedars.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. P.
L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Son of Philip Empey, Senr.
Corpl R. R. N. Y. Muster
Boll— B. R. N. Y.— P.L.
2d, 1786. Son of Philip.
S.G. Corporal R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll. A son of
Philip, Senr. J.B, (P.L.
2d, 1786.)
Fredericksburgh . .
Embrie David
Vlarysburgh . . .
Embrie, Junr., David
Embrie, John
Emerson, John
E District, Cornwall . .
Emery, John
Emery, Thomas
Emerv, Senr., William
Emery, Junr., William
Emmet, Stephen
E District
H District
Emons, John
Empey, Junr., Adam .
Empey, Chrirtr
E District
Empey, Henry
Empey, Senr., John . .
Empey, Junr., John . .
E District
Empey, Jacob
E District
Son of Philip, Senr. Soldier
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Son of Philip, Senr. A sol-
dier R.R. N.Y., supposed.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. A,
Son of Philip, Senr. J.B.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of William, Senr. B.
M. A. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. Mus-
ter Roll. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of PhilipEmpey,Senr.
Son of William, Senr. J.B.
Dead. B. Rangers.
Was a sergeant Loyal Ran-
gers — by order-in- Council
19th November, 1807.
Que., if not a German sol-
P. 1794 states Loyalist, and
to have drawn 100 as. Genl.
Haldimand. 1784, 100.
Soldier. P.L. 1786. Soldier
R.R.N.Y. L.B.M. 1794,
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
S.G. R.R.N.Y.
M.C. Captain from New
York. S. G. Associated
Loyalist. (Stamped Book. )
A wife and two children.
P.L. 1786.
Soldier Royal Regiment,
New York. See Hannah
Reynor's petition, 3rd
March, 1807.
300 acres. Inspector of Engi-
neer's accounts, and store-
keeper Q.M.G. Depart.
P. 1790 states Loyalist,
No service stated. Came in
with his family in 1788,
Empey Peter
Empey, Senr., Philip. .
Empey, Junr., Philip. ,
Empey, Richard
Empey ^Villiam
Empey,' Senr., WiUiam
Empey, Junr. , William
English, Andrew
England, William
Egell, Gasper
do., Cornwall ..
H District . .
Eastern do
M District
Evans, Bolton
Evans Henry
Fredericks burgh
Elveston, Edward ....
Everitt, Lt. Peter ....
Everitt John
E District
Kingston . .
Everitts, Sealvanus . . .
Everson, John
Everts Olirer . ...
E District
E District
Everts, Roawell
H District
Evringham, James
Estman, Benjamin
Eyres, Ephraim
H District
Niagara Stamped Book. Sol-
dier Jersey Volunteers, by
his widow Catherine. P.L.
N. 1786.
Soldier in Jessup's corps, p.
affidavit of Alex. Cameron,
p. March, 1803.
Deceased. Came in in 1782.
O.C, SthFebry., 1808.
R.R.N,Y. A.McL. (Stamp-
ed Book.) M.D.
Deceased. Inserted by order-
in-Council 18th June,1807.
Son of William Fairfield,
Ensign King's A Regiment ;
p. petition.
O.C. 10th May, 1808. Joined
the Royal Standard in
Son of William, Senr.
Son of William, Senr. P.L.
Son of William, Senr.
Loyalist. L.B.M. 1791. Col-
lins'200. (Loyal Rangers.)
P.L. 1786. A. McL.
U.E. Loyalist. A pensioner
during the war. P.L. 1786.
A U.E. Loyalist, p. Mr. Col-
lins' certificate. Has got
his deed for 590 acres. L.
B. M. 1790. A sergeant
Loyal Rangers — 600 in all
—or K.Rs. P.L. 1786.
From Virginia. Served on
board His Majesty's fleet.
O.C. 22d Feby., 1808.
Son of William. J.B. Ld.
Bd. L.
Family, four. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Ralph Falkner, Senr.
Had a wife and 4 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F.
Son to a soldier. L. Bd. L.
Sons of John, Senr. J.B.
S.G. Lieut. R.R.N. Y. (P.L.
2d, 1786.)
E District
Farchild, Corpl
H District
Fail-child, Benjamin, . .
Fairfield, Benjamin . .
Fairehild, Eleazer ....
Fairchild, Peter
Ernest Town
Fairfield, Jonathan . . .
Fairfield, Stephen
Fairfield, William ....
Fairfield, Archibald . .
Fairfield, William, ....
Fairman, Senr., John
Falconer, James
Ernest Town
r do.
Ernest Town
Adolphus town
Falkner, Joseph
E District
Falkner, Senr., Ralph
Falkner, Ralph, Junr.
Falkner,Esqr. ,William
Farlinger, Senr., John
Farlinger, Junr., John
Farlinger, Nicholas . . .
Farrand, Esqr., Jacob
E District...
do I
do )
Fanington, Robert
Farrington, Samuel . .
Farrington, Stephen . .
Feader, Lucis ,
Fearman, John
Feero, Peter . . .
Fell, Frederick
Fennel, Jacob
Fennel, John
Ferbust, Nicholas
Ferguson, Aaron
Ferguson, Alexr
Ferguson, Alexr
Ferguson, Senr., Alexr.
Ferguson, Junr., Alexr,
Ferguson, Farrington.
Ferguson, John
Ferguson, Israel
Ferguson, Jacob
Ferguson, Peter
E District..
H District..
Augusta . . .
B District.
H District
E District
Edwardsburgh ,
E District . . ,
Marys £ Sophiasburgh
E District..
Stamped Book. Soldier Roy-
al R.N.Y. L.B.M. 1791.
400. (British regiment, P.
L. 1786. Muster Roll. A
M. C. Soldier 84th Regt.(P.L.
1786). British soldier. S.
(Stamped Book.)
M.C. 300 acs. Soldier Royal
Yorkers. Muster Roll. 0. C.
30th August,1797. A Brit-
ish soldier. P.L. 1786. 2
children (Stamped Book.)
Soldier R. R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. •
Son of John Fairman, Senr.,
M.C. Soldier Butler's Ran-
gers. A wife & one child.
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
A settler after the war. J.F.
Found on Original Roll, 5th
Nov., 1804. Soldier R. R.
N. Y.
Que., if not King's Rangers,
as a P.L. 1786?
Soldier Royal Regt. New
York. Muster Roll. P.L.
Son to a soldier. 200 acres.
L. Bd. L.
P. King's Rangers. P. Loy-
alist, 200. Genl. Haldi-
mand,1784,100. P.L. 1786.
(A Commissary & L.B.M.
1790.) One of this name
not privileged. 100 acres.
S.G. Lieut. King's Rangers.
P.L. 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers. L.
B. M. 1790. P.L. 1786.
Only came into the Province
in 1793. Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll. N.B. P. L.
N.J. 1786. Restored 19th
April, 1808.
Ferguson, Richard, . .
Ferguson, Junr.,
Ferguson, Rozel
Marys & Sophiasburgh
do. do.
do. do.
E District
A pensioner L.B.M. 1791.
550 acres. P.L. 1786.
M. C. Volunteer p. Regl.
Son of Richard Ferguson,
U.E. Ld. Board certificate
1794. 200.
Soldier R.R.N Y. J.F. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Son of Alexander Ferguson.
Master shipwright in King's
yard at Quebec, St. John
A volunteer from New York.
A wife. P.L. 1786.
Colonel Delaney's Refugees.
Had received several
Original Roll. Soldier R. R.
N. Y.
Soldier Butler's Rangers-
Butler's Rangers. A wife &
child. P.L. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
See order-in-Council,March,
1807. Soldier R.R.N. Y.
Corporal Royal Yorkers. O.
C. 13th Oct., 1796.
M.C. Corporal Royal Regt.
Settled with his family in
1795 ; was settled in Nova
Scotia before the war ; or-
iginally settled in Nova
Scotia ; an Irishman ; his
own story. N.P.
Stamped Book. Soldier R.
R. N.Y. 650 acres Ld. B.
M. 1791. (P.L, 1786.)
M.C. Corporal in Jessup's.
(P.L. 1786.)
Sons of George Finkle of
Sergt. B. R., and a magis-
trate. 1,200.
Ferguson, William
Ferguson, William
Ferrier, John
Kingston .... . .
Ferris John
Ferris, Joshua ....
H District
Fetterly, Peter ......
Fields, George
' do.
Fields, Gilbert
Fields, Mrs Rebecca, . .
for Mrs. Johnston
Fike, Daniel
File, John
Files, John
Finch, James
Kitley .
Finkle, George
Ernest Town
Finkle, Henry
Finkle, John
Fredericksburgh )
do )
W District
Finkle, Jacob
Fields, Daniel
Fields Nathan
W District . ...
Soldier Bro. R. & N. Co.
Finney, George
5 District ... ...
S. G. (Niagara Stamped
Book.) S. P.L.N. 1786.
Son of Peter Finney.
Finney Peter
Soldier Royal Regt N York.
Fisher Alexr
Adolphus Town
Muster Roll. P. L. N. J.
Ln assistant Commissary at
Fisher Daniel
M District
Carleton Island. L.B.M.
L discharged seaman (200).
Fisher, Frederick
Soldier — Regt.— cot U.E.
Fisher John
M District..
(P. L. 1786.) (Stamped
Book.) p. Sergt. Mcln-
tosh's certificate.
Came into Canada at com-
Fisher. George , ,
H District
mencement of the war.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Soldier Jersey volunteers.
Fisher, Widow Mary .
Adolphus Town
ler husband, John, came in
Fitchet James
at commencement of the
war. L.B.M. 1792. 200 as.
P. King's Roy R N Y.
Fitchet "Richard
do ....
L. B. S. & G. 200 E.D .
P.L. 1786..
Fitchell}. Soldier 84th Genl.
Fitchet, Joseph
E District
Haldimand. 100. P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster
Fitz Titus
Kingston ...
Koll. P.L. 2d, 1786.
blacksmith Qr. Mr. General's
Adolphus Town
Loyalist, P. L. 1786, from
Fitzpatrick, Peter
E District
New York. A.McL. One
a soldier Loyal Rangers.
Ld. Bd. in Royal Yorkers.
Fitzpatrick, William. .
J. B. This man deserted
from R. Canadian volun-
teers. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Peter. J.B.
Flack Archd
H District . . .
With Genl Burgoyne in
Flaack, Richard .
McAlpin's corps, &c.
O.C. 1st August, 1797.
Flynn, John
E District
Soldier 84th Regt. , approved
Force Philip
H District
His father was a soldier, and
went to New Brunswick.
Philip did not join the
Royal Standard; remained
with his mother. Petition
O.C. 20th August, 1795.
Forner, John
Forrest, Laurania,
formerly Mrs.Morden
Forsyth, George —
Forsyth, James
Forsyth, James
Fortune, Joseph
Fortune, William
Forbish, Nicholas
Foster, Edward
Foster, John..
Foster, Moses
Fountain, Richard
Fowler, John
Fox, Frederick
Fox, William
Fralick, Adam, Esq. . .
Francis, Mrs. Catherine H District
Francis, Qr.-Mr. Win.
Franklin, Senr., Joseph
Franklin, Junr., Joseph
Franks William . ,
P. 1794. States Loyalist,and
to have drawn 100. Soldier
53rd Regt. Donald Mcln-
tosh affidavit. (Stamped
H District Widow of Mathew Forrest,
do Loyalist U.E., from Schen-
do Niagara Stamped Book. Had
a wife and four children.
P.L. 1786.
E District Non-com, offir. King's R, R.
N.Y. A corporal. (P.L.
2d, 1786.)
do Son of William, I.E.
do S.G.Capt.from Southeward;
Capt. of Guides, South
Home District 1st Novr., 1804, on Original
do Eastern Soldier R.R.N. Y. Ld. Bd.
L. & Muster Roll. A wife,
2 children. P.L. 2d, 1786.
do R.R.N. Y. P.L. 1786. Mus-
ter Roll.
Fredericksburgh R. R. N. Y. P. L. 1786.
(Stamped Book.)
E District Had a wife. P.L. 2d, 1786.
H District A volunteer in the war ; re-
sided seven years in New
Sophias&Ameliasburgh 1786 Provision List says
Loyalist N.Y. (3 children. )
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Soldier, Associated Loyalist.
O.C. 21st July, 1807. Cap-
tain of Militia during the
American War,
Que., wife of John Francis,
late 34th Regt.
do King's American Dragoons.
Kingston At Carleton Island, 1782,
from Lake George. Called
Loyalist. P.L. 1786.
do Son of Joseph.
E District R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll (sin-
gle, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Fraser, Angus
E District
Son of widow Isabella. J.B.
Fraser, Senr. Daniel
Ernest Town
A magistrate, 1,200. Served
Fraser, Junr. , Daniel
during the war ; an artifi-
cer ; in all 700, L. B. M.
1791, includes for family
(wife, 4 children), P. L.
Son of Daniel,Senr. L.B.A.
Fraser, David
1794. 200.
/ Fifver, Donald
E District
Soldier 84th Regt. P.L. 2d,
Fraser, Hugh
1786. -
M.C. 600 as. Foreman Engr.
Fraser, John
Ernest Town
Depart. /. O.C. 22nd June,
Son of Daniel. Joined at
Fraser, John . ...
E District.
Saratoga; afterwards dis-
charged from 53rd Regt.;
was a non-commd. officer ;
had drawn 140 acres. L.
B.A. 1794. 200.
R.R.N.Y M. Roll. States
Fraser John
do Edwardsburgh
to have been employed on
secret service (P.L.N.J.
1786.} Jenny Mills his
Soldier 42d Regt
Fraser, Widow Isabell
Fraser, Jeremiah
do '.'.
Widow to Simon Fraser,
U.E. N. McL. March,
1793. His son, William,
states that he was Secre-
tary to the Indian Dept.
M.C. Soldier in Jessup's
Fraser, Kenneth
Ernest Town
Loyal Rangers. O.C. 12th
June, 1798.
Soldier Loyal Rangers — by
Fraser, al. McNeal, . . .
Fraser, Captain Thomas
E District, Lancaster. .
his widow, Elizabeth Fra-
ser, 350 acres. L. B. M.
1791. P.L. 1786.
Captain Jessup's.
Fraser, Thomas
E District ...
Soldier in Jessup's. L B.L.
Fraser, Thomas
Ernest Town
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
Fraser, Thomas . . .
B.M. 1791. 200. P.L.1786.
Son of Capt William. J.B.
Fraser, Thomas
E District
A volunteer in Jessup's, P.
E District
Son of Kenneth.
Adjutant R.R. N.Y. P.L.
1786. Stamped Book.
S. G. Jessup's Loyal Ran-
Father of Capts. William and
Thomas. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Capt. Thomas.
Volunteer in Jessup's. P.
A corporal S. G. Soldier
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier in Jessup's.
Son of Widow Isabell ; re-
sides at Cotteaux de Lac.
J.B. Lt. R. Regt. New
York— Stamped Book.
(O.C. 7th April, 1807), R.R.
N.Y. Muster Roll, Single
—P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. Has a wife. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Joined the army at New
York in 1777 ; was taken
prisoner when recruiting
for Colonel Buskirk's
corps. A sergt. Jersey
Vols.— 200 acres. Came in
1788. Has a son, Martin.
Came into the Province in
Sergt. Orange Rangers.
Restored O. C.12th July,1808.
Soldier Delaney's Corps.
By order-in-Council 22d Ju-
ly, 1806.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
German soldier. G Book £
Provision List 1786.
M.C. Butler's Rangers— N.
C.O. S.G. A wife & 4 chil-
dren. P.L.N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
M.C. Stamford, soldier B.R.
(Niagara Stamped Book.)
O.C, 17th Novr., 1797. S.
P.L.N. 1786. Has a son,
Benjamin. P. Clinch's affi-
davit, 1807.
Frasor \Villiam
E District . .
Eraser, Capt. William
Fraser, Senr., WiUiam
Fraser, Junr., William
Fraser, William
Fraser William
do of Roxborough
Fraaer, William
Fraser, Lt. William . .
Fratts Henry
E District
Frederick, Barnet ....
Frederick, Conrod
Frederick John
M District
Frederick Peter..
Freelick, Peter
Freel, John
Ernest Town
Niagara District
Freeman, Thomas
Freke, Everhart
Ernest Town
Frelick, Corpl. Benjn.
Frelick, John
H District
Freligh Martin
M District
Employed in secret service
Freeman, John
H District
Volunteer Sir John John-
French, Albert
E District . . .
son's, and soldier B. R.,
and one of Jessup's. L.B.L.
Son of Jeremiah J.B. 600.
French, BenJH
Son of Jeremiah 600.
French, Lt. Gersham. .
S.G. Jessup's. Resides at
French, Henry . ...
E District
Cotteaux on lake. J.B.
Loyal Rangers Joined in
Freen, Peter . . .
Elizabeth Town
1777. A corporal in Capt.
Drummond's company. L.
B.L. (Jessup's).
On original Roll Yonge
French, Henry
E District
Common settler.
Son of Jeremiah French
French, Esq., Jeremiah
Lieut. R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d,
Frees, John
Inserted by order-in-Council
Frey, Capt. Bernard..
H District
29th January, 1808 ; taken
prisoner in 1777 ; confined
till 1783.
Butler's Rangers— a wife and
Frey, Ensn. Philip
3 children. P.L.N. 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
8th Regt.
( Friermut, JohnAdam
Ernest Town
Came from East Florida —
t Freerniouth
( Frill, Peter .
known by Cap. Lithbridge.
L.B.M. 1792. 200, and re-
commended for an addi-
L B A 1794 States the
t Friell
Froom, David
E District
step-son of John Green,
and granted 200 acres.
Son of James Froom
Froom, Senr., James .
Soldier King's Royal Regt
Froom, Junr., James.
N.Y., or corporal.
Soldier King's Loyal Ran-
Frost, Edmund
H District
( Fryke, John
E District .
Son of Francis Fyke J B
t Vyke
Frymire, Nicholas ....
RR.N.Y. Muster Roll A.
Frymire, PhiHp
Fulford, Abel . .
Had a wife and 2 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. L.
B. L. Muster Roll. A.
(P.L. 2d, 1786.)
Fulford Senr Jon-
E District
Soldier King's Rangers p
Fulford Junr., Jon-
Regl. Roll.
Son of Jonathan— 1789 — P.
Fullarton James
M C Royal Rangers
Fulton, Ct. James . . .
H District
Capt. King's American Dra-
Furnier Chrisn
Kingston . ...
Que Furnyea — Sir J J.
Fykes, Peter
Soldier in K. R. Regt. N.Y.
Frederick Lodwick
L.B.M. 1792. 500 Genl.
HaldimandlOO. P.L.1786.
(Stamped Book.)
(From L ) Soldier R R N Y
Goffield, Nat A
Vtarysburgh & So- ....
Muster Roll.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Gahagan, Oliver
Galbraith John
H District
E District
Soldier Butler's Rangers. S.
G. (A wife and one child.)
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Gale, James
Loyalist from New York.
Gallagher, Hugh
A. McL. Stamped Book.
Discharged British soldier.
Gallinger Christian
E District
Had drawn 100 as. at L.
B. A., 1794. 200 and P.L.
1786. A wife, P.L.N,1786.
Stamped Book.
Soldier R R N Y Mus- ^ 02
G allinger, Christopher
ter Roll. P.L.2d, 1786. 1
L B.
Gallinger, George . .
E District
Soldier R R N.Y. P.L. }•
Gallinger, Henry ....
2d, 1786.
R R N Y Muster Roll p
Gallinger, Senr., Mi- . .
P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R N.Y. Muster Roll. P.
Gallinger, Junr., Mi- .
do . .
L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Michael Senr (P.L.
Galloway, George
2d, 1786.)
S. G. Lieut. Associated Loy-
Gamble, William
Gants, Chrisn
alists. L. B. M. 1791.
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
German soldier — C Book and
Gardiner, John
E District
Provision List 1786.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster
Roll. P.L. 2d, 1786. S.B,
Gardiner, George
f Gardner, John
E District Yonge
Served with Genl.Burgoyne,
B.R. a soldier. S.G. Niagara
Stamped Book— S. P. L.
N. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. J.F. Had a wife
& one child. P.L. 2d,1786.
Corpl. Loyal Rangers. L.B.
M.1790— 400 as.— A.McL.
(P.L. 1786.)
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— a
wife and child. P.L. 2d,
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— a
wife— P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Peter (single), P. L.
2d, 1786.
(Niagara Stamped Book)—
had a wife, P.L.N. 1786.
R.R.N. Y. Muster Roll
M.C. Soldier Loyal Rangers
— a boy — 100 — junr. son of
John ; no bounty 1790. Ld.
Bd. certe. P.L. 1786. Gov.
Hamilton, 150. Senr. bro-
ther of John.
Corporal in Jessup's Corps,
L.B.M. Say soldier, 1790,
Drummer Loyal Rangers — a
boy, 100, 1790. No bounty
Soldier Jessup's, A. McL.
P.L. 1786.
(Stamped Book) Butler's
Rangers, 84th Regt. , a sol-
dier P.L.N. 1786. One of
the name a British soldier,
P.L.N. 1786- a wife.
Stamped Book. Petition
states sergeant 84th Regt.
L. B. M. 1790- 400— (P.L.
Soldier German troops.
Soldier King's Rangers — L.
Bd.L. P.L. K. Rangers,
H District of Crowland
E District
t Garner
Garlock, Henry
( Garlock, John
Ernest Town
( Garlough
Garlough, Jacob
E District
Garlough, Senr., Peter
Garlough, Junr., Peter
Garner, William
H District
E District
German Chrisn » .
Adolphus Town
German John
German, Jacob
Gerolomey, James ....
George, John
Ernest Town . .
Georgen, Christoph...
Geoberg, William
Gibbons, Mary
( Gibson, John
E District
I Gipson
Gibson, Mathew
Gichland, Henry.
Gilbert, Josiah .
Gilchrist, Archid.
Gilchrist, Neal.. .
Gilchrist, Peter .
Gilchrist, William ,
Gilmore, Benjamin.
Girty, James
Girty, Simon
Glassford, John . .
Glassford, William.
Glassford, John . . .
Glassford, Lyttle . .
Glassford, Paul ...
Glassford, Paul . . .
Glassford, Robert .
Glover, Jacob
Goheen, Thomas
Goldsmith, Thomas
Goes, Lawrence . .
W District
Ernest Town.
H District . . .
E District .
Ernest Town
H District.
Maiden .,
E District, Augusta
Matilda . . .
E District.
do ,
H District,
Newcastle ,
Marys & Sophiasburgh
Soldier R. R. N.Y. Muster
Roll (single man)— P. L.
2d, 1786.
Corpl. King's American
Regt. , or Fanning's.
Emigrant settler. L. B. L.
Son of Peter Gilchrist.
M.C. 300— a soldier in Jes-
sup's Corps, L.B.L. (in all
500), L.B.M. 1790. O.C.
21st August, 1797, (P. L.
Son of Peter Gilchrist.
Jersey Volunteers.
Partisan all the war. CJ. list
Do., do.
Joined at Niagara in 1779,
and died in 1792 ; his son's
affidavit 1805 ; has a wife
and 4 children. P. L. 2d,
Son of John, p. P. S. Sher-
wood's certificate, 1807.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll A.
Served under Capt. Brant in
1778 ; went to Quebec in
1780; O. E., resided in
Lower and Upper Canada
since 1798. I. Cronders.
Son of John. Said to be U.
E. R.J. D.G.
Son of Robert.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
A. Single. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Sergeant under the command
of Lord Rawdon.
Was within the British lines
before 1783— by order-in-
Council 24th November,
Loyalist from New York.
A. M. L. Loyalist P.L.
By order - in - Council 19th
January, 1802.
Goose, Frederick
Gooseberry, Thomas . .
Gordon, John .
Supposed R.R. N.Y. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Soldier in Loyal Rangers,
L.B.L. 1793.
Loyalists' List — Loyalists
U.D. 1789.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— P.
L.N.J. 1786; another R.
Gordon was ensign in mi-
litia before the war. L. B.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. A.
M. L. (P.L. 1786.)
Soldier Loyal Rangers. A.
M.L. P.L. 1786.
Sergeant Prince of Wales'
Soldier B. Rangers. S. G.
S. P.L.N. 1786.
Capt. Lieut. Lord Charles
Montague's Regt. Order-
in-Council 30th June,1807.
Son of a soldier— 200, Ld.
Bd. L. One a wife and 2
children. P.L. 1786.
Son of Thomas. TJ.E. L. B.
L. 1790. (P.L.N.J. 1786.)
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll.
S. G. Sergeant. Loyalist
from New York. A.M.L.
(Stamped Book.)
R.R. N.Y. Had a wife and
4 children. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Sergeant 84th Regt.
Gone to Scotland. Soldier
84th Regt., P, L.B.L. P.
L.N.J. 1786.
Son of a soldier. Ld. Bd. L.
(Young man), P. L. 2d,
1786. Duncan Murchi^on
says that he died in 1777.
Isabell Martin his daugh-
Had a wife and 2 children —
P.L. 2d, 1786.
E District
W District
Gordon Robert
Gordonier, Henry
Gordonier, Jacob
Gorman, Rebecca
Gosley Mathew
Ernest Town
E District, Elizabeth
Gould, John
H District
Graham, William
Graham, John
Home District
E District
Graham, Isabella,
alias McDonell
Graham, Murdoch
Graham, Oliver
do Lancaster.,
Graham, Robert
Graham, Thomas
Graham, William
Grant, Alex
E District
do of Edwardsburgh
do, Charlottenburgh
do do
Grant, Alexander
Grant Alexd
Grant Alexd
E District, Charlotten-
A wife and child— P. L. N.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Sergt. 84thRegt.U.E. J.F.
P.L.N.J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. N.
B. P.L.N.J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. M.Roll. (A Brit-
ish soldier of this name on
P.L. 1786 Kingston), one
P.L.N.J. 1786. S.
British soldier, A. M. L.
(Stamped Book),P.L.N. J.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Soldier R. Regt. N. York—
P. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Son of Peter Grant, R. R.
N.Y. Son to a soldier,
Ld. B. L.
Son to a soldier, L. Bd. L.
P.L.N.Y. 1786.
Was at St. John's in Lower
Canada in 1782. P.L.N.J.
1786— Reuben Sherwood's
One of 76th Regt.— joined in
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll- P.
L. N. J. 1786.
A Loyalist— volunteer in
King's Rangers, p. petition
One a soldier in 84th Regt.
One of this name drew land
in E.D. as son of a soldier,
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— P.
L. N. J. 1786. Another
P.L.N.J. 1786.
Sergt. 84th Regt. L. B. M.
1790, 400, and P.L. 1786
S. Stamped Book.
Grant, Alexd
Grant Allan
E Dist., Elizabeth TVn
'Grant, Allan
Grant, Allan
Grant, Angus
Grant Archd
Grant, Donald
Grant, Senr., Donald. .
Grant, Junr., Donald. .
Grant, Duncan
E Dist.,Charlottenb'gh
do do
E District
Grant, Duncan
Grant, Duncan
Grant, Duncan
Grant, Duncan
do of New Johnston
Grant, Duncan
Grant, Finlay
Grant, John
Kingston, Pittsburgh . .
Marysburgh .
Grant, John
Grant, John
E District
Grant, John
Grant, John
Grant, James
Grant, James
Grant, John
E District
(P.L.N.J. 1786.) Recruited
men ; suffered loss of pro-
perty, and imprisonment ;
bore arms as an ensign for
two years, on Majr. McAJ-
pin's Muster Rolls; 2000.
Son of a soldier— 200 acres,
Ld. Bd. L. Son of Finlay
Soldier 84th Regt.— L.B.L.
One a subject and settler
from L. C.
Son of a soldier 200 acres
Grant, Senr., Lewis . .
Grant, Junr., Lewis . .
Grant, Peter
Grant, Peter
Grant, Peter
E District
Ld. Bd. L. One P.L.N.J.'
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll— P.
L.N.J. 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll—
(single) P.L.2d, 1786-one
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier 84th Regt.
Son of Michael Grass,
taught, of ditto.
Son of ditto.
)aught. of Michael Grass.
S.G. Capt. N.York Militia.
Stamped Book P. L. 1786.
Ion of Michael Grass.
Sergt.84th Regt,, from South
Carolina — wife & two chil-
dren, 1787 ; Collins, 200 ;
P.L. 1786.
Loyal Rangers— by order-in-
Council2d December, 1806.
l.G. Major R.R.N.Y.
Grant William
Grant Wm
Grass, Daniel
M District
Grass Eve now
do . .
Grass, John
Grass, Lewis
Grass Mary. . .
Grass, Michael '
Grass Peter
Grass, Peter
M District.
E District
Gray, John
Gray, James
Yonge . .
Gray, Col. James ....
Gray, Alexander . . .
Yonge Street . .
Green, Benjamin
H District
by order-in -Council 13th
Oct. 1807.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll.
0, C. 29th March, 1808—
joined the Royal Standard
in New Jersey in the year
Green John
^'lamborouo'h \Vest
Green John
Marysburgh . .
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
M. P.L. 1786.
Stamped Book, Soldier
Queen's Rangers, L. B. M.
P.L. 1786, wounded at the
battle of Brandywine, in-
valided and discharged at
his own request— after-
wards in secret service.
84th Regt. a soldier U. E.
Stamped Book P. L. 1786.
Soldier 42d Regt. Ld. Bd.
Cert, an Artificer this one
A. M. L. M. C. 0. C. 25th
July, 1797.
New Jersey Loyalist. Myrtle.
Was a soldier in Jessup's — is
resident in Montreal, R. J.
Joined at New York, 1782.
Loyalist express in the war.
Soldier New Jersey Volun-
teers, L.B.M. 1791, P. L.
Sergt. Incorporated Loyalist
N. Y. Stamped Book.
Early, was at the conquest
of Canada in 78th Regt.
had a wife and two child-
ren, P. L. 2d 1786. Joined
Royal Standard in 1776,
served in Capt. Herchmer's
Company _till 1778— his
own affidavit.
Not privileged — Solicitor-
General's information in
1802. A common settler
in 1785. F. Smith and J.
Employed as an Artificer —
L. B. Lunenburg.
B. Rangers S.P.L. N., 1786,
not U. E., had previously
been a German Soldier.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Green ' \VUliam
Greenop, Britain
alias Gulep.
Grey John , ....
Kingston ,
Griffiths John
M. District
Griffin, Joseph
Griffin Isaac
E. District
Griffiths, William
Griag John
H. District .
Grooms Elijah
Kingston ,
Grooms Joseph
Grout, Ferdinand .....
Gunn David . .
Marys & Sophiasburghs
Lancaster. , . .
Hagerinan, John
Elizabeth Town
Hagard Peter
E. District
Haggart, John
Hagerman, Sergt. Ar-
H. District
Hagernuui, Tunis . . .
Ernest Town
Soldier Loyal Rangers L. B.
Hcirrorman Nicholas
Adolphus Town .
M., 1790.
Gen Haldimand 200 and P
Haggerty Hu^h
H. District
L. 1786, Loyalist, A.M.L.
Jersey Volunteers.
Hainer Albert
M C soldier B Rangers S
Haiiier John
H District
G. O. C. llth March 1797,
Niagara Stamped Book.
Soldier Butler's Rangers had
Hainer, Richard
do ......
a wife and four children,
P. L. N.. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier B Rangers S.G. had
Haines, Senr., Joseph.
a wife and 2 children, P.L.
N. 1786, Niagara Stpd.Bk
Butler's Rangers, IT E. P.
Hiiiiu's Nathaniel
Soldier B Rangers S G L
Haines, Christopher. . .
1 1 a i M s, John
E. Dist. Williamsburg.
do do
B. Nassau 1794, a wife P.
L.N". 1786, Niag. Stpd.Bk.
Soldier R. R. NVY., Muster
Roll A.single,P.L.2d 1786.
Emigrant 1790 L. B L. his
Hains, Joseph
do do
brother Michael, a Sergt.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Soldier R.R N Y. had a son
Haines, Michael . .
do do
named John, p. affidavit
of Mr. John Chrysler.
Sergt R R N. Y. L. B L.
Haley, Abijah .
do do
and Muster Roll, had a
wife P.L. 2d 1786.
Hall Richard.
S G Sergt Loyalist from N
Hall, Samuel
W. District
York Stpd. Bk. P.L. 1786
S G Queen's Rangers L.
Halley, Abijah
E. District
Loyalists U. D.
See Hawley, Abijah.
Hollo well, Benjamin .
H. District
Halister Elisha
E District .
of Cornwall lately of a^e
Hamblin, David . .
do Augusta .
Son of Silas.
Hamblin, Silas
do .
Sol. in Maj. Jessup's L.B.L.
Hamblyn David
do Elizabeth T
Muster Roll.
Son of Silas
Hamblyn, Francis
Hamilton, Andrew .
do do
W District
Butler's Rangers a Corporal
Hamilton, Thomas ....
2 U. E. List. 1789.
by Order-in- Council, 13th
Hansen, Lt. Richard. .
Jan. 1807.
B. Rangers, Niag. Stpd. Bk.
Hancock, John
Discharged British Soldier,
Stamped Book,
Hans, Edward
Hand sh aw
H. District
Secret service.
alias Moody, M.
Hard James
E. District
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Hard Phili
do do
Hardison Benjamin
H District .
8th Regt not U E
Hardy, John, Sergt .
84th Regt.
Hare Barny
E. District
Son of Ensign John Hare,
Hare Henry .
do Lancaster
Ld. Bd. L.
Lieut Indian Department
Hare, John, Senr
H. District.
Deceased Capt. Indian Dept.
Hare, Lt. John, Junr.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Capt Indian Department
Hare John .
E. District
S.P.L.N. 1786.
Soldier Butler's Rangers Ld
Hare, John
Osnabruck ....
Bd. L.
Hare, James
Ensign Indian Dept Ld Bd
Hare, Capt. Peter
Home District
L. a wife and six children
P. L. 2d 1786.
Indian Dept 2 children, P.
Hare, Peter. . .
L.N.1786, Niag. Stpd.Bk.
Deceased Volunteer Indian
Hare, Wm
Department, S. P. L. N.
1786, Niagara Stpd. Book.
"Volunteer Indian Dept a
Hare Wm.
E. District
wife and 2 children, P. L.
N. 1786, Niag. Stpd. Bk.
Haret, Edward...
W. District.
Ld. Bd. L.
Harley, James
Kingston .
Discharged Artificer Loyal*
Harlowe, William
Fredericksburg. .
ist New York, A. McL.
single, P.L. 1786.
M C German Royal Artil'ry
Harn, James
Ernest Town.
Harns, Gilbert
Fredericksb urg
M C 'Soldier King's Rangers
Harns, Gilbert
Ld.' Bd. Certificate, 1784,
G. Haldimand 100 ditto
100, a wife, P.L. 1786.
King's Rangers A McL.
Harns, Isaiah ,
Soldier Kin^s Rangers p
Harns, Johnston
R. Roll, Josiah, P?L.1786.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Harns, Thomas
Harper, Wm
W. District. .
R. Roll, 1784, G. Haldi-
mand 100 sold.
On Original Roll 1st Nov.
Butler's Rangers, L.L.U.D.
Harple, George
Kingston .
Harper his name, L. B Meek-
Harris, Battles . .
M. District
lenburgh 1791, 200 acres, a
Loyalist (P. L. 1786), In-
corporated Loyalist Stpd.
Harris, David.
Ernest Town .
^^as not in the service did
Harris, Henry
H. District
not come to this country
till after the Peace, Emi-
grant Settler, 200 acres
L.B.M., 1790.
Soldier B. Rangers, S.G.S.
Harris, John
P.L.N., 1786.
Soldier B.R. S.G. S.P.L.N.
Harris, Joseph
M. District .
Son of Minard Harris
Harris M in;inl
Served in Colonel Hurly-
Harris, Peter .
hoy's Corps, joined 1777.
Son of Mind art Harris dead
Harris Thomas
H District
Incorporated Loyalist
Harrison, Thomas
Marysburgh . . .
Soldier British Regiment, A.
Harrison, Senr. , Wm . .
McL. Painter, Stpd. Bk.
Sergt. 53rd Regt., not U. E.
Harrison, Junr., Wm. .
{P.L. 1786).
Son of ditto, not U. E. 200
Harson, Felix ....
acres, 1793, L.B.M.
A soldier in Jersey Volun-
Hart, Barny
E District
R R N Y Muster Roll P
Hartle, Adam .
L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Hartle, Christian
Roll, P. L. 2d, 1786.
Son of a Loyalist. J. F.
Hartle, Senr., John
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F. Mus-
Hartle, John
ter Roll. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of , P.L. 2d,
Hartman, David
Ernest Town
Soldier Loyal Rangers call-
Hartman, Jacob . . .
ed Loyalist, P.L., 1786.
'Son of David.
Hartman, Ludswick
) Son of David Hartman
Hartman, Philip
Son of David
Hartman, Wm
Marvsbursrh ...
Haskins, Abel ..
Johnstown District
'By Order in Council 26th
Haskin«, IVvM
May, 1801.
1792 Petition has resided
several years and is come
of age. L.B.L., son of
E District
Son of Abel
Hatler Thomas
Late of Cornwall, deceased,
Ernest Town
O.C. 28th April, 1807.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Came in during the War
Havens Jolm
with his family — several
sons in Jessup's.
VL C Soldier in Jessup's
Havens Robert
Loyal Rangers. Mr. Cot-
lin's Certificate.
Emigrant from the States —
H District
wishes to become a settler.
L.B.M. 1793. 200.
B Rangers by Order in
Haverland Junr
H District
Council, 21st June, 1806.
Son of Andrew Haverland.
By Order in Council 30th
Haver Daniel
H District
January, 1808, Engineers'
Department and Incor-
porated Loyalists.
Hawley Abijah
On Original Roll.
Hawley, Ichabod . . .
Rangers, p. R. Roll (P.L.
Soldier N. C. O. Loyal
Hawley Jeptha
do M C
Rangers, L.B.M. (P. L.
Lieut of Batteaux L.B.M.
Hawley Martin . .
1789— L.Bd. Certe. and
Quebec plain, P.L. 1786.
Son of Jeptha, a soldier
Hawley, Rupell
Loyal Rangers. L.B.M.
P.L. 1786.
Son of Jeptha, L.B.A. 1793.
Hawley, Sheldon .
200 acs.
Son of Jeptha a Loyalist, in
Hawley Zadock
all 350 acres. L.B.M., 1789.
Soldier Loyal Rangers A.
Hawn, Christian ....
E District .
R R N. Y. Muster Roll A.
Hawn, Henry
do. ...
R R N Y. Muster Roll.
Hawn, Hermanns . . .
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.Bd. H.
Hawn, John
Grenville. Son of Henry
Hawn, P.L. 2d, 1786,
On Original Roll.
Hawn, Jacob
E District
R R N.Y Muster Roll A.
Hayslip, Corpl.' James
H District
B. Rangers, S.G. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Hazen, Sergt. Daniel ..
H District
Jersey Volunteers, Barlow's
Hiald, Nathaniel
Regt., S.G.
Corporal 29th Regt. L.BM.
Heck Paul
E District
1791-650 acres and P.L.
S G Corporal with Bur-
Hedler Adam
R.R.N.Y. P.L. 1786 and
Heford, John
A.Mc.L. Stamped Book.
Discharged British Soldier.
Hehn, John
Hek, Gotlep
Soldier in the GermanTroops
Helmer, John
E District, Cornwall .
O. U. E. List.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A.
Helmer, John . .
24 years.
A Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.Bd.
Hendershot Peter
H District
L. 1791 and Muster R-.41.
21 years — A. and Hihrer
John, R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll, 18 years A.
Soldier Jersey Volunteers
Henderson Cateb..
A Sergeant Loyal Rangers,
Henderson, David
Elizabeth Town
Order in Council 2nd Decem-
Henn, Michael
Home District
ber, 1806, replaced on the
U. E. List.
Found 1st Nov., 1804, to be
Henry James •
H District
on the Original Roll.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
B. Rangers. S. G. — had a
Herchimer, Catharine.
M District '
wife, P.L.N. 1786, Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
now Markland
Herchimer, Mary,
now Hamilton.
Herchmer, Jane now
, Daughters and Sons of
Herchmer, Jacob . . .
Capt. Jost Herkemer.
Herchmer, Joseph . .
do. . . .
Herchmer, Lawrence . .
Herchmer, Lieu
Deceased— P.L. 1786.
Herchmer Nicholas
Son of Capt. Jost Herkeme
Herman, Valentine ..
of Batteaux.
Original Roll, Soldier Loyal
Heron. Andrew
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Stamped
Book. P.L. 1786.
Hervey, Philip
H District
Hesse Andrew
Soldier 34th Regt. L.B.M.
Hesse Jacob
Ernest Town
1790 and P.L. 1786.
M.C. Soldier in Jessup's A.
Hewit Jacob
Yonge , , .
Mc.L. P.L. 1786.
Late from the State of New
Hewston, ....
H District
York, desires to become a
subject and settler. 200
as. L. B L., 9th April,
1783. No privilege.
Killed when on secret service
Hick John
E District
near Gosham.
Soldier King's Rangers —
Hick, Samuel
P.L. 1786.
Son of Paul Hicks, p. Land
Hicks, Benjamin
Board Certificate in C.
M.C. Soldier Butler's Ran-
Hicks, Daniel
gers. Stamped Book. O.C.
30th Augt., 1797. m
His Father died in New
Hicks David
York— Son of the late
Edward who served in
Butler's Rangers — L. B.
M, 1793. 200.
His Father died in New
Hicks, Edward
York— Son of the late
Edward who served in
Butler's Rangers. L. B,
M. 1793. 200.
Died at New York in 1779.
Hicks, Joseph
Affidavit of Parskel Terry,
7th March, 1807 — Mary
Cryderman, his daughter.
Soldier Butler's Rangers,
L.B.M. (Stamped Book)
British Soldier, P.L. 1786,
S. A.McL.
Son of Edward who died in
Hicks, Joshua
New York, L.B.L. 1791.
Emigrant N. Y. S.— 300.
L. B. M. 1790. British
Soldier, P. L. 1786— S.
His Father died in New
Hicks, Lewis . .
Ernest Town
York— Brother to Edward
and Son of Edward.
Loyal Rangers A McL
Called Loyalist 1786.
Hickey John
R District
Soldier R R N Y L. B. L.
Higgins Samuel
and Muster Roll.
British Soldier A. Me L.
Hill Corney
H District
53rdRegt. (Weaver Stamp-
ed Book).
A Settler.
Hill, Senr., John
This one a Loyal Quaker,
Hill Junr John
one a Soldier King's
Rangers, p. R. Roll.
Son of John Hill Senr.,
Hill, Nazareth
the Junr. served in N.Y.
Served as Guide to the Army.
Hill, Solomon
M District
N. C. O. Corporal Loyal
Hill, Thomas
H District
American Regt.
Loyalist from Nova Scotia.
Hill, Wm.
Soldier British Regiment.
Hilts, Joseph .
H District
A.McL. (Stamped Book)
Came in with his grandfa-
Hilton, Sergt B Wm
ther, Joseph Petry.
Kin0" American Dragoons.
Hitchcock, Miles
A drayman in New York
Hitchler Six
E District
during the war.
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Hodge, Timothy
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
Hodogan, Peter ... .
Hogodoom, soldier, Loyal
Hodgekinson Wm
H District .
B. Rangers, Niagara stamp-
Hodgkinson, John
ed book.
B. Rangers.
Hoff, Henry
Indian Department S.G. —
Hoff , John . . .
one woman, P.L.N., 1786.
Indian Department, S. G.,
Hoffman, David
Ernest Town
Niagara stamped book.
A soldier in Jessup's (P. L.,
Hoffman, Elias
Had not been in the service
Hoffman, Jacob ....
Ernest Town
of Government, I. O. C.
Came in after the peace,
emigrant settler, 100 acres
onlyL.B.M., 1790.
German soldier — C. Book.
Hoffman, Jacob
Soldier R.R.N.Y L B M
Hoffman, Ludowick
1790 (Stamped Book), P. L.
British soldier P.L. 1786
A.MC.L. s.
Hoffman Philip
Soldier R. R. N. Y., P. L.,
Hofftail, Isaac
E District . . .
If Hockdel, a soldier Loyal
Hogan, David
M.C. soldier 34th Regt., L.
Hogan, Major Wm
B.M., 1792, 300 P. L., 1786
(Stamped Book).
S.G. in war of 1759-69. P.L.
Hoghtelling, James...
H District
N.J., 1786.
Soldier Butler's Rangers O.
Hogle, Bostian
Ernest Town
C. 21st July, 1796.
His father, Captain Hogle
Hoffman, Joseph ....
was killed at Berrington,
L.B.M., 1790.
Received compensation for
Hogle, Francis
losses— Jessup's.
Son of Capt. Francis Hogle
)Togle, James
(Stamped Book), Francis
his son 200as. L. B. M.,
Loyal Rangers — his father,
Hollingshead, Anthony
H District . . ,
Captain Hogle killed at
Berrington, L.B.M., 1790.
W,E. from N. Brunswick.
Holmes, Asa ....
Lives in Yonge. A. Homes,
Holmes, John
of Niagara. Joined Genl.
Burgoyne. A settler, one
of this name a Loyalist,
list 1789.
Loyalist from New York
Hoople, Henry
E District Osnabruck
(P.L., 1786).
R R N Y Muster Roll
Hoople, John
do do
young man P.L. 2d,1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Hopkins, Senr., Silas. .
H District
Roll, P.L. 2nd., 1786.
It was said he accepted of a
Hopper, Abraham
E District
pardon from Genl. Wash-
ington. I. S. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Horton, Isaac
H District
Roll (Single P. L. 2d.,
Pilot to New York army, S.
Hoskins, Leda
E District
Elizabeth Town.
Hosteder, Herman ....
H District
Served in Bucks County Vol-
Hovenden, Moore W. .
M District.
unteers and Engineer De-
S.G. Lieut, of Horse, Tarl-
ton's Legion, P.L., 1786.
Hover Caspar
Loyalist P L 1786
Hover Henry . ...
Soldier Butler's Rangers, son
Hover Jacob
of Casper L.B.M., 1790.
300. Provision list, 1786,
p. Discharge.
Stamped Book), son of Cas-
Hough Barnabas
Ernest Town
par L. B. M. , ] 790,100. No
bounty land, 1786, P. list.
Genl. Haldimand 300 Loyal
Hough Broner
Rangers, P. L. King's Ran-
gers, 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers p
Hough Elijah . . .
R. Roll (S. P. L., 1786.
Hough John
Fredericksbur^h .
Soldier R.R.N Y L B M
Hough, Isaac
Ernest Town
1790—300, including fami-
ly P. L., 1786, Stamped
Son of Barn abas, only of age
Houtrh, Samuel ....
Son of do
House, Frederick ....
H District . . .
House, George
S.G.B. Rangers, a soldier a
House, Hermanns ....
H District
wife and 5 children, P. L.
N., 1786, Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
Soldier R. Rangers S G — had
House, James
• ••
a wife and five children,
P.L.N., 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
A soldier Butler's Rangers,
House, John
See O.C. 14th July, 1796.
S.G., B.R N C O R R N
House, Joseph
Y.,P.L., 1786, a wife and
three childron, P. L. N.,
1786 (Niagara Stamped
Son of Hermanns House
House, Philip
Soldier B. Rangers S G S
House, Daniel
P.L.N., 1786.
Found 1st !N ovember 1804
Howard, Edward
Ernest Town
to be on the original Roll,
Butler's Rangers(R Nelles)
R.R.N.Y., son of Lt. John
Howard, John
E District
O.C., 10th Feb'y 1808 had
Howard, Senr., John..
Ernest Town .
been employed in Public
Works, L.Bd.L.
Lieut. R.R.N Y (Stamped
Book), P.L, 1786.
Howard, Junr., John..
Howard Mathew
E District
Soldier 65th Regt., L.B.M.
Son of Lt. John, P.L.,
Ensign in Genl. Burgoyne's
Son of Mathew Howard, L.
Employed in Public Works
in 1782, L.Bd.L.
Son of Mathew, employed in
the King's works, L.B.L.
Same person O.C 10th Feb.,
Son of Lt. John, R.R.N.Y.
A.MC.L. B.M.A.
Stamped Book.
State Loyalist, L.B.M.,1791
—from New York (P.L.
1786, Stamped Book).
M.C., Sergeant-Major R.R.
N.Y., L.B.M., 1791—650
acres, Stamped Book.
R.R.N.Y., A.MC.L.
N"ew Jersey Volunteers.
1793— late from the State of
Vermont, L.B. Grenville.
Labourer Stamped Book),
Sergeant Jersey Volunteers,
p. discharge.
Que : If son of John Senr.
Soldier German Troops, p.
Provision list, 1786.
Loyal Rangers (Niagara
Stamped Book), S. P.L.N.
1786, the Senr. not privi-
leged, only one daughter,
named Marg.
Sergt, S.G. andGovr. Ham-
ilton, 100 (British Regt.,
P.L. 1786), a wife & child
(Stamped Book),
lioyal American Regt., in-
formed by J. Crawford.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, call-
ed Loyalist, P.L. 1786.
Howard, Peter
Howard Dier
Howard, Stephen
Howard, Stephen
Howard, Thomas ....
Howard, William
Howe, Wm
Ernest Town
E District, Elizabeth
Howell, John
H District
Howell, Warren
Howey, Robert
Hubert, Thomas
Hudson, G, J
Huen, John
E District
Huffman, Christopher.
Huffman, Christr
Huffman, Jacob
H District
Huffman, Jno. Nicho-
las, Junr
Hughes, Keuben
Hughes, James ....*.
Huff, Asa . .
Huff Paul
Adolphus Town
Lieutenant Loyalist, P.L.
Huff, Senr., Solomon. .
Huff nail, Andrew
Huff nail Jeptha
Adolphus Town . .
1786, from N. York, A.Mc.
A Settler in 1788, P.
Drummer Loyal Rangers,
L.B.M. 1791.
Soldier Royal Yorkers Jobet
Humphrey, James
E District
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Humberstone, Samuel.
Hunt, Edward
District Johnstown
H District . . .
By order in Council, 13th
Oct., 1807, Lieut. Associa-
ted Loyalists.
M.C Soldier Col. Church's
Hunter, David,. .
E District . .
Connecticut Volunteers,
O.C. 18th April, 1797.
S.G. Lands as CorporalL.B.
Hunter, David, Junr
L. 1791, Artificer & Loyal
Son of David.
Hunter, John
H District
A soldier R. Hamilton.
Huntsinger, John
M. C. Soldier Royal Yorkers,
Hurlbert, Moses .
E District
Muster Roll A. O.C., 28th
March, 1807. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Soldier King's Rangers. P.
Hurley, John
Mary's & Sophiasburgh
L. Roll.
(Stamped Book), P. L. 2d,
Husley, John
Discharged B. Soldier.
Huson, Nathaniel ....
H. District..
Son of Lieut. Huston, of Col.
Hutchinson, Asa
Robinson's corps.
Joined Royal Standard in
Hurd, Jehiel
Rhode Island.
Sergeant R.R N.Y.,L.B.L.
Huson, Caleb
1790. G.Haldimand, 1784,
100. Stamped Book.
By Order in Council 5th
Huych, John
Adolphus Town
July, 1798.
Loyalist P L 1786 Lieut
Hyndmann, Samuel
H. District .
by L.B.D. A. McL.
Heim, Michael
Butler's Rangers. O.C. llth
Imendol, Christian
March, 1797.
Soldier German Troops p
Inglehart, Bernard
Provision list, 1786 (Stp'd
A Soldier Grerman Troops
or Barnhart.
Irish, Peter
M. District
p. Provision list, 1786.
Jackson, Jethro
of Richmond . . .
Order in Council 24th Feb.
Jackson, David
Ernest Town
Pt. in Jessup's corps. L.B.
Jackson, Henry
E District
P.L., 1786.
Volunteer Loyal Rangers,
Jackson, James . .
Ernest Town
One James. A soldier in
Jackson, James
E. District, Augusta
Butler's Rangers. A wife.
P.L. 1786. Niagara Stp'd
Book. Do. A. McL.
Loyal Rangers, A. McL. P.
Jackson, Peter
do do . .
L., 1786.
Jackson, Thomas. .
A Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Jacocks, David .
E. District f
Drew 100 acres in M.D.
L.B.M. 1790. P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. A wife
Jacocks, David . .
do (
and daughter. P. L. 2d,
1786. Muster Roll A.
Jarvis, Esq., William
H. District .
M. C. Queen's Rangers
Jessup, Esq., Edward.
M. C. Major Commandant.
Jessup, Edward
E. District .
S. G. Lieutenant Jessup's,
Jessup, Henry . . .
son of Edwd. Jessup, Sen.
Jessup, Joseph, Capt...
Captain Jessup.
Jemmison, Wm
W. District . .
Johns, Lieut. Solomon.
H. District .
S. G. Lieut. L. Rangers.
Johnston, Adam .
E. District, Cornwall
Joined the Royal Standard
Johnson, Lieut. Brant.
H. District .
at Saratoga in 1777. J.
Anderson, 's certificate. P.
L. 2d 1786.
Indian Dept., S.G. Niagara
Johnson, Coonrad .....
Stamped Book.
Private Indian Dept., But-
Johnson, Frederick. . .
Yonere .
ler's Rangers P. Single.
P. L. N. 2d, 1786.
A common settler in 1785.
Johnson, George
E. District Cornwall
R R N Y Muster Roll
Johnson, George
do Matilda
Corporal. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Johnson, Sir John .
H. District
Roll A.
Colonel or Lieut - Colone^
Johnson, James
Johnson, Laurence
E. District, Cornwall..
H. District
A Corporal R.R.N.Y.L.Bd.
G. & S., M. Roll. P. L.
2d, 1786.
Served in Col. Robinson's
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Lieut. Wm . .
Johnston, Andrew
Johnston, Daniel
E. District, Cornwall.
El. District
Ernest Town —
Johnston, Mrs.Elizab'h
Johnston, Elizabeth . .
Johnston, George
Johnston, Henry
Johnston, Capt. John. .
Johnston, John
H. District
Kingston . .
M. District
H. District .
H. District
Johnston, John ... .
Johnston, James
do of Bertie.
Ernest Town .
Johnston, Jonas
Johnston, Margaret . .
Johnston, Magdalene.
Johnston, Ralph
Johnston, Lt. Wm . .
Johnston, Wm ,. .
Johnston, Wm.
Jones, Daniel
Jones, David
Jones, Ebenezer
H. District
Kingston .
H. District
M. District .
Ernest Town
M. District .
E. District,
H. District
[ndian Department, S.G.
Son of Sergt. James John-
Son of Sergt. .James John-
son, of Ernest Town. L.
Widow of Capt. John John-
ston of Indian Dept.
Daughter of Mary Brant.
Son of Mary Brant.
Farmer. Stamped Book .
[ndian Department, S.G.
Niagara Stamped Book.
3ne of this name,a soldier in
R.R.N.Y. and got land in
E.D. One a settler of 1787,
of Stamford.
Joined in 1777, Esopus. Had
a wife and 4 servants. P.
L.N. 1786.
O.C. 24th February, 1807—
restored — and Johnston,
James, Fredericksburgh,
O.C. 14th February, 1807
— suspended. This one, a
soldier in Jessup's. Fred-
ericksburgh, James, P.L.
1786, if from Ireland.
B. Rangers, S.
Daughter of Mary Brant.
Daughter of Mary Brant.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Single. P.L.N. 1786.
Son of Sir John (natural).
Captain Indian Department.
P.L. 1786.
One a soldier from Loyal
Rangers from Yorkshire,
1784, G. Haldimand, unin-
corporated Loyalist, 100.
One a Lieutenant in Loyal
Rangers, 1793, wishes to
become a settler. Lately
from New York State. L.
B.M. 200.
Sergt. in Orange Rangers,
Jones, Es<|., Ephraim .
E. District
S. G. Commissary.
Jones Esq John .
S. G. Captain Jessup's.
Jones James
H District
Soldier B. Hangers, S. G.
Jones Mrs. Jane
Had a wife and 6 children.
P.L.N. 1786.
Who was she ?
Jones Senr Mary
Jones, Richard
do Augusta . . .
Son of Daniel Jones, R. I.
Jones, Sarah .
D. G.
Jones Solomon
E District .
Surgeon's mate, Loyal Rang-
Jones, Thomas
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.B.
Judson Silas
Elizabeth Town
1793. OneR.R.N.Y.,M.
Roll. One emigrant from
the States. L.B.M. 1793.
L. B. L., 1790. Satisfied
Julian, John
W. District
of his good character as
a Loyalist, Connecticut.
On the 12th April, 1805,
Mr. Silas Judson was at
this office and said that
he was not within the
British lines' resident be-
fore the Treaty of Peace
in 1783. Came to Canada
in 1790. His land was not
Keaning, John
Soldier German Troops.
Keefer, Senr., George
H. District
Deceased Jersey volunteers.
Kelhnam, John
If Killman. Single. P. L.
or Kilhuan.
Keller Charles . . .
2d, 1786.
Royal Yorkers L.B.M. 1791.
Keller, Frederick .
His name Koeller. 350
acres, A. McL. P. L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
Soldier King's Rangers, P.
Keller, John
R. Roll. Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. York, p.
Keeler, James .
Stamped Book.
Soldier Jersey volunteers, p.
Keller, Philip Martin..
Affidavit 14th Jany, 1805.
German soldier. Collins'
Kelly, Patrick
Book and Provision list,
1786. A. McL. L.B.M.
1793. 300 acres.
Soldier 84th Regiment. L.
B. M. 1790, 300 (& P. L.
1786) S.
E. District, Augusta.,
do do
do Elizab'h Town
Kelsey, James
Soldier in Jessup's corps. L.
B. L.
Son of Jas. Kelsie. L.B.L.
Soldier L.B.M. 1790. 300 &
L.B.M. 1793,200. King's
Rangers, P. L. 1786. A.
Son of John Kemp, Senr.
P. L. 1786. King's Rang-
Soldier in King's Rangers.p.
R. Roll, L.B.M. 1793, 300.
A. McL.
Soldier King's Rangers, p. R
Roll, L.B.M. 1793, 300.
Discharged British soldier.
Corpl. his sons Allan 200,
Alexander 200, R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll, P. L. N. J.
Soldier 84th Regt. drew 200
as. in 1793, p. L. B. Adol-
Soldier R. R. N. Y. has wife
and five children, P.L. 2d,
Soldier Butler's Rangers, P.
S. P. L N. 1786.
German soldier, C. Book &
Provision list, 1786, A.
Did not join the Royal Stan-
dard, but suffered, impris-
onment and loss of prop-
erty,p. 1793, not privileged.
Soldier R.N.N. Y., L.B.M.,
1790, 100 and bounty 200,
P. L. 1786, A. McL.
A soldier in Jessup's Corps,
R. J. D. G.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Not privileged.
or Celsiy.
Kelsey, Wm
or Celsey.
Kelsie, James
Kemp, Senr., John, . .
Kemp, Junr., John ...
Kemp, James
Kemp Joseph
Kemp, Mathew
H District
Kenard, John
Kenedy, Alexander . . .
Kenny, James
Kintner, George
Kern, Mattice
E District
H District
E District
H District .
Kesler, Michael.
Kessler, Stephen
W District .
Kief, Imamiel
Kilburn, Benjamin . . .
Killen, Daniel
E District
Marys & Sophiasburgh
Kimmerly, Andrew . . .
King, Constant
King, Ebenezer .
E. District, Edwards-
do Elizabeth Town
M District. . ,
Kirby, Elizabeth..
Kitcheson, Willliam . .
Kilman, Jacob
H District
Dragoon in Tarl ton's Legion,
L. B. M. 1789, 450.
B. R. a wife and five child-
ren, P. L. N. 1786, has a
son named Jacob, Christ-
ian James, Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
Found 1st Nov. 1804, on or
ignal Roll.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Soldier in Butler's Rangers,
A list 1789.
S. G. lands as sergeant, L.B.
L., U. E. Loyal Rangers.
Son of John Knappin, not
on U. E. See John Nop-
ping, on TJ. E.
Above Leeds, M.D., R. J.D.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, A.
Corpl. R. R. N. Y. , Muster
Roll I, B. M. A.
A settler in 1784 (a Taylor
Stamped Book), Loyalist
P. L., 1786. A. McL.
Soldier, Royal Yorkers, p.
P.(Stamped Book) and P.
Soldier German Troops, p.
Provision List, 1786, A.
Soldier R. R.N.York, P. (P.
L. 1786).
Soldier K. R. R. N. Y., P.
Stamped Book, P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, O.
C. 17th, Nov. 97 200.
M. C. 300 Gn out soldier,O.
C., 8th Nov. 1797.
Son of
By order in Council 23rd
July, 1803, soldier Loyal
M. C. 750 to close claims,
soldier in Col. Peters, L.
B. M. 1790), O. C., llth
Nov. 1797.
Kilman, John . .
Kittle, senr., Jeremiah
Knapp, Benjamin
Knapp, Joseph
W District
E District
Knoppin, Trueman
Knight, Benjamin
Knight, John
Sophias & Ameliasb'gh
E District
do Cornwall , . .
do do
Knight, James
Knight, Mahaloii .
Koughnet, William . . .
Kraigie John
Kroukheit, Hercules . .
Kroukheit, John
Ernest Town
Lake, Christopher
Lake Senr John
Lake, jun., John
Lake, James ... .
J. D
Lake Thomas .
Lake, Nicholas
Laird. John . .
Ernest Town
E District. Autmsta .
Lamb, Isaac, senr
Johnstown District
H District
0. C. 6th May, 1806, joined
General Burgoyne in 1777.
B, Rangers, S. G. had a wife
and one child. P. L. N.,
1786. Stamped Book, Ni-
R. R. N. Y., A.McL , P.L.,
New York, a wife and four
children, P. L, N., 1786,
Mathias. his son, I.S.
In New York, brought 8
children, P. L. N., 1786,
says a wife and 2 children,
Stpd. Book Niagara, I.S.
A Pensioner, served in 1777,
under Gen. Burgoyne, self
and family 600, received
200 acres at the Bay of
Shaleure, which sold, L.B.
L., 10 June, 1791.
Son of John Lampson.
Ensign Loyal Rgrs., L.B.L.
States to have served last
war, say Indian Depart-
ment and Engineers' De-
partment at York Town.
Indian Department S. G. S.
P. L. N., 1786, Stamped
Book Niagara.
States p. Petition to have
joined General Burgoyne.
(Son of Asa) joined in 1777,
bore arms a part of the war.
Joined before the treaty of
separation, E. Jessup.
Son of Asa Landon, Senr.
Marine Department.his own
information. Stamped
Book Niagara.
British Soldier, P. L. 1786,
S. A.McL.
Soldier Pennsylvania Loyal-
ists, P.,L.B.M., 1791, 200
A soldier formerly R. J.D.G.
Lambert, Corpl. Cor-
nelii is
Lambert David
Lampman, Frederick . .
Lampraan, Peter
H District
do .........
Lampson John ....
E. Dist. Edwardsburgh
Lampson, James
Lampson, William
Lamson, William . . .
Land, Abel . .
E. Dist. Edwardsburgh
do Elizabeth Town
B. District
Land, Robert
Landen, Asa
E. District
Landen, Asa, Junr
Landen, Heman
Landen, Samuel
do Augusta..
Landers Jabez .
E. District Yonge
Lang, John
do do
Elizabeth Town ..'....
Marysburgh . .
Landrie, Mitchel
Lanecty, John
La Lumette.
Lap, Jeremiah
Kingston .
Lame, Henry . .
Yonge . .
Lame, ^^illiam .
Escott . . .
Larraway Abraham
H. District .
Soldier B. Rangers, Land
Larraway, Abraham
completed, S.P.L.N.,1786.
Stamped Book Niagara.
Soldier 2d B. Royal Yorkers,
Larraway Harman
200 L.B.M. 1791, Bounty
land refused, Stpd. Book.
Larraway Jonas
H District
M. C. Soldier Butler's Ran-
Larraway, Senr Isaac
gers, had a wife and four
children P. L. N., 1786,
Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Stamped
Larraway, Jun. Isaac .
Laroway, Jonas
Book, P.L.N. 1786.
R.R.N.Y., Stamped Book.
Soldier R.R.N.Y:, A.McL.
Larroway, Peter
H. District
C.B.R. Soldier, 300 acres sold
Larroway, Peter
to Mr. Street, S. P. L. N.
1786, Stamped Book.
Soldier 1784, G. Haldimand,
L awe, Mrs. Elizabeth
H. District
100, R.R. N. Y., Stamped
Book, A.McL.
Daughter Owen McGrath,
Laughlin, Alexander
M.D., Expunged,
[nserted by Order-in-Council
Lawer, William
Fredericksburgh , . .
12th July, 1798, was 10
days a soldier in McAl-
pine's Corps, taken pris-
oner, &c.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Laurence George
H. District .
Soldier B. Rangers CBN
Laurence, Richard .
1794, a wife and one child,
P. L. N., 1786, Stamped
Book Niagara.
Loyalist from N.Brunswick.
Laws, Samuel
Richmond . .
Soldier R. R. N. Y., Genl
Leaky Abraham
E. District .
Haldimand, 1784, 100, P.
L., 1786.
Son of William Leaky
Leaky, William
do ..")
1789 L. Bd. Montreal 200,
Leaky, Jun. William . .
Leaken David
do WolfordJ
do Augusta
came to Canada in 1781
with his family p. P. one a
soldier Loyal Rangers is
dead, R.J.D.G.
Leech, Catherine, widow
Lee David
O.C. 8th February, 1808.
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Lehincter, Nicholas .,
Marysburgh . .
Leman, John
E. District, Lancaster.
Single, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Lemons sen r, Joseph . .
H District .
Leonard John
Ernest Town
1789 P dated Eliza Town,
Lerrock, Senr. Francis.
states a young man, had
received 100 acres, 200
more granted in District
of Lunenburg, had been in
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Lerrock, Junr. Francis
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Lerrock Peter
Drummer in Loyal Rangers
Lewis, Bareut
Adolphus Town. . .
Loyalist from New York, P.
Livingston, Daniel
Livingston, John
Livingston, John
Livingston, John . .
Johnstown District . .
E Dist., Charlottenb'gh
L., 1786, soldier Indian
Department, P. L. B. M.
Inserted by order-in-Council
26th July, 1798.
Sergeant R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll ; who died in 1782 ;
his son's petition in 1807.
Late from the State of N.
Livingston, Mary, ....
alias Mutchmore
Livingston, Neil
Livingston, Wm
Livingston, Wm
do Charlottenb'gh
do do ..,.
E District Osnabruck
York. L. B. Grenville,
Widow of Jonathan Much-
more, soldier R.R.N.Y.
Son of a soldier— 200 acres.
Ld. Bd. L:
Lightheart, Daniel
M District
Soldier in Jessup's.
Lindtsey> John
Ernest Town
Lippincott, Richard . .
H District
icksburgh. Soldier King's
Rangers, p. R. Roll. P.L.
Captain Associated Loyal-
Little, Senr., John
W District
S.Gr. U.E. A wife and two
Livermore, Moses ....
Ha wke sbury
children. P.L.D. 1786.
O C 29th March 1808 Sol-
Livingston, John
Livingston, Neal
H District,
dier Loyal Rangers.
Loldel, Daniel
M District
Soldier R R N Y
Lobedell, Daniel....
Lockhart, Wm . . .
Lockwood, Benjamin . .
H District.
Lockwood David
Ernest Town
Son of a sergeant, who served
Lockwood Josiah
H District
in Genl. Burgoyne's, but
died before the peace. Da-
vid came in to settle in
1789. L.B.M.200. Bounty
refused, Augt. 10, 1791.
Step-son to Jeptha Haw-
Had two sons in the York
Lodwick,Frederick )
Volunteers, and was him-
self within the British
M. C. (Stamped Book)— his
Fredrick, Lodwick j
Loeney Edward
E District
name Lodwick Fredrick —
had a wife and 3 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786— R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll.
Son of John. J.B*
Loeney, John
Dead— wife alive. J.B. R.R.
Loeney, Samuel
E District )
N.Y. Muster Roll.
Sons of John. J.B.
Loeney, Wm
London Barthol'w
do j
H District
A settler in 1789 ; states, p.
Lorence, John
E District ...
petition, to have suffered
O.C.tth July,1802,corrected.
Lorimier, Chevalier . .
HowIJ.E.? Son of Francis, a
Losce, Cornelius
subaltern last war.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Lossie, Wm
M District.
R. Roll, or Jessup's Loyal
Losee, Joshua, Senr
See order - in - Council 17th
Lott, Senr., John
March,1807. Soldier Loyal
A settler after the war. G.
Lotridge. Captn Robt
H District
Indian Department. S. G.
Lotz, John .
(Five in family), P.L.N.
1786. Niagara Stamped
(Stamped Book. ) German
Lovelass, Archi'd
Lovelass, Wm
Grand R., E District.,
soldier — had a wife, P. L.
N. 1786. A. McL.
Sons'of Lieut. Thomas Love-
less, Lieut. Loyal Rangers.
Who was hanged by the
Rebels. A. McL.
Lovell, John
Louck, Abraham .
Loucks, George .
Loucks, Nicholas
Loucks, Richard..
Loucks, Abraham
Loucks, George . .
Loucks, Henry . .
Loucks, Jacob. . .
Louckes, Joseph,
Loyd, Daniel
Loyd, John . .
Loyd, Richard,
Loyd, Thomas . . .
Lucas, Amos ....
Lucas, George . .
Lutz, Sampson
Lymburner, John
E District, Augusta . .
E District, Augusta . .
Williamsburgh .
E District, Osnabruck
M District..
H District.
Soldier 53rd Regt., 1791—
L.B.M. 350 (& P.L.1786);
a wife.
1784, Genl. Haldimand, 100.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.L.
Muster Roll— a wife and 2
children, P. L. 2d, 178fi
(Stamped Book).
A soldier in Jessup's — by his
widow,Eleanor Fiddler— a
wife & 3 children. B.M.A.
A wife and 6 children — P.L.
2d, 1786.
Soldier K.R.R.N.Y. L.B.
M. 179:3—300, P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.M.
Soldier K. R. Regt. N.Y.
1784, G. Haldimand, 100.
Stamped Book.
Soldier II.R.N. Y. (& Cath-
erine Loucks, his widow)
Stamped Book.
Sergeant R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll A— P.L. 2d,1786. Re-
stored before Reduction —
Capt. M. McDonell.
1785, Govr. Hamilton, 100.
Loyalist, R. R. N.Y. P. L.
1786 (Weaver Stamped
German soldier — Que. : Ger-
man soldier.
1785, Govr. Hamilton— Loy-
alist—200. R.R.N.Y. P.
L. 1786 (Laborer Stamped
Discharged British soldier.
Stamped Book— A. McL.
P.L. 1786— King's Rangers
-A. McL.
Son of Amos (200).
Indian Department, S. G.
O.C. 21st July, 1796.
From New Brunswick — his
father never was in this
Province; son of Margaret.
Lymbumer Margaret
of Caistor
Deceased, by O. C. 28th
Lymburaer, Mathew .
H District
April, 1807.
From New Brunswick — his
Lynch, James
Lynk John . . . . .
E District, Cornwall . .
do Cornwall . .
father never was in this
Province; son of Margaret.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. P.L. 2d, 1786; and
Linch, James, soldier R.
R. N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Lynk, Mathias
Lyons Benjn
do Cornwall . .
H District
Roll A (single man). P.L.
2d, 1786.
Soldier K. R. Regt. N. Y.
Muster Roll. P.L.2d,1786.
Son of William Lyons, who
Lyst Andrew
was a soldier in the 8th
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B M.
Lvst Henry . . ,
1791—300 acres.
M.C. Soldier RoyalYorkers,
Moak, Philip
E District, Osnabruck
Ld.Bd.certe.A.McL. P.L.
Six Nation Indian Depart-
Maby, Frederick
H District
ment, p. discharge of Col-
onel Danl. Claws.
States having joined the
Maby, Lavinia
Royal Stand'd before 1783.
Wife of Frederick Maby.
Maby Sergt. Lewis
H District .
M C. B. Rangers — a wife &
Main , James
E District
5 children, P.L.N. 1786.
1792, late from Vermont,
Main, Senr. , Thomas .
P. 4th article— a settler.
Soldier 84th Regt.
Main, Mathew . . . .
Main, Thomas, Junr
Lately from "Vermont — a
Major John .
H District.
Malcom Finlay
E District . . .
From New Brunswick.
Maliery, Enoch
of Yonge
A soldier in Jessup's — R. J.
MaUery, Nathaniel . .
D. Gr.
L. B, L. 1790. Emigrated
Mandeville, Richard . .
Mandeville, Richard . .
E District, Cornwall . .
WilHamsburgh .
from U. States.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Sergeant R.R.N.Y. M.Roll
Manhart, David .
Elizabeth Town
—at Montreal, B.M.A.
Did not join the Royal Stan-
dard before the Treaty of
Peace ; lost part of h s
property on account of loy-
alty— a settler, S.S. O.E.
Maracle, Frederick....
Maracle, Sergt. John. .
Maracle, James
H District
Soldier B. Rangers, S. G.
Niagara Stamped Book.
B.R. S.
Butler's Rangers. P.S. P.L.
Loyalist from New York —
A. McL.
Butler's Rangers, L.B. Nas-
sau, 1794. Stamped Book
B. Rangers, Niagara Stamp-
ed Book. S. P.L.N. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll-had a
wife and 7 children— P.L.
2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., O.C. 22d
Feb., 1808.
P. L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier 84th Regt. Ld.Bd.L.
Emigrant from the States,
1792, his parents here L.
B.M. 200 acres.
King's Rangers p. R. Roll,
Corporal 1784, Gen. Haldi-
mand, 100.
Son of Col. Marsh.
A Pensioner, L.B.M., 1789,
1,050 acres in all.
Son of William Senr.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Butler's Rangers.
Says that he aided and as-
sisted the King's officers
and subjects during the
War— only came in after
peace, not U. E.
New Jersey Volunteers.
Soldier B. Rangers S. G.
Niagara Stamped Book,
S.P.L.N. 1786.
Marbet, Michael .
Adolphns Town
Marcelis, John Bapt. .
Marcellis, Peter
Marcellis, John
H District
E District, W'msburgh
deceased, of Osnabruck
Marcellus, Sevares
Marier, John .
Markland, Thomas... .
do ....
Marlatt, John
E. District
Marlatt, Thomas
Marsh, Abraham
or Mash.
Marsh, Benjamin
Marsh, Jeremiah
M. District
Marsh, Mathias
Marsh, Joseph . . .
Marsh, Mathias
M District
Marsh, Samuel
Marsh, Wm
Marsh, Senr., Wm....
Marsh, Junr., Wm . . .
Marther, John
H. District .
or Martin.
Martin (Negro), Peter.
Martin, Wm
Augusta ...
Mathews, James
H. District
Miuhews, Jonathan . . .
Matlack Caleb ...
Mattice William .
Was a soldier Butler's Ran-
E District .
gers, by order-in- Council,
19th November, 1807.
Son of Nicholas, Soldier
Mattice Abraham
H. District . .
Butler's R.,Ld.Bd.Lunen-
Soldier B. Rangers, S. G.,
Mattice, John
E. District
Niagara Stamped Book, S.
P. L. N. 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y., Muster
Mattice, Nicholas
Mattice, Nicholas
E. Dis. Elizabeth Tw'n
Roll A. (P.L. 2d 1786), O.
C.Restored 29th Jan. 1808.
Soldier B. Rangers, had a
wife and four children at
the Peace of 1783, P.L. 2d
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll A.,
Mattice," John
Niagara District
Single man, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Butler's Rangers,
Mauk, Gasper . .
Order - in - Council, 7th
March, 1807.
German soldier, C. Book and
Mark, Gaspert.
Mauk, Gotlip
Provision list of 1786, L.
B.A., 1794, 100 and 200,
Stamped Book.
German soldier, C. Book and
May, Win
H. District.
Provision list, 1786, A. McL.
Soldier B. Rangers — had a
Maybe, Abraham
Maybe, John
Adolphus Town
Ernest Town .
wife and five children P.L/.
N. 1786. Niagara Stamped
Capt. Associated Loyalists.
Butler's Rangers, S.P.L.N.
Medaugh, James
H District
1786. Niagara Stpd. Book.
Indian Department P.S. P.
Medaugh, Stephen
Medaugh, Senr., John.
Medaugh, Junr., John.
Meddough, Martin
Menske, John
E. District Matilda . . .
do do
do Osnabruck .
L.N. 1786. Niag. Stpd.Bk.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, has
a wife and 3 children P.L.
N. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L. Bd. L.
Muster Roll, has a wife
& 3 children P.L. 2d 1786.
Came to the Province in
1784, P. from U.S.
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll A.,
P.L., 2d, 1786.
If Meisuke ? German soldier
C.B. yes.
Mercle, Christo'r
E. Dist. Williamsburgh
Mercle, Henry. .
do do
R R N Y Muster Roll A
Mercle, Henry
do do
P.L. 2d 1786.
Mercle, John
Williamsburgh. . . .
Soldier R.R N.Y L B L &
Mercle, John
H. District
M. Roll, Single, P.L. 2d,
Sergeant Butler's Rangers
Mercle, Senr., Jacob. .
E. Dist. Williamsburgh
S.P.L.N. 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll, R.
R.N.Y. L.B.L. Stpd. Bk.
Mercle, Junr., Jacob. .
Mercle, Michael
do do
Single man, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R R.N Y L B L &
Mercle, Henry. .
E District Osnabruck.
Muster Roll, Single, P.L.
2d, 1786.
R R N Y M. Roll a wife
Merckle, John
and one child,P.L.2d 1786.
German soldier p. Provision
Merkle, Jacob
E. District Osnabruck
list of 1786.
Soldier R R N Y L B.S B
Meredith, Charles.
H District .
G. had a wife and 4 chil-
dren, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Merit, Lt. Thomas
Queen's Rangers Cavalry.
Metch, Jacob .
Marysburgh ,.
Stamped P»oolr Genmvn sol-
Meyers, Christr
dier, C. B. and Provision
list 1786.
Soldier German Troops
Meyers, George W ....
M. District
Stamped Book.
Son of John W. Meyers, P.
Meyers, John W
L. 1786.
Captain Loyal Rangers,
Meyers, Tobias W. ..
Stamped Book.
L.B.M. State Loyalist,1793.
Michel Oarlman
E District
300, Soldier Loyal Rangers
A. McL.
Michel, Hervey
Middleton, Robert .
Marysburgh ... .
Discharged British soldier,
Millard, CorpL Dan. . .
H. District
P. L. 1786, S. Stamped
Book. A. McL.
85th Regt. S.G. had a wife,
Millard Jessee .
P. L. N. 1786, Stamped
Book Niagara.
84th Regt S G had a wife
Millard Thomas
and four children, P.L.N.
1786, Stamped Book Ni-
Sergt Royal Regt N York
Muster Roll, S. P. L. N.
1786, Stpd. Bk. Niagara.
Miller, Andrew
Miller Andrew .
H District
Niagara Stamped Book, S.
P.L.N. 1786.
L.B.M. 1790, R.R.N.Y., P.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, Pro-
vision list 1786, Stamped
Soldier German Troops, L.
B. M. 1793, 300 and Pro-
vision list 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers, A.
McL. Provision list and
King's Rangers, 1786.
Soldier or N.C.O. with Bur-
goyne came to Canada in
1777, O.C. 20 July 1797.
Found on original Roll, 1st
Nov. 1804, S. P.L.N. 1786,
Niagara Stamped Book.
Son of Jacob Miller, Adjt.
Associated Loyalists, &c.
J. D.
Soldier Loyal Rangers,
Stamped Book.
Soldier German Troops, p.
Provision list 1786. Stamp-
ed Book. A. McL.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R.Roll. Adjutant Associ-
ated Loyalists, 950, Ass.
L.B.M. 1790, P. L. 1786,
or Loyal Rangers L.B.M.
An early settler, refuses a
description, in General
Haldimand's certificate
stated unencorporated
Soldier King's Rangers p. R.
Roll L.B.M. 1791, asks for
land as an officer.
Volunteer King's Rangers,
S.G. Soldier King's Ran-
gers. .A. McL.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. L.B L. and one a
soldier Indian Dept., P.
O.E. Single P. L. 2d,
Butler's Rangers — one son
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Ernest Town .
Miller Andrew
Miller, Andrew
Marysburgh .
Miller, Cornelius
Marys & Sophiasburgh
M. District
if not Conrade . . .
Miller, Garret
Miller, George
Miller, George
Home District
Ernest Town
Miller, Gilbert
M. District . ...
Miller, John
Miller, Jacob .
Marysb'g & Sophiasb'g
Ernest Town
Miller, James
Elizabeth Town
Miller, Jonathan
Miller, Jonathan
Miller, Nicholas
Marys and Sophias- . .
Miller, Peter . .
H District
Miller Stephen
"I Muster Roll. Corporal in
Miller Stephen
E District
the Royal Regt. New
York, Pilot in the Loyal -
Y ists and private in West
Chester Refugees.
Supposed the same person,
Miller Thomas
H District . . .
J has lost an arm.
Soldier B. Rangers, 300 Gr.
Miller Zebeda
E District Lansdown
out O.C. 28th March, 1797
— a wife and four children.
P. L. N. 1786. Stamped
Book Niagara.
Emigrant, New York State,
Mills John .
H District
L.B.M, 1789.
Suffered the Pillory, impris-
Mills John
Marysburgh . . . .
onment and loss of pro-
perty and was upon Staten
Island, p. Certificate of
John Petit.
British Regiment, A.McL.
Mitchel, Jehiel
Bastard . ...
O.C. 7th July, 1796.-
Stamped Book.
Mills-Church Jona-
E District
Entered as Church, Jona-
Millross, Andrew
than Mills— See,C.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d,
Millross John
Millross, Thomas
VSons of Andrew. J.B.
Millross, Wm.
Milson, John
Merkle, Frederick ....
Mitchel, George . . .
do., Williamsburg
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B. S.
and G.
Son of George, P. L. 2d,
Mitchell, George
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. A.
Mitchell, Harvey ....
E District
Son of George Mitchell.
Mitchell, Zalmon . .
Son of George, late from
Mills, Henry
Fredericksburgh .
Vermont, 1793— a settler,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.M.
Mills, John
do, . .
1790, 200. 1793, 100. P.L.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.M.
Moak, Mitts
Monger, Charles
1790, 200. 1793, 100. P.
L. 1786. Stamped Book.
Deceased joined at Detroit
in 1780. O.C. 17th March,
Monger, Wm
W District
Soldier B. Rangers, W. last
Montgomery, Archid
E District . . .
Master of the Black Snake
Montross Peter
H District
Privateer, L.B. Grenville,
1793—700 acres.
Loyal American Regt
Montross Silas
Son of Peter Montross
Moody Walter
Pilot last War
Moott, Henry
E District
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Moor, John . .
A Sergeant Regt. 34th —
Moor, Dodley
E District, Augusta
Genl. Haldimand. 100 and
P.L. 1786-oneinR.R.N.
Y. Muster Roll, a soldier.
Late from Vermont, 1793.
Moor, Mosa (Hosea) . .
More, Sylvester (see . .
do. Yonge
Was a Soldier in Jessup's,
many years left the Pro-
vince, R.J.D.G-.
On Original Roll.
Moor, Thomas
Stamped Book — Loyalist
Moor, Wm
Adolphus Town
from N. York. B. M. A.
S G foreman or overseer of
Morden, John
H District
Works,Engineers' Depart-
ment— Loyalist P.L. 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. P. L.
Morden, James
1786. A.M.L.
M C Royal Yorkshire a
Morden, Joseph
M District
soldier. 300 ac. Ld. Bd.
Certr. Muster Roll. P.L.
2d, 1786.
Morden, Moses
H District
N C O Jersey Volunteers —
Morden, Ralph
Deceased, condemned and
Morden, Richard
Mose, Sylvester
Sophias and Amelias- . .
executed by the Rebels in
1780, had 3 sons John,
Ralph and James.
Mr. Cotlins, Book Stamped,
son of Widow Forrest, P.
L. 1786. A.Mc.L.
Morrison, David
E District
Morrison, Henry
do. , Augusta
Morrison, Mary
E District
Daut of Capt William
Morrison, Capt. Win.
Morrison, Wm
Mosher Lewis
E District, Lancaster.,
S.G. R.R.N.Y.
Son of Capt. W. Morrison.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
S.G. Drew Land as Cor-
poral Loyal Rangers — sol-
Daur. of Timothy Hodge,
L. Board, 1793.
Deceased O.C. 10 May, 1808
Served as an Artificer.
S. G. Sergeant p. Muster
Roll. R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d,
do. , Augusta
Mosher, Nicholas . . .
Mosher, Rachael
Mosley, George
Moss, Samuel
Moss, John
Of York
do., Cornwall
H District
Soldier Butler's Rangers,
W. List.
L.B.M. Soldier 53rd Regt.
German Soldier, C. Book.
Que. which ? P.L. 1786.
Stamped Book— came with
Capt. Grass from New
York ; first settler 100.
P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Emigrant from New York
State 1792. P. Ld.Bd.
E. D. Deceased inserted on
the U.E. List by Order
in Council, 20th June,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. A.C.
[Discharged Soldier.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. *W.A.D.
F.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Capt. John. J. B.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
lit. in Jessup's, 2100 in ad-
dition, but not under the
Order in Council of 22nd
Oct., 1780— Report Com-
mittee of Council, 16th
Dec., 1791.
Lieutenant R. R. New York
S.G. P.L.N.J. 1786.
S.G. Captain R.R.N.Y.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Son of Capt. John, soldier
R.R.N.Y. Muater RolL
Most, John . . . .
Monsiire, John . . .
Mott, Reuben
Mott, Edward .
E District, Augusta . .
Muchraore, Jonathan
Mugel, Gadless .
Sophias and Amelias- . .
Mulloy, Wm. •
Munro, Daniel
S District, Yonge ....
Cornwall . .
Munro, David..
Munro, Henry
E District . .
Munro, Hugh Lt
Munro, Hugh . .
Munro, Hugh
Munro, Honl. John . .
Munro, John .
Matilda . . .
£ District, Yonge
Munro, Junr. John . .
Munro, Samuel
Munro, Thomas
Munsal, Moses
Munro, Thomas
Munson, David . . .
Murchison, Duncan . .
Murchison, John, Junr
Murchison, John,Senr.
E District
Murchiaon, |Wm.
Murdoffj Senr. , George
Murdoff , Junr. , George
Murdoff John
Murdotf , [John
Murdoff, James, Sergt
Murdoff , Thomas
Murray, Lt. Duncan..
do. Charlotten-
E. District Charlotten
do do
do )
do f
H. District
S. Sherwood, Esq. deposeth
that Samuel Munro join-
ed the Royal Standard
before the Treaty of Sep-
aration, in 1783, 12th
Feby., 1806.
P.L.N.J. 1786.
Was killed by the Rebels on
his way into Canada —
Order in Council, 8th
March, 1806, placed on
U.E. List.
3n Original Roll.
Was a son of William-
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll— had a wife and 2
children. P.L. 2d, 1786.
A Soldier R.RN..Y, Muster
Roll, P.L.,N.J.,1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., in Capt.
Angus McDonell's Com-
pany, p. Rev. A. McD.
Son of John Murchison Sr. ,
was a soldier in Capt. An-
gus McDonell's Compy R.
R.N.Y., p. Rev. Air. Mc-
R.R.N.Y., M.R.M. & Son
of Duncan, 200 acres L.
Bd. L., one P. L. N. J.,
Sergeant R. R. N. Y., Genl.
Haldimand 1784, 100, P.
L. 1786, A. McL. Stamp-
ed Book.
Que.R.R.N. Y,. A. McL. ,son
of Geo. Murdoff, left the
Son of * George, is come of
of age. 1793, L.B.M. 200.
P. K. Royal Regt. N.Y.L.
B.M. 1790, 300 Genl. Haldi-
mand 1784,100,P. L. 1786,
Stamped Book.
Son of George Murdoff Snr.
84th Regt., had a wife and
four children, P.L.N. 17-
86. Stamped Book.
Murray Or Mr John
H District
84th Regt S P L N 1786
Mustard John
E. District
P.L.N.J. 1786
or Mutard
Mutchemson, Ruggles
Myncher, Fredk. Jno.
or Moenncke
Myncker, John
Marysburgh, Ac
Soldier German Troops.
Stamped Book.
Soldier Riedessel's Dragoons
Myres John
Elizabeth Town
L.B.M. 1790 A Provision
List, 1786.
From New York L B L
Myres, Michael
E. District . .
Soldier R.RN.Y, O. E.
McAlpin, Duncan
Me Arthur, Archibald . . .
E. District, Charlot-
tenburgh . . .
Sergeant Loyal Rangers, P.
toL.B.L. 1793.
McArthur, Charles
McArthur, Donald ..
Me Arthur, Duncan. . .
do Augusta...
do Charlottenburgh
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll.
Rent. L.B. Stormont, stated
U. E., R.R.N.Y., P.L.N.
J., 1786.
Sergt K. RL R"gt. N Y
McArthur, Duncan ...
McArthur, Duncan . .
McArchur, Junr., Jno.
do Charlottenburgh
Srd, Charlottenburgh . .
E. District
R.R.N.Y., was son to Don-
Original Roll,
Son of Donald, single, P L.
McArthur Senr. , Jno.
2d. 1786, 0. C. 5th Jan-
uary 1798, P.L.N.J. 1786.
From Nova Scotia L B L
McArthur, John'
Soldier Loyal Rangers B M«
McArthur, Peter ....
E. District
Son of Donald.
McArtheren, Daniel )
McArtheren, Daniel J
Elizabeth Town
McAulay, Robert
Captain of Loyalists Carle -
E.District,Cornwall ..
ton Island.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.Bd. &
Me Bane, Richard
M. Roll (single, P.L. Hd
5mi°rant from Scotland L
McBane, Isabella, )
Supposed wife of Giles
alias McDonell j ' '
McBeane John
Soldier 34th Regt L B M
1790, P.L. 1786, from New
York State, wishes to be-
come a subject and settler,
L.B.L. 1792.
McCaffrey, John
McCall Senr Donald.
E. District, Cornwall.
H. District
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L. Bd. &
Muster Roll, P.L.'2d, 1786.
Of Montgomeries Highlan-
McCarbin, Benjamin. .
McCarger, Joseph
E. District, Edwards-
ders, former war.
Discharged soldier B., a
McCarthy James
weaver. Stamped Book.
A Soldier British Regt 84th
McCarthy, Michael...
See McKarty for Me-
Florance .... '
S.G. 1789, L.B. Montreal,
84th Regt. discharged British
Soldier, P. L. 1786, S.
Stamped Book.
Carty ..
M. District
From TJ.E. daughter of Kir-
McClellan, Wm
H. District
byof Lake Champlain.
B. Rangers S.G. had six
McConnell, Hugh ....
children, P.L.N. 1786,Ni-
agara. Stamped Book.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster
McCool. Archd
H. District
Roll, P.L. 1786.
McCool, Win
Son of Margaret McCool,
McCollom, James ....
McCready, David ....
McCrimmon, Donald
Niagara District
E. District
Marysburgh .
from Carolinaj O.C., 21st
July, 1796.
Was a soldier in .
Inserted on U.E. List, O.
C. 27th January, 1807.
Soldier 84th Regt. L.B M.
1790, 350, (& P.L. 1786), a
wife. Stamped Book.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A.
McCuin, Senr., David.
E. District, Cornwall...
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll P.L.
2d 1786
McCuin Jnr., David
Son of David, Senr, J B.
McCullock, Chas
Discharged Artificer, from
McCurdy, James ...
Vlarysburgh ....
NewYorkA.McL. Stam-
ped Book.
British Soldier, P.L. 1786, A.
McDonald, Allan
McL. Cordwainer. Stamp-
ed Book.
O C 8th March 1808 Ser-
McDonald, Christn. . .
H. District
geant Butler's Rangers.
B. Rangers S. G., a wife, one
child, P.L.N. 1786. Stam-
ped Book. Niagara.
McDonald, Donald ...
McDonald, Donald ...
McDonald, Capt. Jno. . .
McDonald, Sergt. Peter
McDonald, Sergt. Ro-
naldor Tvandull
Ernest Town . . .
P. 1794, says Loyalist, P. L.
B. Rangers S. G.
S.G., B.R., P. Goreham's
Butler's Rangers, deceased,
application by Christian,
Niagara. Stamped Book,
a wife and two children,
P.L.N. 1786.
Son of Randall, Sergt., B.
R., Niagara. Stamped
Discharged British Soldier
(P.L. 1786), a wife. Stam-
ped Book, A.McL.
British Soldier P.L, 1786, A.
McL. S. Stamped Book.
Another a British Soldier,
P.L. 1786, S.
Captain R.R.N.Y.
Soldier Queen's Rangers, L.
Bd., P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.,N. Y. M. Roll,
P.L.N.Y., 1786.
N.J. 1786.
Deceased Captain RoyalYor-
kers, P.L. 2d, 1786.
N.I.S.,fromR.R.N.Y Mus-
Kingston . . .
H District
H. District ... —
McDonald Wm
McDonell Alexr
McDonell Alexr
McDonell, Col. Alexr.
McDonell, Alexr.
McDonell, Alexr
Charlottenburgh '
E District
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Alexr
E District
do Charlotten-
McDonell Alexr
ter Roll. P.L. 2d 1786.
No. 9, R.R.N Y M RolL
Charlottenburgh . . .
McDonell, Alexr
B. District, Cornwal
H. District ....
N.B. P.L.N. J., 1786.
Knodirt Soldier 84th Regt.
One a Soldier Loyal Ran-
gers, one of this name a
Treasury Loyalist.
One an emigrant from U.S.,
oneP.L.N.J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y.,P.L.N.J. 1786,
Muster Roll.
R.R.N.Y., Muster RollN.
B., P.L. N.J. 1786.
84th Regt. Stamped Book,
G. Haldimand 1784, 100.
Captain R. Regiment, N.
York, S.G.P.L. 1786.
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Capt. Allan
McDonell, Allan
McDonell, Allan
E. District
McDonell Allan . . .
E District
R.R N.Y. M. Roll, one of
McDonell Allan
this name was a Commis-
sary at Ozwigchie and
Son of a Soldier L.Bd.L.,
McDonell Allan
one A.McD., a Loyalist,
P.L.N.J. 1787,
Son of a reduced soldier L.
McDonell Allan
Matilda . .
Bd.L., one a British sol-
dier, P.L. 1786, Kingston.
Single, P. L.,N.J., 1786.
McDonell, Andrew
E District, Edwards-
McDonell Angus . ...
12th Con., Cornwall . .
P.L. 2d, 1786, one of this
McDonell, Angus
McDonell, Angus
McDonell, Angus ....
4th do do
5th do do
E District
name a soldier 84th Regt .
P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y., P.L., N.J.,1786,
one of this name a Corpo-
ral Jersey Volunteers, L.
Bd.L., one a son of Dun-
Captain R.R.N. tf"., S.G.,P.
McDonell Col. Archd
L. 2d, 1786.
Captain R.R.N.Y.
McDonell, Archd
84th, a soldier A. McPhee,
McDonell, Archd
Marysburgh . . .
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Lieut. 84th Regt., disbanded
McDonell, Daniel ....
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald ....
McDonell, Donald ....
McDonell, Donald
McDonell, Donald ....
McDonell, Donald
E District, Augusta . .
5th Con., Cornwall
4th do do
6th do No 12 do ....
4th do No 22 do ....
5th do No 4 do ....
E District of Koxboro'.
Kingston .
soldier, Provision list,1786
(British) S. (Stamped Book
Corporal R.R.N.Y., Muster
Roll, P.L.,N. J.,1786,&
P.L. 2nd, 1786.
P.L., N.J., 1786.
P.L., N. J., 1786.
P.L.,N.J. 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786, one a British
soldier, P.L. 1786, Kings-
ton, S.
Corporal 84th Regt. S.G.,P.
L., N.J., 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.S.
& G., p Muster Roll, P.L.
N.J., 1786.
Soldier 84th Regt. (single),
P.L., N.J., 1786.
A Loyalist, L.B. Stormont,
P.L., N.J.,1786.
McDonell, Duncan
McDonell, Duncan
McDonell, Duncan
McDonell, Farquer . . .
McDonell, Finnan do
McDonell, Mrs. Helena H District
McDonell, Hugh
McDonell, Hugh
McDonell, Hugh ....
McDonell, Hugh
McDonell, Capt. John.
McDonell, Capt. John .
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John . . .
E District of Williams
Cornwall . .
E District, No 45.
4th Con. No. 17, Corn
4th do No 20 do
5th do No 7
5th do No 9 do
llth do "A" do
5th do Noll do
9th do "A" do
Soldier 84th Regt., P.L., N.
J., 1786.
One a sergeant B. Militia,
Quebec, L.B. Stormont,
1790, P.L. 2d, 1786.
One a soldier R.R.N.Y., p.
Muster Roll, one of this
name from New York, L.
Bd.L., 1790 (P.L. 2d,1786)
L.B. Stormont, soldier 84th
Regt. , Corporal R.R. N. Y.
M. Roll, a wife and four
children, P.L. 2d, 1786,
7th March, 1805, came to
America with the 26th
Regiment, was taken pri-
soner at Sorel. Joined Sir
John Johnson at Johnson's
Bush— his own informa-
Stamped Book, Sergt. 84th
Her husband took up arms
at the head of 200 High-
Lieut. R.R.N.Y., P.L.. N.
J., 1786.
North side River au Raisin,
Charlottenburgh, R.R.N.
Y., his son John drew No
10-4 Nepean, P.L., N.J.,
Soldier 84th Regt.
M.C. Cornwall, R.R.N.Y.
Son of Captain Alexander,
R. R. N. Y., P. L. 2d,
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, P.
L., N.J.,1786.
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll, P.
L., N.J., 1786.
R. R.N.Y., Muster Roll, N.
P.L., N.J., 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
McDonell, John . .
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
McDonell, John
)th Con. No. 10, Corn-
E District, W^ No 17
E District.
McDonell, John
McDonell, John Bane.
McDonell, John Due.
McDonell, James . . .
.McDonell, James .
McDonell, Keneth
McDonell, WidowNelh
Matilda . .
E District
do Charlottenburgh R
do do
E District
E District, Charlotten
One a soldier R.R.N.Y., P.
L., 1786, one son of Capt.
John McDonell of Corn-
R.R.N.Y., P.L.,N.J.,1786.
One a soldier late 84th Regt.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
One of 84th Regt., a soldier
by his widow, Isabella, P.
L. 2d, 1786.
One a wife and six children,
P.L. 2d, 1786. One of the
name came in the Myrtle,
No. 17 South side River aux
Raisins. Settled in the
Colonies before the war,
drew lots 18 in 6th Con.,
10-1, 20-3 and | No 13-3,
Roxboro', P.L. 3d, 1786.
Stated to have been an Asso-
ciated Loyalist (P.L. 1786,
B. Soldier), S. Stamped
Book, A.MC.L.
British soldier (P.L. 1786),
A.M.L.,S.Stamped Book.
Stamped Book, has a wife
and two children, P.L.,
N.J., 1786, came in after
the war, was well known
in Albany as a staunch
Loyalist, N. McLean.
Sergeant of Roxboro' S.G.,
P.L., N.J., 1786.
.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, P.
L., N.J., 1786.
R.R.N.Y.,P.L. 3d, 1786.
Captain R.R.N.Y.
Captain R.R.N.Y. (Stamp-
ed Book), P.L.,N. J.,1786.
One a sergeant R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll.
R.R.N.Y. M. RoU,P.L.,N.
J., 1786, a sergeant R.R.
N.Y. Muster Roll,andone
P.L. 2d. 1786, and Mc-
Donell Keneth, E District
McDonell, Capt. Miles
McDonell, Esq. Ranald
McDonell, Ranald
E Dist., Charlottenb'gh
E District
Ensign R.R.N.Y., by order
in Council, llth Novem-
ber, 1806.
Ensign 84th Regt. (P.L. 2d,
Lieutenant R R N Y PL
McDonell, Ranald....
McDonell, Ranald 4th.
McDonell, Roderick . .
do Charlottenburgh
E District, Charlotten-
N,J., 1786, one a sergeant
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll.
In pensioner R.R.N.Y., L. -
Bd. Muster Roll, a wife
and two children P. L., N.
J., 1786.
Original Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.Bd.
Muster Roll PL N J
McDonell, Roderick E.
1786, his son James recom-
mended for land, 1807, one
of 84th Regt., P.L., N.J.,
Original Roll.
McDonell, Wm
A, drummer in 84thRegiment
McDouell, Wm
Cornwall < . .
only (P.L., 1786), S.
Son of Capt. John J B
McDougall John.
Home York ....
3y order in Council 4th
McDougald, John
McDougald, John
McDougall, John
McDougall Peter
S District, Augusta . .
Ernest Town
E District
Ernest Town..
Feb'y., 1807.
Soldier in Jessup's, P. 1790,
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.
B.M., 1790, 300 (P.L.,
R.R.N.Y., had a wife and
two children, P. L. 2d
Soldier Loyal Rangers call-
McDuff Chas
ed Loyalist, P.L., 'l786,
Discharged B Soldier A Me
McFall, Lt. David . .
H District:
L., a carpenter, Stamped
M.C. not U.E.
McFall David
E District Lancaster
Lieutenant Jessup's single
McFall, Lt. Neil
H District
P,L. 2d, 1786.
McFerson, Thomas . . .
McGaw Patrick
H District
M C O C 7th Jan'y 1797
McGilles, Senr. Donald
McGilles,Junr. Donah
E Dist., Charlottenb'gh
do do
and O.C. 6th Jan'y, 1797.
Sergeant R.R.N.Y., Muster
Roll, P.L.,N.J.,1786.
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll, N.
B. (P.L., N.J., 1786).
McGillies, Donald ...
McGilles, Hugh
McGilles, Duncan
McGin, George
E Dist., Charlottenb'gh
do do
do do
Ernest Town
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll. P.
L., N.J.,1786.
Emigrant from Scotland, L.
B., 1790.
M.L. Lieut. Indian Depart-
McGlocklon, David..]
McGlocklon, Robert, j
McGowen, Thomas
E District [
ment^. G. .Stamped Book.
P.L., 1786.
Sons of William of Cornwall
who was a soldier R.R.N.
Y., and on the U.E. list
by the name of McLaugh-
Soldier 44th Eegt. L. B. M.
McGrawth, Owen
1793, 300, & P. L. 1786.
(Stamped Book and Sergt.
Donald Mclntosh's certi-
M. C. Gt. 300. Soldier (R.
McGregor, Donald
McGregor Hugh
E. Dist., Cornwall
E Dist., Charlottenb'gh
R.N.Y. P. L. 1786). O.C.
8th July, 1797. (Stamped
KR.N.Y.Muster Roll P.L.
2d, 1786.
Artificer L. B. L. Was set
McGregor, John
tied on the Mohawk River
before 17 ;— p. affidavit of
Archibald Me Arthur, 19th
July, 1806 ; P. L. N. Y.
1786, and O. C. 7th April,
Corporal R R N Y Muster
McGregor James .
do Cornwall
Roll. R.R.N.Y. P.L. N.
J., 1786.
Sergeant R. R. N. Y. S. P.
McGregor Mary . .
L. 2nd, 1786
Daughter of John McGregor
McGregor Peter
do Charlottenb'gh
J. F.
R R N Y Muster Roll
McGruer Alexander....
McGruer Christian . . .
McGruer Donald
McGruer John
R. R. N. Y. P. L. N. J.,
Late an Emigrant from
Scotland; Ld. Bd. L.,
Soldier 84th Regt.
Corporal R -R N Y. Muster
Roll. P.L.N.J., 1786.
McGuin Ann, now
McGuin, Anthony ....
McGuin, Daniel.. .
1 M District j
Daughter of Capt. Daniel
McGuin, P.L. 1786.
Son of Captain Daniel Mc-
Stamped Book. One of this
name a Captain R. R. N.
Y. S. G. L. B. M. 1789
P. L. 1786.
S. G. Lands as a Corporal.
Soldier, 84th Regiment,
J. F.
A settler. Not privileged
R J. D. G.
S. G. Land as Sergeant Loy-
al Rangers P.
Late of Edwardsburgh. Re-
instated by Order in Coun-
cil, 26th June, 1807.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Employed in Secret Service,
O. C., 16th Feb., 1808.
Soldier old French War.
Re-instated U. E. list,
July llth, 1806.
Soldier 34th Regt.,P.L.B.L.
One of this name a soldier's
son— Land in E. D., 1789;
this one was Sergeant 84th
Regt. L. B. M., 1789,
550— P. L., 1786, a wife,
3 children. Stamped Book.
1791 only. Came of age and
an apprentice to Alex.
Chisholm, 200, L. B. M.
Son of a soldier, L. B. L.
(one R R. N. Y., P. L.
2d, 1786).
Soldier 84th Regt., L. B. M.
1791. (P. L. 1786). S.
Stamped Book,
R. R. N. Y. (had a wife and
two children), P. L 2d,
If Donald, R. R. X. Y.
Muster Roll.
McGuire, Patri ck
Mcllmoyle, Archibald
Mcllmoyle, Hugh
Mcllmoyle, John
Mcllmoyle, James
Mcllmoyle, Thos
Mclntyre, Sen. , Daniel
Mclntosh, Alexander. .
Mclntosh, Benjamin . .
Mclntosh, Daniel
Mclntosh, Donald
Mclntosh, John
E District
do Edwardsburgh ...
E District
do Edwardsburgh . .
do do ... .
H. District, Grimsby. .
E. Dist., Edwardsburgh
E. Dist., Edwardsburgh
Mclntoah, John
Mclntosh, Lauchlin. . .
Mclntosh, Peter
Mclntosh, Peter
Mclntosh, Daniel
E, Dist,,Edwardsburgh
Lan caster . ,
E. Dist., Lancaster . . .
do Charlottenburgh.
Mclntyre, Donald
Mdntyre,Sen., Duncan
Mclntyre, Jun.,Dunc'n
Mclntyre, John
Mclntyre, John
Mclntyre, John
5 Dist., Lancaster
do do
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
R. R. N. Y. P. L. N. J.,
Soldier R. R. N. Y. (P. L.
N. J., 1786).
Sergeant R. R, N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll P. L. N. J.,
Sergeant R. R. N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll.
P. L. N. J., 1786.
Sergeant Royal R. R. N.Y.,
N. 41, front 300, 200, 200,
Kenyon, P.L.N.J., 1786.
1793, late from State of New
York, L. B. Grenville.
McCarty, Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. R.
R. N.Y. Muster Roll P.
L. N. J. 1786.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll, P. L. N. J. 1786.
Soldier Royal Yorkers. R.
R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
From Nova Scotia. P.L.N.
J. 1786.
Son of , Supposed R.
R. N. Y., P. L. 2d.,1786.
Soldier British Regt., 84th
Regt., p. Sergeant Mc-
lntosh, N. J. 1786. Stamp-
ed Book,
p. Muster Roll, R.R.N.Y,
P. L. N. J., 1786.
Sergeant, R.'R. N. Y., L.B.
Stepson of Captain William
Johnson. Soldier Loyal
Rangers A. McL.
Soldier 53rd Regt., L.B.L.,
and one a soldier Queen's
Loyal Rangers, P.L.N. J.,
Sergeant R. R. N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll, M. B. , P. L. 2d.,
Sergeant Loyal Rangers,
called Loyalist — P. L.
1786, A. Me. L.
do do
do do
E. Dist.,Charlottenb'gh
do. Augusta
E. District, Lancaster.
do do
do do
H District
Mclntosh, Jesse
McKarty, Florence.
McKay, Angus . .
McKay, Donald
McKay, Hugh....
McKay, Hugh
McKay, John
McKay, John .
McKay, John
E .Dist. , Charlottenb'gh
do do
Ernest Town
E. District, Lancaster
McKay, John
McKay, Samuel .
McKay, William
McKee, John.
McKenzie, Sen., Colin
Ernest Town
McKenzie, Jim., Colin
McKenzie, Duncan
McKenzie, John
Ernest Town
Drummer Loyal Rangers—
son of Colin McKenzie,
Sen. (P. L., 1786).
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll,
P L. N. J., 1786.
R. R. N. Y. M. Roll. P.
L. N. J., 1786.
A. Soldier 84th Regt.
S. G. R. R. N. Y.
S. G. R. R. N. York.
Soldier 84th Regt L.B.M.,
1791, 300, Stamped Book
Sergeant in Jessup's A. Me.
L. (P. L., 1786).
Son of James.
Son of James, Sen.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.
B. M,, 1789.350, A. McL.
(P. L., 1786).
By Order in Council, 4th
Dec., 1806.
Corporal R. R. N. Y.
Stepson to John Dennis.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. L.
Grant. P. L.N. J., 1786.
Lieutenant in Jessup's S.G.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
N. B., P. L. N. G., 1786.
Served several campaigns
last war.
24 years service in 42nd
Regt. from States, U. E.
New Jersey. Joined Royal
Standard at New York.
R. Clench.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll
P. L. 2d, 1786.
P. 1789, states a young
man. Five years' resi-
dence and 100 acres. A
settler. T. Smith.
From New York.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll. P.L. N. J.,1786.
Son of a Soldier. L. B. L.
E District
McKenzie, John
McKeuzie, Lt. Keneth
McKenzie, Capt. John
McKenzie, Wm
3. Dist.,Edwardsburgh
WHliamsbu rgh
McKim, James Sen . . .
McKim, James Jun . .
McKim, Wm
Ernest Town
McKinny, John
McKinny, Amos . .
McKitchie, John
McLaney, John
McLaren, Archibald..
McLaren, Hugh
E.Dist. .Williamsburgh
H District ...
3. District, Augusta . .
do do
do do
do Elizabethtown
do Charlottenburgh
H District
McLaren, Peter
McLaren, Peter
McLaughlin, Alexander
McLaughlin, Edward.
McLaughlin, James .
McLaughlin. James .
McLaughlin, Wm....
McLean, Alexander . .
McLean, Donald
McLean, Donald
McLean, Jun., Donal<
McLean, Duncan . .
do Ancaster.
E. District, Cornwall. .
do Elizabethtown
H District
E. Dist. ,OharloUenb'gh
Auerusta . . .
McLeane, John
E. Dist. of Elizabeth
Town . ....
T. Sherwood & A. Camp-
bell certify to him having
joined during the War.
Restored 3rd March, 1806.
W. E. E. Jessup.
S. G. Loyalist. Suffered im-
prisonment and loss of pro-
perty. 600 acres, 1793.
Sergt. R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll. N. B.
P. 1789, A young man, has
resided 5 years. A settler,
son of Alexander. T.
Discharged artificer.
Son of a Soldier. L. B. L.
Soldier 84th Regiment.
R.R.N.Y.,P.L., N.J., 1786.
Son of John.
Soldier Carolina Regiment.
Is she the widow of Sergeant
John, late 84th ? Had 3
children. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of a Soldier. L.B.L. A
M.C. Sergeant Sir J. John-
son's S.G., L.B.L. Sergt.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
P.L.N.J. 1786.
S.G.Land as sergeant or son
of a soldier. L.B.L.
Lieutenant R. R. N. York,
S G. Single. P.L.2d,1786.
Father to Lt. McMartin, an
artificer. P.L.N.J. 1786.
S.G. Land as Sergt. Served
in King's works. J. Clark.
P.L., :N.J., 1786.
James on the Original Roll.
Lieutenant Guides & Pion-
eers, S. G.
Butler's Rangers, soldier. O.
C. 25th Feb. 1797. A wife
and 3 children. P.L.N.
McLean, John
McLean, Murdock
McLean Robert
W. District
E. District .
Elizabeth Town
McLean, Stephen
McLean, Wm
Kingston .
F, Dist.rint
McLelan, John i Cornwall
McLeland, Sen., John
McLeland, Jun., John
McLeland, Kenith
McLeod, Widow Isa-
E.Dist. Charlottenburg
do do
do do
McLeod, Thomas
McLeod, Wm. . .
do Charlottenburg
do ...
McLeod, Wm
McMartin, Malcomb . .
McMartin, Malcom,Sr.
McMartin, John . .
E.Dist. Charlottenburg
do do
Adolphus Town
H. District ...
McMasters, John ....
McMichael, Edward . .
McMichael, Isaac . .
McMicking, Peter ....
do M.C.
McMicking, Thomas . .
McMillan, Donald
McMnllen, Daniel....
McNabb Alex
H District
Indian Department, S.G. A
wife and one child. P.L.
N. 1786. Niagara Stamp'd
1787, Collins' 200. Loyalist.
Employ 'd onjKing's works.
Miles McD.
A wife and child. P.L. 2d,
1786. A. McL.
Not privileged, S. P. L. N.
Joined the Royal army at
the commencement of the
war, and served in differ-
ent capacities.
Deceased. Not privileged.
S.G. Land as sergeant. Sup-
posed R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d.
1786. One a private in Cap-
tain Herchmer's company
Batteaumen. A. McL.
R.R.N.Y Muster Roll. P.
L., N. J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y Muster Koll. P.
L., N.J. 1786.
From Vermont. Lost pro-
perty to the amount of
£3,000, P. 1794.
O.C. 1806, Feb. 26th. Re-
stored to U. E. , soldier in
McAlpin's corps. A son
of William. See Chris-
tian Hossack's petition,
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
5on of John McNeal.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Joined the Royal Standard
at Fort ; only one.
Stanwix in 1777, p. certifi-
cate of Gideon and Samuel
With General Burgoyne at
Lachine in 1783. Em-
ployed on Secret Service
under the name of Corn
E. District, Cornwall..
H District
McNabb John
McNabb, James . .
H. District
McNairn, John
E. District, Corn wall..
do Charlottenburg
do do
do Elizabeth Town
do do
do Edwardsburg . .
H. District
McNaughton, Donald.
McNaughton John
McNeal, Archibald . . .
McNeal John
McNeil, Archibald....
McNeil, John ....
McNeil, Wm
McNight, Thomas ....
McNish, James
Elizabeth Town
E. District
do Augusta
do Elizabeth T'n
Elizabeth Town
McNish, James
McNish, Joseph
McNut, James
Came into this Province in
McPhee, Allan
E. District . .
1779 or 1780; his son's
84th Regiment.
McPherson, Alexr ....
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll. P,
McPherson, John
McPherson, John ....
M. District .... M.C.
Ernest Town
L., N. J. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
B.M. 1789, 500. L.B.Certe.
A, McL.
John of E. Town, S. L Rs.
McPherson, Peter
P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
McPherson, Murdock.
McPherson, James
E.Dist. Charlottenburg
Charlottenburg . . .
B.M. 1789,300. P.L. 1786.
Sergeant R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. P.L., N. J. 1786.
On Original Roll Sergeant
McQuin, Senr., Alex. .
H. District
2nd Battalion R.R.N.Y.
18 years in the service ; was
Mcllobert, Mary .
in the battle of Fontenoy ;
had been wounded ; came
into this Province after the
McTugget, James
M C McTagart Corpl S.
McVee, John
McWilliams, John
Napping, John
Elizabeth Town
E. District, Osnabruck
G., L.B.M. 1793, 300. R.
R.N.Y., P.L. 1786. Stp'd
1787, J. McDonell, ^ No. 21.
1789, Chewitt No. 22, 23,
12 Township. A labourer
in Forage Department. P.
L., B.G.
R.R.N.Y. Muster RoU ; had
a wife ; P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers.
Nanghton, Andrew . . .
Naughton, Philander . .
Grand River, E. Dist. .
E District
S.G. Captain Pioneers.
JXaulton, Thomas
Elizabeth Town
Neil, George
H District
Loyal Militia South Caro-
Nebling, Ernest
M.C. of Marysburgh
lina; bore arms at sixty-
Soldier 53rd Regiment, L.B.
Neher, John . .
M. 1790, 100, and in 1792,
200. L.B. Certe, and P.
L. 1786 ; Stamped Book.
Soldier R.R.N.Y..P.L.1786,
Nellis, Abraham
H. District
A. McL. Stamped Book.
Son of Captain "W". Henry
Nellis, Warner
H District
Son of Captain W. Henry
Nellis Lieut Robert
Indian Departme't. Niagara
Nellis Win
Stamped Book.
Son of W. Henry Nelles.
Nellis Capt W Henry
Indian Department * a wife
Nettleton, Amos
and 5 children , P. L. N.
1786. Niagara Stamped
Petition of 1798 ; states no
Nettleton, Daniel
E District
service but eight years' re-
sidence ; served part of
the war in the Continental
service ; a common settler.
Oliver Evarts.
Admitted as a settler. 200 L.
Neville, Edward
W. District
B.L. 1791. Soldier in Jes-
sup's L. Rangers.
New settlement, Lake Erie,
Newalt, Frederick
B.R. ; a Corporal B.Rang-
ers, W.L.
Soldier German Troops, p.
Newberry Sergt. \Vm
H. District
provision list, 1736.
Sergeant Butler's Rangers
Newkirk, James
B. Rangers S G. Stamped
Nicholson, Alex
Book Niagara, S. P.L.N.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
Nicholson, Archibald
M. 1789—300.
Loyal Rangers. A. McL
Nicholson, Robert
H. District ^
Called Loyalist. P. L. 1786.
Gen. Haldimand's certificate.
Nicholson, Robert
Nickerson, Elihud
E. District, Augusta (
1784, 100 acres, No. 4, 1
con. Augusta ; told so. Si-
mon Covill.
O.C. 5th March 1808 ; served
Noble, Wm
as sergeant.
A private in Capt. Herch-
North James
mer's Batteaux Company.
A. McL. A wife. P. L.
2d, 1786.
Sergeant ; discharged from
North, Reeds
53rd Regiment ; not U.E.
400 acres ; his widow Win-
nifred North, 200 bounty.
L.B.M. 1791.
British Soldier (P.L. 1786)
North, Thomas .
H. District
A. McL. Stamped Book.
Soldier New Jersey Volun-
teers. O.C. 7th July, 1796.
Nudale, Adam
O'Brien, John
O'Conelly James
E. District
Soldier R.R.N.Y. T. Wea-
Soldier 60th Regt. Report
L.B. Stormont.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, L.
B. Nassau, 1794.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll A, 2, gts. 300, all he
has a claim to — see L. B.
M. ]789; nevertheless on
the 26th Augt., 1794, he
again states his desire to
become a settler, and the
L. B. A. order him 200
Soldier Indian Department,
L.B.M. 1791.
L. B. Mecklenburgha state
Loyalist, 1791. Son of
Soldier Indian Department ;
L.B.M. 1790, 550 (P.L.
1786)- -a wife & six chil-
L.B.M. state Loyalist, 1791.
Son of Frederick.
By order - in - Council 13th
Novr., 1797.
of Lt. O'Neal, Jessup's or
Roger's— L. B. M. 1790—
1,200 (P.L. 1786).
Loyalist from New York
(Stamped Book), P. L.
Loyalist from New York
(Stamped Book), P. L.
Loyalist from New York—
P.L. 1786— Stamped Book.
Loyalist from New York —
A. McL. — M. Collins'
Book. P.L. 1786.
German soldier — Collins'
Book. P.L. 1786.
Soldier B. Rangers, O. C.
21st July, 1796. S. P.L.N.
H. District
Marys & Sophiasburgh
do do
Ogden, John . .
Ogden, Junr. , John . .
Oliver, Aaron
Oliver, Cornelius
Oliver, Frederick
Oliver, John
Olker, Elisha
O'Neale, Widow Eliza.
Orser, Arthur
Orser, Gabriel
Orser. Isaac
M District
Orser, Solomon
Orsier, Wm.
Ornal, Conrad . .
Osterhout, Wm
H District
Otto Gotlet
E District
German soldier — Collins'
Outhouse Nicholas . . .
H District
Book. See order-in-Coun-
cil, reinstated 17th March,
1807. Soldier Butler's Ran-
Joined the Royal army at
Overholt Abraham
Fort Montgomery — was a
Pilot to New York army —
Overholt, Miss Eliza-
S. G.
Overholt Stols
Stamped Book Niagara
Ozburn, James . . ...
O.C.19th April, 1808. Joined
Page, Joseph
H District ft
in 1776 ; raised a volunteer
Butler's K angers — S.G. Ni-
Painting, Timothy
agara Stamped Book. P.
L.N. 1786.
P. states from Nova Scotia.
Palmer Caleb
M District
Son of David p Petition
Palmer David
Corporal King's Rangers p
Palmer David
H District
R.Roll— L.B.M. 1790 700.
A settler from New Jersey
Palmer John
M District
in 1788 ; much persecuted
34th Regiment — S. G B
Palmer Silas •
M. A.
Loyalist from New York —
Palper, Gustus
A. McL. Stamped Book.
Called Loyalist, P. L. 1786.
Pannal, Abraham
E District
If Parnel, a soldier during
Papts Adam
the war.
Soldier Butler's Rangers p
Parepoint negro Richd
H District .
affidavit R.P,
Pioneer Butler's Rangers —
Parish, Ezekiel . .
E District
Niagara Stamped Book—
P. L.N. 1786.
L.B.L., a settler 1791 Ser-
Parish, Wm
Yonee . .
geant Peters' militia — by
his widow, Mary.
Asks to be admitted as a
Parks, Robert
E District, Cornwall .
settler, 1790, L.B.L. Son
of Ezekiel. . .
S. G. Land as corporal R R.
N.Y. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Parker Robert . . .
E District
A settler — came to this Pro-
Parker John . .
H District
vince in 1784. O.E.
A. Loyalist during the war —
Parks Cyrenus
S.G.; an old soldier, p. P.,
if of E District. Soldier
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Soldier King's Rangers p.
Parks, James
do ....
R. Roll. L.B.M. 1790,400.
P.L. 1786.
Sergeant King's Rangers, p»
Parks, Nathaniel ....
Parks, Senr., Nathan. .
E District
R. Roll. L.B.M. 1790,400.
One Stamped Book, Ni-
agara — I. Depart, one — P.
L. N. 1786.
Drummer King's Rangers, p.
R. RoU— P.L. 2d, 1786.
1784, Genl. Haldimand, 100
Parks, Junr. , Nathan
as. A soldier King's Ran-
gers— P.L. 1786.
Son of Nathan Parks Senr.
Parlow, John
do at Matilda
Ld Bd L — his father was
Parrott, James
Ernest Town
a pensioner. An artificer
at Carleton Island.
Lieutenant Loyal Rangers,
Parsons, Thomas
W District
A. McL, (P.L. 1786.)
S.Gr. B, Rangers.
Palter, Philip
Soldier Butler's Rangers —
Pattingall, Jacob ....
Pattingall, Samuel....
German soldier. C.B. Stamp-
ed Book.
R.R.N.Y. B.M.A.
Pattison, Daniel
Lame; came in a settler after
Pawling, Captn. Benjn.
H District
the peace— W. Chewitt.
B. Rangers Niagara Stamp-
Pawling, Qr,-Mr. Jesse
edBook. (Single.) P.L.N.
B. Rangers — has a wife and
Peak, James
servant, P.L.N. 1786.
Pearse, John
In petition for land 1792
Peebles, Charles
E Dist., Edwardsburgh
expects an equal right with
strangers — L. B. L.
) Served in the waggon De
Peebles, Charles
) partment. P. 1789
Peek, Caleb
Soldier R.R N Y Muster
Peet, David
Roll, at Montreal. B.
M. A.
Son of David Peet, Senr.,
deceased — a loyal man.
Pierce, Patrick
Pell, Jonathan..
Pell, Joseph....
Pell, Joshua
Pember, Philip
H District..
do ..
Kingston . .
Pemberton, James . . .
Pennick, Samuel
Pennock, Philimon . . .
Pepst, Rudolph
Perrigor, James
H District
Elizabeth Town
E District...
Perry, Daniel .
Perry, John . . .
Percy, John . . .
Perry, Senr., Robert.
Perry, Junr., Robert.
Perry, Senr.s William
Perry, Junr. , William
Peters, Bensley
Peters, John
Peters, Thomas
Peterson, Abraham . .
Peterson, Christian . .
Peterson, Conrod . . .
Peterson, Conrodt . . .
A sawyer, p. Stamped Book.
Son of Joshua.
5on of Joshua.
Son of Joshua.
M.C. Corprl. R.R.N.Y. L.
B.M. 1790. 3 Gl. I. O.C.
25th Jan'y, 1797. 2 June
does not appear entitled to
the bounty— P. L. 1786—
Stamped Book— lived with
Mr. Steedman before the
Stamped Book, Niagara—
P.llN. 1786.
Lieut, in Col. Peters' Militia
Prays to be admitted as a
settler, 6th July, 1790—
A sergeant R.R.N.Y. Mus-
ter Roll.
Ernest Town Son of Robert Perry.
do Soldier Loyal Rangers.
do Soldier Loyal Rangers— A.
do Soldier — a sergeant Loyal
Rangers— Ld. Bd. Ce. (P.
L. 1786.)
do Son of Robert Perry.
do Soldier Loyal Rangers — L.
B. M. 1791, 400 acres (P.
L. 1786).
Son of William, Senr.— 200
L.B.A. 1793.
Captain of Associated Loy-
alists, in the Ann.
Ensign Loyal Rangers (en-
sign, P.L, 1786).
A volunteer, L.B. Grenville,
1793— did duty in Mon-
Sophias&Ameliasburgh Loyalist — P. L. 1786— from
New York ; A. McL.
L.B.M. says Loyalist, 1790
-400 as. A. McL. P.L.
E District S.G. — land as a sergeant.
do Sergeant Loyal Rangers —
Marys & Sophiasburgh
E District..,
Peterson, Nicholas,
Adolphus Town
1790 L.Bd.M. State Loyalist
Peterson, Nicholas, . .
400. A.McL., P.L. 1786.
Servd. 1793, 27 Augt. L.
B.A. States— 100 received
and Grants 200.
Loyalist P.L. 1786— Son of
Peterson Paul
A soldier in the Refugees.
Peterson, Nicholas, . .
Pettit Daniel
Sophias and Amelias-
Marys and Sophias-
L. B. M. 1790-450. P.
L. 1786.
Genl. Haldimand — ] 00. —
Loyalist from New York.
P.L. 1786.
Associated Loyalist a native
Pettit John
H District
of Long Island.
New Jersey Volunteers —
Pettit Nathaniel
A.ctive Loyalist
Petry, John Jost ....
Niagara Stamped Book.
Petry Sergt. Joseph
M.C. B. Rangers. Stamped
Petty, Margery, ....
Book Niagara — a wife and
one son. P.L.N. 1786.
formerly Widow Fos-
Phelps Elijah
Butler's Rangers S G Ni-
Philips, John
agara Stamped Book.
Say Kind's Rangers p. R.
Phifer, Frederick,
Philer or Pieper.
Philips, Elisha
Roll. Stamped Book.
34th Regt.. a soldier. P.L.
1786, a smith. Stamped
Soldier King's Rangers, p
Philips (now Merrits)
M District
R. Roll, 1789. G. Haldi-
mand, 100 — as Sergeant
100, in right of his father,
a soldier — do. L. B. M.,
Philips, Michael
Ernest Town
Genl. Haldimand's Certifi-
Phillips, William ....
cate for 200— Called Loy-
alist. P.L. 1786.
Joined in 1778. O. C. 22nd
Philips, Peter ....
Febry, 1808.
Soldier R R N Y L B M
1790. 350. P. L. 1786.
Stamped Book, 1784.—
Genl. Haldimand, 100.
Phillips, Ziba
Formerly of Augusta
0 C. 5th January, 1808.
Pickard, Benjn
H District
Sergeant King's Rangers
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Pickard James
Soldier Butler's Rangers,
Pickard, Wm
Soldier B Rangers. Stamp-
Pickle, Senr. , John . .
Pickle, Junr. , John . .
ed Book Niagara. O. C.
llth March, 1797.
P.K.R. Regt., N.Y. Soldier
L.B.M. 1790, 550, 1784.
Genl. Haldimand, 100.
J. F. Bickle should be
Pickle. P.L. 1786. Stamp-
ed Book.
Son of John Pickle, Senr.,
Pilchard, Stephen
Marysburgh ....
200. Soldier King's Ran-
gers, p. R. RolL
Discharged British Soldier.
Filler, Michael ......
Pine, Chase
E District
A.McL. Stamped Book.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Pitman Cary
A Fifer in Jessup's Corps.
Pilman, Russell .
Ld Bd. Certe. Described
or Pitman.
Place, Williajn Sim- . .
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.
B.M. 1792. 450. A.Mc.L.
P.L. 1786.
O.C. 8th March, 1808. Sol-
Plate, Christian .
H District
dier, King's Rangers.
B. Rangers. S.G. Niagara
Plater, George
Stamped Book.
( One person. Pilot to the
Plater, George
t Philadelphia Army.
Plato, Peter . . .
A Discharged Soldier. —
or Plant.
Platt, John . .
E District Montreal
Stamped Book and Ni-
agara do.
Employed in Secret Service.
Papst, Rudolph
Original Roll. Soldier R.R.
Porter, Timoth / .
Marysburo'h and
N.Y. by I. Chrysler.
Soldier Loyal Rangers —
Post, Jacob
H district
had drawn 100. L. B. A.
1794. 200. P.L. 1786.
A Soldier Butler's Rangers.'
Post, Frederick
\Vas a Soldier Orange Ran-
Potreg, Thomas . .
E District..
gers. P. of his son, 1797.
Potten, Richard
Discharged British Soldier.
Pother, John
P. L. 1786.
Fifer Loyal Rangers. S. G.
Powell Abraham.
London District
p. Discharge.
By Order in Council 13th
Pound Daniel
H District .
January, 1807.
Powell, Capt. iTohn
Indian Department — a wife
Powell, John
E District, Lancaster
and 3 children. P. L. N.
1785. Niagara Stamped
Single, P L. 2d, 1786.
Powell, William Dum-
H District
One of the Judges U.E.
Powiss Edward
M ary sburgh
Soldier 84th Regt. L B M.
Powley Francis
1791, 450.— and P.L. 1786,
a wife and 2 children.
Dead B.M.A.
First Settler — called Loyal-
Powley, Jacob
ist. P.L. 1786.
Son of Francis Cotlins Booth
Prentice, Daniel
P. L. 1786. Order in
Council, 28th February,
1805— replaced on U. E.
Soldier K.R. Regt., N.Y.
Prentice, -Richard
P.L.N.J. 1786.
17^5 — Called Loyalist by G.
Prescod, Senr., John...
Prescod, Junr., John. .
do Prescott,
Hamilton, 100. A.Mc.L.
a Blacksmith. Stamped
S.G. Lands as Sergeant R.
R.N.Y, P.L. 2d, 1786.
M. Roll.
Son of a soldier, 200 acres.
Price, Christian
H District . . .
Ld. Bd. L. Pescod.
B, Rangers. S.G. Had a
Price, David
wife. P. L. N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
Indian Interpreter — had a
Price, Thomas
M ary sbur^h
wife and one child. P.L.
N. 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll — and one of this
name 84th Regt. S.—
British soldier. L. B. M.
1791. P. L. Stamped
Prindle, Doctor
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Prindle, Joel
R. Roll L.B.M. 1790—
Soldier King's Rangers. —
Prindle Joseph
Fred ericksburgh
Gov. Hamilton, 100.
King's Rangers by Order in
Prindle, Timothy
Council, 13tn January.
Soldier King's Rangers p.
Prindle, William
R. Roll.
King's Rangers by Order in
Proctor. Joseph
Council, 13th January,
Late from South River.
Prout, Sherman
H District
Butler's Rangers, Niagara
Pruyn, Matthew
Mary sburgh
Stamped Book. S. P.L.
N. 1786.
Joined at N. York, O.C.
Prunner, Senr., Peter
E District
22d Febry., 1808.
Genl. Haldimand, 100. Sol-
Pruyne Herman
dier R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d,
Order in Council, 17th Feb-
Prunner, Junr., Peter
E District ... .
ruary, 1807.
Ernest Town
Sergeant 19th, 400 — from
Newcastle .->....
New York. Stamped
Book. P.L. 1786. A.McL.
See Order in Council, llth
Purdy, Gilbert
March, 1807. Guide to the
Died with Genl. Howe's
Purbus, John
Niagara District
Army — Chesepeake. Left
a widow. P.L. 1786.
Order in Council, 21 Febry
Putman, Cornelius .
Ernest Town . . .
1807. Joined Butler's
Genl. Haldimand, 1784, 100.
Purdy, Jesse
Elizabeth Town
R. R. N. Y. P.L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
O.C. 8th March, 1808— Sol-
Putman, Effron
E District
dier Col. Emerick's Cav-
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Purdy, Mary
Roll. B.M.A.
O.C. 16thJune,1807. Widow
H District . . .
of Gilbert Purdy.
B. Rangers. Niagara Stamp-
ed Book— a wife P.L.N.
Quant Frederick
H District
Quant, Jacob
W District
Soldier B. Rangers. W List.
Quarry (a Negro)
H District
Quick, Benjamin
H District...
Quick, Solomon
A soldier, Niagara Stamped
Quin Michael ....
Book. — A wife and one
child. P.L.N. 1786.
R R N Y Muster Koll
Quinn, Christopher ...
Quin, John .*....
E District, Augusta ...
do. Cornwall
Received Genl. Haldimand's
Certificate for 100 acres.
Soldier R R N.Y Muster
Quin Michael
do. do.
Roll, P.I/. 2d, 1786.
R. R N Y supposed J F
Rambouch, Wm
P.L. 2d, 1786
S.G. A private R.R.N.Y.
Rambough Amos.
E District
100. McD. & 200. E.D.
PL. 1786.
Soldier R R N Y PL 1786
Rambough, David
Rambough, John
Rambough, Jacob
Ramsay, Henry
do. Osnabruck..
do. do.
do. do.
Son of a soldier, 200 acres,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Ld. Bd.
L. P.L. 2H, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. P. 1796.
Soldier B Rangers dis-
Ramsay, David
H District
charged in 1779. O.C. 13th
March, 1807.
Randolph, Benjamin...
A settler in 1795 0. Everts
Rankin, James . .
M District . ...
— If Ranolds, a soldier R.
R.N.Y. M. Koll.
Ransier, George .
H District ; .
Butler's Rangers S G
Ransier, William ...
had a wife and one child.
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Bonk.
M C R R N Y M Roll
or Ransier
Rattan, Senr., Peter . .
Rattan, Junr. , Peter. .
Adolphus Town
O. C. 16th Nov. 1797.
Stamped Book.
S.G. Captain Jersey Volun-
teers. P.L. 1786.
Son of Peter Senr L B
Rattan, Wm
M. 1793, 100 and 200
Bounty. P.L. 1786.
Reddick, Adam . .
E District W'msburg
Loyalists and L. B. M.
P.L. 1786.
dick, L.B.M. 1793.
Reddick, Christor
Reddick, George
Redick, John
Reddie, Philip
Redins, Francis
Reide, George
Reede, Moses
Reide, Wm.
Reide, Wm.
Reely, Sergt. , John . .
Reynolds, Lt. Caleb. . .
Reynolds, Benjamin ...
Riceley, Corpl. Christr.
Richards, Christr
Richards, Daniel.
Richards, John .
Richards, Junr. , John
E District, W'msburg
E District, Osnabruck
M District .
Ernest Town
H District.
Elizabeth Town
H District.
H District.
Home District.
Marys & Sophiasburg
do. do.
A Loyalist, L.Bd.L. Sol-
dier R. R. N. Y. J.F.—
Had a wife and 3 children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A:
A wife. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Emigrant settler from U.S.
1792. L.B.M. 200.
Discharged soldier R.R.N.
Y. Ld.Bd. Certe. P.L.
Butler's Rangers, S. G.—
Has a wife and one child.
P. L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
1789. P. States residence
since 1788— no service a
settler. E. Jessup's.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, was
taken prisoner (himself).
Capt. of Militia, South
Carolina— last from Nova
Scotia, P.
B. Rangers, Niagara Stamp-
ed Book. 0. C. 17th
March, 1797 — a wife and
five children. P. L. N.
B. Rangers, S.G. Niagara
Stamped Book. S. P.L.
N. 1786.
By Order in Council, 13th
October, 1807. Soldier R.
S.G. B. R. Niagara Stamp-
ed Book, S. P.L.N. 1786.
B. Rangers, S.G. Niagara
Stamped Book, S. P.L.N.
Son of John Richards.
S. G. Lieutenant Indian
Department. Interpreter
L.B.M. 1791. 2000. Stamp-
ed Book. P.L. 1786.
Son of John Richardson, P.
1794. A boy, discharged.
A Sergeant, but never did
duty. O.R.
Richards, Owen
Marys & Sophiasburg .
Son of John Richardson — a
Richardson, Asa
boy, was discharged as a
Sergeant, 2d Battn. R.R.
N. Y.— never did duty.
S.G-. Que. ? Loyal Rangers.
Richardson, Henry. . . .
do ....
P.L. 1786. A.McL.
Son of Asa.
Richardson, Thomas . .
M District
Treasury Loyalist.
Richardson, Thomas . .
Richardson, Wm
Rickerman, Edward . .
Ryckerman, Tobias ...
Rickley, Andrew .
Sophias & Amelias- . .
do. do.
Fredericksburgh .
Son of Asa Richardson, L.
B.M. 1790. 200 only.
Son of Asa, Provisional list.
King's Rangers, 1786.
Stated Loyalist, L. B. M.
1793. 300.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Ridman, Nicholas ....
R. Roll. P.L. 1786. L.B.
M. Sergt. 1790—500.
Ridner, Henry
Adolphus Town now
L.B.M. 1791— stated Loyal,
Ridner, Junr., Henry
of Ameliasburgh
200. Soldier Jersey Vol-
unteers. Ordered to be
reinstated on U.E. List,
1805, 23rd February.
Son of Henry Ridner, Senr.
Rimmerman, Henry ...
German soldier. C. B. and
Ernest Town
Provisional List, 1786.—
Brunswick Troops, L.B.
M. 1791, 300. Stamped
This is John Richards, Jnr.
Roberts, Thomas
Marysbursrh . .
— son of John Richards,
Discharged British soldier,
Robertson, James
H District . .
P.L. 1786, E., one a sol-
dier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll. A.McL.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. W.
Robertson, Daniel . .
E District, Cornwall..
List, 1789 — one a soldier
Loyal Rangers — a wife P.
L. N. 1786. Stamped
Book Niagara.
Daniel was a soldier 44th
Regt. P. L. N. J. 1789—
Daughters Jane and Bar-
bara — This a Loyalist who
joined in 1777 — S. A.
Robertson, Joseph
Robertson, Joseph
Robertson Prince
E Disk, Edwardsburg
do. do.
H District
Stamped Book Niagara — a
wife and two children, P.
L.N. 1786— one a soldier
Butler's Rangers, P.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
S G. B R.
Robertson, Lt. Neil .
E District
S. G. R.R.N.Y.
Robertson Thomas
Robertson, Wm
Robins, James . . .
do. Cornwall
do. Edwards-
P,L. 2d, 1786.
Lieut. Loyal Rangers. P.L.
Hobins, Richard
Ernest Town
Robins, Richard ....
> Sons of James Robins.
Robins "Wm.
Son of James
Robins, Wm. ...
E District, Charlotten-
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Robinson Christopher
Roll. P. L. N. J. 1786—
one of this name, P. L.
1786, Kingston.
Ensign Q Rangers
Roblin, John
Adolphus Town
Son of Philip L.B. A. 1794,
Roblin Owen P.
Son of Owen Senr is 21
Roblin, Senr., Owen ...
years of age— L. B. M.
1793, 200.
Loyalist L.B.M. 1793— un-
Roblin, Junr., Owen. .
Roblin, Philip .
assigned S.B. Certificate
States U.E. P.L. 1786—
A.McL. Genl Haldimand
200, entitled to 700.
Son of Philip.
Govr Hamilton 200 — Loyal-
Roblin, Stephen . .
Sophias & Amelias-
ist.' A.McL. P.L. 1786.
Served in Major "Ward's
Rodney, Sergt. Geo. . .
H District
Block-house — information.
M. Clark.
Died in New Brunswick
W District
S. G. Provincial Navy ; came
Rogers, David M
Rogers, John
Marys & Sophiasburg .
Ernest Town
from England in a ship of
War to Quebec, during the
American War — his son-
in-law, Ananias Ogden's
information, 20th Oct. ,
Son of Major James, Bang's
Rangers. P.L. 1786.
Rogers, Col. James . .
Marys & Sophiasburg .
S. G. Major Commandt. P.
L. 1786.
Rogers, James
Marys & Sophiasburg
Son of Major James Kind's
Rogers, Win
Ernest Town
Rangers. P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers L.B.
Roice, Senr., Evan . . .
or Rove
Roice, Junr., Evan . .
Rorison, Bazil
E District, Cornwall.,
Elizabeth Town
M. 1790. Cotlins, 200—
P. L. 1786. A Hatter
Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Soldier R. R. N". Y. Muster
Had been Lieut. Orange Ran
Rooreback, Capt.
gers and resigned. W.E.
Not resident in the Province
Road, Wm.
E District Augusta
Not privileged R I D Gr
Rose, Aaron
do Edwardsburg
Son of Samuel Rose TJ E
Rose, Alexr
Rose, Alexr.
do Charlottenb'g
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.L.
& Muster Roll N.B. (P.L.
Son of a soldier — Ld Bd L
Rose Charles
Soldier R R N Y Muster
Rose, William . .
Rose, David .
E Dist Edwardsburg
On Original Roll.
Rose, Daniel.
Ernest Town
• :* 9 ;
Rose, Donald
H District
wife, Eleanor, and seven
children— 500 as. (P. L.
Rose, Ezekiel
E District. .
and four children) — P. L.
N.1786-Niag"ara Stamped
Rose Mathias
Ernest Town
ginning of the War — L.
B. L.
Ld Bd Ce described sol-
Rose, Junr., Mathias. .
dier Loyal Rangers — P.L.
Rose, Moses.
B. M. 1790 500.&(P, L!
1786. )1
alive about 26 years old,
1808. Came in on com-
mencement of the War —
L. B. L.
Rose, Samuel •
E Dist. ,Edwardsburg .
do ....
Late of Vermont— 1792, L.
B. L — is son of Samuel
Rose, mentioned below :
was a boy, and not entitled
to more than as S. U.E.
Joined General Burgoyne.
Aaron Rose, David Rose,
Susannah Morrison, his
children. J. JFraser, letter.
Soldier in Jessup's Corps —
P. L.B.L.
L. B. M. states Loyalist—
1793, 200, and recommend-
ed for 200 more (Stamped
Book)— one a British sol-
dier— P. L. 1786 ; a wife &
child. A.McL.
A Loyalist— L. B. report,
Drummer R.R.N.Y. J.F.
One an emigrant from Scot-
land -L. Bd. L.
Soldier British Regt.-A.
McL. Gone to Montreal.
B.M.A. Stamped Book.
Of Captn. Watts' comp'y—
P.L.N.J. 1786.
Son of a soldier — 200 acres,
L. Bd. L.
Came in with Sir J. J. in
1776— R. R. N. Y. Muster
Soldier R.R.N.Y.-Ld. Bd.
Son of a soldier— 200 acres,
Ld. Bd. L.
P.L.N.J. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A—
P.L. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Onedo.,P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster
Roll (P.L.N.J. 1786).
Had a wife & five children—
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Had a wife & three children
—P.L. 2d, 1786.
Rose, Samuel
Rose Samuel
do Yonge.
do Williamsburg .
E. Dist., Charlottenb'g
do Williamsburg
do Lancaster . . .
Rosenbarg, Jacob . . )
Rosenbourg J
Ross, Alexr
Rose Alexr
Ross, Alexr
Ross, Colin
Ross, Donald .
E Dist., Lancaster
do do
do do
do Charlottenburg
do Lancaster ....
do do
do Osnabruck ....
do Charlottenburg
do Cornwall
do Lancaster,
do do ....
Ross, Donald .
Ross, Donald
Ross, Finlay
Ross, George
Ross, John .
Ross, Jacob
Ross, Philip
Ross, Thomas
Ross, Thomas
Ross, Thomas Ben
Ross, Thomas Taylor..
Ross Walter
Marysburg .
Sergeant 84th Regt — drew
Ross, Wm
land in E District. British
soldier, P.L. 1786 ; a wife
—Stamped Book.
N.C.O. 84th Regt. L.B.M.
Ross, Wm ....
1790 (P.L. 1786)— A, McL.
Stamped Book.
Soldier British Regt.— A.
Ross, Zenus
Fredericksburg . ,
McL.— P.L.N.J. 1786.
Soldier K Rangers— Genl.
Rowe, Corpl. Fr.derick
H District
Haldimand, 1784, 100-his
Butler's Rangers — S.G. Ni-
Rowe, Sergt. John. . . .
agara Stamped Book.
Sergeant Butler's Rangers —
Roweshorn,John. .
Niagara Stamped Book ;
O.C. 25th April, 1797. S.
P.L.N. 1786.
M C. Sergt Captn. Damar's
Rudderbuck, John
Rudderbuck, Simeon . .
Runnion, Henry
E Dist.,Edwardsburg. .
do do
do Cornwall
troop (Stamped Ld. Bd.
Certe.) S. P.L.N. 1786.
Soldier Jessup's corps of
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Ruport, Podar. . . . )
do Osnabruck
Roll A (P.L. 2d, 1786).
R R N Y. Muster Roll A.,
Peter f
Rush, Martin, Senr. . .
M District
Engineer Department. O.C.
Rush, Martin, Junr. . .
Rush, Andrew .
Ernest Town
12th June, 1798.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
or Rusk
Russell, James
H District
R. Roll— L.B.M. 1790,100.
A settler from England.
Russell, Michael
E Dist., Matilda
(Deceased). Soldier R. R.
Russell, Rosewell ....
Russell, Wm
do Charlottenburg
do Matilda
N.Y.— N.M.L. Has wife.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
1790, L. B. L. Admitted a
Corporal R.R N.Y. Muster
Rutter, Senr., George
Adolphus Town
Roll — single — P. L. 2d,
1786. One a drummer Loyal
Rangers — Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
Loyalist from New York. A.
Rutzenstine, G. B. De
S.G. Captain Prince Freder-
Ryckman, Lt. John . .
H District
ick's Germans.
Indian Department, S. G.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Ryckman, John
Adolphus Town
Loyalist, P. L. 1786, from
New York. A. McL.
M.C. Lt. Jersey Volunteers
O.C. 21st Augt., 1797.
Captain Jersey Volunteers.
Widow of John Sackerville,
volunteer, Indian Depart-
P. L. 1786. One a soldier
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier LI. Rangers — son of
Wm. Saunderson — R. J.
D. G.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll (Stamped Book)
53rd — one a discharged
British soldier— P. L. 1786.
S. O.C. 30th Augt., 1797,
Is dead ; was a soldier in
Jessup's-E.J. R. J. D.G.
P., 1794, states Loyalist, and
wish to become a settler.
Soldier German troops, Gen.
Haldimand, 100 — P. L.
1786— A. McL.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Corporal Butler's Rangers
Son of Wm. Schamerhorn.
Provision List 1786— King's
Rangers — A. McL.
Soldier Loyal Rangers — A.
McL. Called Loyalist P.
L. 1786.
L. Bd. M. Soldier Loyal
Rangers-450 (P.L. 1786),
A. McL.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.
M. 1792, 300 (P.L. 1786)—
A. McL.
Soldier Loyal Rangers — call-
ed Loyalist P.L. 1786.
B. Rangers, S.G. (had a wife
and 3 children), P.L.1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Ryerse, Lt. Joseph
Ryerse, Capt. Samuel
Sacheverell, Mrs. Jane
Salvester Levy .
H District
E Dist.,Elizabeth TVn.
do Yonge
Sanders, Henry
Saunders, Abraham . . .
Saunders, Henry
Saunders, Wm.
do Edwardsburg .
E Dist., Edwardsburg. .
Saunderson, Thomas..
Saupe, Gotlep
Saver, John
Scaret, John
E District
Scaffer, Nicholas
Schermerhorn, John . .
Schermerhorn, Wm. . .
Schneeider, Abraham. .
Schneeider, John
Ernest Town
Schneider, Isaac
Schneeider, Simon
Schram, Corpl. Fred- . .
do ....
H District
Schram, Frederick
Schram Jolin
Soldier Butler's Rangers, 0.
C. 24th Febr'y, 1808— one
of Col. Butler's corps — p.
One of Col. Eaton's corps —
a wife and 3 children — P.
L.N. 1786. L.B. Nassau,
1794. Niagara Stamped
Butler's Rangers, S. G-. S.
P. L. N. 1786 — Niagara
Stamped Book.
B. Rangers, S. G.— had a
wife and one child — P.L.
N.1786. Niagara Stamped
Drew 200 as. in Matilda—
E. D. & L. B. M 1793.
States Loyalist-200, boun-
ty. Single. P.L. 2d, 1786.
R,R.N.Y.,P.L. 2d, 1786.
M.C., Yonge, Soldier Loyal
Rangers, and for Neal
Scott, his late son, Soldier
Loyal Rangers, L.B.L.
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, W.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, had
a wife and four children,
P. L N., 1786, Niagara
Stamped Book.
S.G., B.R., Soldier Butler's
Rangers, W. list.
Had a wife and nine children
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier Indian Department,
L.B.M. 1790, 300,
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll A,
in Canada B.M.A.
Discharged British Soldier.
P. L., 1786, S. Stamped
Sol. Loyal Rangers, L.B.L.
Original Roll.
Schram, Jeremiah
Schram, Valentine
Schri ver G eorge
Scott, Arch'd
H. District
E. District
Scott, Senr. , John ....
Scott, Francis . .
E. District Augusta . .
Scott, John
Scovils, Samuel .......
Scratch, Leonard
Sea, Harrnanns . .
New Settlement L.Erie
Ernest Town
H. District
Seager, Frederick .
Seager, Jacob
Sealye, Augustus
Sealye, James
Segar, Adam
Segar, Staatz, Senr . . .
Segus, John
E. District, Lancaster.
Marysburgh .
Sealey, Joseph
Sealey, Joseph
Elizabeth Town'...
Sealey, Justus
Sealey, Justus
Secord, Daniel
Secord, Senr., David. .
Secord, Senr., John . . .
Secord, Junr., John . .
Secord, Senr., James...
Secord, Senr., Peter . .
Secord, Junr., Peter . .
Secord, Sergt. Silas. . .
Secord, Lt. Solomon. . ,
Secord, Sergt. Stephen.
Sencebaugh, Sergeant
Scerman, Henry
Service, John, Junr. . .
Service, Mary
Elizabeth Town ....
E. District Augusta,
H. District . .
H. District
Niagara District
E. District
ourg . . .
, Matilda
Servos, Christopher . . .
Servos, Lt. Daniel
Servos, Lt. Jacob
E. District, Osnabruck.
H. District
Servos, Philip E. District, Matilda . .
A Drummer Loyal Rangers,
R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll, one
a soldier Loyal Rangers.
Indian Department, S.G.,
had a wife and 5 children,
P. L. N., 1786, Niagara
Stamped Book.
N.C.O., B. Rangers, a wife
and two children, P.L.N.,
1786, Niagara Stpd. Book.
Sergeant New York Volun-
teers, a wife and 2 children
P.L.N.,Mag. Stpd. Bk.
Butler's Rangers, S. G.,
Niagara Stamped Book.
Deceased Lieutenant B.
Rangers, S. G.
Volunteer B. Rangers, S.G.
S.P.L.N., 1786, Niagara
Stamped Book.
Son of Peter Senr., Stamped
B. Rangers, S.G., had a wife
and one child, P.L.N.,
1786, Niagara Stpd. Book.
B. Rangers, S.G. S. P.L.N.,
1786, Niagara Stpd. Book.
B. Rangers, S.G. O.C. 25th
April, 1797, Niagara Stpd.
By Order-in-Council, 2nd
December, 1806.
John Service, R.R. N. Y.,
Muster Roll, P.L. 2d,1786.
Widow of Philip Service,
R.R.N.Y., who died at
Lachine. O.C., 29th Janu-
ary, 1808.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster
Indian Department, S G., 2
women and 3 children, P.
L. N. 1786, Niag. Stpd. Bk.
[ndian Department, S.G.S.
P. L. N. 1786, Niagara
Stamped Book.
Royal Yorkers.
Servos, Peter, Senr ....
See Order-in-Council, 17th
March, 1807, Soldier RR.
British Soldier, A. McL.,
Shank Capt David
H District
Laborer, Stamped Book.
Queen's Rangers
O.C. 19th April, 1808, joined
Adolphus Town
in 1777, on secret service.
L. B. M , states Loyalist,
Ernest Town .
1793, 300, Loyal Rangers,
A. McL., P. L, 1786.
M. C., Soldier, son of Lt.
do . .
Guesbard, Loyal Rangers^
&his father's certificate
.0. 17th Nov. 1797, P. L.
Late of Adolphus Town
Sharpe Gusbord
do ...
Loyalist, L.B.M.300, 1790,
G. Haldimand, P.L. 1786,
A. McL,
Lieutenant Loyal Rangers,
Sharp, John
E. Dist. Edwardsburg.
A. McL., P.L. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Shatford, Moses
do Augusta
L.B.L.,had drawn 100, 1791,
Shatford, Thomas
do do
100 more.
Shatford, Thomas ....
Shatford, Thomas
do do
do do
V Settlers.
Shaver, John
See Order-in-Council 17th
Shaver, Adam
E. District Matilda . . .
March, 1807, Soldier But-
ler's Rangers.
Corporal R. R. N. Y. , Muster
Shaver, Adam
do do
Roll, had a wife and one
child, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Philip, single, P. L.
Shaver, Conradt
Shaver, John
do do
do do
2d, 1786.
Son of Philip.
R.R.N.Y., M.Roll, one with
Shaver, John
do do
a wife and one single, P.L.
2d, 1786, one a wife and
4 children, P.L. 2d 1786.
R R N Y M. Roll, had a
Shaver, John
wife and 6 others in family,
P.L, 2d, 1786.
R. R, N. Y, M. Roll, had a
Shaver, Jacob
E District Matilda
wife and 3 children, P. L.
2d, 1786.
R R N Y Muster Roll, had
a wife, P.L. 2d, 1786, his
widow, Esther Shaffer, N.
Shaver, Senr., Philip.
Shaver, Junr., Philip.
Shaw, Col. ^Eneas . . .
Shaw, Michael
Shaw, Wm.,Esq
Shaw, Wm
Sheck, Christian...
Sheck, David
Shehan, Walter B .
Sheets, George
Sheets, Senr., Jacob
Sheets, Samuel
Sheets, Wm
Shell, Benjamin
Shell, Daniel . .
Shell, John
Sheriff, Wm
Sherwood, Abel.
Sherrard, Wm..
Sherman, Simon
Sherwood, Samuel
Sherwood, Esq., Justus
Sherwood, Samuel ....
Matilda Soldier R.R.N. Y., M. Roll,
had a wife and 7 children,
P.L. 2d, 1786.
E. District, Matilda ... 1793 had drawn 100 acres L.
B.L., son of Philip.
H. District Captain Queen's Rangers.
do Soldier Butler's Rangers.
W. District 1 gt. 400, Sergeant 5th Regt.
Fredericksburgh A Corpl. R.R.N.Y., Stamp-
ed Book, O. C. 8th July,
1797, P.L. 1786, A.McL.
E. District Cornwall . . Dead, J.B., supposed R. R.
N. Y., P. L. 2d 1786,
Stamped Book.
do do Son of Christian, as a Magis-
trate, 1,200 acres, 12 July,
H. District Lieut. 34th Regt. S.G-.
E. District Cornwall. . Soldier R. R. N. Y., Muster
Roll, P.L. 2d. 1786.
do do Soldier 11. R. N. Y., Muster
Roll P.L. 2d, 1786.
E. District Augusta. . . Son of Jacob Sheets, Junr.
do Cornwall . . R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll A,
Single man, P.L. 2d, 1786.
Matilda Son of John.
Williamsburgh Son of John.
E. Dist. Williamsburgh R. R. N. Y., Muster Roll, a
Loyalist, L. B. L., had a
wife and four children, P.
L. 2d, 1786.
Kingston Soldier 29th Regiment.
Niagara District By Order - in - Council 4th
February, 1807.
M. District Soldier Loyal American
Regt. L.B.M., 1790.
Hawkesbury See Order-in-Council llth
March 3807, Soldier Loyal
Rangers, sons William and
Thurlow Lieut. Loyal Rangers, P.
1789, 500 acres L. B. M.,
1791, A.McL.
E. District S.G. Captain Jessup's.
do Son of Justus, soldier Loyal
Rangers, one a Sergeant
supposed of Butler's Ran-
gers, P.L., 1786.
Sherwood, Thomas -. . .
Sherrwood, Ruben . . . *
Shew, Junr., Ezekiel. .
Shibbarn, Charles
Shebley John
E District
M. C., Subaltern Ensign
Jessup's O.C. 28th Jany.,
By Order-in-Council of llth
June, 1789.
Said on U. E. Roll, not en-
titled U.E.
G. S. Corporal in Jessup's
L.B.M. 1790, 650. A.Mc-
L. P. L. 1786.
Jfcoyal Rangers.
A settler ; did not join Loy-
al standard before 1783. I
Son of William.
Son of William ; a soldier
R.R.N.Y., L.B.M. 1792,
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.M.,
E. District, Augusta.
do do
Ernest Town
Shibley Jacob
do v-
Shipman Daniel
Elizabeth Town
Shoetnan, Baultis
Shoeman, Martin
Shoeman, Win
Shorey, Sen., David ..
Shorey, Junr., David. .
Shorey, Rufus
Ernest Town .
1790, 500 ; P. L. 1786,
Stamped Book.
M. C. Loyal Rangers. A.
McL., 2 Certe, 400. P.L.
Son of David, Sen., P. 1794.
Son of David Shorey, Sen.
Deceased ; B. Rangers, sol-
dier, S. G. A wife and 4
children. P.L.N. 1786.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, C.
200, A. McL. P.L. 1786.
M. C. 1 Gt. 200. Soldier
34th Regt. ; L.B.M. 1791.
300 and P.L. 1786. Stm'd
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
R.R.N,Y. A. McL. 1784 ;
General Haldimand, 100.
P.L. 1786, of R.R.N.Y.
Stamped Book.
Sons of Conrad, R.R.N.Y.,
Adolphus Town
Shoults, John
Showers, Sen., Mich'l.
Shawder, Magnus ....
Shuther, Andrew
3 District, Augusta . .
H District
Ernest Town
Shwertfeger. John A. .
Silk, Daily . . .
Williamsburg ..
S. Dist. Edwardsburg.
Sills, Conrad
Sills George
Sills John
Fredericksbnrg . .
E. District, Cornwa
They had been mustered as
soldiers, though the oldest
in 1790 was only 22 years
old, and the youngest 16
years of age. They resid-
ed with their father and
were thought deserving of
100 acres each only. L.B.
M. 24th March, 1790 ; but
L. B. A. 1793, grant 200
more to Lawrence.
A soldier in Jessup's corps,
L.B.L. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Deceased. O.C. 9th April,
1808; resided in New Jer-
sey ; joined the Royal
Son of Martin ; supposed
R.R.N.Y. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Original Roll.
A soldier 53rd Regiment, P.
P.L. 1786.
O.C. 30th August, 1797, 300.
Stamped Book. A wife
and child.
See Order in Council 17th
February, 1807 ; sergeant.
P.L. 1786.
Lieutenant Loyal Rangers,
S.G. A. McL. P.L. 1786.
Sons of Henry, 200 acres.
L.B. A. 1794.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
B.M. 1790. A. McL.
Son of Lieutenant Hy. Sim-
mons ; called Loyalist. P.
L. 1786.
Emigrant from IT. S. Ld.
Bd. L. 1790.
Son of Lieutenant Henry
Simons ; called Loyalist,
P.L. 1786.
Ld.Bd. certe. Loyalist Loy-
al Rangers, Que. A. Mc-
L. P.L. 1786.
L.-B.A. 1794; had drawn
100 ; grant 200 more.
S. G. Or. Master,
Sills Lawrence
Silmeser Martin. .
Silverthorn, Sr., Thos.
Silmeser, Nicholas ....
Silvester, Levy . ...
do Cornwall
Simmerman, Henry . .
Simmennan, Mathias,
of Clinton
Simmonds, Daniel
Simmonds, Henry
Simmon, David
Ernest Town
Simonds, Henry
Simonds, John
Ernest Town
Simmons, Caleb
Simmons, Moses
E.Dist.Elizabe'h Town
Mary's & Sophiasburg.
Ernest Town
Simmonds, Nicholas . .
Simmonds, Nicholas . .
Simons, Sen,, Titus...
M. District .
H District...
Simson ^Tilliam
See Order in Councill llth
Simpson, John
March, 1807. Artificer in
the King's works.
Son of Israel. L.B.A. 1794,
Simpson, Alex
Kingston ....
Loyalist. A. McL. School-
Simpson, Alex ... ....
master. Stamped Book.
P.L. 1786.
Simpson Daniel
Fredericksburg ...
Sergt. 24th Regt. 2 grants,
Simpson, Israel
Simpson, Obadiah
Adolphus Town
500. The L. B. A. 1794.
only granted 200 acres as
a settler.
S. G. Sergeant ; discharged
from British Regiment.
P. L. 1786. A. McL.
Stamped Book.
Joined in North Carolina in
Sims, Sergt. John
H District
1796, and served in De-
laney's corps ; affidavit,
Butler's Rangers. Niagara
Singleton, George ....
Stamped Book.
S. G. Captain R. R. N. Y.
Sipes, Andrew . . .
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
Butler's Rangers ; has a wife
Sipes, Jacob . , . ;
H District
and one child. P. L. 2d,
S.G. B.R. Niagara Stamped
Sipes, Jonas..
Book— S. P.L.N. 1786.
B Rangers S G. S.P.,L.
Sirwall, Christopher . .
N.J., 1786.
Skinner, Timothy ....
H District
Expunged U. E. list. Order
Slack Joseph .
E District Bastard
in Council 24th May, 1808.
Children. P. L. N. 1786.
Did not join the Royal
Standard before peace.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Nov 10th 1794 P from
Slouser, Rudolph
Sophias & Ameliasb'g
New York State lately ;
wishes to become a sub-
ject and settler.
Sleaphy, Bartholomew
Slieneman, Henry ....
Discharged soldier (British)
Slighter, John
H District
In Barton's regiment.
Slingerland, Anthony
Plundered and a prisoner ; a
wife and 6 children. P.L.
N. 1786. Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
Slingerland, Garret . .
Slingerland, Richard.
Sloot, Michael..
Niagara . . .
H District.
Slouter, Cornelius
Slusenburg, Henry
Schlussenburgh, Hen-
rick .
Adolphus Town
Smades, Joel
Smith, Col. Samuel
Smith, Benoni
Smith, Comfort . . .
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Dennis.
Smith, Dennis.
Smith, Elias...
Smith, Elias, Esq.
Smith, Encrease. ,
Smith, Frederick ,
Smith, George.
E District, Wolford . .
H District
E District, Augusta. . .
E District, Cornwall..
do Augusta )
do Edwardsbgh j
H District...
Newcastle District, )
Elizabeth Town . . . . J
E District...
Elizabeth Town
Of Butler's Rangers. O.C.
22nd February, 1808.
Butler's Rangers, S.G. L.B.
Nassau, 1794. Niagara
Stamped Book.
S. G. officer. Lieutenant
Associated Loyalists. P.
L. 1786.
L. B.A. 1794; had drawn
100 ; 200 more ordered; an
emigrant settler.
Soldier 53rd Regiment. L.
B. M. 1791, and P.L.1786,
S.StampedBook.. A.Mc.L.
Residence since first settle-
ment ; not privileged. R.
J.D.G. Petition 1808,states
a pilot between New York
and Montreal and Niagara.
Soldier in McAlpin's corps.
L. B. L.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll, 350 acres.
p. Regimental Roll. Soldier
King's Ragrs. ; had drawn
200 acres ; L. B. A. 1794,
200 more. Stamped Book.
Son of a soldier, Ld. Bd. L.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. P. L.
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
B. L.
Had Governor Tryons' pro-
tection ; enlisted him for
the Loyal Americans ; 27
at one time.
By Order in Council, 17th
June, 1 806.
Settler from Vermont. L.
B.L. 1790.
B. Ranger's, S.G.; had four
children. P. L. N. 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
A settler from Vermont,
1790, L. B. L. ; one a sol-
dier R. R. N. Y Muster
Roll ; one of this name
unencorporate Loyalist.
Genl. Haldimand— 200.
Smith, Hart..
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry
Smith, Senr., John
Smith, John
H District.
H District.
G. River, H District.
H District...
Smith, Nicholas . . .
Smith, John.
Smith, John ,
Smith, John.
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Senr., John
Smith, Junr., John
Smith, John George
Smith, Senr., Jacob .
E District, Augusta
do Cornwall
H District...
Smith, Jacob
Smith, Jacob, Senr
Smith, Junr., Jacob
Smith, James
Smith, James .
E District, Cornwall . .
M District.
EDist., Elizabeth Twn
New Jersey Volunteers,S.G.
King's Rangers. P.L. 1786.
(Stamped Book); had a
wife ; P.L. 1786. Butler's
Rangers — himself 2oth
Apl.,1808. Niagara Stp'd
Soldier Col. Barnet's corps.
P.L. 1786. Schmitt B.
soldier, S. Corporal L.B.
M., 1791—700 acres. A.
Daughters Eleanor, Hannah,
and Elizabeth, U. E.
Soldier 78th Regiment at
taking of Quebec, and in
84th Regt. TJ.E. Stamped
Book Niagara.
Found on original Roll, 1st
Nov., 1804 ; was a soldier
Butler's Rangers.
Who died at Brunswick.
Head of the lake ; a settler
in 1788 ; had three sons,
Benjamin, Stephen and
John. Magistrate's certe.
28th September, 1793-
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll
(Dead). States B.M. A.
Sergeant in Jessup's.
Soldier R. Regt. N. York
Muster Roll; Collins', 1787
—200. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Died in Ireland; not mar-
3on of Jacob Smith, Senr.
Was a soldier in the Jersey
Volunteers, J.S. ; his sons
I^ewis, Amos, Edmund,
Jacob and Joseph.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., 350 acres
including family land. L.
B.M. 1790. Stamped Book.
P. List 1786. A. McL.
Son of Jacob Smith, Senr.
A sailor M. Department.
O. C. 17th March, 1797.
P.L., N. J. 1786.
Smith, James
E. Dist.,Charlottenb'gh
84th Regiment; from the
States. D. Murchison.
Soldier R. R, N. Y. (dead).
P.L. 1786.
Sereeant B. Rangers, S. G.
Niagara Stamped Book.
R.R.N-Y. P.L.N.J. 1786.
Smith Stamped Book.
84th Regt., P.L.N. J. 1786.
Lieut. King's American
1787 Collin's200. Loyalist.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Stamp-
ed Book.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll & one soldier
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier LoyalRangers. U.E.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. O.E.
Dead. Son of the late Geo.
Smith, Esq., late of St-
500, order-in-Council, 19th
February, 1807. O.C. 2d,
August, 1797.
Came to Niagara in 1776,
with a plan of Fort Stan-
Ensign Royal Regt. of York.
Lieut. L.B.L.
Son of the late George
Smith, Esq. Single. P.L.
2d. 1786.
Volunteer Loyal Rangers,
L.B.M. 1790, 350. P.L.
1786. One of Sidney, a
common settler in 1787,his
own information.
M.C. King's Rangers. A. Me
L.,L.Bd. Certe. P.L 1786.
Soldier RR.N.Y. Muster
Roll A. P.L. 2d. 1786.
Butler's Rangers P.
Soldier 53rd Regt (& P. L.
1786). S. L.Bd. certificate.
Stamped Book.
Smith, Michael
Smith, Peter
Smith, Senr., Peter...
Smith, Junr-, Peter . .
Smith, Peter J. .
E. District,Charlotten-
do do
Mary's & Sophiasburgh
Smith Philip.
Smith, Richard
M. District ....
Smith, Richard ...
Smith, Robert .
E. District, Elizabeth
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Col. Samuel .
Smith, Stephen . .
E. District, Elizabeth
Smith, Terence
do do
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Esq., Thomas. .
Smith, Esq., Thomas..
Smith, Esq., Thomas. .
Smith, Wm
E. District, Yonge....
Smith, Wm
Mary's & Sophiasburgh
E. District, Cornwall. .
H. District .
Snetsinger,«Mathias . .
Snider, John
Snider, Tobias
Marysburgh, M.C
Snyder Adam
E. District, Cornwall . .
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll ;
Snyder, Conradt
Snyder John
do do
had a wife and 3 children.
P. L. 2d. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. M. Roll ; had a
wife and 3 children, P. L.
2d. 1786.
Settler E. J.
Snyder, John
E. District, Lancaster1. .
Soldier Royal Rangers.
Snyder Jacob
do do
S. G. Loyalist, came to Can-
Snyder, Jeremiah
Snyder Marcus
do do
Ernest Town
ada in 1780. Had a wife
and 8 children. P. L. 2d.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A.
Had a wife and 1 child.
P.L. 2d. 1786.
M.C. Loyal Rangers, a sol-
Snyder, Mathew. ...
E. District, Elizabeth
(£50 as.) in all. G. Ham-
. ilton's Certe., P.L. 1786.
Snyder, Senr., Wm. . .
Snyder, Junr., "Wm.
Snyther, Corpl. Jacob.
Soper, Samuel
do do
do do
H. District
Ensign Jessup's — S .G. — L. B,
L. L.B. Montreal 200,
A Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Butler's Rangers, P.
Sowila, John
E. District Matilda
Son of "Wm Soules senr p.
Sowils, Senr.,Wm.
Matilda . .
Mr.Paterson's Certe., 27th
December, 1804.
W. Soles, 200 acres as a set-
Souls, Daniel
H. District
tler, 1790. L.B.L. Soldier
Loyal Rangers.
Joined Royal Standard in
Sowils, Jnr., Wm ....
Sparam, Doctor
E. District, Matilda . .
do. Augusta
New York,1778 ; p. Certe.
of Major Millage.
Hospital mate reduced — had
Sparam, Thomas
served in war of 1763. P.
L. 1786.
Son of Doctor Sparam.
Spencer, Andrew. .
Spencer, Benjamin
Spencer, Augustus
Spencer, Hazelton
Sophias& Ameliasburgh
do do
Marys «fe Sophiasburgh
Soldier King's Rangers, ; p.
R. Roll.
1787, Atkins, 200, P.L. 1786.
S. G. Lieut. R.R.N.Y. A.
Spencer, Henry
Sophias& Ameliasburgh
McL., P.L. 1786. Stamp-
ed Book.
Spencer, John
do do
Emigrant from Vermont, L.
B.M. 1793, 200.
Spencer, John
Marys & Sophiasburgh
Spencer, Junr., John. .
Spencer, Robert
H. District
Soldier Butler's Rangers * a
Spicer, Daniel
E. District
wife and 5 children. P.L.
N. 1786, Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
A Soldier L. Rangers ; his
Spicer, Ezekiel
do Augusta
father was of Jessup's
Corps, R.J.D.G.
Sporbeck, Jacob
Niagara District
Deceased Order-in-Council
Springer, David .
H. District
24th February, 1807. Sol-
dier Butler's Rangers.
Deceased if Daniel soldier
Springer, Richard ....
B. Rangers, S.G.
B Rangers S G • had a wife
Springfield, Joseph
W. District
and 5 children, P. L. N.
1786. Niagara Stamped
B. Rangers, U. List, 1789.
Springstien, Stoats
H. District
B. Rangers, S.G.; had a wife
Spurgin, Win
and 2 children. P. L. N.
From North Carolina.
Stacey, John
Artificer S. G Dock yard
Staker, Elizabeth ....
Kingston ....
Detroit p. A wife and 4
children, P.L.N. 1786.
0 C 10th May, 1808 Wi-
Stanes, Job
dow of Nathan Staker.
British Soldier P L 1786 A
Stains, Joab '
Stamp, Giles
E District, Williams-
McL. Stamped Book.'
Private Soldier 44th Regt
Stamp, Guillies
Stanford, Wm
do Matilda
1793 had drawn 100 acres
Stansfield, John
L.B.L. Soldier, R.R.N.Y.
O C 10th May 1808 from
Stark, James
Elizabeth Town
Pennsylvania; served on
board a 74 until 1783.
Suffered imprisonment • a
Starrs, George
E. District, Yonge
Baptist Preacher, L.B.L.
Now of Hawkeabury O C
Starts, Jacob
Marysburgh, B . R. . . .
17th May, 1788. Soldier
Loyal Rangers.
B.R. Soldier 53rd Re^t., L.
Stata, Henry
E. District Williams-
B.M. 1790,100 acres only.
Soldier Royal Reot N York
burgh . .
Muster Roll.
Stater, Philip ,
or Stoats
Stealy, Martin.
Steel, Mathew.
Steel, Win
Steely, Tobias
E district, Osnabruck
do Matilda
H. District
Stephens, Abel
Stephens, Pennuel
Stephenson, Francis . .
Sterens (Corny), Aaron
Niagara District
H, District . .
Stevens, Elisha
Stevens, Senr., John . .
E. District, Leeds
H. District . .
Stevens, Roger
Stevens, Roger
Stewart, Lt. Alex.
Stewart, John
E. District, Augusta.
E. District . .
Stewart, James.
Stewart, Robert
H. District .
W. District
Marysburg .
Stewart, Thomas .
H District.
Stiles, Selah.
Stoats, Philip, a soldier in
Crusty berg's Regt. Sta-
tay, Philip, R.R.N.Y.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. Had
a wife, P.L. 2d. 1786.
Loyalist from New York,
A. McL. Loyalist, P. L.
Soldier Jersey Volunteers,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.M*
1793, 300, P, L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
Did not join the Royal Stan-
dard—A settler, R. S. D.
G. O.C., 4th December,
1806 ; to be continued on
the U. E. List.
A Settler.
O.C. 6th May, 1806. Captain
Queen's Rangers.
M. C. Issuing Commissary,
Indian Department, O C.
4th February, 1797.
B. Rangers S.G., or Forres-
ter's Interpreter, \ Niagara
Stamped Book. Had a
wife and 4 children, P. L.
N. 1786.
Came after the Treaty of
Ensign King's Rangers,L.B.
L. Dead.
M.C. Col. Thomson's Regt,
Soldier 84th Regt. L.B.M..
1791, 200 (P. L. 1786), S.
Stamped Book, A. McL.
S.G. Loyalist in many Scouts
—Loyalist List, W.D.
Discharged British Soldier.
P. L. 1786, A. McL. S.
Stamped Book.
M.C. a driver, Royal Artil-
lery—P. O.C. 8th October,
Genl., Haldimand, 100, Sol-
dier, R.R.N.Y, Muster
Roll A.
Stine, Se'rgt. John
H. District
Sergeant New Jersey Volun*
Stinson, John
Stinson, Junr., John. .
Marys & Sophiasburg
Captain King's Rangers, S.
G. & L.B.M., 1790-P.L.
Son of Captain John.
Stone, John ....
H District
M.C. Soldier in B Rangers
Stone, John
Niagara Stamped Book, S.
P.L.N., 1786.
King's A. Dragoons O C
Stone, Joel
17th March, 1797 ; has a
wife and 3 children— P. L.
N., 1786 ; Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
Original Roll Captain of
Stoneburner, John
Stoneburner, Joseph . .
E District, Osnabruck
do do
And Stoneburner, Jacob,
E District, P.L. 2d, 1786,
Drumr., R. R. N. Y. M.
Roll, Soldier, R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll A. '
A Corporal R R.N.Y Mus-
Stoneburner, Leonard.
do do ....
ter Roll P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier, R R. N. Y Mus-
Stoneburner, Junr. , . .
ter Roll P.L. 2d 1786.
On Original Roll Soldier, R.
Stoner, John
H District
Soldier B. Rangers, S.G.
Stooks, Edward
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A ;
Stooks, Mrs. Hannah
has a wife and 5 children ;
P.L. 2d, 1786.
formerly widowSykes
Stockwell, John
W District
S,G. Loyalist, CJ. L.
Storen, Jeremiah
Vtarysburg .
British Soldier, P.L ,1786 S
Storey Simon
E District Elizabeth
1794 from Vermont wishes
Storm, George
to be -come a subject & set-
tler, P.
On Original Roll — George
Storm, John
Storing, of Midland Dis-
trict, was a Soldier, R,R.
N.Y., A.McL., 1805.
Soldier, R. R, N. Y., a wife
Storens, Gilbert
Ernest Town
two children; P. L., 1786.
Muster Roll
Soldier in Jessup's A. Me-
L., P.L., 1786.
Storens Henry
Ernest Town
Had drawn 200 L.B.M., O.
C., 17th Nov., 1797, and
L. B. A., 1794 ; 200 acres
as son of Gilbert —states to
have drawn none before —
P.L., 1786.
Son of Gilbert Storens.
Served during the War S.G.
Loyal Rangers, A.McL.,
P.L., 1786.
O.C. 16th June, 1808, Sergt.
Butler's Rangers.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, has
a wife and 2 children, P.
L. 2d., 1786.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll, has
a wife and one child .P.L.
2d., 1786.
R.R.N.Y. has a wife and 2
children. P.L. 2d., 1786.
R.R.N.Y, has a wife. P.L.
2d., 1786,
A Loyalist.
Discharged British Soldier.
Petition states — Sergeant in
Delaney's Corps, L.B.M.,
1790; L.B.M. 1793. 400.
A Soldier in Ool. Barnet's
Corps— GermanChasseurs.
Soldier in Butler's Rangers,
P. Niagara Stamped
Single man, P.L. 2d,"i rr
do P. L. 2d, 1
1786. -,3
do P. L. 2d, "8
1786. |
S.G. Surgeon's Mate, R.R.
N.Y., P.L., 2d, 1786.
S.G. Chaplain R. R. N. Y.
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
Soldier, Butler's Rangers p.
Petition ; and P. McMee-
Storens, Jacob . . .
Stover, Martin
Stowood, John
Staats, Sylvester
.Niagara . ...
Strada, Henry
E District, Williams-
do Matilda
do Matilda
do Matilda
H District
Strader, John
Strader, Simon
Strader, William . .
Street, Senr., Samuel
Strenth, Peter..
Marys & Sophiasburg
Kingston (yes)
H District
Striker, Sampson
Strope, Gaspe
Stuart, George
Stuart, George
E. District
Stuart, Gilbert
do Osnabruck . .
Stuart, Henry
Stuart, James
Kingston .
Stuart, Rev. John
Stull, Latham .
H District
Summers, Andrew. . . .
Summers, David
Summers, Jacob
Surplet,f Robert
Sutherland, Alex
Sutherland, George . . .
Sutherland, John
Sutherland, John
Sutherland, JohnStuart
Sutherland, Thomas . .
Sutherland, Esq., Wal-
Sutherland, Walter . .
Swan, Esq., Thomas.
Swart, Simon. . .'
E District, Charlotten-
do Osnabruck.
do Charlottenburg
W District . .
Swartfeger, Frederick
Swayze, Senr., Caleb.
Swayze, Caleb
Swayze, Isaac
Sweet, Charles
Sweet, Oliver
Sweet, Philip .
Swiney, Hugh.
Switzer, Philip
E District, Lancaster. .
do Lancaster . .
E District, Lancaster. .
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll. P.
L.N.J. 1786.
Son of a reduced Soldier.
L,. Bd, Lunenburg.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll A. P.L.N.J., 1786.
Indian Department, U.E.
Loyalist ; came in with
Mr. McKee.
Soldier Royal Regt. New
York ; supposed to be son
of Joseph Sutherland, for-
merly supposed of 26th
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Ld. Bd.
L., single. P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Stamped
Son of Lieut. Walter.
do Charlottenburg Son of Lieut,
do Lancaster. . ,
Soldier O C. 5th Jan., 1798 ;
single, P.L. 2d, 1786.
do do Lieutenant R.R.N.Y.; was
not settled in America be-
fore the War ; belonged to
a British Regt., supposed
the 26th Regt.
do Charlottenburg Had a wife and 2 children.
P.L., 2d, 1786.
do Cornwall
Ernest Town . .
Vfary's & Sophiasburg
H District
3 District, Augusta
Vlarysburg . .
Ernest Town
M.C.P., R.RN.Y., MRoll
and P.L., 1786.
P.K.R. Regt.,N.Y.-a Sol-
dier ; Genl. Haldimand's
Corps, 1784. 100, A.McL.
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
Son of Caleb Swayze, Senr.
rilot to the N. York Army.
S. G. Land, as Corporal,
Royal Rangers.
Soldier German Troops.
44th Regt., Gov. Hamilton,
1785. 100, and P.L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
Corporal Rangers ; Soldier
Loyal Rangers, L.B.M..
1791. 500 P.L. 1786, A.
Taylor, Christina
M District
Taylor, John
LoyalRangers one — A.McL.
Taylor, Michael
Corporal King'sAmerican
Regt.;P. M.C. & F. 500.;
one of this name a Sergt.
34th Regt.,L.B.M., 1790,
P.L., 1786.
Associated Loyalist. Stamp-
Taylor, William
ed Book. Shoemaker, A.
Called Loyalist, P.L., 1786.
Taylor, Junr. , Wm . . .
Stamped Book.
Son of Sergt. Taylor, 34th
Tederick, Sergt. Jacob
H District
Tederick, Lucas
Corporal Butler's Rangers.
Teeple, Peter
Ten Brceck, Capt. P
B Rangers S G. Eleven in
Ten Eyck, Andrew . . .
family; P.L.N.,1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
Soldier Jersey Volunteers.
Terry, Parshal
S. G. B. Rangers. A wife
Terry, Paul
Elizabeth Town
and three children, P.LN.
1786. Niagara Stamped
Joined at Sotocket on Long
Teynick, Samuel ....
E District Lancaster
Island in 1777, belonged
to Lieut. -Col. Hulet's Re-
fugee Corps. Served in
the King's works.
Thacker John
H District
Soldier Jersey Volunteers.
Thicle John .
Ernest Town
Thomas, Jacob
H District
McL. Called Loyalist, P.
L. 1786.
Colonel Barton's Niagara
Thomas, Jacob
E District Elizabeth
Stamped Book.
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Thomas, Peter
Ernest Town
Soldier Loyal Rangers. A.
Thomas, Peter
E District Elizabeth
Called Loyalist P L 1786.
Thompkins, Israel
Thompson, Capt: Aw.
do Augusta . .
H District...
Soldier of Jessup's Corps.
R. A. D. G.
B. Rangers. S. G.
Thompson, Archid....
Indian Department, a wife
and two children. P.L.N.
1786. O. C. 21st July,
1796. Niagara Stamped
Thomson Archie! .
H District
Employed as a Master Car-
Thomson Daniel •
E District Augusta
penter ; Niagara Stamped
Book ; 1200 acres. L.B.M.
1790 ; closed his claim with
500 acres : a wife and 3
children. P. L. 1786.
Certified by Lt. Campbell to
Thompson Mrs Elizth.
H District
have been a Guide, and to
have furnished Provisions.
P. L. N. J. 1785.
Thompson, George ....
Lieutenant King's Rangers.
Thompson George
Corporal R. R. N. Y. Mus-
Thompson John.
E District Yonge
Roll A. ; has a wife. P.
L. 2d, 1786.
R. R. N. Y. M. Roll, B. M.
Thompson, Peter
H District
A. ; one a soldier Loyal
B. Ranger's S. G. ; had a
Thompson, Robert....
wife and one chili RL.
N.1786. Niagara Stamped
Sergt. 44th Regt. L. B. M.
Thompson, Samuel. . . .
H District
1791. 450, P. L. 1786, a
Thompson, Timothy
Ensign R.R.N. Y. Stamped
Thompson \VIlliam
Book. P.L. 1786.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
Thresser, Ladock . . .
M District
Emigrant from U.S., 1790.
Throop, Daniel
L. B. M. 200.
1794 — Lately from Connec-
Tice, Capt. Gilbert
H District
ticut ; suffered imrison-
ment and loss of property,
as certified by Capt. Joel
Indian Dept. ; a wife and
Tillebough, Christian . .
alias Tilleback.
Tillebough, Jnr. Chrisn.
E District, Matilda ..
4 servants. P.L.N. 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. J. F.
P. L. 2d, 1786.
Tillebough, Martin....
or Dilleback.
Tillebough, Peter ....
E District, Matilda . .
SoldierRoy al Forresters ; ^ •*»
restored toU.E. O.C., 1
29th January, 3 808. 1 8
Son of a Soldier, 200 f *
acres^ L. Bd. L. ; his |
name Delebough> } &
Tendall Robert
Kingston • . . . .„ .
Discharged Soldier from
Tipple John
Regt. not TJ. E., on 31st.
P.L. 1786.
Land as Sergeant R.R.N.Y,
Tuttle Solomon
E District
Toosler William
do Cornwall . .
or Busier.
Topp, John .
A Soldier in Butler's Ran-
H District
gers. Q.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Tracey Timothy
Trainer John
S. G. Soldier.
Tre dwell John
Turn bull William
Soldier Royal Forresters. 0.
W District
C. 21st July, 1796.
Came in in 1778 ; two chil-
Trompeau, John
Sophias and Amelias-
dren. P. L. N. 1786. Ni-
agara Stamped Book.
A Loyalist within the Bri-
Trompeau, Paul
Trumble Peter
Adolphus Town
Augusta ....
tish lines at New York.
L.B.M. 1790.
S. G. Lieut. Delany's Bri-
gade. P.L. 1786. A.M.L.
An Irishman, 26 years of age
Tuttle, Jonathan
E. District, Yonge
in 1796 ; cannot be U. E.
Signed P.R. on TLE. List
P. 1790 ; did not join the
Tuttle, Nathan
Tuttle, Peter
do do ....
do Augusta. ,
British Standard; suffered
imprisonment and loss of
Soldier Loyal Rangers. L.
Tuttle, Samuel
do do
Twohy John
Deceased O. C., llth Feby.,
Tyler Gerrard
Fredericksburg ......
1808 ; Soldier R.R. N.Y.
Ld. Bd. Certe. SoldierLoyal
Urquhart, Alexander.
Uriuhart, William....
Ulleman, Francis
Vallian Peter
E District, Lancaster. .
do do
Midland District
Rangers; Kingston Rang-
ers. P.L. 1786.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Ld. Bd.,
a wife 5 children. P. L.
N. J. 1786.
See Order in Council, 17th
March, 1807. Soldier R.
R. N.Y.
By Order in Council, 22nd
June, 1799.
Valentine, Benjamin . .
Valentine, Widow C..
Valentine, John
A labourer. Stamped Book.
Widow of Adjutant John
Valentine, R.R.N.Y.
A settler, R.J.D.G.
British Soldier P.L. 1786.
Stamped Book.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll A.;
has a wife and one child.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Peter. L.B.M, 1793,
Son of Peter.
O.C. 24th Jany., 1797. B.
Rangers. Niagara Stmpd.
Book. S.P.L. 2d. 1786.
1787, Collins 100. Fifer R
R. N.Y. 1786. Stamped
R.R.N.Y.; a Soldier R.R.
N.Y^L.B.M. 1790 ; 200;
Genl. Haldimand, 100.
Stamped Book. P.L. 1786.
Duyler's Captain J.D.
Deceased Widow of James
Van Alstine, who died in
His Majesty's service, O.
C., 16th Feby., 1808.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
L.B.A. 1791, 200; a wife
and one child. P.L. 1786.
Soldier in Jessup's Corps. L.
B.L., single. P.L. 2d,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll;
had a wife and 4 children
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier in Jessup's, P.
O.C. 10th Feby., 1808;
joined Royal Standard at
New York in 1801.
Van Deberg, L.B M 1790 ;
Soldier R. R. N. Y., 600,
Muster Roll A. ; a wife
3 children. P. L.I 786.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll, 300 acres. L.B.
M. 1791.
Old Tickets of Draft Soldier
Loyal Rangers. P.L. 1786.
E District
Vallop, John
Van Allen Jacob . . .
Van Alstine, Alexander
VanAlstine, Cornelius
Van Alstine, Jacob . .
Van Alstine, Jonas . .
Van Alstine, Isaac. . . .
Van Alstine, Peter. . . .
Van Alstine, Lidia. . . .
Van Alstine, Lumber. .
Van Camp, John
Van Camp, Jacob
Van Camp, Peter
Vancleft John
Adolphus Town
do do
H District
Adolphus Town . .
E District, Matilda..
E District, Matilda. .
Vandebarrich, Garret.
Van De berg, or Vande
Vanderbozart, Francis
Vanderheyden, Adam
Fredericksburg .
Ernest Town
Vanderlip, MissElizth.
Vanderlip, Frederick. .
Vanderlip, Miss Mary
Vanderlip, William ..
Vandervart, Michael . .
Vandresser, Peter
Vandercar John
H District
Daughter of Frederick Van-
Deceased was a Soldier in
Butlers Rangers.
Daughter of Frederick.
3. G. Soldier. Niagara
Stamped Book. S.P.L.N.
S. G. Lieutenant in Guides
and Pioneers.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Haldimand, 100. P. L.
1786, K. R's. A.McL.
Secret Service, a Pensioner
with Jessup's Corps. L.
B.M. 1790, 300. P.L. do.
Stamped Book.
L.B.M. 1790, Loyalist, 350,
from New York A.McL.
Loyalist P.L. 1786, from
New York A.McL.
B. Rangers, S. G. Had a
wife and 3 children. P.L.
N.,1786. Niagara Stamp-
ed Book.
B. Rangers, P. Niagara
Stamped Book.
B. Rangers, S. G.
By Order in Council, 13th
April, 1802.
of the Commissary General's
Department, L. B. M.,
1790—350. P. L., 1786.
Had a wife and 2 servants.
P. L. N., 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
0. C., 5th March, 1808. Ser-
ved as an artificer.
R. R. N. Y.
By Order in Council, 12th
July, 1798.
Loyalist, had drawn a lot
L.B.A., 1794. 200 more.
P.L., 1786, A,Mc.L,
do . ...
Adolphus Town
H District
Ernest Town
Vanducar, Ralph
Vandecaf Roelfe.
Vanduzen, Casparus . .
Vanduzen, Conrod
Van Every, Sergeant
Adolphus Town
do do
H District
Van Every, Samuel . .
Van Every Wm
Van Every, McGregor
Van Home, Corns
Van Hoosen, Richard..
VanKleeck, Sen. ,Simon
Vankoughnef, Mickle..
H District
E District, Cornwall..
Vanorder, Matthew ..
VanPellen, Arent
Van Koughnet, John. .
Vardy Thomas . .
H District
E District, Cornwall. .
Van Skiver, John
Adolphus Town
Van Skiver, Peter ....
Vanoolkenburgh, Chloe
Vent, Adam
Vent, Mary
Marysburgh .
A Loyalist. L. B. M., 1790
—350. P.L., 1786. A.Mc.
Gov. Hamilton, 1785. Loy-
alist— 100. A wife and 5
children. P. L., 1786. Sol-
dier in Jessup's. A.Mc.L.
Daughter of AH am Vent ...
Guides and Pioneers
German Soldier. P.L., 1786.
S. Stamped Book. No U.
E. List. Says German
Soldier 53rd Regt. L.B.M.,
1791. 350 (P.L., 1786).
Stamped Book and Sergt.
Mclntosh's ceifcificate.
M. C. Soldier, Butler's
Rangers. Had a wife and
5 children. P.L.N., 1786.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. O.
C., llth March, 1797.
B. Rangers. S. G. Had 2
women and 2 children.
P. L. N., 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Discharged British soldier.
P.L., 1786. Stamped Bk.
R.R.N.Y. A.McL. Soldier
Loyal Rangers. (100, G.
Haldimand). P.L., R.R.
N. Y., 1786. Stamped
Stamped Bonk. Son of Ever-
hard. R.R.N.Y. P.L.,
P. L., 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll F,
has a wife and two chil-
dren. P. L. 2d., 1786.
Son of Jacob. J.B. Son of
a soldier. 300 acres L. B.
M. C., R. R. N. Y. Muster
R 11. O. C., 15th Jan.,
1798. P. L. 2d., 1798.
Son of Jacob J. B.
E District, Augusta . .
Ernest Town
M District
Vincent, Emign, Elijah
Viger Gasper
H District
Mary sbu rgh
Vogley, John
Vollick, Isaac
do . .
H District
Vollick, Sturn
Vrooinan, Sergt. Adam
Vullicar Conrad
Wager, Ever-hard
Wager, Thomas
Wager, Wm.
Waggoner, Henry
E District, Cornwall. .
Waggoner, Henry
Waggoner, Sen., Jacob
Waggoner, Jun., Jacob
E. District, Cornwall...
do do
Waicoff, John
Wait, George
Waite, Joseph
Walker, Sen., Daniel..
Yonge or Elizabeth
E District, Cornwall...
do do
Ernest Town .
Walker, Jun. , Daniel ... do
Walker, Jacob H District .
Walker, James . .
Walker, Weiden.
District, Augusta
Ernest Town
Walker, Wm
Walker, Wm
Waldroff, Martin, Sen.
Wall, Edward
Walliser, Anthony....
Walliser, Jun . , Anthony
Walliser, John
Walliser, Martin,
Walsh, Samuel
Walter, Martin
Walter, Philip
Wanomaker, Peter . . .
H District
E District, Matilda
Fredericksburgh . . .
E District, Matilda
do do
Adolphustown .
joyal Rangers,
failor. Soldier R.R.N.Y.,
Muster Roll. E.
Corporal R.R.N.Y. Muster
Gov. Hamilton, 1785—100—
1789. Atkins— 200. (Loyal
Rangers). A.Mc.L. P.L.
Son of Daniel. T.G,, 200.
L.B.A., 1794.
Deceased. B. Rangers. Had
a wife and one child. P.
L. N., 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Surgeon Jessup's S. G.
From Vermont; did not join
the Royal Standard, tho'
stated Loyal. L. B. M.,
Emigrant settler, 1789. L.
B. M., 200.
Loyalist from North Caro-
See Order in Council, 17th
March, 1807. Widow and
sons, John and Martin.
Deceased; Indian Depart-
Soldier Royal Regt. N. Y.,
L. B. L. Has a wife and
two children. P. L. 2d,
1786. R. R. N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll.
Son of Anthony.
R. R. N. Y. and son of
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll. Single. P. L. 2d,
See Samuel Welch. P. L.,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. A wife.
P. L. 2d, 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
Single. P. L. 2d, 1786.
A Sergeant in Jersey Volun-
teers. L. B. M., 1791.
Ward, Charles
E District, Augusta...
H District
Son of Sergeant John Ward,
Loyal Rangers.
Soldier 2d B. Jersey Volun-
M. C. Sergt. New Jersey
Volunteers. P. O. C., 8th
Oct., 1796.
Sergeant B. Rangers. J. S.
Had a wife and four chil-
dren. P.L.N. 1786. Nia-
gara Stamped Book.
Son of Michael. J.B.
Soldier King's Rangers or
Associated Loyalist. A.
McL. P. L. 1786.
Royal Yorkers. R.R.N.Y.
P. L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Michael Warner,
1785. Called Loyalist by
Gov. Hamilton. 100 acres.
A.McL. P. L., 1786.
Son of Abraham. Loyalist.
P.L., 1786.
Son of Abraham. Stated
Loyalist; L.B.M. 1790—
300, and by Gov. Hamil-
ton, 1785. 100 (P. L.,
1786). Stamped Book.
A. McL.
A. C., 16th Nov., 1807,
Sergeant Capt. Herck-
mer's Company. Stamp-
Book. Loyalist. P. L.
S. G. Sergeant Loyal Ran-
gers. A. Me L. P. L.,
Formerly an American sol-
dier — was taken prisoner
by our Indians, and after-
wards in the Indian De-
partment. R. J. D. G.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
Young man. P. L. 2d,
Wardle, Cornelius
Wardle Michael.. . .
Warner, Sergt. Chris..
'Warner Conradt . . .
E District, Osnabruck
do do.
do Cornwall .
Warner, George
Warner, Godfrey
Warner, Sen., Michael
Warner, Jun., Michael
Wartman, Abraham . .
Wartman, Barnabas . .
Wartman John
E. District, Cornwall. .
do do
Wartman Peter
E District, Augusta . .
do Osnabruck
Washburn, Ebenezer..
^V^at^on Major
(Vide Suspended
Weart, Conradt
Weart, George
E District, Williams
Sophias and Amelias
R. R. N. Y. Young man.
P.L.2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.S.
& G. 200 E. D. Young
man. P.L.2d, 1786. Mus-
ter Roll.
Settlement under orders of
1783. Soldier Loyal
Soldier in Butler's Rangers.
O. C. 21st July, 1796.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. L.B.L.,
1791 Muster Roll. Three
children. P.L.2d, 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll at
Montreal. B.M.A.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. O.E.
Sergeant R.R.N.Y.
Soldier King's Rangers, p.
R. Roll.
Maryland Loyalists.
Naval Department, S. G. —
one had a wife and one
child. P. L. N, 1786.
Stamped Book Niagara.
3n original Roll.
Quartermaster to Philadel-
phian Troop of Horse
raised by J. Galloway.
O.C., 7th March, 1797—
600 as.
incorporated Loyalist. A.
McL. Shipwright. Stamp-
ed Book.
Soldier in Col. Guy John son's
Foresters. Owen Robbin's
affidavit, 1807, L. B. M.,
1791. G. H., 1785—100.
P.L. saysR.R.N.Y.,1786.
Stamped Book.
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F.
ndian Department. S. G.
Foresters. A wife and
four children. P. L. N.,
1786. Stamped Book,
Weast, John
Weatherhead, Samue
Weaver, Francis .
Weaver, Frederick...
Weaver, John .
Weaver, Peter
E District, Augusta .
H District
E District, Cornwall .
E District, Cornwall .
do do
do Williamsburg]
Ernest Town
H District
Weiger, Jacob . ...
Welch, Samuel
Welch, Quartermaster
Welch, Wm
E Dist., Edwardsburgh
Wellery, Henry
Wellkank, Thomas....
Wells Wm
Wemp, Barnabas
Wert, Andrew
Wert, Jun. , John
Westbrook, Anthony. .
5 District, Osnabruck
do do
H District
Wesley,- George
Currier. Stamped Book.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster
Roll. P.L.2d, 1786.
R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
P.L.N.J, 1786.
McAlpin's Corps. Was an
artificer in that corps.
Major McAlpin's Corps —
Joined at Boston. Au-
gusta R.J.D.G.
A settler of 1786. L.B.L.
Volunteer in Jessup's. Alex.
Campbell, Esq., certifies
that he joined the Royal
Was married and at St.
John's during the war. S.
Sherwood's cereificate.
Employed on secret ser-
vice, Order in Council.
Restored to U.E.3rd,Mar.
Discharged soldier, Loyalist
A.Mc.L. (Stamped Book,
P.L., 1786.
1787, Collins 200, R.R.N.Y.
Muster Roll, E.
Soldier Jessup's Corps, R. J.
Emigrant settler, L.B. E.D.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Soldier Barton's or Jersey
volunteers S.G.
Soldier in the Hessian troops
L.B.M., 1791.
A tailor, served in Butler's
Rangers, O.C. 22nd Feb.,
Soldier Loyal Rangers
.789, Lebins Wickwise was
a drummer King's Ran-
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Butler's Rangers, W. list,
Weaton, George
or Wenston
Whaling, Michael . . .
or Whelane
Whealer, David ....
Wheaton, John
Wheeler, Ephraim...
White John
E Dist. , Charlottenb'gh
W District, S.G.
H District
White, Sen., Joseph...
White, Junr. Joseph..
Whiteman, David ....
Whitley, John
E District, Augusta . .
E District, Augusta...
E Dist. Elizabeth Town
do do
H District
Whitley, John
Whitmire, John
Whitney, Elijah
Elizabeth Town
Whitner, Henry
Whitsell, Andrew
H District . . .
Whitsell, Nicholas....
Whittle Richard
Wickwise, Jonathan. . .
Wick wise, Jonathan. . .
Wickwise, Lewis . .
E District )
do Augusta.. }
do do ....
do do
New Settlement Lake
Wickwise, Philip...
Wilcox, Senr. Elisha . .
Wilcox, Hagned ..
E District Augusta
Son of Hazard Senr
Wilcox, Senr. Hagned.
Wilcox, Leberry
Wilders, Daniel
do do
do do
M District
Certified to have command-
ed a company in Canada,
and to have been killed in
battle at New York, his
son Wm. O'Hazard apply.
British soldier P.L. 1786, S.
Wilkins, Isaac
H District . .
Stamped Book.
Wilkins, Martin.. ..
Wilkinson, Capt. R. . .
E District '
M.C. 1050, completes Me. C.
Willard, Levy
Willkey, Wm..
do Cornwall . . .
and family land grant out,
P.L. N.J.,1786.
British soldier (P.L 1786)
Wollery, Henry
E District
S. Stamped Book.
Williams, Albert
Soldier R R.N.Y., L.B.M.,
Williams, Armstrong. .
Ernest Town
1789, in all 350 (P.L. 1786,
Stamped Book).
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.
Williams, Senr. David.
Bd.M. 1791. 350, A. Me. L.
P.L. 1786.
L. Bd. certificate, sergeant in
Williams, David
Jessup's L.Bd.M. 1790,
700 P.L. 1780, A.Mc.L.
Son of David Williams Sr.
Williams, Elijah
Son of David Williams Sr.,
Williams, Fredk
H District
p. L.Bd. certificate, 200
L.Bd.M. 1790.
M.C. a soldier Engineer De-
Williams, Henry
Sophias & Ameliasb'gh
partment, O.C. 25 April,
1797. L.Bd. Nassau, 1794,
a wife and five children,
P.L. N. 1786.
Williams, Senr. John. .
Ernest Town
M.C. soldier Jessup's Loyal
Williams, Junr. John
Rangers, A.Mc.L. (P.L.,
Son of John \Villiams Senr.
Williams, James
Loyal Rangers, P.L. N.,
1786, A. Me L.
Son of John Williams, sol-
Williams, Joshua
dier Loyal Rangers.L.Bd.
M., A.Mc.L.
Son of John Williams Senr.
a boy.
Williams, Rachel
H District
Widow of Frederick Vander-
Williams, Robert
Williams, Robert
Ernest, Town
lip, daughter of N. Petitt,
450, had three children, P.
L. N., 1786.
L.Bd. certificate, described
Loyalist, L.Bd.M., 1793,
300, P.L. 1786, of Adoi-
phustown, had drawn 100
L.Bd.M.19th March,1793,
200, Loyal Rangers, A. Me.
A seaman, not U.E., O.C.,
Williams Samuel
H District
20th July, 1797.
Associ'td Loyalist in Ward's
Williams, Moses . .
Block House.
Corporal King's Rangers.
Williams, Samuel ....
Ernest Town
Order in Council, 29th
January, 1808.
One of this name Lieutenant
Williams Thomas
W District
of Artillery in Major
Ward's Loyalists, S.G.
S.G. blacksmith Indian De-
Wilson, William..
Wilmot, Allan
E District, Augusta. . .
H District
Son to Captain Wilmot of
Wilsey Benona.
E District, Augusta ...
Loyal Rangers, p. L.Bd.
Wilsie James
certe. Joseph, nis son,
Govr. Haldimand's certi-
ficate says sergeant, a wife
and two children.
A soldier Loyal Rangers.
Wilson.Bathsheba, for-
merly widow Soper
H District
Wilson Benjamin
Came in as a settler in 1787.
Wilson, Sergt. John . .
Wilson Irish John
do Thorold....
See Petition in 1797.
B.R., a sergeant, a wife and
six children, P. L.N. 1786,
Stamped Book, Niagara.
Aided to recruit men, con-
Wilson John Senr . . .
cealed officers and party,
suffered imprisonment, p.
certificate of N. Petitt, O.
C. 13th March, 97, land
made up 1200 acres.
From Staten Island. Came
in a settler in 1878 with
three sons, one in. Crow-
Wilson, John Junr
Wilson, Jacob
Wilson, Joseph
Son of John Senr., by Order
in Counclljllth November
1806. Associated Loyalist.
Sergeant in the Jersey Vol-
unteers, P. 1796.
Barton's Jersey Volunteers,
R. Clinch.
Was in 1777 a soldier Loyal
Rangers,but owing to sick-
ness after the capitulation
of Saratoga, remained and
came in after the war.
S.L.R. soldier Loyal Ran-
gers. Discharge.
S.G. B. Rangers, a wife and
four children, P. L. N.,
1786. Niagara Stamped
1789, P., no service stated.
A settler R.J. D.G. O.C.
4th February, 1807. Re-
instated on W.E. list.
3. Rangers, Stamped Book
Niagara, S. P.L. N.,1786.
Soldier R.R.N. Y.,a wife, P.
L. 2d., 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.Bd.,
single P.L. 2d, 1786.
rloyal Artillery and Marine
Department, Lake Ontario
S.G. B. Rangers, a wife and
one child, P.L. N., 1786,
Niagara Stamped Book.
A soldier B. Rangers. Nia-
gara Stamped Book, O.C.
17th March, 1797. S. P.L.
N., 1786.
VI.C.B. Rangers, a wife and
five children,?. L.N., 1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
VI. C. B. Rangers, a corporal
L.Bd. certe., a wife and
four children,?. L. N.1786.
Niagara Stamped Book.
.G. B. Rangers. Niagara
Stamped Book. S. P.L.
N., 1786.
H District . ,
Wilsie, John
E Dist, Elizabeth Town
H District
Elizabeth Town
H District .
Wiltsey, Junr. Benoni.
Windecker, Henry
Wing, Gersham
Winney, Corpl. Corn'ls
Winter, Henry
Winter, Peter
Winterbottom, Samuel
Wintermute,CorpL Ab-
E District, Osnabruck.
do do
M District
H District
H District...
Wintermute, Benjn.. . .
Wintermute,Corpl. Jno
Wintermute,Mrs. Mary
Wintermute, Corporal
do ......
Wintermute, Philip . .
Wist David
Ernest Town
Soldier Genl. Haldimand,
Wist John
1784, 100, Loyal Rangers,
Soldier R.R.N.Y., General
Wist Junr John
Haldimand, 1784, 100, P.
L., 1786, and Capt. Myer's
Soldier Loyal Rangers. Mus-
Wood, Benjamin
EDist, Charlottenb'h.
ter Roll, P.L 1786.
Son of Jonas Senr., J. B.
Wood John . .
do Cornwall . . .
Soldier Butler's Rangers,
L.Bd, Lunenburg.
Son of Jonas Senr., J. B.
Wood, Jonas
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Roll, P.L. 2d., 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
Wood, Junr. Jonas . ,
E District
RolL P.L. 2d, 1786.
Son of Jonas Senr. J. B. In-
Wood, Josiah
do Oomwall
dian Department. L. Bd. L.
Wood, Nathan
Que. : if not son of Jonas-
Wood Roger
Yes, son of Jonas Senr. —
a boy.
Son of Jonas Senr. J.B. Son
Wood, Stephen
of a soldier, 200 acres, L.
Bd.L. Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Son of Jonas Senr. J.B. S.
Wood, Thomas
do ElizabethTown
and G., a boy.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, p.E.
Wood, Wm
Jessup's Certificate.
Wood, Wm.
do Cornwall
Son of Jonas. Soldier R.R.
Woodcock, Abraham.
N.Y.,L.Bd.L., P.L. 2d.,
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.BdM.,
Woodcock, John
Fredericksburg .
1791, 300, A.McL., P. L.,
R R. N. Y., P. L. 1786,
Stamped Book, B.M.1790,
Loyalist, 350 acres 1784—
G. Haldimand, 100 ; 1785,
Govr. Hamilton's certifi-
cate, Loyalist, 1793. He
did not join the British
Standard before the Trea-
ty of Separation — in con
sequence, those of his
daughr. Katharine's peti-
tition was rejected, 19th
March, 1793, A. McLi
\\Toodley, George .
H District
Emigrant settler from U.
States in 1788.
Negro soldier in Loyal Ran-
gers. Muster Roll.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, R.
Clinch's certificate. S. P.
L. N. 1786. Niagara
Stamped Book.
Son Richard — an iron-
monger in Montreal — R. J.
Resident in Montreal.
Joined in 1779. N. McL.
Original Roll.
Soldier 84th Regt. Ld. Bd.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Sergt. 53rd Regt. L.B.M.
1791, 750 acres, and P.L.
1786. Had nine children
born before 1789. Stamped
Book — p. certificate of
Archd. McDonell, J.P,
Son of a soldier. Ld. Bd. L.
P.L. 2d, 1786. Joined the
Royal Standard 1777. S.
Anderson's certificate.
Soldier 53rd Regt. L.B.M.
1791, 300, and P. L. 2d,
1786. S. Stamped Book.
Soldier 84th Regt.— enlisted
at Nova Scotia.
Sergeant R. R. N. Y. M. Roll.
Has a wife & two children.
P.L. 2d, 1786.
Stamped Book. Loyalist,
tailor, and one of the first
settlers, p. Collins' book.
A soldier 84th Regt. L.B.
M. 1791, 700 acres, and
P. L. 1786. A wife, five
Soldier B. Rangers.
O.C. February, 1805, ordered
to be inserted on U.E. list
Woolly, John
Elizabeth Town
Work, James
Ernest Town . . . .
Wormwood, Mathew . .
Wragg, John
H District
E District
Wragg, Richard
Wragg, Thomas
Wright, Amos
\Vright, ATROP
Wright, Asel
Wright, Daniel
Wright, Daniel
Marysburg .
E District, Cornwall . .
H District.
Wright, Gabriel
Wright, James
Wright, James
E Dist., Elizabeth T'wn
do Matilda
Marysburg .
Wright, Jesse . .
Wright, Robert
Wright, Samuel
M District.
Sophias & Ameliasburg
Elizabeth Town
Wright, Samuel, Senr.
Wright, Samuel, Junr.
Wright, Sylvester ....
Wright Waite
E Dist., Elizabeth T'wn
do do
M District
Son of Samuel, Senr. L.B.
L. Suspended U.E. list.
P. states son of a Loyalist ;
does not state the name of
his father. L.B.L.
^^as a soldier King's Ran-
Wright Widow Mary
gers. J. Vanyant. Provi-
vision List King's Rangers
Loyalist from New York.
Wright, William
P.L. 1786. A. McL.
Discharged from 53rd Regt.
Wright, Wm
E Dist., Elizabeth!" wn.
Not a U.E.
'Wrong John
H District . . .
Belonged the Marine De-
Wickoff Peter
partment at Quebec and
district. P. L. N. 1786.
Stamped Book Niagara.
Petition 1797. Was dis-
charged by Commodore
Stamped Book Niagara. S
Yates John
P.L.N. 1786.
A settler. Came in after the
Yoemans Arthur . .
Kingston . ...
War, 1788, from Connecti-
cut. P.
Mr. Dorlands says that he
Yorks John
do .
saw him at Sorel in 1783.
A son, David.
Son of Isaac Yorks .
Young, Abraham
Young Senr. , Adam . .
H District,
Deceased. S. G. Indian De-
Young, Sergt. Daniel . .
partment. Stamped Book
Niagara. A wife. P.L.N.
S. G. Indian Department.
Yo\mg, Daniel
Young George
Marys & Sophiasburg . .
H District
Stamped Book Niagara.
A wife and two children.
P.L.N. 1786.
R.R.N.Y. L.B.M. 1791. A.
McL. Stamped Book. P.
L. 1786.
In this Province and New-
Young Henry
H District
foundland since 1774.
Served under Col. Pringle
of the Engineers. S.G.
S G. Indian Department —
Rangers, L.B.N. 1784—
Stamped Book Niagara ;
a wife ; P.L.N. 1786.
Young Senr Henry
Fredericksburg . .
Soldier R.R.N.Y. P.L.1786.
Young, Junr., Henry..
Young Henry
do ...:...
Marys & Sophiasburg
Son of Henry ; 200 acres ;
L.B.M. 1791.
Lieutenant Royal Regt. , N.
Young, Junr. , Henry . .
Young, Lt. John
H District
York. P.L.1786. Stamped
Son of Henry.
S.G. Indian Department. S.
Young, Sergt. John . . .
P.L.N. 1786. B.R. Six in
family — Stamped Book
JN iagara.
B.R. A wife & six children;
Young, Junr., John . . .
Young, Sergt. Jacob
P. L. N. 1786 ; Stamped
Book JN iagara.
Deceased — Sergt. King's
Young, Jacob
Young, James
E District, Lancaster . .
Had a wife and six children
Young Senr., Peter . .
— P.L. 2d, 1786.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Stamped
Young Junr Peter
Book. P.L.1786— A. McL.
F. Thompson.
Drummer K.R.N.Y. Stamp-
Youne' Philip
H District
ed Book. P.L. 1786. F.
Sergeant Butler's Rangers.
Young Stephen
Fredericksburg .
Labourer — Stamped Book.
Younglove, JEzekiel
H District
Soldier Jersey Volunteers.
Zufelt Henry
O.C. 10th February, 1808—
Loyal Rangers.
Names inserted on U. E. List by order of the Honour-
able the Executive Council.
Peter Valeau, Lt....
22nd June, 1799, M.C. On Provision List 1786, A.
McL. Loyalist. Stamped Book.
Entered on the U.E. list, Pillebug.
O.C. 27th June, 1798. Wife of Frederick. Not on
record in C.O.
O.C. 3rd July, 1798.
Entered before, in his proper place, O.C. llth June,
Already entered in his proper place.
Entered in proper place.
O.C. 26th May, 1807. See his daughter, Tabatha
Livingston's petition.
A true copy from the U.E. list in the Council Office.
Confidential Clerk.
Moybe, Lavinha
Jones, Sarah
Sherwood, Thomas. . .
Kintner, George
Jacocks, David
Hoskins, Abiel ,
Doyle, Sarah
Hill, Thomas
Smith, Col. Samuel
Sherwood, Reuben.
Livingston, Daniel.
dims, Captn. Wm.
Hils, Joseph ,
Olker, Elisha
Chryster, Peter.
Dill, Barsnett, Senr.
Freeman, John.
O.C. 20th June, 1798. Not on record in C. Book.
O.C. 28th Febr'y, 1798.
O.C. llth June, 1798.
O.C. llth June, 1798. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
E.D. O.C. llth June, 1798.
O.C. llth June, 1798. Lieut. R. R. N.,Y. Son of
Colonel Daniel Claus.
O.C. 16th April, 1799. How ? His father was never
in this Province — came in with grandfather.
O.C. 13th November, 1797.
Van Every, McGregor O.C. 13th April, 1802.
Huston, Elijah
Vardy, Thomas
Bedford, Jonathan...
Stephenson, Francis . .
Flack, Richard
Son of Lieut. Huston. O.C. 5th July, 1798.
pended 5th Novr., 1804.
O.C. 12th July, 1798.
24th Augt., 1802, page 127.
Capt. Queen's Rangers. O.C. 31st December, 1805.
H District. Came to Canada when a boy, with his
father. O.C. 2nd August, 1797— his name to be
put on U.E. list.
Armstrong, Jonathan . .
Alt, Conrad
Argassinger, Philip
Austin, Isaac
Archer, Edward
Aston, Jacob
Arkland, Dedrick
Aikin, William ,
Aners (or Aneas), Cors.
Almis, Christian
Allen, John
Andrew, John
Andrew, Jacob
Ayres, Daniel B
Allen, Andrew
Atherton, Phenias
Algire, Philip
Algire, John
Alexander, David
Atkinson, William
Anderson, Thomas (and one child)
Arnold, James
Avory, William
Allan, Mrs. (and six children).
Aspy, William
I. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M.R.
A. '
Soldier 60th Regt.
29th Regt.
An old soldier. L.B. Nassau, 1794.
German soldier last war. do.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
84th Regt. J. F.
A captain in the service.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J; F.
" 84th Regt. From Scotland to
Soldier Butler's Rangers. S. G.
Provisioned Cataraqui.
Came in 1785. O. E. See page 04,
Capt. John Jones list of Loyalists
Anderson, Jane S. P. at Detroit.
Acher, Lodwick,
Abril, Robert
Austin, John
Austin, Jonathan
Able, Henry
Adams, William
Allan, Henry
Alsworth, Ezra (deserted)
Anthony, John
Anthony, Richard
Ash, Peter
Absent. Johnstown. R.R.N.Y. M.
Enlisted in 53rd Regt. Absent.
His father killed in the service at
Soldier in Captn. Barnes' Holfictos
Company last war.
Soldier K. R,
Allen, Ebenezer
Austin, Doctor Charles
Ashburn, John
Anguish, John
Arner, Jacob
Arnold, Frederick
Arnold, John
Ashworth, Thomas
Antonee, Richard
Aber, John
Adams, Joseph
Ainise, Sally
Ammon, John Godfrey
Allan, Hugh
Ayres, Thomas
Aleuiger, William,
Arnold, Jacob
Ashf ord, John
Arnold, Oliver
Brook, James
Bartlemass, Peter.
Booth, Jesse
Bevins, James
Bliss, John
Barber, Abraham
Blaw, Robert
Beebe, Peter
Barnes, Godlup
Bone, William
Baker, John, Senr.
Baker, John, Junr
Bangard, Conradt
Butler, George
Brien, John
Ball, Widow (and one child) .
Bringman, Christopher
Burk, Patrick
Ball, Jacob
Boket, Dallows
Brownhill, Stephen
Brownhill, Joseph . .
Bright, Lewis
Burton, John
Sergeant Butler's Rangers.
Surgeon R.R N.Y.
Corporal 84th Regt. Matilda.
Soldier B. Rangers.
«< «
Loyalist -with Mr. McKee.
Soldier B. Rangers.
King's, or 8th Regt.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. Que.
Served last war.
Marine Dept. (A d . )
A principal Indian woman.
A reduced soldier.
Soldier 31st Regt.
T. Loyalist, 1792. Stepson of Thos.
Richardson, trader in Lower Canada
in 1780.
B. Rangers.
8th Regt.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Provisioned at Cataraqui.
Soldier Loyal Rangers (Lt.
certe. )
A wife and two children.
A wife. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
A wife and two children.
Jersey Volunteers.
A wife and three children.
British soldier.
Provisioned at Johnstown.
S. Provisioned at Johnstown.
A wife. Soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster
S. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
A wife. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
S. R.R.N.Y.
Emigrant from the States. J.F.
S. Soldier.
Emigrant from Ireland since the
Benn, Luke
Bruce, Peter . .
Bueley, David..
Bogart, Martin
Brant, John
Bowman, Luke . .
Beauhart, John .
Buttsher, EJias . .
Burhouse, Isaac . .
Boys, Joseph
Burhouse, Simon
Benn, Thomas
Bowen, Joseph . . .
Bradt, Christian...
Bradt, Adrian
Bellinger, Elijah...
Buzeer, Jacob
Brown, Henry
Berger, Frederick .
Brown, Elijah
Brook, Benjamin .
Boyle, Ann
Bertlay, Michael..
Berry, William . . .
Bower, Wm., Junr.
Bode, Christopher.
Bird, Jonathan . . .
Breda, Frederick.
Beberwine, . . .
Bradford, John . . .
Brooks . .
Boukes, John
Bradley, Price . . .
Barlow, Abner ..
Barnhart, Joseph
Barnum, Levi
Bennet, Ephraim
Billings, J oseph . .
Bristol, Daniel ..
Brooks, Samuel . .
Brown, Charles . .
Brown, David
Brown Joseph
Brown, William . .
Buck, Isaac
A wife and four children.
A wife and three children.
A wife and jihree children.
S. German soldier J. F. list, 8th
Deer., 1803.
A wife and three children.
S. 30 years "\ Settlers. Came intoCan-
60 yrs.of age ( ada March, 1785. See
56 " f Capt. Jones' list —
J date,15th April,1785.
Provd. at Niagara. Or, Bayne,Thoa.
A wife.
A wife.
A wife.
And wife.
3. Fort Erie. Soldier 34th Regt.
S. Provisioned at Detroit.
Fredericksburg. Entered 17. E.
S. Gone to the States.
<« «
Quitted his land.
Gone to the States.
S"ever Joined. Soldier Jessup's Loyal
Widow of John Sorel. Soldier Loyal
Soldier King's Rangers.
Boger, Lodwick
Brown, John
Burke, Patrick
Burton. Thomas
Best, Hannanus
Blake, Doctor Charles. . .
Baro (or Barone), Joseph .
Barrit, P
Beaubein, C
Beaubein, J. B
Bigras, I. B
Blazens, Laurence
Bonde, Joseph
Bonsack, Christopher John
Boulanger, C . . . .
Butler Edward..
Benville, Francis
Betton, David
Baker, William . .
Earth, Lewis
Boyne, John
Bryant, John the late
Burns, David
Earnhardt, Widow ..
Bender, Laurence
Bunbury, Joseph
Barbo, John
Blake, Martin
Barton, Stephen
Bewther (orBeuter), John
Brown, Neil
Brown, Robert
Burney, James . . .
Burton, John
Benson, Jonas . . .
Benson, Christina.
Buker, John
Brown, Gasper . . .
Bass, Thomas
Burns, John
Bell, Daniel
Bryan, Pat
Soldier B. Rangers.
" " or 60th Regt.
Surgeon mate B. Rangers.
8th Regt.
Lieut. Jessup's, or Rogers', Ensign.
Surgeon 34th Regt.
Detroit Volunteers, and Gov. Hamil-
ton's. (Sergeant.)
84th Regt.
Gov. Hamilton.
Siege of Quebec.
Corporal Detroit Volunteers.
B. Rangers.
Lieut. Indian Department.
29th Regt. 8 years and a three years'
man. p. discharge.
Gov. Hamilton.
B. Rangers. Irish.
W. D. Served during the War.
Commodore Naval Department.
Marine Department. Served since
Master-mate, Marine Department,
Lakes Erie and Huron.
Storekeeper, Fort St. Phillip, Min-
Lake Ontario 20 years.lastly a master.
Surgeon 7 1st- Regiment.
Que. : If the military lands of Sergt.
George Barnhart.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
5th Regiment.
Soldier 84th Regiment. W. D.
Soldier, Cruitzbury. German soldier.
Loyalist U. E.
German Soldier.
Soldier 71st Regiment.
Treasury Loyalist, 1792. Had been
in America.
Treasury Loyalist, 1792.
t'| from England.
Brought in a prisoner. N. privileged.
Buffeland, James
Bowse, John
Bradt, Ryan
Besil, Jabish
Bruit, Matthew
Bacchuster, John
Brozie, Gabriel
Bacchers (or Brachen), John
Bouslale, Luke
Earnhardt, David
Binsell, John
Bolson, Evans
Batty, Michael
Bradburn, Francis
Bradley, Abraham
Baderly, William
Brinker, Henry
Burns, Peter
Beetle, Barnabas
Burns, Matthew
Brown, Aaron
Brenvell, John
Barnes, Thomas
Bolton, Abraham
Brown, William
Black, Jacob
Becker, Adam
Bonk, David
Blood, John
Burns, Garret
Bratt, Elisha
Black, Cato
Brooks, Donald
Baxter, Roger
Bangell, Henry
Bangell, Peter
Bangell, Adam
Bangell, William
Bangell, John
Becker, Conradt
Brathower, John
Beverly, David
Berry, George
Brahower, Francis
Benneway, Ezekiel
Bents, Joseph
Burke, John
Bigelow, Jesse
Baxter, David
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
A soldier in Jessup's Corps.
Soldier 10th Regiment.
A. soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll-
A. Drummer R.R.N.Y.
A. soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
G. Served in German Corps. U.D.
Corporal Loyal Rangers.
Late from Vermont. L.B.L., 1790.
Discharged from the King's service.
L.B.N., 1794.
Best, Conrad
Balster, William
Bennit, Charles
Brownson, John
Beagle, Daniel
Bonisteel, Philip
Bobbit Elkanah
Brownson, James
Bull, Aaron
Bell, Enos
JBolton, Henry
Betts, Benjamin
Burgarr, Alexander
Blashar, Lozo
Beaty, David
Beckman, Samuel
Bolt wood, John
Burrows, Thomas
Bratt, Abraham
Brisbin, John
Blockley, John
Brisbie, Robert
Brisbin, Samuel
Brisbin, James
Bustard, William ......
Brown, James
Earnhardt, Jobest
Bell, Francis
Benninger, Isaac
Baker, Jacob
Brinkman, Christopher
Brady, Luke
Burke, Peter
Becksted, Alexander . .
Brougner, Jacob
Beby, Richard
Bowen, Wm. C
Browning, Joseph.
Bickle, Jacob
Becket, Peter
Brown, Rhoda . .
Boulton, George
Bedford, Henry.
Battes, Abigal ..
Ensign Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
His widow was a U. E.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
died in Dec. 1782.
German soldier. J.F.
<( t<
No description.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Entered before.
A settler in 1793.
Son of John, Sen. , Niagara District.
Soldier 29th Regiment, p. Sergeant
Macintosh's certificate.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., p. certificate of
Rev. J. Stuart.
Common settler. N.McL.
« «
Negro. No description. O.E.
Daughter of John Wiltsie ; served
under Gen. Burgoyne. O.E.
Joined in 1777. On U.E. O.E.
Common soldier. O.E.
Her husband was hanged by the
Bocker John ... .
Soldier R.R.N.Y. 2nd Bat. Lieut.
Soldier 84th Regiment.
Col. Barton's Corps. Deserted from
Staten Island ; information of
Asahel Ward, 6th Dec., 1811.
S^rgt. Artillery Detroit Volunteers.
S. Pd. at Cataraqui.
A wife.
A wife and child. Corporal.
A wife, Jannet and child. Soldier
R.R.N.Y. N.^McL.
A wife and 6 children. 2ndBatn.R.R.
N.Y. M. Roll.
S. British Soldier.
A wife and child. Provd. at N. Johns-
3 children. " "
A wife and 4 children.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
S. Soldier 60th Regt., S.G.
A child.
S. R.R.N.Y. M. Roll. Cottom.
Provd. at Niagara.
2 children.
A wife and 7 children.
S, Soldier Butler's Rangers.
S. Soldier B. Rangers.
A wife and 4 children. Came to this
Province in 1785.
S. Soldier B. Rangers.
A wife and 2 children. Pd. at Detroit
A wife and child.
At Montreal.
Boiseau, Joseph
Billett Francis
Coonshoon, Christopher
Connor Lieutenant
Crbnkhite Abraham
Cronkhite Wm
Cronkhite Widow * .
Clock Adam
Christie, Simeon
Colder John
Calder Christian
Coons, Simeon
Catchbar Christopher
Conger David ....
Clark George
Crank shore Moses
Caff ard John
Cameron, Widow
Christy, George
Chambers Robert .
Campbell Robert
Chitick. Henry
Castleman Adam
Cattum William
Canute Henry .
Cocket Widow
Chrysler Henry
Cassady George
Campbell Thomas ......
Chambers Francis
Clowes Peter
Cline Joseph
Conway, Patrick
Cummins Peter
Coldwell William
Corr Ralph
Cornish. John . .
Corney, Alexander.
Cramer, John
Cook, John, Senr . . ,
Cramer, Peter
Croydon, Harmanus.
Cook, Phillip
Courtney, Dennis . . .
Carrier, John
Campbell, John ,
Campbell, Robert...
Cam, Nathaniel
Canis, John
Cassada, John
Cam, Mathias
Collard, Elijah
Crumb, Jacob
Cereps, John
Calder, Frederick
Campfield, Skim
Carkner, John
Catchapaw or Catchfoot, Henry
Carrigan, Wm
Chapel, Henry
Clemmens, John
Calhonmer, Conrod
Connolly, John
Coiner, George
Colhamer, George
Codner, Ishmael
Cross, John
Crotter, Pe^er
Curties, Christopher
Carrigan, Paul
Clark, Paul
Clark, Thomas
Curere, Peter
Clock, Adam
Cameron, Duncan
Cameron, John
Campeau, R
Casity, Luke
Chabert, I. de
Chesne, P
Chicot, I. B
Clearwater, John
Quitted his land.
In Canada. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M.
In Canada.
Sorel, Corporal R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Canada Soldier
Of Jessup's Corps.
60th Regt.
42nd Regt.
B. Rangers,.
8th Regt., John Car r is.
B. Rangers.
N. C. off. ? B. Rangers.
Pilot to the New York Army.— S.G.
— No it was his brother John.
B. Rangers.
34th Regt. or Corps.
King's Rangers.
R'R.N.Y. Soldier, M. R.
King's Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Sergt., Charlottenburgh.
~orpl. Matilda.
Corpl., Fredericksburgh.
Soldier 84th Regt. (W.D.).
B. Rangers
jlovr.. Hamilton.
. Rangers.
Grovr., Hamilton.
W. D. Loyalist.
Jovr., Hamilton.
Hinute man— Lieut.
3. Rangers,
Coffee, Samuel, Ensign.
Coppas, John
Comcodle, John
Crawford, Wm
Crone, H
Chatterton, John
Cozens, Daniel
Crookshank, Patrick
Curry, Widow
Clark, Thomas Alexr.
Connor, James
Cowan, David
Collon, Abraham ....
Claick, Gasper
Cushion, James
Cox, John, 1792
Clark, Thomas
Coons, David
Clark, Adam
Cock, Henry
Clavenstine, Hermon
C as tiller, Lawrence . .
Coamoner, Frederick
Cotton, Abraham ....
Cramp, Benjamin
Garner, Mattice
Chuvinil, John
Carr, James
Cox, Alexander
Case, John
Clement, John P
Cogdon, John
Clink, Thomas
Cummings, Robert . . .
Gulp, Tulmon
Coklin, James
Countryman, John
Grouse, Peter
Campbell, Wm
Cornelius, Henry
Calder, James
Callegan, Charles....
Carr, Hugh
Clyne, Jacob
B. Rangers.
34th Regt.
B. Rangers.
2nd Batln. Delaney's.
British Navy.
Soldier Delaney's Refugees ; lost his
left arm.
Capt. New Jersey Volunteers.
Royal Artillery.
Que. ; if the Military land of Cor-
poral Ephraim Curry.
A millwright from England.
Surgeon (Hospital mate),
Lieut. , Naval Department.
German Soldier.
1792, T.L., wife and 4 children. Served
in Engineers' Dept. in America,
T. L.
84th Regt.,W.D.
Loyalist, W.D.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Detroit Vols. (or Joseph D.W.S.).
F. Corporal R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
A. Soldier
N.B. "
I. "
Crassley, Nathaniel
Connolly, William
Cain, Henry
Crightoof, John
Cline, Phillip
Case, Elijah or Elihue . . .
Cryderman, Thomas
Crawford, David
Claw, Francis
Carrier, Martin
Crabtree, John
Cousins. John
Caldwell, Thomas
Cray, John
Clengenberner, Nicholas.
Connor, John
Cralinger, Nicholas
Corbin, Micah
Conroy, Michael . .
Capleman, John ....
Cressey, William ..
Cole, Henry
Cox, Edward John
Cossens, Jacob
Carpenter, Beloved
Cameron, Hugh ....
Clark, William
Coons, Mathias
Castle, Elipbalet . .
Choudy, Jacob
Costelow, James . .
Crisedell, Thomas . .
Carpenter, John
Curtis, Uriah
Crawford, George . .
Crawson, Abraham
Coleton, Daniel
Conner, Thomas .
Copeland, William
Conner, Michael . .
Coon, Abraham/
Clum, Henry
Carpenter, Jacob ..,
Cotlard, James
Conklin, Abraham
Cole, George
Cole, Francis
Carr, John
E. Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
A. drummer
A. soldier
E. drummer
Son of Capt. Wm. Caldwell, W. D.
Ireland, Major Close's list, 1788.
Volunteer Queen's Rangers.
Soldier 34th Regiment.
Late from New York State. L.B.L.,
Soldier 8th Regiment. L.B.L., 1791.
An old soldier. L.B. Nassau. 1794.
Sold er 29th Regiment.
Sold er Loyal Rangers.
" died in July, 1783.
died in 1782.
died in July, 1783.
Clunes, John
Castleman, Martin .
Chrysler, Henry, Sr.
Oarley, Abraham . . .
Clark, Daniel or Donald.
Carley, Isaiah , ,
Coleman, Abel
Campbell, Phoebe
Caine, Peter
Cyler, Valentine
Cook, John
Countryman. Joseph
Garner, George
Clendennan, Walter.
Clock, Jacob — .
Daniel, George .
Dalmage, Jacob.
Dafoe, Widow .
Deane, Moses . . .
Dyre, John
Davis, Joseph. . .
Dodge, Thomas.
Drew, Paul
Dobins, Henry
Davis, John
Dixon, Widow, and
Dowling, John
Duckler, Andrew . .
Dutcher, Derrick . .
Davis, John
Doughedy, Samuel
Dennys, Nicholas .
Darron, Conrod .
Dusler, Andrew.
Dusler, William.
Darkness, Adam.
Davis, John
Donaldson, John
Clerk Engineer Department.
Son of a Loyalist. J.F.
Indian Department.
An old soldier — Mr. Adam's Certifi-
cate says secret service.
Emigrant from Scotland.
N. P. in the States. O.E.
A settler 1788. O. E.
Daughter of John Booth.
Came to Canada in 1803.
Loyalist. Major Close's list.
Of Camden ; an active Loyalist. Bore
arms in Carolina, p. Col. Balfour's
Certificate, sett.ed in 1785.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. M. El-
liott's Certificate.
Soldier Jersey Volunteers,, p. P. 1799.
Soldier B. Rangers.
2nd Batt. R.R.N.Y. Deserted ; in-
formation of Jonathan Hart, Oct.
3. Prov'd. Cataraqui.
S. son of David Dalmage, U.E.
And one son.
A wife.
A wife and 2 sons. Prov'd. Johnstown
soldier R.R.N.Y. N.McL.
A wife and 5 children. Common set-
tler. N.McL.
. 44th Regiment.
A wife. Soldier Loyal Rangers,
A wife.
5 years of age ; a settler. Came to
Canada in March, 1785. Capt.
John Jones' list.
5, N.C.O. Butler's Rangers. S. G.
^arleton Island.
Waiting to bring up his Crop. R.R.
N.Y. M. Roll.
t Montreal.
Soldier R.R. N.Y. M.Roli
joyalist ; much persecuted,
oldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
5th Regiment.
Daley, John
Dogstader, George . . . .
De&ray, —
Daly, Patrick
Darey, Thomas
Delaney, Peter
Depenciere, Theodore
Dalton, Walter
Drummond, —
Dequindre, Antonie
Dequindre, Fonteney
Dequindre, Francis
Dequindre, William
Doyle, Dennis
Dermond, Timothy
Dice, Charles
Dean, Jonathan
Dugan, William
Dequindre, Dagnis
Dafoe, Abraham, Jun
Daf oe, Jacob «
Dafoe, Martin '.
Dafoe, William (deserted)
Davis, Abel
Derrick. Philip
Dibble, Asa
Dimors, Jacob, Sen
Dimprs, John
Davis, Jonathan ...
Dennis, Jacob, Jun
Dandoist, John Henry
Darder, Martin
Demoree, David
Dawson, Solomon
Deserontyo John
Demont, William
Dougherty, Edward
Darley, John
Dalton, John
Donaldson, James
Dodemead, John
Desmond, John
Decker, Jacob . . ,
Deil, T
Deyis, David or J)avison .
Daily, George
Dennis, Nathaniel
84th Regiment
Sergeant, Marysburg.
Sergeant, Charlottenburg.
Captain R.K.N.Y. Paymaster.
«« « u
Lieutenant German Troops. Regt.
Prince Frederick.
Sergeant 47th Regiment and King's ;
draft to 8th.
Ensign British Regiment.
Lieutenant Indian Department.
Official Service, 84th Regiment.
84th Regiment.
Detroit Volunteers.
8th Regiment.
Lieutenant Indian Department.
King's Rangers.
Senior Soldier R.N.N.Y. M. Roll.
German soldier.
Sold er associated Loyalist.
Sold er44th Regiment.
Captain Mohawk Chief.
Captain T.L., 1792.
T.L. 1792, from Ireland.
T.L. 1792, from England.
B. Rangers.
Sergeant 8th Regiment.
Soldier 8th Regiment.
Soldier Butler'a Rangers.
Dtzcernian, Henrick
Deal, Adam
Dogstader, Pompey
Dantz, John
Dunberry , John
Dish, Henry
Doclimicle, John . . ,
Daly, William
Dopp, John
Dopp, Adam
Dure, John
Dougherty, John . . .
Daily, Philip
Devan, Cornelius . . .
Deckins, George . . .
Dyce, George
Disc, Jacob
Donahooe, James . . ,
Douglas, Thomas . . ,
Dame, Capt. George
Duberry, John
Davis, James
Duntan, Levi
Dunham, Samuel
Davis, Benjamin
Dunham, Solomon . .
Dawson, John
Drake, Benjamin
Davis, Daniel
Dodge, Peter
Dagan, Cornelius
Dunmead, William . .
Dougharty, Anthony.
Dugan, Thomas
Drew, Francis . . .
Donnelly, Henry
Dykes, Thomas . .
Deer, John
Doole, John.
Elsworth, Henry
Ellison, Joseph
Elmer, John . . .
Earner, Peter . .
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Sergeant 8th Regiment.
I. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
I. Corporal
A. Major Close's list, 1788.
German (or Dyer "
Ireland "
Artificer, P. to L.B.L. 1790.
Butler's Rangers.
Soldier 50th Regiment ; discharged
June 24th, 1784.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R,N.Y. J.F.
New York Volunteers.
' Jersey Volunteers. Petition.
Bore Arms in North Carolina. U.E.
Clerk and Storekeeper, Indian De-
partment. O.C., 96.
Sergeant 34th Regiment,
Common settler (deceased). A.McL.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. W. D .
Soldier 53rd Regt. A. Campbell's
Soldier 29th Regiment. Petition
1809. Transferred 200. Clerk to
H. Spencer.
A wife and child. Provisioned at
And Wife.
A wife and child.
Earner, Philip . . ....
A wife.
Evickhouse, Henry .
A wife. Soldier R R N Y J F
Elliot, John
Elliot, Juda . .
A wife and ten children. A settler,
came in March, 1785.
S. Son of John A settler, came in
Elliot, Samuel
March, 1785.
A wife and six children. Settler, p.
Erling, Frank, labgenteeg §
P. to L.B.L., 1791. Came in in
March, 1785. Capt. John Jones'
to Johnstown.
Erhng, John, J
Empson, Robert
Earp, Richard
6 years in the Rangers. W.D.
8th Regiment.
Elliot, John . .
B. Rangers.
Empson, John
Ellice, John
Soldier 84th Regt.
Eddy, Daniel
King's Rangers.
Egleton, Eliab
Estdo, Jacob
German Soldier.
Eustace, —
Lieut. T. L., 1792.
Embry John - Embra
84th Regt. Say ship carpenter H
Enderdier, Christopher
Ellott, 1805.
Ellis, Henry
Ellsworth, Alexander
Egar, Lambert
Espie, William
Essling, Garret
A. Soldier R.R N Y Muster Roll
Elloms, John
A. " " "
Earhart Simon
Soldier R R N Y
Ekins, Moses
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Ernest, Anthony
Eustman, Amherst
" a Loyalist. J.F.
Every, William
A settler in 1785. O.E. Came in
Estell, Daniel. ...
March, 1785.
Joined Lord Cornwallis in 1782
Faddle, John
Ferguson, Jonathan . .
Soldier. Capt. Leeman's.
S. Provisioned at Cataraqui.
A wife and two sons
Friar, Mr. J
And child
Ferguson, Widow
Two sons and two daughters.
Fraser, Collin
Farling, John. .
\Vife and one child
Fikes, Daniel
A wife three sons and one daughter
Foster, Adam .
S Soldier R R N Y Muster Roll
Freist, John
A wife and six children.
Fundy, Janone or Tanuo
Fonda — a black soldier. J F. Bat-
teaux Service. Herckmer.
Finlayson, John
Franks, Widow. .
Fridt, Deborah . .
Frier, Mrs
Fuster, Andrew . .
Fusow, Andrew . .
Freeze, Jacob ....
Flumberry, William...
Fearman, William . . .
Foryea, John
Frelick, Abraham
Frelick, Clement
Frelick, Jacob
Fredenburgh, Mathias.
Freeman, Francis
Ferris, William
Fleming, Patrick
Facer, Harry
Fancher, P
Ferre, Andrew
Filplay, C
Finlay, Samuel
Forsyth, William
Fraser, Alexander
Fry, Joseph
Frehery, Lawrence
Ferhan, William
Finch, John
Fowler, Jonathan
Foye, Lewis
Freil (the late), by Deborah
Friot, Isaac
Fraser, Jean
Filfield, John
Filo, Samuel
Filo, Thomas
Fisher, James
Fitzgerald, William.
Fosborough, John . . .
Frost, James
Fortiere, Pierre
Falconer, Thomas. . .
Futreal, John
Fleming, John
Fisher, John
Freeman, Richard. . .
A wife.
And one child.
And son.
And child - absent.
At Cataraqui.
Gone to the States. R.R.N. Y. Mus-
ter Roll.
Gone to the States.
Soldier 29th Regiment.
B. Rangers.
84th Regiment.
King's Rangers.
B, Rangers.
Seige of Quebec, and engaged smith
to Marine Department.
84th Regiment.
B. Rangers.
44th Regiment.
B. Rangers.
60th Regiment.
Guards and Nova Scotia Volunteers.
B. Rangers.
Marine Department, Lake Erie.
Discharged sailor, Marine Dept.
Called a good Loyalist.
44th Regiment.
In His Majesty's service.
(Lieut). Cuyliers.
Que : If the military land of Corp'l.
Wm. Fraser.
King's Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Mate, Marine Department.
Soldier 84th Regiment.
" 60th
Out-pensioner. Sergt. 53rd Regt.
Niagara German soldier.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Forbes, Nicholas .......
Forsyth, I. T. & Robert.
French, John ...........
Furlow, Jacob .........
Furlow, Cornelius .......
Fournier, Andrew .......
Fagan, Arthur .........
Fridel, Ignace ...........
Faulstroth, Henry .....
Fairfax, Christian .........
French, Frederick .......
Fagan, Thomas .........
Fauscett, Silas ..........
Fairel, John ...........
Frowman, John .........
Fotlick, Adrian .........
Ferguson, John .........
Le Forrest, Abraham . . .
Fidget, James .........
Ford, Jacob
Fulton, Michael
Frats, David
Fragstorm, Michael
Freeland, John
Fries, Abraham
Finknor, John
Fares, Thomas
Fares, Joseph
Fisher, Frederick
Fyke, Francis
Fulman, Nicholas
Farrel, Patrick
Francis, John.-.
Ferguson, John
Ferrel, Amherst
Falterer, John
Falteroth, John
Falkner. John
Ferris, England
Frink, Andrew
Fraser, James
French, Andrew
Fredick, Dedrick
Francis, Jeremiah Wm.
Ferguson, James
Fraser, Alexander
B. Rangers.
Sons of William, 60th Regiment.
British seaman.
B. Rangers.
A sailor.
Soldier, 53rd Regiment.
German soldier.
« «
T. Loyalist, 1792. From England.
T. Loyalist, from Ireland.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
jyalist. Major Close's List, 1788.
" R.R.N.Y. J.F.
A.soldier 62nd Regt. p. Mr. Patter-
son's certificate.
Soldier 31st Regt. P. to L.B.L.
A discharged soldier 34th Regt. S.G.
L.B. Nassau, 1794.
Quartermaster Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F.
loxboro'. A common settler. N.
Fitzimmon, Barney
Flynn, David
Fraser, Peter
Fock, John
Faddle, George
Fisher, Duncan
Farrell, Patrick
Fields, Nathan ..-'.'.;
Gibson, Widow and 1 daughter .
Gathaway, John
Grosse, Edward
Grout, Henry
Gronber, Paul
German, John Jun ,
Grant, Widow and 3 children .
Gorman, John ,
Goff , Joseph
Gaskin, Charles
Grout, Theodore
Gibson, Andrew
Griffin, Samuel
Going, Francis
Graves, John
Grass, Charles
Grevase, Asa
Gleeson, Daniel ,
Glenn, Jacob
Graves, George
Gummersall, Thomas .
Garrett, Daniel
GUI, Robert
Granger, Zacharias . . .
Gleeson, Thomas
Goshee Peter (the late)
Girty, George
Godfrey, G
Goodnight, John
Grubb, Thomas
Gum. Nicholas
Grindstone, Jacob
Glinger, George
Soldier 60th Regt. N.McL.
\oyalist. J.Fd.
on of Simon, who died in prison,
1777. N.McL.
3on of Henry Focks, or Fykes, R.
R.N.Y. N.McL.
ncorporated Loyalist. Gen, Haldi-
mand's certificate.
Of Montreal ; served with General
Soldier 31st Regt. at Coteau du Lac.
Sergeant B. Rangers.
?rovis d at Cataraqui.
S. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Provis'd at Johnstown.
S. Son of Mr. Grout, Issuing Com-
missary Loyalist. J.F. N.McL.
S. Soldier. R. R.N.Y. J.F.
S. Came to Canada March, 1785. A
settler. Capt. John Jones' list.
A wife and 3 children. Provi'sd at
Wife and child. Not come up.
to Canada.
Soldier 84th Regiment.
Lieut. R.R.N.Y.
Lt. from the Southward.
Capt. R.R.N.Y.
Loyalist and Express in the War.
103rd Regiment.
King's Rangers.
By Daniel Gleeson, 84th Regiment.
Partisan all the War. U.E.
Governor Hamilton.
Butler's Rangers.
Lieut. Minute men.
Seaman on Lake Ontario.
8th Regiment.
Guthrie, Robert
Gilchrist, John
Grant, Alexander
Grant, Allan
Gill, John De Courcy
Goose, John
Grant, Archibald
Gahagan, Edward
Gamble. John
Garner, the late Matthew (by John).,
Gibson, George
Grant, Alexander . . .
Graves, Adam
Grout, John
Green, Caleb
Green, Roger
Gamlin, Widow ....
Gowin, Widow ....
Grichel, John
Gerhart, Ernette ....
Gorman, Sigismond .
Giles, Thomas
Goode, William.
Girbig, Carl Wilhelm
Grendel, Francis
Grant, Thomas
Grum, Elijah
Golden, John
Goned, John
Green, Charles
Goon, John
Grant, Hugh
Gray, Philip
Gordon, George
Griffin, Charles
Gay, Jane
Gaven, Thomas
Gillet, Adonijah . . .
Goodwilly, Joseph .
Gilles, John
Gordineer, Robert. . .
Gar hard, Mathew. . .
Surgeon B. Rangers.
Sergt. Elizabethtown, Loyal Rangers.
" Charlottenburgh.
" Elizabethtown.
Hospital mate of Canada.
Soldier. W.D.
Lieut. 84th Regiment.
Marine Department.
Hospital mate last war.
Soldier American War.
Ship Carpenter and Ordnance Service,
Commodore Naval Depart. Lake Erie
Ensign King's Rangers.
Their husbands both served his Ma-
Ssty. Gowin — son — an officer, was
German soldier.
Treasury L. , 1792. Had been a sol-
dier in H. M. service in America.
Treasury L., 1792. Emigrant from
Soldier 84th Regiment.
N.B. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier in Me Alpine's Corps. L. B. L . ,
Soldier in Jessup's Corps. L.B.L.,
Widow of Peter Foster — a soldier,
drowned in 1780.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Gervey, John
Gallermoult, Baptiste .
Gilbert, Josiah
Green, Peter
Gorin, Francis
Grant, George
Goulden, Thomas
Houff, or Huff, Christian
Hoffman, Josiah
Ham, John
Hagadoorn, Jacob
Harns, Thomas
Hicks, George
Hainer, Barnett
Howell, Widow
Hailman, Peter
Huniman, Henry
Huff negle, Widow
Harkmer, Mathew
Hicks, Thomas
Haveline, Mathew
Hpxey, Samuel
Hinman, John
Hetherington, C
Huckey, John
Hopper, Conrad
Hayne, Henry
Hynes, Adam
Haislip, James
Hutchison, Wm
Hammon, John
> [oughlang, J ames
Hoff , Hans and wife . . .
Hilton, Lawrence
House, Conrod
Heyser, Frederick
Heysick, John
Hendider, Christopher.
Harley, Christopher . . .
Hicks, James
Huntsinger, Jacob
Hattingbrant, Jacob . .
Houghtail, Joseph
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
". Non-Commissioned Officer
King's A. Regiment.
Soldier of Delaney's Corps.
Quartermaster General's Department
at Quebec in 1776.
Osnabruck. A common settler. N.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. L. B. L.
S. A soldier in a German Regiment.
A wife and one child.
A wife and two children.
S. Soldier, German Troops.
A wife and child.
and four children.
3. German soldier, J. F.
Soldier R. R. N. Y., J. F.
A wife and son soldier R. R. N. Y.,
Muster Roll.
Wife and seven children.
A wife, Butler's Rangers, L.B.N.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
S. Coteau du Lac.
!orpl. Sophiasburg.
Quitted his land.
Gone to the States.
" Soldier R.R. N. Y,
Muster Roll,
one to the States for his family.
Hay, Joseph
Hay, Henry ,
Hilliard, Nathaniel
Holland, John Frederick . . .
Hannah, Samuel .........
Heron or Herring Elliot . .
Henderson, Archibald
Henderson, James
High, William
Herieks, John
Hix, George
Huffman, Conrod
Hall, Thomas
Harboth, Frederick
Harness, Michael
Harpur, Thomas
Hill, Patrick
Hobbs, John
Hainer, Zechariah
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Robert
Hamilton William
Hambro, John
Haffy, William
Harkimar, John ,
Harrow, Alexander. Esq...
Hay wood, James
Heron, Owen ,
Hutchings, John
Hamilton, Colin
Hay, John
Henly, Thomas
Holmes, Thomas
Hurd, Thomas
Hoff or Hutf, Andrew
Hogedone, Harinanus
Humphrey, Emanuel
Herns, John
Herring, John
Holmes, James
Hoppenad, Frederick
Hock, George
Hock, Godfrey
Haner, David
Hill, Isaac
Hill, Aaron
Hewitt, John, no privilege.
Hewitt, Thomas, "
Lt.-Govr. of Detroit.
Lieut. R. R. N. Y.
Lieut. Indian Dept.
Lieut. R. R. N. Y.
Soldier King's Rangers.
King's or 8th Regt. 3 years' man.
Regt. of Brunswick, Lunenburgh.
B. Rar
B. Rangers.
" Soldier R.R.N.Y.M.ROU.
" R.R.N.Y. M.Roll.
Carpenter's mate in several ships.
Soldier B. Rangers.
Naval Dep't Lake Erie.
M. (Uaimaut.
Sergt.- Major 84th Regt.
Served during the whole war.
Corpl. Cornwall or Roxborough, 84th
Sergt. Charlottenburg.
" Hawkesbury.
' Fredericksburg.
8th Regt.
B. Rangers.
N. C. officer, Butler's Rangers.
Soldier R. R. N. Y.
« «
Col. or Lt. Col. from the Southward.
German soldier.
Captain, Mohawk Chief.
u « «
Treasury L. 1792, Emigrant E.
" " " EmigrantE.
Howell, William .
Ho well, John
Howell, John, Junr. . . .
Holmes, Charles
Herchfield, Frederick .
Holdford, William
HorsfaLl, Joseph
Herner. Frederick
Humphreys, Thomas . .
Holmes, Joseph
Hill, Patrick
Holmes, Hugh
Hazard, John
ti ill, Jacob
Hanger, Frederick
Hogerman. Andrew . . .
Henrick, William
Hanington, Cornelius .
Helmick, George
Horn, Frederick
Humbleman, John
Houfman, Frederick. . .
Hearse, Andrew
Hoks, Joseph
High, John
Hart, Jonathan
Hons, John
Henderson, John
Haly, George
Hooste or Huest, John
Hartly, David
Haston, Izrail.
Hubor, Adam
House, Chroust
Heith, John
Howell, Griffith
Hales, John
Hope, Richard
Henning, Henry
Havilin, Benjamin . .
Holland, David
Hylard, .Nicholas . . .
Herring, Nathaniel . .
Herring, Henry
Haines, Henry
Hinmand, Benjamin
Horner, William —
Son of John( senr
Served in time of the French war in
Treasury L. 1792, son of John, Senr.
" of German Troops.
" Emigrant from Eng.
" Soldier, Ger. Troops.
" had been in America.
B. Rangers, W. D.
Loyalist, W. D.
" U.E.
Soldier 44th Regt.
Served in Refugees at New York, W.
Loyalist Major Close's List, W. D.,
A. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Hyatt, Cornelius
Hamerla, John
Havens, John
Hagan, Samuel
Hyde, Ephraim
Holo wager, George Godfrith
Hilliker, John
Harris, Jonathan
Harris, Richard
Hard, Limon
Hewet, Henry
Haath, Phineas
Hiens, Godfrey
Holland, John Andrew
Hiclle, Andrew
Huttinger, Adam
Hogelen. Henry
Helhker, Abraham
Hard, Elisha
Hoyt. Abraham
Hubbel, Isaac
Hunter, Moses
Hill, Timothy
Hand, John ,
Hoffman, Jabest
Holstead, Emas
Hutchison, George
Hervey, David
Huntly, John
Harman, Valentine
Hoy, Alexander
Hyatt, Gilbert
Hogle, John *. .
Hawly, Eli,
Hogle, George
Hogedale, Christopher
Hogedale, John
Huddleman, John Andrew
Hoeman, John
Hagerdoou , Peter
Hogan, Edward
Heymond, John, (died Sept., 1783)
Hosier, Joseph
Haines, George
Hartle, Henry
Harman, Henry
Hustis, Lieut. James
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Hessian soldier.
A settler in 1787. See P. 1794.
Soldier 57th Regt., P. L. B. L.
Settler from Vermont, P. to L. B. L.
Sergt., German Troops, P. to L.B.L.
Sergt. Loyal Rangers.
A soldier Butler's Rangers J.F.
Son of a Loyalist, J. F.
Soldier German Troops.
Of Col. Emrick's Corps.
Hope, Richard
Hough, George
Harris, David.
Hall, Isaac
Hesf ord, Joseph . .
Ham, Malachi . .
Hevett, Thomas
Howley, Zadoc . .
Hetlar, Adam
Hainer, Henry . ,
Hard, James
Iredale, Abraham.
Johnson, Judah.
James, Daniel .
Jinks, Joseph . . .
Johnson, John
Johnson, Samuel . .
Johnson, Jacob
Jago, Henry
Jacob, Christian . .
Jones, William ....
Jacobs, James
Jones, James
Jacobs, George
Johnson, Patrick . .
Jones, J. , or John . .
Jones, John
Joes, Isaac
Jones, John
Jarden, Peter
Jones, David ,
Jack, William
Jost, Christopher . . .
Johnson, Charles . . .
Johns, Daniel
Jones, Ephraim Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., I. F.
Soldier 2ndBatt. R.R.N.Y., H.Spen-
cer's Certificate.
Soldier King's Rangers, T. Bell's
Cornwall, joined in 1777, A. McL.
Soldier Butler's Rangers ; after the
reduction he removed to New
Brunswick, from whence he has late-
ly returned p. letter from R.
Clench, 24th January, 1807.
Soldier 31st Regt., p. Petition, 1809.
Soldier King's Rangers, L. Bd, M.D.
Soldier 2nd Batt. R.R.N.Y., Certi-
ficate of Andrew Kimmerly.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, R. Clench's
3f Jessup's.
Lieut, of Guides and Pioneers.
Prov'd at Cataraqui.
A wife and nine children, Incorpor-
ated Loyalist.
S. prov'd at Johnstown, R.R.N.Y.,
J. F.
A wife and two children.
S. Soldier B. Rangers.
iVife and 1 child, soldier B. Rangers.
Widow and three children
Absent, soldier Loyal Rangers.
to Johnstown,
of Oznabruck.
Said to have been employed.
3, Rangers.
and Seige of Quebec,
ergt. 60th Regiment,
king's Rangers.
'reasury L. Emigrant fromEngland..
^ ot privileged. Frenchman.
H. D. Settler in 1787.
I. a soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Resided in the States after the War
P. 1797.
Jadscheak, John
Johnson, Jonathan
Jackson, John
Jackson, William (died March, 1783.
Tnnice, Gilbert
Jacobs, John
Jobear, Francis
Jackson, Edward
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, David, of Cornwall
Jones, Elpheus
Johns, Edad
John, Hugh
Koughnett, Michael
Kerr, Robert . .
Keif, Francis . .
Kizer, John
Knave, John . .
Kentner, John
Kelsey, John
Kilman, Philip . .
Kippas, John
Knapp, George . .
Koughnott, John
Knave, Adam
King, Patrick
Kilburne, Charles
Keller, Daniel
Ketler, Lewis
Ketler, William
Knight, Charles
Killing, or Keeb'ng, Luke .
Kind, Thomas
Kahmann, I. H
Kettle, Jeremiah
Kenner, Thomas
Klengenbrummer, Nicholas
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Soldier 29th Regt.
Son of Conrad Johnson. T. Dix.
Cornwall, settler from England J.F.
Son of Elisha who joined in 1775, and
after the Peace of 1783 went to
Nova Scotia. 0. E.
Common settler in 1786. O. E.
" 1786. O. E.
A wife and four children, Sergeant,
A wife and one child, Surgeon, R.R.
S. soldier 53rd Regt., O.C., 30th Aug-
ust, 1797, 300.
S. soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster Roll.
« <t «
p. Genl. Haldi-
mand's Certificate.
Settler, came into Canada, March
1785. Capt. John JonesJ Certe.
A wife, prov'd at Niagara.
P. Fort Erie.
' and two children, P. Detroit.
S. gone to the States, soldier R.R.
S. gone to the States, soldier R.R.
N.Y. Muster Roll.
Lachine, soldier R.R. N.Y. M. Roll,
of Jessup's — not in.
liieut. Brunswick's Corps.
Soldier King's Rangers.
Sergt. Williamsburg.
5ergt. Sophiasburg.
provincial Marine Department.
3th Regt.
Said to have been a Sergt. in Col.
Creutzberg's Chasseurs.
Discharged seaman from L. Erie.
do from Col. Bryman's Gren-
adiers of Brunswick, 1783.
Klenzmatin, Daniel . . ;
Koeing, John
Krickel, Nicholas
Ketler, Henry
Kerlin, John
Kidden, Thomas
Kelly, Thomas
Kennedy, Andrew
Korunme, Dingmund
Kersy, William
Kelly, Mathew
Keese, Hendrick
Kappas, Daniel
Kelly, Joseph
Kilman, John
Kisker, Donald
Kyser, Michael
Karn, Jacob
Ketchum, David
Kelly, John
Kelly, Martin
Ketchum, Ephraim
Keith, Cornelius
Kirigsheart, Elisha
Knar, John,
Ketch, Cornelius
Kingsberry, Joseph
Kniskarn, Henry
Kilmire, Nicholas , . . . •
Kayne, Michael
Kilmire (alias Byrne), Philip
Kanabensten, George
Lancette, James
Levings, Jedediah
Lindsay, James, Senr
Lucky, Samuel .... .
Laughya, William.
Loft. David
Loyd, Henry
Long, Conradt . . .
Lawray, John
Lewis, Frederick .
Leahy, Lodowick
Lawrence, James
Leikee, Conrad . ,
German soldier.
Soldier R.R N.Y.
Y. Loyalist, emigrant from England.
bth Regt.
84lh "
A soldier R.R. N.Y. Muster Roll.
N. B.
A. soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
A. " "
A. " <<
Soldier 84th Regimeet.
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
Soldier "
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
A settler E. J.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., J. F.
J. F.
Soldier 34th Regiment, W. Dickson.
Soldier ProvUatCataraqui 34th Regt.
A soldier R.R. N.Y. Certe. H. Spen-
S. soldier R.R.N.Y.
S. R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
A wife and two children, a settler, J.
F. Came to Canada, March 1785.
Captain John Jones' list.
3. Prov'd. at Niagara.
Long, Philip
Lan-singh, P. P
Lundergan, Cornelius
Louks, Peter
Low, Nicholas
Lake, Israel
Lampman, Abraham, Senr
Lampman, Abraham, Junr
Leatch, William
Lent, Elias
Liddle, Andrew
Losee, Pompo
Lucas, Daniel
Lummis, Ezekiel
Long, Peter
Lyons William
] ^angan, Patrick
Lipscombe. Patrick
Lamotte, William
Laws, Jacob
Lawler, J
Lebrete, Alexis
Lepage (dit Amont), J. B .
Lewis, Nathaniel
Lis bourne, John
Lickemburg, Michael
Little, James
Long, Phili
Lucas, Conrod
Lyons, George
Lawe, George
Lamaire, Christopher
Lemoine, Henry
Link or Lynk, Benjamin. . .
Livingston, Benjamin
Lindsay, Samuel
Long, Edward
Linch, Frederick
Lemon, Jacob
Loyd. William
Loyd, John
Loyd, Edward
Lindsay, Edward
Lewis, Nathan
Lakey, Henry
Lutes, John
Lang, Philip F
Louks, Adam
Landregan, Cornelius
Lieutenant R.R.N.Y.
On board of King's vessel.
Montreal soldier R.R.N.Y.
States for his family.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
M. Roll.
8th Regiment.
Lieutenant R.R.N.Y.
Gov. Hamilton, Capt. Indian Dept.
German Troop.
Siege of Quebec.
Governor Hamilton.
84th Regiment.
B. Rangers.
60th Regiment.
Loyalist U. E. by Major Mathews.
8th Regiment.
U. E.
Captain 84th Regiment.
Ensign 84th Regiment.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Officer 2nd Battalion R.R.N.Y.
Captain Guides and Pioneers.
German soldier.
Settler in 1789.
T. Loyalist had been in America.
" son of William.
B. Rangers.
A settler.
Lenders, James
Lensing, David
Lickemburner, Nicholas
Lans, Jacob
Loveless, Ebenezer
Lessley, John
Lockwood, James . .
Lock/wood, Peter . .
Lewis, John
Lubdel, James
Lawyer, John
Langden, Richard . .
Loveless, Jeremiah
Loveless, James
Loveless, Thomas . . .
Lamphear, William .
Lamphear, Samuel .
Light, Benjamin . . .
Loughy, William
Lonsow, Jobeph
Leib, John
Logan, David
Lean, John
Lightheart, John . . .
Lester, Thomas, Senr
Leonard, Baldoff . . .
Lebarge, Jean
Loucks, William
Lewis, Frederick
Lauden, Benjamin ..
Lonsburry, Isaac
Loucks, John
Leonard, John
Link, Jacob
La Forge, Vincent .
Lee, William
Morey, John . . .
Miller, Oonradt .
Miller, Elisha...
Miller, Justice . ,
Mabee, Abraham
Mathews, Thomas E
Soldier 60th Regiment W. List.
German soldier, taken prisoner in Vir-
Served in Burgoyne's Expedition.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Emigrant settler.
Son of Thomas, a subaltern in the
late Queen's Ranger*, p. P. to L.B.
L. 1790, 200 granted for himself.
Sold er Loyal Rangers.
Son of Richard Loucks.
A settler.
A settler.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
3znabruck a common settler N.McL.
Major Holland's guides one year.
>on of Mathias, Senr. N.McL.
nterpreter to Six Nation Indians.
L Black, volunteer with Capt. Bird,
8th Regiment.
L wife and four children. Prov'd at
wife and four children. Capt. In-
corporated Loyalists.
A settler.
Martin, Em as.
Maxfield, John . . .
Malone, William . ,
Munroe, Alexander
Matice, Henry
Mahanes, John . . .
Morden, Daniel . . .
Mott, Joseph
Mines, George . . .
Morrison, Widow .
Mercle, Catherine.
March, Thomas . . .
Medaugh, Peter
Mitchell, Agnes
Mount, Moses
Money, Michael
Morland, John
Miller, Samuel
Morvin, Daniel
Marcelius, Sevories
Mitchell, Winard
Moor, Francis
Morehouse, John
Morehouse, William . . .
Mosher, Benjamin
Munro, Elijah
Murison, Jonathan ....
Miller, Jeremiah
Midaugh, George
Mitchell, Gilbert
Muirhead, James
Maun, Isaac
Maun, John . .
Margaon, Thomas
Miller, Nathaniel ....
Moor, Laurent
Murphy, John
March, Josiah
Maisenville, Alexis . . .
Martin, John
Martin, Thomas
Myers, Michel Andrew
Melvin, Meredith
A wife and three children. Prov'd at
A wife.
A wife and five children.
S. Soldier Butler's Rangers, see
Mary P.'s P.
S.' Soldier R. R N. Y. Muster Roll.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
S. of German Troop. N. McL,
and two children.
A wife and child, soldier 84th Regt. p.
discharged, came Sept. 24, 1807.
A wife and son, a settler.
One other woman and child.
S. Sergt. Butler's Racgers.
S. Abst. from Cataraqui.
A wife and child, gone off.
Jone to the States.R.R.N.Y. M.Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., M.Roll.
oldier King's Rangers.
B. Rangers.
urgeon Mate 60th Regt.
Lieut. R.R.N.Y.
)apt. King's Rangers,
iergt. Marysburgh.
Detroit Volunteers and Pro. Navy.
« it «
>oldierR.R.N.Y., M.Roll.
>oldier R.R.N.Y.
}apt. with Gov. Hamilton.
"^ Loyalist.
STear five years in the Navy.
st Bat. 60th Regt. 25 yrs. N. C.
Lieut. Marine Dept.
Miles, James ,
Minzies, James
Margan or Morgan, William
Mitchell, John
Mosher, H ezekiah
Miller, Ulrich
Moenneke, John Fredk. .
Miller, John
Milton, Thomas
Milton, Thomas, Jr
Mansfield, Martin
Mariner, Barrett .
Mompesson, Capt . .
Morris, William....
Morris, Nathaniel. .
Morton, Alexander.
Martine, Robert ....
Mulloy, James
Moody, Jonathan . .
Marks, Christopher.
Mpnier, John
Mirvay , James
Milliard, Isaac
Miglebury, Peter . .
Misener, Leonard . .
Mickler, Godfry
Myers, Christian . . .
Myers, George ....
Messamore, John .
Mellott, Peter
Murray, Patrick . .
Mills, Cornelius . . .
Massey, James
Martial, John
Mechison, John
Morrison, Angus
Marsellis, Garret
Muirhead, John
Mann, William
Mann, Edward . .
Mitchell, Hugh
Mantle, John Baptiste .
Miller, David
Munro, Cornelius
Mosier, John
Miles, Thomas
Loyalist, served during war.
Sergt. Oznabruck 53rd Regt.
Drum Major, Williamsburgh.
Augusta settler, R.J.D.G.
German Soldier.
84th Regt.
Treasury Loyalist.
Wife and 5 children, Treasury Loyal-
ist, Emigrant from Ireland.
Treasury Loyalist.
, «
Seaman, Emigrant 1792.
Indian Department.
Of Mountain, son of Michl. Myers,
N. E., N.McL.
A soldier in German Corps, W.D. 1788.
Loyalist Major Close's list, "
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll.
one Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll.
T. Loyalist, had been a sol. in America.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Mus er Roll.
Mullen, John ,
Murray, George
Mindor, John
Mallory, Ephraim....
Mallory, Elisha
Mallory, Jeremiah .
Munro, Israel
Mires, Jacob
Mace, John
Mahan, Hugh
Mann, Thomas ....
Miller, Ralph
Maynard, Henry . .
Moore, Jasper .......
Michel, David ....
Mead, James
Mock, John
Mitchel, David ....
Mott, Henry
Maxwell, William..
Millers, John
Mosier, Christopher
Moffit, William
Mitchel, John
Myers, Philip......
Mulroy, John
Mukle, Richard
Murchison, Murdo .
Morgan, Kinzie
Mengis, James
Murphy, John
Monk, William ....
Millon, John
Mitchell, John
Mott, Joseph
Mathews, Pompey. .
Moore, Patrick ....
Mabee, John
Moor, William
Mills, John
Merwin, Elnathan .
Myers, Godfrey
Miller, Nathan ...
Marchand, Francis
Mosley , George ....
Miller, Sanmel . . .
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll
Settler from Vermont, L.B.L., 1790.
Drummer in Jessup's.
Soldier in Jessup's.
Late from New York, L.B.L., 1790.
State "
Soldier 8th Regt,, L.B.L., 1790.
Soldier 60th Regt.
Ensign Loyal Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Son of Michael Myers, U.E., J. F.
Soldier 84th Resrt.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
U («
Drummer 29th, 34th or 53rd.
Soldier 26th and 29th Regiments.
Drummer Butler's Rangers.
Soldier German Troops.
Lancaster soldier 44th Regt., N.McL.
Soldier R.R,N.Y.,J.F.
Black soldier, R.R.N.Y.. J.W.
Soldier 44th Regt., p. Discharge.
States that he remained in Sussex
County till the close of the war.
Soldier 84th Regt.
Soldier 31st Regt.
Served under Gen. Burgoyne, not resi-
dent, O.E.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., O.E.
From Scotland, W.D.
Soldier 84th Regt.
Served in the Engineer Department.
Incorporated Loyalist— at Ward's
Block House.
Maracle, Henry
Miller, Jacob
Muirhead. James
Moor, John
MeAulay, James
Me Alpine, the late, by Elizabeth
McBride, Peter
McBride, John
McCoye, Squire
McKinnon, John
McMichen, John
McNabb, Colin
McDonell, Angus
McDonell, James
McCarthy, Francis
McKay, William
McKenzie, Alexr
McKenzie, Alexander
McLean, Allan
McLean, Hector
McCarty, Edward
McFarson, James
McGillies, Randall
McLaughlin, John ,
McPherson, Daniel
McGregor, Gregor
McCann, Andrew
McColgan, Adam
McClellan, James
McDonell, Alexr
McDonell, Patrick
McFall, the late, by his daughter
McFarlane, J ohn
McMillan, Alexr
McNabb, Allan
McTavish, Alexr
McKillop, Daniel
McGowin, Stephen
McMahon, John
McGill, John
McCarthy, Duncan
McCaghey, John
McClure, John
McNight, James
McLean, Neal
McArty, John
McKay, Francis ,
Soldier Butler's Rangers, S.G.
Surgeon 60th Regt.
Soldier 8th Regt. , p. discharge.
Surgeon's Mate, Q.R.
Soldier 34th Regt.
Sergt. Q.R.
Corpl. King's Rangers.
Captain Butler's '
B. Rangers.
Ensign Nova Scotia Volunteer?.
Lieut. 71st Regt.
Ensign 84th "
Ensign R.R.N.Y., as McKenty.
Lieut. Delaney's.
'•' R.R.N.Y.
;< «
Ensign "
Lieut. 29th Regt.
' 84th "
84th "
Loyalist, W.D.
B. Rangers.
do Sergeant.
8th Regt.
84th "
Service at Detroit.
Lieut. Q. Rangers.
Soldier B.
orpl. Q.
Soldier R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll.
Killed in the King's service.
Boat bldr. Served in various situations.
Lieut. Delaney's.
'* Q. Rangers.
Soldier in 74th Regt.
Sergt. in B. Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
Qr. Master Q. Rangers.
Corpl. Charlot'nb'g. R. R. N. Y. M. Roll.
•| Williamsb'g.
Sergt. Elizabeth Town.
Lieut. 84th Regt.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M, Roll.
42nd Regt.
McDonell, Henry or, James . .
McGraugh, Garrett
McAlpine, and children
McMullan, Neil
McClay, Mrs
McMullan, John
McMullan, Alexr
McMullan, Angus
McMullan, Catherine
McMullan, Patrick
McMullan, John
McMullan, Hugh
McCarthy, Timothy
McCrea, Thomas .'
McPherson, Kenneth
McKay, James
McLean, Hector
McKain, Samuel, and wife ,
Mclntosh, Donald.
Me Bean, Donald ,
McKenzie, Widow
McKercher, Donald
McCallum, Donald
McGregor, Margaret, and child.
McLeod, Daniel
McLean, N*-il, and wife.
McKinly, William
McGregor, Philip
McMasters, Samuel .
McHern, John
McClougady, James.
McCosson, John
McCue, James
McMullen, Michael .
McDowell, Konald..
McDonell, John.
Mclntee, Barn's.
McLeod, Norman.
McBee, Lewis.
McMean, John.
McLeod, John.
McCarfrae, Dennis.
McDonald, Donald.
McLean, John
Treasury L. English emigrant.
Lieut. do.
Treasury do.
do. from Staten Island.
do. Emigrant from Ireland.
do. <?
do. "
1792. Emigrant from England.
Came up as a sailor, Marine Dept.
M. Elliott.
British soldier.
Provisioned at Johnstown. R.R.N.Y
M. Roll
Wife and five children.
A soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F.
A wife and four children.
At Montreal.
A wife and five children. Prov'd at
Coteau Du Lac.
Lachine. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Coteau Du Lac for his family.
Statesfordo. SoldierR.R.N. Y. M. RolL
To Johnstown. " " "
Native of Ireland. Major Close's list,
McKinty, Francis
McLawren, Evan
MoCarter, Donald
McDonell, Evan
McDbugall, Peter
McCarty, Caleb
McVicar, Dougal
McKellup, Alexander . ,
McCormiss, William....
McMurdy, James
McKenvjn, Charles
McCartney, James
McDonald, James
McGregor, Duncan
McKenzie, John
McKenzie , Thomas
McNeil, Alexander
McSheehy, Eugene
McNeil, James
McG-illivray, Daniel....
McKenzie, Alexander . ,
McMullan, John
McDonald, Michael
McKenzie, John
McDonell, Randy
Mclntosh, Alexander . .
McKendrick, John
.McLaughlin, Archibald
Me Arthur, Jenny
McDonell, Colquhan .
McGuire, Donald . . .
McDonell, Hector. .
McDonell, Catharine
McPhee, John
McDonell, Finlay
McPhee, Duncan
McKenzie, Roderick. . .
McCew, Patrick
Near, Charles
Nicholl (or Nichorlas), John
Noys, Nathaniel
Newkirk, William
Nicholson, William
Sergt. -Major R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier 31st Regt . L. B. L. 1790.
" 84th " L.B.Nassau, 1794.
" 71st "
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
Died in 1782.
Died in 1783.
R.R. N. York.
A soldier.
97th Regt.
Danghter of John Hogart, who joined
in 1779. N. McL.
Soldier in 84th Regt. J. F.
Son of Patrick. J. F.
Son of Farquhar. (Deceased.) J. F.
Daughter of Wm. Cameron of Char-
iottenburg. Soldier R, R. N. Y.
Joined in 1777.
Common settler— N. McL. — and one
was a soldier 73rd Regt. Discharged
in Britain.
Common settler (deceased). N. McL.
<( «
Joined in 1777. 22-12 Lancaster. "
Soldier 84th Regt.
Soldier King's R.
Sergt. Fredericksburg. R.R.N.Y.
Newkirk, E
Newman, Arthur
Neighton, John . .
Nap pin, Widow. .
Nicholl, Robert. . .
Neddo, Lewis . . .
Neder, Luke
Newkirk, John
Newark, John
Neibour, John
Nail, Frederick
Newton, John
Newton, Thomas ...
Nicholas, James
Nanamaker, Jacob.
Night, Charles
Northrop, Elihu
Northrop, Azer
Nelson, Caleb
Nicholas, John
Nix, John
Nunn, John
Nettleton, Timothy
Oakley, Benjamin..
Orra, Philip
Oflaharty, Patrick. .
O'Carr, Peter
O'Neal, John
Orser, Widow
Ostrom, Ralph ....
O'Hara, Catherine.
Ostrander, Andrew
O'Brien, Widow....
Osliger, Hen
Oyler, Valantine . .
O'Bryan, Timothy. ,
Orchard, Donald . .
O'Harra, Kain
O'Bryan, John
Orchard, William..,
Oatman, Henry
Osburn, Nathaniel. .
Okes, John
Soldier B. Rangers.
Called a good Loyalist.
Soldier 5th Hegt.
and one child. Prov'd. at Cataraqui.
A wife and one child.
A wife and one child. Prov'd. at
Johnstown. U. Canadian. Not pri-
A wife and four children.
A wife. Prov'd. at Niagara.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier 53rd Regt., L.B.L., 1790.
Sergt. Loyal Rangers.
Soldier ' "
" Jersey volunteers. J.F.
Son of Amos, a settler. O.C.
Soldier King's R.
« «
t " 8th Regt.
Said to have been on the Lakes a
Petty Officer.
Lieut. Jessup's or Roger's,
and child. Prov'd. at Cataraqui.
and son. Prov'd. at Johnstown, widow
of a Royalist, J.F. , widow of Kean
O'Hara, soldier K.R.N.Y. N.McL.
Wife and child. Prov'd, at Niagara.
and two sons.
A. Quitted his land.
Loyalist Major Close's list, 1788.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., L.B.L., 1791,
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Ostrander, Evert . . .
Ostrander, Abraham
O'Kief , Cornelius . . .
Orr, Thomas
Patterson, Ebenezer
Patterson, George
Patra, John
Persons, Christopher
Pells, Henry
Phils, Thomas
Phils, Samuel
Poickle or Pike, Jonathan . .
Pickle, perhaps Christopher
Pickle, Jacob
Phillips, Almon
Phillips, Seth
Pritchanl, Azariah
Pritchard, Azariah
Purkins, Jonathan
Palmer, Joseph
Palmer, Joseph Junr
Parker, John. . ,
Powell, Joseph
Price, Joseph
Pomeroy, —
Pratt, John
Prust, —
Pardo, John
Philiply, Charles
Pike, John
Pomainville, J
Powell, Joseph
Prince, John
Parks, Rolland
Paxton, Thomas
Pollard, Richard Esq
Pilkington, Robert . .
Porter, Richard
Porty, Christian
Palmerston, James....
Pruin, William
Peirce or Pearson . .
Purkess, William ...
Parker, William....
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
« «
« «
Soldier 84th Eegt., N.McL.
Soldier King's Rangers.
Soldier King's Rangers.
Sergeant 8th Regiment.
Soldier 34th Regiment.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M.R.
Soldier B. Rangers.
« «
Capt.,an apothecary from the S.ward.
3orpl. of Osnabruck. Soldier R.R.
N.Y. M. Roll.
Sergeant Fredericksburg.
5th Regiment.
Ten years in 44th Regt., and volun-
teer all the war.
A settler after the war, M. Elliott.
jrov. Hamilton.
[ndian Department.
3. Rangers.
Marine Department.
Borne arms in 1775.
^ieut. Royal Engineers, not privil'gd.
Capt. 60th Regiment,
German soldier.
Volunteer Indian Department.
Treasury Loyalist. Emigrant from
Was in His Ma-
jesty's service in America,
Phillips, John
Treasury Loyalist. Called a Jew from
Loyalist, W.D.
A wife and two children. Prov'd. at
A wife and three children,
and wife.
S. John Justus Prippin, soldier 34th
S. Prov'd at Johnstown. Drummer
R.R.N.Y. M.R.
A wife and child. Soldier R.R.N.Y.
M. Roll.
A wife. Soldier RR.N.Y. M. Roll.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
S. Soldier 8th Regiment.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
A wife and four children.
« i<
and two children,
and wife.
Gone to the States.
At Quebec.
At Montreal.
To Johnstown.
German Soldier.
In many years much persecuted. W.D.
A drummer R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
A soldier
A. "
A. Senzt. " "
Pike, Robert
Piercy John . .
Peters, Joseph
Parsalls, John
Prippin, Augustus
Paterson, Ellas . .
Painter, George
Potter William
Pickle, James
Prosser, Richard
Perry, Edward
Putnam, Nathaniel
Pescod David . . .
Paddock John
Plaus, John
Plaus, Richard
Prime, Cato
Picket, William
Price. William
Pritchard, John
Parks, «Min
Philips, Nicholas
Philips, Nicholas Junr
Pattengell, C
Price, Patrick
Preter, John
Pfaudt, Frederick ...
Pervisus, John . . .
Pecking, James
Plasse, John
Pea, Charles
Predget, John . . .
Playges, Laurence
Ploss, Henry
Pitcher, Laurence
Patten, Robert
Pangart, Conrad e
Peppers, John
Partners, Adam
Pimricais, Joseph
Plantz, John
Perch, Robert
Palmer, John . .
Perch, Nathaniel
Prime, Francis .
Putnam, Francis.
Price. J acob
Plant, John ....
Parlmis, John . .
Parlmis, George . .
Pennick, Joseph
Parish, Joel
Putman, Robert
Pettit, Jonathan
Pritchard, Stephen
Poyer, Nicholas
Parnel, Abraham »
Parker, Wm
Preston, Wm
Plinter, Christopher
Persons, Chalwell
Proctor, Ephraim
Plass, Peter
Pest, John (died in January, 1783)
Poor, Augustus
Parthlow, John
Portague, Baptiste
Peters, Andrew
Pettit, Dunham
Phelps, Jonathan
Prosser, Richard
Papts or Babst, John
Park, 'James
Putrnan, Nathan
Phillips, John
Quig, Patrick.
Ryan, Cornelius.
Roggie, John . . .
Rampler, Henry
Road, Wolf Gang
Robinson, Benjamin
Ruhart, Jacob
Redin, Edward
Ronon, John
Ruff, James
Ruport, Peter
A. Soldier R.R.N. Y. M . Roll.
A. "
A. "
A, "
I. Corporal "
Loyalist ^Major Close's List, 1788.
Son of Captain James Pennick, of
Peter's Corps. P. to L.B.L. 1790;
states from Vermont lately.
From Vermont, P.L.,L.B.L.,1790.
Soldier 29th Regt.
An old soldier. L.B. Nassau, 1794.
A Soldier 29th Regt.
German Soldier, Regt. of Spink.
A solder during the war.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
• R.R.N. Y. J. F.
Son of Adam Papst, U.E.
Volunteer, Indian Dept.
Emigrant from the States. J.F.
Soldier 2nd Batln. R.R.N.Y. H.
S. Prov'd. at Johnstown. Soldier
84th Regt.
Lieut. T. Loyalist.
A wife and 4 children. T. Loyalist —
German Soldier.
T. Loyalist.
B. Rangers.
8th Regt. W.D.
84th Regt. W.D.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., also one named
Peder Rupert, R.R.N.Y. I.C.
Robertson, David
Ruiter, Henry . . .
Ruiter. John . .
Ruiter, Henry
Ross, John
Raricier, Joseph
Reynolds. Samuel
Rozacrantz, Nicholas
Reynolds, Thomas ,
Rivard, F
Roberte, Francois
Itoberte. Joseph
Roe, Walter
Rose, John
Rudhftst or Ruhart G. <fcJ,
Ross, John
Rough, James ,
Rummerfield, Anthony . . .
Ruth, Richard
Ryter, John
Rogers, James
Ross, Lewin Ralph
Raimond, Widow
Reynolds, John
Redford. Thorns .
Roat, George
Rochell, John
Ridley, Wm
Ryckman, Widow.
Reynolds, Daniel ,
Ross, Charles
Roach, John
Richardson, George
Read, Duncan
Ruport, Francis ....
Ruport, John
Ruport, Adam
Ruport, Hans.
Rose, James . .
Rose, Henry .
Richardson, Edward ....
Ramsay, James
Sergt.. Cornwall and Koxboro'.
Captain R. Rangers.
Lieut. or Loyal Ran
Maior 34th Regt.
Butler's Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. R.
Volunteer Butler's Rangers.
Oommiss'y. of Provisions.
Srovr.. Hamilton.
Detroit Volunteers.
Warrant Off cer, Marine Dept.
B. Rangers.
Loyalists and B. Rangers.
Sergt. 26th Regt.
Flis Majesty's Navy ; last war.
Jailed a good Loyalist.
Entered the service in 1758.
A discharged soldier.
Long prisoner ; attached to us.
Lieut. 5th Regt. (not privileged).
One child. Prov'd. at Cataraqui.
S. Soldier King's Rangers, L. B. L.
and 3 children.
S. Prov'd. at Johnstown. Sergeant
Loyal Rangers.
A wife and child. Soldier Loyal
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
R.R.N.Y. Joined in 1776. N.
McL. .
A wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
A discharged German soldier — One of
this name came in in March. Capt.
John Jones.
,nd Wife, prov'd. at Niagara,
and 2 women.
Ransier, Ann
Reid, Michael
Royser, Michael ,
Roach, James
Roland, Lewis
Roing, losare )
Rhuart, Jacob J ' '
Ramser, Adam
Rawsom, Christr
Raw, John
Reynolds, Solomon
Reynolds, Reuben
Ramsay, James, Jr,
Reynoll, Wm
Ritchie. John
Rose, Wm
Riley, David
Robinson, Robert
Rose, Finlay -
Rice, Frederick
Rawlins, Grant
Reid, Alexander
Robinson, James
Rowstoun, George
Reynolds, John , >
Reynolds, George I
Rasseiy, Julions I
Rassley, Frederick J
Randall, David
Renna, John
Reynolds, Ephraim
Reynolds, John
Rily, Thomas
Robins, Joshua
Rouse, George . .
Robertson, Duncan ,
Ref enburg, Abraham
Radiker, Henry
Russel, Elisha
Robins, Wm
Row, Alexander
Row, James
Resh, Philip
Robinson, Joseph
Ren, Anthony
Richardson, William
Reynolds, Samuel. .
and 1 Man. Provd. at Fort Erie.
Canada. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
Soldiers, Butler's Rangers.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Scotland, Major Close's, 1788.
N.B. Soldier R.R.N,Y. M, Roll,
I. Sergeant
E. Soldier
N.B, "
Barbs. Sergeant
I. Soldier
N.B. "
E, "
Mjr. Close's List, 1788— Loyalists.
A Settler, 1790.
Soldier Col, De Bernard's Hessian.
A Settler, L.B.L., 1790.
Soldier King's Rangers.
24th Regt.
An old Soldier, L.B.N., 1794.
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
R.R.N.Y. J. F,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. J.F.
Soldier ( German Troops.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
German soldier, N.McL.
Son of Asa, employed on Secret ser-
vice, and died therein. O.E.
Volunteer Butler's Rangers. S.G.
Ricely, Christian ...
Smith, Joseph
Scetterly, Joseph
Shank, Jacob
Slengerline, Philip
Smith, Eliphilcete
Snyder, Christian
Speed, George
Spencer, Thomas
Stuart, Solomon
Stevens, Simon
Sweet, Nicholas
Shwarts, Frederick
Sutton, Isaac
Shunck, Martin
Bhilders, John
Skeaws, John
Slain, George
Slingerland, Tunis
Smith, Adam
Smith, Robert
Stevens, Nicholas
Stewart, George
Stout, Martin
Stout, Richard
Saint Endre, I.B
Schefflin, Jonathan
Scott, William
Elizabeth, his daughter.
Speak, Simon
Shaver, Michael
Shoick, Peter
Siebetslie, George
Simmonds, James
Smith, John
Smith, I. or J
Smith, Thomas
Soweracrito, I. B .
Spackman, J
Stoaly, John
Shippy, Zebulon
Small, George
Smith, William
Stapleton, the late (by Elizabeth)
Staggman, John
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
Sergt. Edwardsburg L. Rangers. S.G.
" of Fredericksburg.
Soldier K. Rangers.
R.R.N.Y. or King's Rangers.
A soldier.
B. Rangers.
Naval Dept.
Interpreter Indian Dept.
B. Rangers.
Detroit Volunteers.
" Lieutenant.
Loyalist, private Detroit Volunteers.
B. Rangers
Hesse Hanaiu.
B. Rangers.
German Corps and Provincial Navy.
8th Regt.
84th « and at taking of Quebec.
Marine Dept.
Detroit Volunteers (sergeant).
Royal Artillery.
B. Rangers.
Called a good Loyalist.
Served under Sir John Johnson, Cor-
poral. R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
German Marine Dept.
Master Carpenter Engineers' Dept,
Lieut. Hessian Corps,
Sutherland, David
Swerdfager, Rev. William.
Steadman, Philip
Schel, Anthony
Schudlett, James
Schnitter, Nicholas
Semler, John
Swartfager John
Shaw, Hugh ...-.
Sheler, John
Staylor, William
Shabash, Peter
Stark, Henry Bethune
Shuman, George
Schutz, George
Slingerland, Walter
Shepherd James
Smades, Joshua
Spragus, Jonathan
Scarlett, George
Stewart, Francis
Stafford, Abel
Spinks, James
Stapleton, Elizabeth.
Shouk, Patrick
Segon, Jacob
Stratton, Thomas
Scott, William
Steel, Margaret Scott
Stephenson, James . .
Scott, Catherine
Spalden, Catherine ..
Stretch, Daniel
Stephinson, Richard . .
Sibley, Gilbert
Sibley, Sarah
Selby, Thomas .
Swartze, Peter .
Sinpless, Robert.
Seek, Nicholas .
Skeetel, Jacob .
B. Rangers.
His father fell in service of the King.
Much persecuted, came in in 1790.
Not privileged,
erman soldier.
Sergt. 25th Regt.
29th Regt.
Dorps of Rangers.
~reen Yagur.
Capt. 63rd Regt.
A soldier German Regt.
A soldier.
B. Rangers
Sergt. K. A. Dragoons.
Joined at New York, 1778, Secret
Came in 1794 ; lost his property.
lis father's house and barn burnt in
A settler in 1794.
VCarine Dept.
>Vidow of William Martin, Corporal,
B. Rangers. W. D.
jhip Carpenter, Lake Champlain.
Sergt. Detroit Volunteers,
daughter of Jacob Huett, a settler,
"""reasury Loyalist ; had been a tavern
keeper in New York,
'reasury Loyalist.
" ' emigrant from England.
son of the widow Sarah,
from Nova Scotia, a
widow, and is returned there,
reasury Loyalist.
Sutler's Rangers. W.D.
oyalist, W.D., Butler's Rangers.
" a child not privi-
leged, ISO-.
Skittle, Jacob, .
Smith, THomas
Spiers, John . .
Scout, John
Simmon, widow
Swope, Stephen
Sangerhausen, George
Schnyder, Peter
Schnyder, Zachariah .
Seager, John
Sinnet, Peter
Sample, Hugh
Staples, Ebenezer
Sopner, Joseph
Shoultz, Peter
Surwatt, Christian . .
Spratley, Thomas
Stout, John
Somers, Laney
Smith, Conrod
Spencer, Barnard
Sagus, Henry, or Segar
Stoneburner, James
Streets, James, Junr. . .
Serey, Richard
Stickman, John
Stoly, Jacob
Schrout, Henry
Soper, Sarah
Seron, Christopher
Shaver, Nicholas
Shyers, Jacob
Swanson, George
Snow, John
Segar, John
Schram, James
Schram. Abraham
Song, Peter
Smith, Mathias
Sheverland, John
Stawple, Jacob
Steaty, John
Springstin, Gasper
Simmouds, James
Loyalist, W. D.
" Marine Dept.
S. prov'd at Cataraqui.
A wife and one child ; soldier Loyal
and two children
S. soldier Loyal Bangers
S. "
S. "
A wife and seven children.
S. soldier 29th Regt. p. discharge.
S. " 53rd Regt. (or Sowerwort).
S. Provincial at Johnstown, soldier
R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
S. son of John of Cornwall U.E. J.F.
S. Sergt. R.R.N. Y. Muster Roll.
SolcUajJLoosburg Hessian Regt.
One chiltT
S. soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll
A wife and child.
A wife and five children ; emigrant
from the States. J.F.
A wife and two children.
S. soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll,
Six children.
A wife and two children, prov'd at
A wife and five children.
A wife.
And wife.
And wife. Prov'd at Fort Erie.
A wife and child.
Stringer, John
Scrambling, David.
Sutton, Samuel
Scanlin, John
Stotlick, Philip . .
Smith, Hugh
Slingerland, Dennis . . .
Skinner, Isaiah
Schequet, Jacob
Stedman, William
Springer, Margaret . .
Steby, John
Stoffle, Jacob
Scuss, John
Shoart, Michael
Sitnoff, Jacob
Springsteen, George. . .
Stringer, Andrew
Showman, Conrade . . .
Secord, Magdalen
Steishoff, John
Snider, Luke
Snider, Saul
Smith, Fticke
Shotice, John
Simson, Robert
Sons, Bott Samuel.
Sewert, Jacob.
Shivington, Francis , . .
Sturuat, Chiistopher .
Soy, Anovy
Singer, John
Shortcrop, Christopher
Scheffre, Michael
Shepley, John
Speckman, Joseph.
Sherman, Henry . .
Schel &ted, George .
Stoutmyre, Adam.
Showls, John G . . ,
Shaver, George . . .
Shaver, George
Smith, William
Sheveritt, John
And wife. Gone off to the States.
At Montreal. Soldier R.R.,N.Y. M.
At Montreal.
Terrebonne. Soldier R.R.N.Y., M.
Son of Timothy.
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
Soldier German corps. Major Close's
list, 1788.
German soldier.
A German.
Served as boatswain on Lake Erie.
F. Soldier R.R.N.Y., Muster Roll.
. 25 years soldier R.R.N.Y. Mus-
ter Roll.
A. 20 years soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster
E. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
E. ° "
Seymour, Henry
Spratly, Thomas
Syphert, Joseph
Shades, Adam
Sullivan, Dennis
Schamerhorn, Peter . . .
Siver, Henry
Stoneberg, Stephen
Shaver, Maurcus .......
Sullivan, Cornelius
Stats, Casper
Solomon, Jeremiah
Slieneman, Henry
Shirelant, John ,
Shirts, John
Sturges, William
Smith, Henry
Smyth, George
Summervill, John
Skiukle, Henry
Simmon, Balster
See, James
See, John
Sole, Timothy
Sharor, Thomas
Still, John
Stafford, Joseph
Sastera, Joseph
Stone, James
Stever, Peter
Scott, David
Slater, William
Scott, David,. Junr.
Scott, Neil
Stenson, Elnathan ,
Scott, Daniel
Stone, Simon
Sampson, Aaron
Sampson, Theophilus ..
Sewseth, Henry ,
Sulfrage, John
Sutherland, James
Sharp, Philip
Scott, Abraham
Saff ara, J oseph
Simmons, Jonas
Suurr, Peter
Sherer, Thomas
Sanders, William, Junr
E. Soldier R.R.N. Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier in the German Troops.
Corporal do.
Soldier Loyal Rangers, L.B.L. 1791.
do. 29th Regiment.
Soldier King's Hangers.
Surgeon Loyal Rangers,
Sergeant Loyal Rangers.
(died June 1783).
(died July, 1783).
Sailmon, John
Scherbert, Augustus
Shoughnessy, Wm. Henry.
Sayer, Henry
Seager, John ...
Speck, Philip
Sweatman, Isaac
Staus^hmill, Henry
Shell, David . . . .'
Stauty, Jacob
Slingerland, Walter
Stansfield, John .
Sloch, Peter
Shaffer, Esther .
Smith, Donald ,
Schrider, Simon . , .
Smades, Abraham.
Swarts, Michael . . .
Snyder, John
Steel, John
Sencebaugh, John
Swartz, Henry . .
Schultz, Peter....
Snyther, Michael
Shafford, Conurt
Smith, William
Smith, Frederick . . .
Sheldon, John
Springer, Daniel . . .
Tracy, James
Taylor, John
Taylor, Peter
Tu'ffie, Samuel
Thomas, John
Turny, George
Turney, John, Senr. .
Turney, John, Junr.
Thorn, William
Tyler, William
Thomas,- James
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
German soldier.
A settler of 1784. J.V.A.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
« (i
German soldier.
Son of ; a Loyalist. J. F.
Soldier Butler's Rangers. Jac. Slonob.
Butler's Rangers : son of Anthony R.
Served on board the Magnificent, 74
Soldier 29th Regiment.
Widow of Jacob Schafer, soldier R.
R.N.Y. N. McL.
Son of John, sergeant R.R.N.Y N.
Soldier R.R.N. Y. N. McL.
Oame in 1803 or 1804. O. E.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. O. E.
A smith and armourer. W.D.
Soldier 84th Regiment, p. Col. Mc-
Donell's certe.
Sergeant Jersey Volunteers. See
petition of 1806.
Soldier Butler's Rangers, p. discharge.
Soldier 29th Regiment, p. discharge.
Kingston. Soldier Incorporated Loy-
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Capt. J. Ander-
son's certificate.
Adjutant B. Rangers, S. G.
Soldier do.
do. do.
do. do.
4th Regiment, 10 years.
Sergeant 34th Regt. Ernest Town,
Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
B. Rangers.
8th Regiment.
B. Rangers.
Lieut. B. Rangers.
Volunteer B. Rangers.
Provincial Navy.
Lieut. K. Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y,
Tip, William . . .
Troop, John ....
Trump, Charles
Thiery, Mr. ...
Tully, Thomas
Tally, Thomas, Junr
Thureson, Lawrence
Turner, John
Tinbrook, Thomas
Thorn, J ohn
Turner, Richard
Turner, John
Trelow, John
Thimhler (Templer), Christopher.
Thomas, William
Tilabough. John
Truman, Francis
Thomson, John
Thomson, James
Tounsend, James
Tredenburg, Mathew
Tarrell, John
Thomas, James
Taylor, Lewis
Thezer, Mathew
Trickey, John
Tryar, Samuel.
Tuffard, Conrad.
Taylor, Charles
Timberman, John
Tipperaine, Christopher
Trapp, Richard
Thrumbell, Robert
Tolback, Bolsor
Thompson, Thomas •
Tibbet, John
Thompson, Mathew
Tall, Simon
Tuttle, John
Tuttle, William ;
Tuttle, Stephen
Tramble, Asahel
Tuttle, Joseph
Truman, Peter
Gen. RiedieseFs Regt.
(By Esther Ross. ) Lieut.
Gunner to Onondago, L. Ontario N.
Of Yonge. Indian interpreter.
A wife and child. Treasury Loyalist.
Emigrant from Ireland.
Treasury Loyalist. Emigrant from
Lieut. Treasury Loyalist. Emigrant
from Ireland.
Treasury Loyalist.
A negro. Provisioned at Cataraqui.
3. Soldier Loyal Rangers.
S. British soldier.
A wife. Provisioned at Johnstown.
S. German soldier. J. F.
A wife.
A wife and two children. Soldier
Butler's Rangers. J. F.
Not entitled to land.
At Montreal.
A. settler. P. to L.B.L. 1791.
A Canadian. Maj. Close's List, 1788.
Loyalist. Maj. Close's List, 1798.
T. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
5. Drummer "
A. Soldier
A. Soldier
ate from N.York State. L.B. L.1790.
Adjutant Loyal Rangers.
3oldier Loyal Rangers.
Talhammer, David . .
Trip, Robert
Thielie, Laurence . . .
Tuchout, James
Tinkney, Abraham . .
Twifle, John
Tarlouse, John
Tufflemire, Martin
Turneaux, Jean Baptiste .
Ulman, Henry ,
Udle (or riddle), John,
Umpey, Amherst
Upton, William
Understone, James . . .
Urquart, Roderick
Ulse, Andrew
Utler, Isaac
Van Cure, Benjamin
Van Duser, Jac
Vrooman, Isaac
Van Every, Benjamin,
Vanderheyden, David
Vanduwort, Peter
Vanalstine, Lemuel . .
Vanalstine, James
Vanalstine, the late . .
Vernon, Gedion.
Van Aller, Lawrence ,
Valantine, John
Vanvost, Yallas^
Vandict, Peter I
Vagler, Evert f""
Vosbury, John /
Van Every, Peter ....
Vallade, I. B
Vallade, Francis
Van Camp
Van Camp, Junr
Visceneaux, Lewis
Van Scott, John
Vandyke, Gradus ....
Vanderlip, John.
Vansize, Joseph.
Soldier Loyal Rangers ;
Died in Dec., 1782. Soldier Loyal
German soldier. J. F.
Settler. W. D.
Sergt. of artillery, under Gov. Ham-
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M. Roll.
25th Regt.
Soldier K. Rangers.
Provincial Navy.
Mil'y claimant.
Loyalist Maj. Close's list, U.D. 1788.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Provisioned at Cataraqui.
A wife & two children at Johnstown.
S. Provisioned at Niagara. Soldier
B. Rangers. S.G.
A wife, four sons and one daughter.
Soldier B. Rangers.
Absent. 2nd Batt. R. N. N. Y.
Gone to the States.
To Detroit.
To Ireland.
By Catherine.
Lieut. B. Rangers.
Ensign R.
Adjutant R.R.N.Y.
Soldiers King's Rangers.
Soldier B. Rangers.
Gov. Hamilton's Volunteers.
Detroit Volunteers.
R.R.N.Y. W. D.
« «
Siege of Quebec, and Marine Dept.
Soldier R.R.N.Y.
An old soldier. L. B. Nassau, 1794,
Van Vplkinburg, Laurence.
Valentine, James
Vrooman, Thomas ,
Veeder, Lucas ,
Vernor, Michael ,
Vansnell, John
Vansalsburg, Cornelius .
Van Colz, John
Voss, Christopher
Vanvost, John
Voluntine, Isaac
Velie, Andrew G
Van Camp, Jacob
Voluntine, Gabriel
Van Camp, Tunis
Van Snell, Frederick
Wade, Elijah
Westley, Joseph . . .
Whhe, Alexander.
Welch, John
Wemp, Andrew . . .
West, John
Willice, Abel
Wood, John
Wynn, John
Winney, Peter ....
Warner, Levit
Warner, John
Waters, John
Way land, Leonaid
Weston, Amos ....
Weston, Samuel..
Whittle, Richard .
Williamson, John. . .
Winter, Christopher.
Wood, James
Wormwood, John . . .
Wright, John
Wright, Henry
Wilcox, Hezekiah...
Wallis, John
Wakley, Stephen . . .
Warder, Thomas
Watson, Ralph
Wemp, Aaron
I. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
R.R.N.Y.. JF.
Williamsb'g. Soldier R.R.N.Y. M.R.
Sergeant. Kingston.
Capt. from the Southward.
Naval Dept.
Lieutenant Butler's Rangers.
B. Rangers.
8th Regt.
N.C. officer Butler's Rangers.
Corpl. King's Rangers.
Loyalist. W. D.
Perhaps sergt. 52nd Regt. W. D.
Blacksmith. Many years with Sted-
man N. P.
52nd Regt.
Volunteer to Port St. Vincent with
Gov. Hamilton.
B. Rangers.
U.E. Loyalist.
Soldier King's Rangers.
Wheeler, Samuel
Whitman, George . . .
Winer, Joseph
Westbrook, Andrew.
Wilkins, Robert
Wray, John
Wright, Edward
Wright, Thomas
Ward, George
Witzell, Nicholas .
Wilson, George
Wilson, James ....
Webster, Elizabeth
Wooding, John . . .
Wycott, Francis . . .
Wolfington, John
Williams, John . .
Wheeler, James . . .
Wilcox, Elick
Windall, Joseph...
Winter, Joseph . . .
Winter, Butler
Wilcox, Morris . . .
Wilcox, Isaiah
Wytzell, Nicholas.
Walters, Humphrey.
Wanack, James
Williams, Nathan...
Williams, William . .
Warners, Levi
Wright, Semion
Wormly, Jacob
Woodcock, Peter
Wills, John
Wagaline, George . . .
Winzell, Adam ...
Willoby, William
Watson, James . .
Soldier King's Rangers.
Son of Anthony.
Sergt. 60th Regt.
Soluier 1st Batt. 60th Regt.
Quartermaster cavalry, Q. Rangers.
Surgeon 1st Batt. 60th Regt. Hospi-
tal mate during the war.
Sertrt. 24th Regt. W. D.
B. Rangers.
Treasury Loyalist. Emigrant settler.
Wife and child. Treasury Loyalist.
Emigrant from England.
Treasury Loyalist. Englishman. Emi-
grant settler.
Treasury Loyalist.
Emigrant from Eng-
Treasury Loyalist.
Soldier B. Rangers.
8th Regt.— W. D.-and a 3 yrs. man.
84th Regt. W. D.
84th Re^t. W. D.
Loyalist. W%D.
A wife and five children. Provisioned
at Cataraqui. Not U.E.
Wife & child. Prov'd at Cataraqui.
A wife and seven children.
A wife.
A wife and child.
S. British soldier.
S. Provisioned at Johnstown. Ger-
man soldier. Afterwards in 60th
Regt. N. McL.
A wife and three children. A settler.
N. McL.
A wife & three children. Soldier 34th
Wilkison, Daniel .
Waiden, Jack
Walker, Alex.. ..
Willoby, John ..
Whart, Andrew..
Winter, Jacob . . .
Waldrof, John . . .
Wright, John ....:....
Wolsey, Abel
Winter, Janet
Warner, John ...
Watson, John
Waldradt, Jacob
Waunamaker, Jacob. .
Weatherwat, William .
A wife and seven children.
. . A wife.
S. Soldier R.R.N.Y. J. F.
A wife & child. Son of Martin, Senr.
Son of Mrs. Lenny Woldroff.
A wife.
A wife and five children.
S. To Coteau Du Lac.
S. To the States. Soldier Loyal
Gone to the States.
In the States. Of Jessup's Loyal
Wickie, John Never joined. Of Jessup's.
Wilson, James
Woodcock, William
White, Jesse I Volunteer in Jessup's, p. daughter's
P. to L.B.L. 1791.
White, Christ'r
Wadman, William
Westbrook, Alex
Webster, Abraham
Willoc, Samuel
Willse, Abraham
German, Major Close's list, 1788.
. . F. Soldier R. R. NY. Muster Roll.
Wyley, Wyndel.
Walter, Martin
Wesseck, George
Weaver Nicholas
Worth, George
Wolf, Christian
Wall, James
Wearly, Peter
Wormwood, William
Wade, Abijah
Wing, Ichabod
Wing, Jedediah
Winter, John
Whiting, William . . .
Ward, John
Whitman, Maxwell ..
Wa-d, Abel
Wainawright, John .
Whitman, Robert . .
Wray, Roswell
F " "
F. and one a soldier L. Rangers.
I. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll.
Late from N.York State,L.B.L.,1790.
" 1790.
Soldier 84th Regt., L.B.L., 1791.
Sergeant Loyal Rangers,
Soldier "
White, William
Williston, William
Williston, William, Junr.
Watson, Aaron
Webster, Milo
Weymore, George
White, Samuel
Warwick, James
Webb, George
Wyott, John
Williams, Richard
Wearing, Frederick
Woolf, Lodowick
Waggoner, Hermanns ....
Wills, William
Wintermute, Abraham .
White, Derrick
Watson, James
Wayett, Daniel
Waldroff, Widow Lenny.
Weaver, Christy .
Wright, Malcolm
Wade, Arthur . . .
Wilson, John
Yeurex, William . .
Young, Isaac
Yeurex, Isaac
Yearns, William ..
Youngs, David . . .
Yager, Helmes . . .
Yager, William . . .
Young, Andrew . . .
Zilly, Ludowick.
Zeinger, John...
Soldier Loyal Rangers
Died in Sept., 1786. Soldier Loyal
Soldier Loyal Rangers.
Soldier R.R.N.Y., J.F.
Soldier 29th Regt.
Soldier Butler's Rangers.
A Loyalist from Maryland, O. C.,1796.
Private 34th Regt. N.McL.
Joined in 1777. N.McL.
Of Martin Woldroff, Soldier R.R.N.
Y. N. McL.
Soldier R.R.N.Y. O.E.
Sergeant King's A. Dragoons.
Corpl. 44th Regt. p. discharge, 1783.
Col. Barton's Corps, deserted from
Staten Island, information of
Ashael Ward, 6th Dec., 1811.
S. Prov'd. at Cataraqui.
B. Rangers.
King's Rangers.
Butler's "
« a
Was a gun-carriage maker.
YORK, 22nd September, 3803.
Major Green informs that the men belonging to the 29th and
34th Regts. were discharged in 1787, when the regiments went
That the 53rd went home in 1789, when some men were dis-
That the 44th Regt. went home at the peace, when some men
were discharged.
That the men belonging to the 8th Regt. were discharged.
Mr. Hamilton's Information, Oct. 2lst, 1803.
That Colonel De Peyster and the 8th Regt. left Upper Canada in
the summer of 1785.
That he believes that the 34th went down in the summer of 1787.
The land located by John Grant of Strathspay, now of Pittsburg —
E£ 28, U.S. R.R 55 acres.
W^ 29, do 100 "
E£ 35, 7th con. Charlottenburg 100 "
37 | 7th con. do.— granted to others 400 "
James Grant, his father—
W£23, U.S.R.R.
W£ 35, 7 do.
Catherine Leech, her children —
John Munroe ^
Jannet " Their father, dur-
Robert " \- ing the war, in
Daniel " I the new States.
Kitty " now married to Proctor J
Mary Leech, now Britain, illegitimate.
Sarah Ward, now Patterson, illegitimate.
Trulove Golden, now Adams, illegitimate.
December 20, 1811.
Benjamin Babcock, of Kingston, a list of his children as sworn by
his brother, David Babcock, 25th Jan'y, 1804, before A. Wood,
Richard is 14 years.
lited Empire Loyalists. Centen-
.al C omit tee
LThe centennial of the settle <
lent of Upper Canada by the 3
lited Empire Loyalists, 1784-